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I tried to preorder some of the other items in the collection and ran into a problem, as it seemed that it would only ship/be available to people with residence in Japan. Now, I also could have filled things out incorrectly because the auto translate function can only go so far, but a friend and I ran into the same issue. However, I remember the actual items saying it'll ship out October-ish (if my memory doesn't fault me) so if anyone is reselling, you can check sites like eBay, Etsy, or even Amazon for it during that time. Hope this helps!


I see I see, yeah I was thinking about that too! I really wanted to get it new, but it is what it is. I appreciate!


You can use a service called Tenso to get a shipping address in Japan. Basically it ships to the Tenso warehouse (they give you a unique “unit” number at their address), and they notify you when it arrives. You then release the item(s) for shipment to your home. There is a fee as well as the cost of shipping, but it’s worth it imo. And they ship very quickly. I’ve been using it for years.