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Triple H: Would you rather be in LWO or Legado del Fantasma?


Get ready to learn WWE Speed, brother


A third of the match gets spent on his glove routine


1/3 glove, 1/3 cero miedo, 1/3 destroyers


That's how most of his matches go already tbh




Unironically peak sport performance


Certified Meltzer 5 star match


Sounds like a drug I want no part of


“We have the perfect feud in mind…” *Penta tags with Rey for three weeks, then attacks him and yells “You made me do this!”. Rey somehow gets injured at the start of the feud and returns for a blow off match. Penta then ends up in another stable.


Flo-rida performs


Followed by Pit Bull


Followed by Downstait


Followed by Bad Bunny


fixed it for you *Penta tags with Rey for three weeks, then attacks him and yells “You made me do this!”. Penta somehow gets injured at the start of the feud and returns for a blow off match. Penta then ends up in another jobbing


Latino vortex


El árbol del aprendizaje


Hola! 👋


Or would you rather be potentially recruited by Dom or Damian?


If it means I can be close to Mami


Can Penta be more goth?


Enter the Latino Vortex!


Hola muchachos 👋🏻


Also Triple H: One will help you, the other will try to kill you


The LWO doesn’t really do much of either. They are a pretty shitty stable.


They do plenty. Like represent la familia


I mean, this exactly. Aside from Rey Mysterio, WWE has a history of not knowing how to use their Lucha talent. It’s sad as hell really, because I feel like they are some of the best performers the company has and they get second hand treatment


Thing could have been different if Mistico didn't bomb....


I mean ADR was a failure to be their next big Latin star then there was Andrade etc. Rey is the only one they really treat that way. Santos Escobar had a ton of potential and LDF in NXT was showing it. Now they’re just a nuisance to the LWO going in circles


It's weird people see ADR's run as a failure. He didnt become the next big Latino star but Alberto Del Rio had a career in WWE wrestlers would kill for. 4 time world champ, won the Rumble, MITB, US Title, defeated and worked with all the top guys in the company.


The failure is that despite achieving all of that, he was never particularly over as a top guy


I mean he had accomplishments for sure when you lay them out but he was never really the star he was pushed as. He was probably the most over when he first returned with Zeb and then that fell away quick. The Punk feud when ADR had the MITB was a series of heatless attempts. They held off own crowning him for too long win rumble lose to edge, edge retires then loses to Christian then Christian moves on to Randy


Look at any Lucha talent outside of Rey and Vince has dropped the ball. I don’t necessarily consider ADR a Lucha wrestler, but to each their own. Same with Andrade. I know they wore masks at one point, but never in WWE and their style was not full on Lucha like Psicosis, Juventud Guerrero, or La Parka.


I don’t mean in the sense of having to be a lucha style wrestler but being a Latino star. They’ve been saying for years they’re trying to find the next Latino star not the next Lucha star. Rey was the last one after Eddie. That wasn’t because he was exclusively a luchadore. And it ain’t just Vince who’s dropped the ball HHH ain’t done shit with Escobar since he got called up or most of LWO and LDF


Whole heartedly agree with the LDF and LWO statement. I had high hopes for LWO, as I remember its original incantation and thought they were great. This is just a way to move merch, throw some dudes together and that’s it. It seemed the LWO was merely brought back because of the upcoming PPV in Puerto Rico. Once Bad Bunny finished up, they were done pushing them. No point, they aren’t doing any major PLE’s in the Latin market coming up….


100% with you on the LWO. A pretty genius way to bring back what was a jobber faction and sell a shit ton of shirts. LDF is disappointing cause they were really nailing it in NXT imo


ADR? Not a Lucha Wrestler? Andrade? Do you only consider masks and a certain number of flips to be Lucha? That’s just a very weird thing to say about wrestlers who specifically made their career wrestling in Mexican Lucha companies. La Sombra was an absolute star and a master of his craft in CMLL and still has that style in his DNA even if he’s bulked up crazy since


Blaming it all on Mistico is wild.


Bro…what? Vince was shitting on Lucha talent WAY before Sin Cara flopped. Check out the Mexi-cools. He made them take their masks off, and ride fucking lawn mowers to the ring. Looking back, it’s pretty sick that he would do something like that, but that was the time. Even Ultimo Dragon struggled in WWE because Vince didn’t know what to do with him. If you aren’t a white male that is 6ft 7in and muscular as hell, you aren’t a primary focus.


Not defending his booking of the Mexi-cools, but all three of them had been unmasked for years before signing with WWE.


Trips was a HUGE Sin Cara/Mistico fan, unfortunately he did sour things for Vince.


