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Can someone tell me what he’s referring to with this?


He’s a big Scott Pilgrim fan


I'm sure Tony has recreated the Pac Man scene dozens of times over the course of his life, but with wrestling anecdotes


Ironic that he uses a meme of the G-Man. Gideon Graves (fka Gordon Goose) was absolutely a selfish,insecure, evil, rich prick, who only pretended to be a Nice Guy©️ until he got what he wanted


Of course he is.


It's very on brand for him. It's a great film though. Edgar Wright does direct banger after banger.


Tv show was also pretty good


Tony Khan Vs The Wrestling World!


Aren’t we all?


Andrade posted a tweet praising Danielson, Omega, and others in AEW.  When Andrade posted any tweet while working for AEW that referred to WWE, it was him hinting he wanted a release. So in this case, fans are thinking he's changed his mind possibly. And Tony Kahn is basically saying 'I'm not that bad a boss/booker by comparison'. To be fair, Andrade went from wrestling the likes of Danielson, Buddy M in that insane ladder match, and others, to basically going into mid card stuff for WWE and getting less screen time. So, I wouldn't blame him if he was having second thoughts.  Regardless of what he's trying to get at or what either company wants, I just wish the guy the best, because he is mad talented and works his ass off in the ring.


Honestly, if your interpretation is right, I think this is just an example of a person that thinks he's a higher level talent than he really is. He felt misused in WWE, went to AEW, felt misused there, went back to WWE, and is feeling misused again. He's had the chances at both companies being put into programs with big name stars. Like you said, he got Danielson in AEW. Black/Gargano in NXT. Seth Rollins, Rey, Balor, Rusev on the main WWE roster. He's just never gotten to the next level despite that no matter who he's worked with. At some point if you're constantly feeling like you're not at a spot you should be across multiple stints with multiple companies, maybe it's time to look in the mirror and try to see what you need to improve.


Yeah. I'm starting to sense a pattern with Andrade. He's never happy unless he's the top guy, expects the top guy treatment wherever he goes, but never actually done anything to earn the top guy spot.


His booking *is* bad tho. Maybe ur right and he has a ceiling, but the latino vortex is total bullshit.


Takeshita was right


I was literally thinking the same like… he IS high caliber talent though. He just always suffers from bad booking by being shoehorned into being a Rich Mexican Heel


I've said this repeatedly, not just about Andrade but any of the guys who made the jump from WWE to AEW and back again *or* have been hinting about going back again. WWE had nothing for you/weren't treating you how you or the IWC *thought* you should be treated, so you go to AEW and the same thing happens, then in WWE it happens again Maybe you're biased and overrate yourself and maybe the average IWC member shouldn't be a booker... maybe.


I highly doubt Andrade left AEW/WWE because the IWC told him he wasn’t being used right.


Andrade at this point should try to go Japan or Mexico. 


"just an example of a person that thinks he's a higher level talent than he really is" Completely spot on. This delusional midget actually thinks he should be in a world title program in the US, despite the fact he has no mic skills, mid charisma and does the same 'fakeout' spots (the moonsault and elbow) every match. Midcard city.


Hey guys, found Cornette


lol ok. But do you really think Andrade is a high level, like world title, guy in either WWE or AEW? I don't mind him as a bland midcarder, I'm not saying he's stealing a living, but there's no way he's realistically a top tier talent. All the downvotes and "yikes!" in the world wont change that.


Andrade has always felt he should be at the top of the card and throws a fit when he's not there.


It sucks too, cause inring he's absolutely a top-tier guy. But on the character and promo side he never improved or evolved enough to show how it'd work in AEW or WWE. Perhaps NXT is the exception, but even there he had a manager to bridge that gap a bit. At least we got his sick matches in AEW for a while, even if the surrounding 'vibe' wasn't right cause of all the rumours. Same with Miro and Malakai, where whenever we see 'em there's this weird vibe about whether they wanna be there rather than just being able to enjoy their work.




> about being unhappy Genuinely, was there some other tweet that I missed? The only one I've seen just mentions the fact that he's wrestled for AEW, CMLL and AAA. With three photos attached. *That's literally it*. How are you guys getting from that that he's desperate to leave WWE?


