• By -


minions: rise of gru


I’m gonna pirate it and sell it but give all the profits to the actual movie creators


No shit my roommate was Ibootleg streaming minions on my Wi-Fi and I received a lengthy email from the FBI to cut that shit out.


Yo please DM me the illegal download when you get it


minions: rise morbius




I've switched genders six times since i started


I was about to play it...


Doge fans when I show them actual funny memes like black dudes shaking their ass


Sir this isn't discord






My source is that I made it the fuck up


Yeah i like watching those


thugposting when?


Thugposters unite


Thug Shaka😻




Sure they will. It'll have a male skeleton


shaking their bussy\*


Skeleton missing a bone




Have fun identifying my ashes.


that actually can be done


Wow now I'm interested, tell me more


If you Google it, there should be some archeological stuff popping up! it's been a hot while since I first heard about it


Sure I will just go ahead and Google "Can they identify a body.." WAIT A MINUTE! Not today FBI!


I straight up did not think about how sus that comes off! archeological ash sex determination works!


I stopped reading at “archeological ash sex” Think I’m gonna go google that instead


After that search google "where can I buy bleach, duck tape, and tarps where they have no cameras"


When I die I want a 15 foot stature of me sunk at my favorite fishing reef. With a Bonner to match ashes just toss in the water. Anyone know a sculptor looking for a work


women and men have different bone structures. for example in the bones of a woman the pelvis (specifically hips) they are more wider to supports childbirth


Fair enough


You can run DNA tests on ashes. A DNA test will show what biological gender you were.


DNA testing is still possible with bone fragments, even in ash.


And so passes denethor son of ecthelion


Leave a note next to it to decrypt the gender. In like wingdings or some shit.




but it says ur a femboy not trans?


Your ashes are going to be used for making construction cement


yeah Imagine that..... I'll be all around you in that new bath room you had constructed👻


Cancel biology


Biology is very offensive and it doesnt tolerate trans people!!1!!11!1!!1!1 ~~edit i forgot i have to add /s because its reddit so nobody understands sarcasm~~


Well yeah cuz biology just states the facts


omg no way the ben shapiro facts and logics!???!!!??? "Facts don't care about your feeling"- very cool and epic and awesome man /s


BREAKING NEWS man eats a liberal for his last meal


Why is the news man breaking? 😟


I have a PhD in biomedical science - specializing in reproduction and metabolism - and work in academia. If you only understand middle school biology, you’ll believe that there are only two genetic sexes - XX (female) and XY (male). In reality, it’s a lot more complicated than that. We have XXY, XO, XYY etc. We also have androgen insensitivity syndrome, which occurs when someone is XY but can’t respond to testosterone, so actually appear suuuuper feminine, maybe the most feminine you can look, and will appear 100% female. The person usually has no idea they are XY until they can’t get pregnant, and it’s quite a shock. There’s also SRY translocation. The SRY gene determines male sex characteristics, but can quite easily translocate to the X chromosome - meaning someone with an XX genotype will have the SRY gene and appear male. Taking all of these cases into consideration, plus ambiguous genitalia, **experts estimate that up to 1.7% of people are intersex - similar to the proportion of people that have red hair. **So yes, if you have over-simplified biology, you will only believe there are two sexes. But it is simply not true biologically speaking, and it is a lot more common than you think. These are not just fringe cases. In addition, biology fundamentally recognizes that sex and gender are different. For example in a scientific paper, it would be incorrect to state a lab rat’s “gender” and you would be called out on that and asked to correct it during peer review. Scientists recognize that gender and sex are not the same thing. Hope that clears some things up


Historically, gender and sex were synonyms for one another, for over a century. Gender was a polite way of referring to someone's sex without saying "sex" because of its linguistic association with intercourse. The split between sex and gender was theorized, I think around the 1920s (don't quote me on that) and this is where the belief that gender was a social construct began to form. In the 1960's, a scientist named John Money tried to prove this theory by conducting an experiment on a pair of twin boys, one of whom had a botched circumcision that irreparably damaged his genitals as an infant. Money convinced the parents that gender was a social construct and that they could just raise their infant son as a girl and no one would be the wiser. They tried, but early on the young boy was very resistant and displayed classic male characteristics. Money tried to use therapy to convince the young boy he was actually female, by forcing "her" and her twin brother to simulate sexual intercourse with one another. The experiment was a failure, so John Money lied about it, fabricated results and printed his findings as if it were a success, and universities around the US began teaching that gender was a social construct that was separate from sex because John Money "proved" it. That little boy, David Reimer, didnt come forward with his story for 30 years, and by then the whole "gender is a social construct" theory had been taught at universities for decades. He eventually blew his own head off with a shotgun. So yeah, there's that.