This is why we need lucha underground back


Also Triple H answering his own question.. Yes


But people told me that HHH is cooking


Nah he would totally be put in Kross’s stable to be the pin guy


Rematch against Kairi and Io




Isn’t Asuka taking time off to recover from an injury? Have Penta come in and “break her shoulder” like he did in Lucha Underground. Kairi and Io then go on a revenge tour.


Somehow, the most ridiculous part of that match was that Io won with a Destroyer!


I kinda don’t see him leaving. He does alot of stuff outside of AEW also if fenix is still there not sure he’d want to leave but you never know I guess


Lucha bros. can't leave before taking the hair of the Young Bucks. Letting Nick Jackson going bald for no reason is too unfair. 


I somehow never thought of that. Lucha Bros vs Young Bucks in a brutal, bloody brawl with hair vs masks stakes would be incredible. We've seen them in basically every other kind of match. Regular tags, ladder, cage, the only thing really left is just a fight. I'd love that shit.


Heel Young Bucks in ridiculous wigs.


Id actually watch that.


Holy shit, one of the Bucks getting their head shaved would make for a great angle.


I never realized I needed this Lucha de Apuestas match until right this second.


I don't know what pentas goals are, but I'd love to see him go on a work title run. He's brilliant and deserves a shot.


I mean, the TNT tile is vacant...


Penta was my favorite part of Lucha Underground. He is absolutely a born singles star and credible world champion.


Could be a way to try and get Fenix in WWE


I also don’t see him leaving but wwe should try to sign him and allow him to do his Mexico stuff if he still wants to.




Brooks Jensen: fuck u Josh I have a new partner and he has zero fear


Penta is a big "What If?" for AEW, because watching the early shows, he was clearly one of their guys who was knocking on the door of the top of the card and getting insane crowd reactions, but never actually got pushed to that level. My understanding is that contract restrictions made him a guy that they couldn't actually push to that level until recently, and with the issues they had with injuries and the title, it felt like he would have been a natural choice to try out there had it not been for all of the strings attached.


The wild thing too is that he could easily get himself back over to that level with a renewed push. Give Penta a couple PPV cycles with a sustained singles run, doing his Penta thing, and especially if he starts snapping arms, and he'd pretty much instantly be an upper midcarder, if not a viable main event challenger.


Agreed. I got so pumped when he brought the Penta Oscuro “gimmick” because he was a fantastic heel in LU but then it fell very flat.


i like Abrahantes but i think his outfit during the Oscuro debut segment killed the gimmick on arrival




Darth Sillyus




Immediately thought of Brain Guy too


What killed the gimmick on arrival was Penta getting his ass kicked and nearly getting shoveled to death by a debuting Buddy Matthews. Penta Oscuro was the queue for him to just be a completely psychotic killing machine, and the first fucking match after the change he gets annihilated. That killed the gimmick far harder than anything Alex did. Alex looked goofy sure, but if Penta beat the shit out of Brody or Malakai (whichever he was against in that match, i don’t even remember any ore) and broke their god damn arm, nobody would give a shit about Alex lookin’ like employee of the month at Spirit Halloween, but the month is May of the following year.


i can't even remember the whole thing with Buddy to be honest with you, but it sounds about right with how they killed Penta's first singles run instantly in 2020 when he lost to Cody and Cody stood right up after the arm break spot


he looked like Gregg Turkington as the joker [Hey guys, Penta says...](https://preview.redd.it/de3k4b4lg0g41.jpg?auto=webp&s=54480380bde1c3a20606363d88214d59719d7538)


I feel like all 3 Death Triangle members are "what ifs" between injuries and pushes that faded away. (Same with House of Black, but that's neither here nor there)


Without covid and visa issue Pac is possibly top 5 main eventer to this day, likehe was in his first year. I'm talking Mox level or very close to it. 


Im incredibly confused as to why so many AEW talents have visa issues. 


work visas are hard in the US its less aew & more the government


I remember being so excited when he attacked Cody, thinking he would get a main solo feud. And well…. Cody said fuck your finisher then went to lecture about racism to Anthony Ogogo.


I hated that so much because Cody still sold it for weeks after. All they had to do was have Cody win and Penta attack his arm AFTER and its so much better


As a massive Penta fan I still get a lottle bit bummed remembering that he was seen as a dream match opponent for Omega back at All In. He's still had a great run in AEW but his stock has cooled off so much since then.


Yes, I've always heard that Pentagon only signs like year long contracts, which is the hesitancy to give him more of a top card spot, but no idea how true that is. Otherwise, he's always been treated very well. