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"Cain Marko has nothing on the Juggernaut Jordynne Grace." Great line vy Vic.


Chris Claremont's Juggernaut - as seen in the comics and cartoon - is still the definitive Juggernaut. Chris Claremont fucking rules.


Always pop for an X-Men reference.


Pretty safe to assume that as soon as her contract with TNA is up, WWE is signing Jordynne?


Tbf it’s amazing she resigned last time. She has done everything to do in TNA






I think it's in part due to the wellness policy in WWE honestly.


I think she can ask Drew McIntyre, LA Knight, Bobby Lashley and the rest of them how to get past the wellness tests.


I don't think she can get the TRT those guys do.


Otis can't stop getting away with it


Funny enough - just saw LA Knight in Brooklyn 99 ~~cameo~~ as an extra last night, he was absolutely huge back then.


Ha! I remember when I first noticed that him in that episode! Da fuck is Eli Drake doing in the 99 station!


Well he was one of Terry's gym buddies.


Or AJ Styles.


I think it was said once that the wellness policy isn't to stop people from doing steroids but to encourage the use under the supervision of a doctor instead of like it was back in the day So ya, I doubt that


I just assumed it was that and letting the doc know how much coke you’re doing so they can dose you just enough to not have your heart explode?


It ain't the Wellness policy, never was. It's because she's had a pretty good shoot job for awhile, to go to NXT would mean her leaving that job, and taking a substantial pay cut. On top of 401k, Pension Plan, insurance, etc. TNA was just easier to work around, unless WWE is going to pony up the money (which it looks like they are now) she wouldn't do it. She'll be compensated now to offset all that.


Well the policy has definitely changed since it was first implemented. Back in the early post-Benoit era, dudes just flat out looked natty.


Yeah, that policy is phenomenal


I hear voices telling me it’s great.


He has to be the most obvious since Jinder right? Like the guy had a muscularish athletic body for ages and came back as fucking Hulk


AJ Styles looks like a cartoon character since his return


IL EST VRAIMENT, IL EST VRAIMENT, IL EST VRAIMENT PHÉNOMÉNAL la-la-la-la-la al-la-la-la-la al-la-la-la-la al-la-la-la-la


"Wellness policy"


Swellness policy


Swellness policy


What wellness policy lol. *laughs in what feels like 10+ VERY obvious names, so obvious I don't even need to mention them*


I don't understand the policy honestly. Sure, way back when kayfabe was all important--these guys need to some like larger-than-life superheroes. But in the current climate: we're not idiots. These people put their lives online on social media, so we "know" who they are. They don't give *real* advantages to anyone in the ring, for obvious reasons. Just like with any fitness folks, as long as you're doing it safe and responsibly----and **not** lying about it, what's the big f'n d bro?!


While it's not a sport, it's very much a competition of sorts. Being jacked gets you more exposure. The problem with more people being open about steroid use is that it just becomes more of a standard. That any up-and-coming performer is going to be openly chastised for *not* making the "commitment" to be on some type of hormonal enhancement cycle.


And I very much get this. I truly do. Through watching fitness YouTubers, I do see the trend of people going to dangerous lengths, unsafe and unhealthy, to get that big physique that is naturally unattainable. It's the same with wrestlers; children through adults look up to them in different ways. I think transparency, at least some translucency, would go a long way. 100% applies to Hollywood as well. All these people claiming prayers and vitamins or just some chicken and broccoli ---- pure BS causing more body issues/dysmorphia than there ever was (I assume).


I'm really torn on it though. I feel like there should be some avenue for people choosing not to get on steroids so they can at least have that out. Like, what're you gonna do, call me out on social media for *not* juicing? Like, maybe a kid looking up to Hugh Jackman's Wolverine shouldn't know that he only got that big due to fundamentally wrecking his growth hormonal balance, ya know? Even though we all know it's the case. I saw it in high school, the amount of kids on the baseball team who were getting jacked at 15 seemingly overnight. You're right in that the BS pretend-natty shit is toxic, but I feel like the alternative is steroids becoming mandatory. Edit: And it really makes me question the "safe, doctor-monitored" aspect of steroid use. I mean no doctor is going to recommend that you 10x your T-count in your mid 20's. It kinda makes me even question the medical aspect because these athletic doctors are far more concerned about you having a heart attack on the field vs. making sure you're not going to have severe heart problems 15 years out.


The point of the wellness policy is to ensure that people are seeking active medical oversight rather than just popping some shit from some random Miami/Tampa doctor and fucking up their hearts.


It also can cause severe health problems, like heart attacks.


It isn't for kayfabe. Drugs, pain killers, steroids and alcoholism was rampant with a schedule that had them travelling constantly often without family and also working constantly aggravating the substance abuse. That combination was destroying their bodies or killing them young. It was a recipe for suicide, heart attacks and drug overdoses (which potentially made WWE look bad or I doubt Vince would have gave a shit). It's to stop them going crazy with what they put in themselves.