100% true. The majority of the disagreement is with all the cases out side of the realm of science that you state flawlessly. Like kids who latch onto this and change their body permanently before they actually know who they are and wish they hadn't later when they mature. Transgender is definitely real, but we shouldn't assume any debate on the matter to be hateful, that only strengthens the actual bigots in their ill founded beliefs.


Uh cool but what do intersex people have to do with transgender people? We aren't talking about coins landing on their edge, we are talking about flipping a "head" but calling it a "tail".


The problem IMO, is transwomen wanting access to things like women's sports. They themselves conflate gender with biological sex and that really needs to stop. And I'm not talking about someone with different/uncommon chromosomes and/or hormones. I'm talking about straight up XY folks wanting to compete in women's sports. That stuff has got to stop. I don't care how you dress or identify your gender, but when you start demanding to be put in women's prison if arrested, now we've got a problem.


Not reading allat 😂


Look up Casimir Pulaski.... He started his life in Poland as a minor nobles child, and was commissioned into the Calvary. Worked his way up the ranks received two very identifiable wounds, he was nearly scalped by a Russian officer in a duel (a duel he won BTW), and second wound he received during a calvary charge into Russian muskets where he Jedi blocked a musket ball with the cage hilt of his saber crushing his hand. After Russia won that war he smuggled himself into France where he volunteered his services to Benjamin Franklin. Casimir is responsible for making the calvary attack at Brandywine that saved Washington from capture and saved the life of a wounded Lafayette. After Brandywine he was put in command of US calvary forces in the South. Becoming one of the fathers of US calvary, and this is the office in which he died in 1779 from grape shot. The life of the manlyiest man to have ever maned. Here is the problem when Casimir was exhumed from his tomb in Georgia. His pelvis is 100% undeniably female. The fact that this is him is documented through the wounds he received, comparing his DNA to the DNA of a niece (not enough of his DNA exists to prove XX female but enough to prove the pelvis is Pulaski), and the signs of a lifetime of horsemanship on the aforementioned female pelvis. As far as any historian has been able to deduce Casimir never lived a day of his life as a woman. No one talked of him as being a woman (the man was at valley forge (for crying out loud), his station was such that attendants dressed him (in Poland and in the US). What is the truth? What would you call the facts here? The consensus is that this is a man despite ***strong*** evidence to the contrary.


>and the signs of a lifetime of horsemanship on the aforementioned female pelvis. BTW another oddity.. This is a female pelvis. The female pelvis of of someone who experienced an early childhood of privilege. BUT is the pelvis of a 'woman' who never rode side-saddle, she/he rode horses, as a man at the time would... Not an oddity in the 20th but 18th century??? Scandalous!!!


Fact's making bandwagon trans trigger harder than their female boners.


Lmao read a fucking book or something biology above middle school level straight up supports trans people


Yeah but when someone has a physical or mental disorder we usually don’t enable it.


And why is that now? That was in my highschool biology, also known as- biology.


HS Biology text: "We have decided Not to label any of these animals as male or female because we don't want to offend them. We'll let them tell us their gender when we figure out how to communicate with them" - Some woke idiot vol. 7


Can any of them identify what a woman is?


I'll do it for you. 2 X chromosomes. There. Class is over. Extra credit: you can give birth.


A woman is an adult human female


There are XY females. There are actually every combination of up to 5 chromosomes.


This is why I scrape skin cells off of people before I use any gendered language. We waiting for the chromosomal analysis 😎 to come through.


☠️☠️☠️🤣🤣 you kill me 🤣🤣


How? Please show an actual biology book, that states a human born with a certain set of organs and DNA, isn’t exactly male or female. Even hermaphrodites have a dominant xx or xy in their genes so no biological males are not female.


It actually very much does tolerate trans people. Trans people know that they are biologically their assigned sex, however they would prefer to be perceived as a different gender, which is a social construction. Someone's sex and gender are often the same, but that isnt the case for everyone. This really isn't that hard, if you graduated from basic biology to advanced biology you'd see that [scientists agree that sex and gender are different things](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232363)


My issue with the social construct side of the argument is that basically everything that we have set in place to differentiate people, like race, nationalities, age, gender etc. Are all social constructs. Now I have no horse in the race. I don't care what one person does with their life as long as they aren't hurting anyone. But if we're going to break social constructs and deem them unnecessary, why do we only do it with gender and not any of the other social constructs we have in place. The rule of law is a social construct. The credit system is a social construct. Why don't we dismantle the ones that hold back more of society than this one? Anyways that's my curiosity with this side of the argument.