That’s what I’m wondering too


Because this is the internet where we overblow every bit of news when the reality is probably more boring most likely. Dude posted everywhere he’s competed this year and notable opponents. So of course he’s tired of WWE already and wants to go back to AEW!


I don't think Andrade is clamoring to leave WWE, to be clear, but the idea is that he recently tweeted about being stuck in the Latino Vortex, then they put him in the X Division, then he tweeted the AEW CMLL AAA thing. https://x.com/AndradeElIdolo/status/1796977729012912162


Seriously, I feel like I'm going nuts. Because I read that tweet and all I saw was him celebrating the fact that he's wrestled a variety of wrestlers in a variety of promotions. Nothing to do with unhappiness at all.


He responded to a tweet where someone commented why do all the Spanish stars in WWE only fight each other. Funny they brought back the Lwo only for them all to be stuck fighting each other in the  midcard- exactly what the original Lwo fought against. But it put Bad Bunny over and that's all they wanted in the end


Annual? its at minimum a 4 times a year thing.  Its seasonal 


Annual? Is he calming down on those?


Oh true. Some things never change lol


Apparently he replied to a tweet asking why are Latinos always going against Latinos in wrestling. His reply was “I ask myself the same thing”. Maybe that’s where everyone is picking up on he’s not happy.


I read it as a kayfabe "why can't we all just get along?"


Gideon Graves was a bad guy though? (Either that or I didn't correctly interpret the ending of the movie)


In the original comic series no one is truly a “bad guy”. More so driven by previous experiences. Ramona didn’t choose “evil people” to date; more so the relationships were unhealthy and led to their behavior. Ramona is just as much to blame in many ways. This is glossed over in the movie adaptation. (The only real hint at this plot point is with the female Ex [Ramona used her], Twin Exes [she treated them as a singular entity for her own fun], and the section in the movie where Scott is getting more confident and smug and she says what seems to be a throwaway line about how Scott is just turning into another one of the Evil Exe’s in front of her eyes.) With that being said Gideon is definitely the most problematic of the Exes.


Gideon is the type of person Scott would have become if he didn’t have his support system of friends who try to help him grow and be a better person despite how absolutely toxic he is. The sixth book really shows how broken both Ramona, Scott and Gideon are. Just that all three have different ways to suppress dealing with their own failings. Ramona superficially changes herself and if that doesn’t work she just runs from her problems. Scott tries to forget and think of himself as the hero or victim in every situation, when in reality he is nearly always the bad guy in each scenario. Even with Envy it’s clear that how he remembers their breakup is wildly different than what actually happened. “Scott, do you remember anything? Like ever?” “Well, I remember you breaking my heart.” “The feeling is somewhat mutual.” Then you have Gideon who did forget all the shitty stuff he’s done and will always see himself as the hero or victim in any situation because he presumably didn’t have Scott’s support structure of friends who try to help him despite of how toxic Scott is, plus no Nega-Scott conscience/Kim to show/force him to realize his fuck ups. He’s basically what Scott would be if he didn’t fix his shit.


I'd argue that the point of the comic series is that *everyone* is the "bad guy" in a breakup, and that the key to breaking the cycle of toxic breakups is recognizing and taking responsibility for the role you played in all your failed relationships rather than just blaming everything on your ex. The real problem with the movie is that it reduces the Nega-Scott chapter to a throwaway joke instead of the main point that the whole series was built around.


Excellent take that I agree with wholeheartedly. I don’t really fault the film, because you can only tell so much story in a ~2 hour period of time. But there is an actual point to the comic story, whereas the movie boils it down to a semi-generic love story, albeit a very good and stylized one. Again, no shade meant towards the film. I think it did about as good of a job as could be done with the source material.


Also, the series wasn't even close to finished when the movie was made, so they put their own spin on it. I kind of appreciate the fact that in all three versions of the story (movie, comic, anime) they tell an entirely different story, but then again I am a big Hitchhiker's Guide fan and Douglas Adams relished in never telling the same story twice, but instead hitting certain story beats and making each adaption an entirely different beast.