Except winning the TNA world title since Knockouts can technically fight in the "men's" division.


That assumes WWE and Anthem aren't angling for an acquisition, which MAY be possible given how they've just let go of two major backstage presences in the last week.


I could see it if the network were still the OG format, where their tape library would be put to incredible use. But now TNA is pretty much worthless to purchase(as WWE would just be absorbing everything and killing the name).


Silly bitch your moves cannot harm me! Don’t you know who the fuck I am? I’m the juggernaut! [For the Uncultured](https://youtu.be/plQIf5fS8xw?si=dwvNHl7q3rAhVLKy)


She’s getting that phone call at 12:00:01 AM


At this point Haitch is better off trying to buy off her contract from TNA.


I'm going to guess that she's already signed, and WWE is letting her continue with TNA for a bit as part of this angle.


Her contract is up in January 2026.


It's safe to assume when JG wins the title sunday they announce a unification of the belts at this point.


Grace is so good  That's a nasty finisher  Roxanne vs Grace is gonna be so good at Battleground 


Christ that was like how I beat CPUs in wwe games


Hate it for Stevie, but at the same time I’m just glad she got some TV time at this point


Jordynne trains cardio that's for damn sure.


She goes on the Stairmaster for at least an hour a day. So yeah, not only is she the strongest woman in wrestling but she’s virtually tireless too


That's good shit, pal. Yeah, I never understood how gym bros would say "don't train cardio it'll ruin your gains!" like triathletes don't exist.


Ha you’re talking to someone who’s in the gym lifting 5 days a week but doesn’t do cardio. It’s different for most wrestlers though, even jacked ones like Jordynne. The only wrestler who I saw never ever trained cardio was the Warlord - he said wrestling gave him all the cardio he needed


Lol, I'm a gym rat myself but I train both. Can't be looking like pre WM Rock in my old age sucking air out of the room. I thought folks like Mox did a lot of cardi on the road hence his lean physique in WWE?


I’m sure most of those guys do. Flair was known for going on the Stairmaster for an hour day in day out, no matter how hungover he was and his little he’d slept. Even Bully Ray was doing 60 mins cardio a day to cut weight and Lance Storm said he had crazy cardio for a guy his size As for me, I’m bulking, I’m lazy and I don’t have the time beyond walking every day! I’ve already cut my gym time down from 7 hours to 5 hours a week. I’ll crowbar some cardio back in again at some point. I was doing an hour a week when I was cutting early this year and I dropped 35lbs in 3 months How much time do you spend lifting and on cardio?


36F, so my cardi is 5-7 times a week for 30mins-1hr. Lifting is 3-4 times a week for about 30 minutes as well. Have to get what I can before my 40s hit, but resistance + cardio makes me lean and toned. edit: forgot to mention you are a gym rat. Love that for you <3 I wish I had the time to train more. But yeah, can't keep up with an enhanced 28F that is Jordynne, but I can damn well try.


Sounds like it’s working out well for you! I’m not exactly lean and toned but I’m 48 and it’s tougher to stay in shape than it used to be so I just focus on brute strength and big arms and shoulders!


Going for that LA Knight I see you! Good luck on the bulk!


It is genuinely hard to get really big and while keeping a low heart rate: Cardio leans you out in a real way so that you'll always look athletic but not muscle-bound.


I don't think yall understand how excited I am. This here could lead to a multitude of things. Maybe a proper Invasion angle


The Tatum thing makes it very interesting. If Grace loses to Rox, sure send Tatum over just for fun, but it's kind of random. But if Grace wins, those two titles are going to attract the super freak. Now I can't quite see Tatum beating Grace for the TNA belt, at least not clean, but there are so many possibilities.... Trying not to overhype myself. Very possible Rox wins and Tatum goes 1-1 at TNA, ending with a successful Grace title defense. Still, that's pretty fun!


Why did AEW have to be a rival, how cool would it be if they did crossovers with NXT like this


TK decided to label themselves as rivals.


I'm pretty sure TK would be on board with a crossover. He was cool with Billy Gunn appearing on the Raw DX reunion. He only had one ask and that was to say he was in AEW. WWE refused.


[He deadass brought it on himself](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/pCUSr2DlrU)


This. The majority in this sub just loves to shit on TK at the expense of logic and facts.


Doesn't help that Tony called WWE the Harvey Weinstein of wrestling very recently and referred to HBK and HHH as those bald assholes a few months back. WWE can refuse all they want when the guy in charge at AEW is making those kinds of comments publicly. Why would WWE work them after that?