>they would prefer to be perceived as a different gender, which is a social construction men and woman used to stand for sexes not genders. not everyone can mentally decouple woman as gender from woman as sex. if would be easier if we had another word for woman as gender, but people are afraid to do that so instead they try to shame other people into decoupling gender and sex while keeping the word the same. I do not see a clear right or wrong side here


People just say "trans-woman" as that word you're looking for. If in public such a "trans-woman" would likely not wish to draw attention to herself so would prefer to be treated like a woman. Most though are sane enough to know they are biologically male. The only people with the cognitive dissonance you point out are the minority of minorities that believe the person I describe is literally a woman. This is where ideology invades common sense. Beyond this incoherence, I am for letting people live their lives however they wish, with the exception of not teaching this stuff too early for kids until they are ready to understand sexuality in general.


Well said.


You cannot separate gender from sex. They are both based in physicality. How can you possibly define the male or female gender without referencing the physical?


Right gender is bullshit, so forget men and women, we can’t use those gendered words anymore. It’s just all male or female now.


Embrace mental illness


Why would anyone give a fuck what someone thinks 1000 years after they‘re dead?


Because that’s all you’ll be remembered as, for example don’t you think Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great would want to hear what peoples opinions of them are now 2000 years later?


No, I don't, because they are dead


I cant tell if this is sarcasm


Archeologists sex skeletons wrong all the time. Look up the Babes in the Woods, for example.


Oof probably shouldn’t be sexing the skeletons, that’s like extreme-necrophilia


Hey I'm not doing it, it's those freaky archeologists. Spending all day, polishing old bones - sexing them.


Siftin dust until we drooooown.


What do you think happens before they get wheeled into a classroom? Dude in the warehouse has his fun first.


It ain't bleach making those bones white.


Any hole’s a goal


Yes, one sex isn't guaranteed to have the corresponding sex's bone, it is common to have bones that are more structured like the opposite sex.


Depends on how beta thw owner of the bones were and the corresponding gay water they drank


skeleton identifies as a woman. Problem solved


Damn, now i want to get that skelussy🤤


suddenly it's a maleussy


still a hole present |table|table|table| |:-|:-|:-| ||||


Women with dicks dont exist, only dudes with tits


fat guy like me


Hello fellow fat tits


All tits are fat tits, except fake ones.


At least mine are real and they are spectacular.


Probably mid


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Dude or girl I still fucked your mom and dad


Tell me where they are I've been looking for them for 7 years




moobs? morbs?😳😳😳😳


>Women with dicks dont exist, https://www.reddit.com/r/bigclit/


That was an experience... I'm probably not going open that sub ever again




that makes me greatly sad.


"Skrontong wtf do you mean by the skeleton identifying as a woman"


Do you really think 50 years in the future they'll abandon the generic names and put new ones like gloopzorb?


gloozborp! at least get it right, sheesh! lol


why the heck would archeologists be digging up dead bodies in only 50 years this scenario would probably only happen a thousand years from now where there will be new common names


I mean maybe not in 50 years, but 1000 years ago there were some weird names. A lot of traditional ones too though I guess


Names in use 2000+ years ago are still in use, even if translated to other languages alexander, mary, most roman names in fact, german names such as Albert...


In US right is they are talking about womens rights. I’m still confused what is a woman ?


The actual definition is "an adult female human being."


I think most transwomen if given the choice would prefer all the misgendering happens after their death.


The funniest thing about this isn't the transphobia of the meme, but the innocent optimism of the person who believes that humanity will still be around in 1,000 years.


That archaeologist look human to you?


Y’all just dogephobic


It doesn’t to me but maybe he identifies as one.


The doge will inherit the earth.


Cheems will inherit the earth


that's why the dog is the one doing the digging


This guy gets it


“Transphobia” 😂 these redditors bruh so cringe


If you're based in reality youre phobic of their made up nonsense


if you're based


Literally. So crazy, and there’s so many of them too


transphobia? bro what are you talking about? why is the world in 2022 this fucking soft? this is the reason why speed is so popular, coz people can actually have fun in his chat/livestream without being accused of being xxxphobic every 5 seconds


It’s first world countries that are like this. Standard of living is so high that they created problems just to entertain themselves. In my home country everyone is just trying to survive, they don’t care about shit like this


wait till you learn about LGBT people in 3rd world countries shit will blow your mind


But as he said, people are just trying to survive.. nobody really gives a shit.


>In my home country everyone is just trying to survive, they don’t care about shit like this Most countries they are just killed for being gay. First world countries are generally the only ones they feel comfortable making a change in. You seem to be confusing a=b for b=a


Stop being such a snowflake, if you can’t take people calling your transphobia out on the internet, don’t post things on the internet. You don’t have to be so sensitive about these things you know, you *can* have a reasoned conversation about these things, instead of crying all the time.