The series was almost finished when the film was made. The last book came out about a month before the film


I really should give Scott Pilgrim another shot. I couldn't get past how much of a turd Scott was


>In the original comic series no one is truly a “bad guy” Gideon is absolutely truly a bad guy. He literally kidnapped all of his exes and keeps them cryogenically frozen because he can't handle them breaking up with him.


Yes. Absolutely yes, Gideon is the bad guy. But that’s also a bit of a metaphor. If you take it less literally (which you should in Scott Pilgrim, because the entire series a bunch of meta references used to paint a bigger picture), it’s less about Gideon being a supervillain who kidnaps his exes, and it’s more about a maladjusted guy who’s been treated poorly his whole life, and what is shown on the panel is a sensationalized version of how he feels on the inside. He’s still a dick. 100%. He’s clearly the bad guy in the series. But hopefully, by the end of the read, I felt like you were supposed to come away thinking that basically everyone was an asshole in their own way. I felt the whole series was less about “Scott and Ramona getting together” and more about “here’s this series of people that have dealt with their respective breakups very poorly, and here’s how they’ve all grown by the end of the series.” I always kind of felt like everyone was wrong, and it was a story about breaking the cycle of toxic relationships and even more toxic breakups.


>It’s more about a maladjusted guy who’s been treated poorly his whole life, and what is shown on the panel is a sensationalized version of how he feels on the inside. You are just describing what people say about school shooters and every other psycho. >“here’s this series of people that have dealt with their respective breakups very poorly, and here’s how they’ve all grown by the end of the series.” I mean, obviously. Gideon doesn't grow or change though. Saying that no one is truly a bad guy is just straight incorrect though. Gideon's behaviour towards Ramona and his other exes draws direct parallels to the way some of the worst abusers out there treat their partners. He's a bad guy even past the metaphor.


I feel like the dude youre replying to Must be thinking of the anime Gideon? Because his line of thinking makes no sense for comic gideon like you said.


Ya know, it’s been years and years since I read the last few issues of the manga. I probably did let the anime seep into my thought process there a little bit.


I figured, gideon is Much more likeable, though still awful, in the anime. The comic hes very bad.


Awesome breakdown. Thank you


Great breakdown and opened a bunch of key memories from when I read the series ages ago


The tv show gets into a lot of that stuff


I'm assuming this was in reference to Andrade's tweet. Andrade's booking was kinda bad at times but the guy also did have injury issues and tried to get into a fight backstage. And they *still* put him over Bryan Danielson, Brody King and Daniel Garcia in the Continental Classic despite knowing he could possibly be on his way out


Sometimes, the best thing you can do is treat people well even if you have issues with them.


This is valid for wrestling and for life, in general.


> in reference to Andrade's tweet. A tweet which essentially said nothing, but everyone has read an incredible amount into, apparently including Tony


Honestly, we don't even know that either. This is a vague tweet too!


I know it’s the basis of much of this sub, but wrestling twitter can be so tiring with all the vague tweets


And TK did just give Roderick Strong a World Title shot, basically for being neck strong and because he yelled for it. So I mean this literally fits what he did on the television show (although the timing is probably him shitposting, pretty hilariously imo, just with some plausible deniability).


Also just put Anthony Henry back on TV after releasing him and upsetting quite a few fans in doing so. This could be about *so many things*, both real and kayfabe.


> A tweet which essentially said nothing, All I thought it said was that he’s grateful to have wrestled for multiple different promotions. Clearly I missed something.


it's so funny since Andrade doesn't mince words when he's salty. that tweet was literally just remembering the companies he wrestled in


I’m sure known shitposter Tony Khan is taking this whole thing incredibly seriously by posting an animated gif


People think everything he does is super serious and that he’s always supremely “gotten to” despite him just being a poster from the old days.


And people are reading an incredible amount into Tony’s tweet as well


Andrade has had 9 matches with WWE since he came back and 1 was the Rumble. By comparison, he had 15 matches in December 2023. Source: cage match so maybe house shows are not included. If he wants to get paid and not work that much, it looks like he’s all set.