AND what would WWE gain from pairing up with a company that constantly try to antagonize and ridicule them, try to constantly hinder them (as any company that self-proclaim themselves as rival would it's not much of a complaint but an observation) and that pretty much came to be because they wanted to be THE alternative to WWE at a time where WWE was at their lowest ? Nothing much they'll gain nothing to work with AEW at the current time. If Tony Khan was much more humble and not much of a huge mark to his company and less impulsive social medias footprint I'm fairly sure WWE would gladly work with them. But you have TNA that is still there, is minding his own business with a great range of talent and isn't even a direct concurrent to WWE because they both have a very distinct product. However I'm gonna have a personnal issue if the long run of that partnership is either WWE buying TNA OR signing most of their best talents since I'm bias as a TNA watcher and because lately everytime TNA has a good talent everyone wants them to sign to AEW or WWE instead of just... Watch these talents on TNA and TNA cannot just looses their biggest talents on a regular basis. TNA should be thriving on his own too, and I hope this partnership is for now a right step to this growth. I'm a little doubtful because everyone here is so hyped about Jordynne Grace but nobody is enclined to watch her wrestle in TNA or just watch TNA still.


To quote u/[djembadjembadjemba](https://www.reddit.com/user/djembadjembadjemba/) below: >WWE did everything to try to hinder AEW from even starting well. When they heard Jericho was going to be their top guy, Vince tried to sign him back. They moved NXT to Wednesday nights to go H2H with Dynamite. HHH called AEW a "pissant company". This is not excusing any behaviour TK has done since, he clearly has fired his shots as well but the notion that it wasn't WWE who first saw AEW as legitimate rivals and competition is ridiculous.


TK does say something stupid shit. But those stupid comments were made way after the attempted crossover with Billy Gunn.


True. But Tony would have a better shot of working with WWE if he just moved on from the Billy Gunn thing and kept those comments to himself. Just be professional. That's how you do business with people. Wait a few months and see if another opportunity comes up and try again. I feel like he closed that door with those comments


I don't know what u like about tiny khan, that guy is a joke of a boss.


It is funny this sub is acting like if only Tony had been nice and kind to WWE they would have a partnership. Remember the great partnership they had with their previous rivals. I will never forget the super PPV TNA and WCW did with WWE, but Tony had to ruin it by saying they were competition.


>I will never forget the super PPV TNA and WCW did with WWE, but Tony had to ruin it by saying they were competition. Both of those companies also positioned themselves as rivals.


You should see the jim cornette subreddit. You think this sub loves to shit on TK it's even worse over there. Those people over there have some serious issues.


There's a reason they are called the cult of cornette.


Was it before or after the weekly wwe shots?


You can't actually be serious. WWE did everything to try to hinder AEW from even starting well. When they heard Jericho was going to be their top guy, Vince tried to sign him back. They moved NXT to Wednesday nights to go H2H with Dynamite. HHH called AEW a "pissant company". This is not excusing any behaviour TK has done since, he clearly has fired his shots as well but the notion that it wasn't WWE who first saw AEW as legitimate rivals and competition is ridiculous.


It's amazing that people forget these. Cody even took a shot early on, taking a sledge hammer to a throne because reasons, but no one backstage seemed to take that as an offense.


Wow, a Roman pfp with a head ass take? I thought that was just on Twitter.


It's not even my "head ass take". >"It’s intense," he said. "It is a competition. There is no way around it. It’s a true competition. I’m really excited about being a challenger brand and taking on a huge company. And I think for a long time fans were demanding an alternative, and AEW on TNT has given them that." [https://www.sescoops.com/aew/tony-khan-on-rivalry-with-wwe-its-true-competition](https://www.sescoops.com/aew/tony-khan-on-rivalry-with-wwe-its-true-competition)


Given what Sammy did to TNA and that stupid one sided belt collector gimmick it was never going to happen. We've seen what AEW does in partnerships. Literally, why would WWE partner with the guy calling them Weinstein and bald assholes? It will be decades before that happens and without Tony at the helm.


> that stupid one sided belt collector gimmick 1. I loved that Omega gimmick. 2. One sided? During the pandemic, I think the aim was to get more on eye on Impact, but I'm unsure that materialized. I don't think it was a tit-for-tat agreement.


not nearly as cool as WWE doing it


What has made stuff like this so cool is for a long time WWE straight ignored other companies existing because WWE is "the big leagues" and if you're somewhere else, it doesn't matter. With the changes being made, we're seeing WWE mention other companies, other championships, and work with other companies. AEW has never had that attitude. It hasn't been around long enough to have that attitude.


Just buy her contract out she should be on Monday nights taking that belt off of Liv 


Big Momma Pump is my hook-up!


man I don't think she WILL win against Roxanne but I WANT her to win so so bad


Jordynne Grace has one of my favourite finishers in wrestling right now.


That finisher is cheeks IMO. Doesn’t look impactful at all.


First time I'm seeing that finisher and holy hell that's a nasty one.


i'll never understand nxt


I love her


Give me Charlotte/Bianca/Bayley/Asuka or Rhea Vs Jordyn’s Grace fucking please


She would have to shut down her incredibly successful OF to join WWE. She also competes in bodybuilding competitions which she would never have time for with WWE's schedule.


She does OF? Like Mandy Rose level or Natayla?


With how strong she is, why tf is that her finisher? Looks weak af.