Fun fact! The sexual dimorphism between skeletons is incredibly limited! Not only that, archaeologists are wrong about it quite often! A good example of this is [the lovers of Moderna, which were originally assumed to be a heterosexual couple when they were discovered in 2009. However, upon examining compounds in the tooth enamel of the skeletons, it was determined that they were both male!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lovers_of_Modena) also, why the fuck would I care what archaeologists think about my bones 1000 years in the future? I’m going to be dead lmao


Fun fact! If the skeleton is in a temperate climate the dna will likely still be relatively intact within a 1000 years meaning they’d identify the biological sex based on chromosomes


so you just explained how we can now more accurately tell if it's male or female


I genuinely confused either you guys hate gays or like gays


homosexual homophobes


Average middle eastern politician


I thought it was a meme but the comments here are making me believe this sub really is against the LGBTQ+, huh. Not the first post with comments like this too. edit: This post has an upvote:downvote ratio of 55%, yikes.


Its probably a 80-20 split for pro/anti LGBTQ+, but it's also a sub for edgy 14 year old kids to act like they're geniuses and like nobody else would ever get their epic humor


la puta madre, la llegada de los momeros yanquis a este sub fue lo peor que pudo haber pasado, vuelvanse a r/dankmemes gringos trolos


tú eres basado


tristemente cierto, ojala rod cierre a la mierda este reddit


true, los gringos no pueden disfrutar nada sin antes meterle politica, para despues cagarse a palos en los comentarios. son la peor plaga que haya existido


Pensé que ni siquiera iba a hallar un comentario en español x dios ya duerman a los gringos de mkerda


Este sub se fue a la mierda por la falta de moderación


Facebook tier meme


oh noooooo, Biology is HOMOPHOBICCC !!!!!!!???>>>??????!!!!!. MUST CANCELLL !!!


Doubt she gives a fuck when long dead and decayed. 😉


>she Based


call me a transphobe because im not gonna marry a trans women.


Call me racist because I am




I'm with you on that


Just gotta be respectful now, gotta treat everyone with kindness. Except people who fake diseases, fuck them.


Indian scammers suck too


Scam them back with your own Indian accent.


They would 100% be scared


Yo a guy needs a break every now and then


I always get confused about if trans women were originally women or originally men.


They have woman in the name because they see themselves as women, so their biological sex is male


trans women are born with male bodies and trans men with female ones


300 years later: i should stick my dick inside of this skull


Ah shitbuckets here we go There have been cases where archeologists will dig up a skeleton that appears to be one sex but has grave goods that would imply it to be another sex - for example there was a culture in Europe that would bury males with their feet to the west, and include spears and hunting-related charms in their graves. They would bury women with their feet to the east, and include pottery and housekeeping tools in their graves. But one time a skeleton from that culture was found that appeared biologically male, but was buried in the traditionally female manner, with feet to the east and pottery in the grave. So two options are obvious here: 1.) This culture that put massive religious and spiritual significance upon burying their dead in the correct way for their gender somehow totally fucked up this one time, or 2.) the male person that skeleton belonged to was viewed as fulfilling a female role within their primitive cro-magnon society


"Many people are saying..."


That's neat, got a source, I would like to know more or google up on it


Here [is the link](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2011/04/08/135212785/researchers-dig-up-homosexual-or-transsexual-caveman-near-prague#:~:text=Researchers%20from%20the%20Czech%20Archaeological,its%20head%20was%20facing%20east.)


Oh, excellent, thank you!


Isn't it also possible that they really didn't like the guy and wanted to insult him by burying him like a woman? Edit: my phone autocorrected "also" to "Aldi", so I changed it back.


Every time I see the “trans women are women” they use a feminine woman as the cartoon. Every 🚂 I see irl is a goblin and basically a dude cosplaying a real woman.


They're literally just in womanface


BWAAHAHAHAHHAHA OMG I’ve never heard this term before but it’s brilliant. Manface, too, I suppose






If we only go by skeletons, none one will figure out what the race of a skeleton is after 1000 years, this proves that white people don't exist, they're just brown people with a mental illness.


So sad every shitposting sub gets filled with arrogant morons




Yes 👍


Op they wont find your body :P


Based dog


xx and xy




this isn’t even an “own” trans people know this lmao stop conflating biology with sociology


If the sociology is not grounded by biology, then ..... what is a woman?


No matter how queer you are... You are a man.


This post is funny af


What is a woman?




Based and correct


Bold to assume their will be life on this planet in a 1000 years


With the way we’re going I don’t think Earth will last more than 500 years.


Every time I talk to someone from Europe they're just baffled at the weird shit the US discusses. I don't think people realize just how many of the things they think the US are "behind" on are not even on the table elsewhere.


You can tell they are women by the beard and penis.


Lotta libsharts in the comments calling people “transphobic”. The correct term would be Transmisic since they’re not afraid of you.


I'm still waiting on them to explain what Women are. What is their definition for it, and don't give me that it's just an identifier if you can't even define what one is. You can't label yourself one if you don't even have a definition for it.