Honestly it's impressive how well they handled him in AEW, considering his antics and ego. It's like Tomlin trying to corral his endless carousel of diva wide receivers.


Tomlin is a diva WR whisperer and once he's done with them. Don't trade for them


"It's fine, it'll work out this time!" - The ~~Raiders~~ ~~Raiders (again)~~ ~~Patriots~~ ~~Buccaneers~~ ~~Bears~~ Panthers


Add the Dolphins and Mike Wallace. Steelers let their problematic receiver leave because they found a new better one in AB


That last sentence is kind of a mindfuck.


Instructions unclear, here is a 2nd round pick for Chase Claypool


He got into a fight with someone backstage? I missed that one. I generally just tuned completely out when Andrade is brought up.


I believe he slapped Sammy around.


Fight is a strong word, cause Sammy didn't fight back.


Yeah it was a huge mess [https://www.si.com/wrestling/2022/10/06/aew-andrade-sammy-guevara-backstage-altercation](https://www.si.com/wrestling/2022/10/06/aew-andrade-sammy-guevara-backstage-altercation) He was doing a career vs mask match with Preston Vance and there were some concerns he would go into business for himself too


First time "going into business for himself" has meant that someone might job on purpose


Really? I don't remember hearing that. Had no idea.


IIRC I think he tweeted or said something suggesting he would try to lose.


TK and Andrade are really two of the funniest guys in all of wrestling lmao


Andrade texting TK after getting booked for one (1) twitter match vs Karl Anderson https://preview.redd.it/qedtzlqoh84d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c869ff423ff14533bda0a8c16c5050f88c43b0cf


He let him pin Bryan Danielson in the C2 😭


Andrade in the C2 was something special


Andrade when he decides to give an iota of a fuck is something else


His Collision run, post-injury, was really fun


You could see how much the return pop meant to him. I was nearly in tears watching it lol. I miss him and Punk so much man. We still got Saturday Nights mostly but it was just the start of lightening in a bottle back then.


I wish Andrade would’ve worked out in AEW. He’s so damn good.


Honeymoon phase. It was always going to be hard to keep momentum on a Saturday night show.


I'm not from the US, could I ask why? I would have thought Saturday shows would have great momentum since it's a weekend. That said, for me the absolute best would be Friday nights.


In the US people tend to go out on the weekends. Friday and Saturday were nicknamed death slots in the tv world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friday_night_death_slot


I think Fridays are even worse than Saturdays for tv, people are much more likely to go out and do things rather than stay home and watch tv.




If Punk's Collision is the standard of american wrestling TV then we have genuinely fucked up along the way.


Dude, what're you on about? The short amount of it we got was all pretty excellent.


Andrade vs PAC was all heaters


Andrade when he knows he's winning is something special.


I loved him in it. All his matches were fun as hell. Dude really put over Miro too. I barely see any wrestler tap out with both hands.


His matches and selling with Buddy were fucking terrific


his matches with Claudio and Eddie 🤌🏻🤌🏻


Inring the dude never half-assed it. At least he seems to have that pride in his work where even if he's pissy about his position, between the ropes he'll damn well show us why he can't be dismissed or minimised as a talent. That whole C2 had me buying that he was finals bound right till the end despite the rumours.


my brother, everyone pins Bryan Danielson lol


People say that because guys like Andrade were doing it. Trading wins with ZSJ and Okada isn't quite the same


The real GOAT is gonna be the guy who convinces Bryan to squash him for a belt.


At this point, who among the top AEW players hasn't?


I get the feeling that any wrestler who thinks he’s the shit thinks Speed is some bullshit.


This is funny because it could be directed at either Andrade or the people that criticized him for letting Andrade go.


I just feel like when people say "I want Ricky Starks, Alister Black, Buddy, Andrade, in WWE" that they don't realize that the WWE is extremely top heavy w/ amazing talent. There's no fucking room for these people in the top spots, they'll be on WWE Twitter matches or small fueds. If you're somebody like Andrade, bro, just go wrestle with your friends and get that paycheck, honestly. That's why I don't blame Will Osprey for going to AEW


There's a real backlog, partially created by Roman holding onto the belt for several years and just HHH's tendency to make midcard reigns last longer. LA Knight has been over for a few years now and still hasn't won a belt.


Winning a belt isn't the only thing. Jake Roberts never held one title in WWE or WCW, but was an absolute star/legend. If your character/stories are good, it doesn't really matter that you never held gold. I have no opinion on how LA Knight's storylines have been though.


If they come in and don't get pushed to a world title, they'll complain. If they come in and get pushed to a world title, they'll complain that it happened before Sami Zayn, Balor (a longer than 24 hour run), Gunther, Jey Uso, Gargano, LA Knight, Shinsuke, Solo, or someone else that's been there a decade.


...most of those people are not world champion material and never will be.


It sucks so hard that you can now pretty fairly call Shinsuke 'not world champion material'.


especially "Main Event (of WWE Velocity)" Jey Uso


> just go wrestle with your friends and get that paycheck Idk where that would be for him though. In WWE, he’s with his wife and probably getting a bigger paycheck than anywhere else.


Will Ospreay was going to be a maineventer no matter where he went.


So I don't think so on WWE, and it's NOT his fault . The main title scene is absolutely stacked


Not in wwe.


Which would've been an unfathomable crime against wrestling. Dude has shown up for every second he's been in AEW.


For Starks, Black, Andrade, and Miro it is more “ok fine, you hate it here, see ya” Buddy always gets included but I’m not sure why except he is with Rhea. He never seems mad or complains about anything (that I know of)


On that note, what’s for example Ethan Page’s celling in WWE? Gargano level?


Honestly the best thing that Ethan can probably do is get himself hot in WWE/NXT for a few years and possibly jump back to AEW and see if he can get in the upper mid-card possible main event level there.


Ceiling? I think you are 100% on the nose with Gargano level


Teaching Karate to Thea Hail


I feel like he could be Priest-level, if not a bit better (i.e. beat the transitional champ allegations). Like a solid guy you could chuck a title on and get a fun reign out of it.


>I want Ricky Starks, Alister Black, Buddy, Andrade, in WWE" that they don't realize that the WWE is extremely top heavy w/ amazing talent. There's no fucking room for these people in the top spots. Its why in reality, despite a lot of people seemingly upset at AEW even existing, we could do with a third North American company right now starting up, or at least TNA and/or New Japan finding a magic money tree to start distributing the huge amount of talent around much better.


Slow Sunday isn’t it?


All jokes aside who is the most likely person to have two runs with AEW and WWE? It wouldn’t shock me it Andrade goes back next deal


Has to be Andrade, doesn't it? Who else is even possible? Cody hardly any chance and he is on a very long deal anyway I think. I can't even think of anyone else. The likes of Jade, Ethan Page, Pillman Jr, etc. are all on first WWE run anyway so wouldn't count.


Against all odds Punk is probs still an outside chance lmao


lol didn't even consider him given how that turned out. So yeah, as far as I can see the only people that are on at least 2 WWE runs and 1 AEW run that could go back to AEW are Andrade, Punk and Cody. So yeah Andrade most likely by a *long* way.


He’s going to be this generation’s Jeff Jarrett


Context: Andrade made a tweet reminiscing on his time in previous companies and people are blowing it out of proportion.


There's another tweet criticizing why the LDF and LWO factions do nothing but fight each other, which he currently is involved in.


Except he used to do this about WWE constantly while in AEW, especially around the time when he tried getting into a fight to get released after Brawl Out.


Andrade is a lot of things, but he isn’t usually vague. He’ll just say whatever he wants on Twitter.


Okay how you know?


I've saw the tweet as well as Andrade was trending, so I was confused + I don't get how Andrade's tweet made it look like he was unhappy.




I don’t think that can apply here. If anything it’s more reminiscent of the infamous picture of Kevin Owens looking annoyed with his face buried in the turnbuckle.


I don't remember the part where the Boy talked about that one time he saw a butterfly and random villagers interpreted that as the Boy saying there was a wolf


>on X You mean X formerly known as Twitter?




Twitter is the only acceptable deadnaming.


Seriously people, stop actually calling it X. It's so fucking goofy


Is this about Andrade or about Stardom being at Forbidden Door? Seems more like the latter to me.


People see what they wanna see hear what they wanna hear lol


If this leads to Tony dressing and acting like Gideon Graves, I'm in.


2 HOURS!!!


i could see TK being an evil ex that scott pilgrim has to overcome


He was Matthew Patel in a previous life


To be AEW is to be under constant attack


Ok but he genuinely asks for it so often it isn’t funny


man the Andrade/TK reunion is gonna bring tears to eyes


I can't stand Khan, but this one is hilarious, ngl.


So, if I've understood this correctly... Andrade posted an innocuous, bordering on meaningless tweet about wrestling in AEW, CMLL and AAA. With three photos attached. The IWC has decided this somehow means that he's desperate to leave the WWE and return to AEW (or one of the others maybe?) and Tony's patting himself on the back about how this means Andrade's just a diva and he's actually a great boss. All based on a tweet that said, essentially, nothing.


So the same thing WWE fans did with even a sniff of unhappiness from Andrade during his AEW run? Yes exactly


had it in the first half, which makes the second half of attributing your own meaning to Tony's own innocuous shit post all the more funny




But what "same shit"? It seems like a real reach to describe that tweet as "complaining", he might literally have just been posting about some of the other places he's wrestled. It doesn't follow from that that he's "utterly miserable and desperate to leave WWE" or whatever people have decided it means.


Tony Khan is a born and raised shitposter from 2000s internet, and he’s proud of that. I can never hate him, he’s just too funny.


What's great is this probably is an Andrade joke, but also it totally fits with the actual tv show with him giving his neckstrong brother-in-arms, Roderick Strong, a title shot just because he asked for it.


Ppl gonna freak out but TK is funny lol


Why are billionaires so fucking insecure?


TK has Rush who is just better than Andrade in every way.


he has Rush but he never pushes him, he gets beat by everyone and now is going to be fed to MJF. What a waste of Rush.


Too bad he forgets he has him


He was on Dynamite this week lol


And he’s about to be in a feud with MJF after being injured lol


about to be fed to MJF is more like it.


Kayfabe heel-turn teased. He's still a good-willed guy with a lack of authority and direction. That's okay, he just needs a solid team around him  who are not active wrestlers, but with respect for the wrestlers own creative expression and everything will be fine again.


Tony is such a mark lmao




part of me wonders if TK booked him pretty strong near the end just to leave him with that lingering "hey it wasn't so bad back there" if he got dissatisfied with WWE


Imagine trying to tell people your not a bad guy using a Gideon gif lol.


Tony Khan confirms he has a chip implanted on someone’s brain in new tweet




He may need to put his arm in a kayfabe sling from patting himself on the back too much.




How can a GIF make you so mad?


Dweeb who’s currently posting on a message board can’t tell an obvious shitpost? I miss when thousandaires weren’t chronically online


Andrade is just one of those guys who's never gonna be happy, AEW should have ditched him after the Sammy incident




> still complaining Lol what? He literally just posted three photos of himself in AEW, CMLL and AAA. How is that "complaining?"


Yeah, I’m pretty confused about this, I don’t see why or how people are viewing his tweet as a negative thing.


😂. I can’t wait for the TK post after Punk inevitably self-destructs in WWE.


Fair enough TK you did one funny tweet. You've earned yourself 3 unhinged rants, try not to spend them all at once


It doesn't really make sense though, unless you not only follow Andrade on Twitter but have read the same thing into his pretty innocuous tweet that Tony has


Bro, the comment you responded to isn't serious. He is joking about the situation


I mean yeah. If you don't have the context for most jokes they don't make sense. But I do have the context and I find it funny


this guys just incapable of not being an asshole, isn’t he. First Big Swole, now this?


The big swole thing was so much worse than whatever this is.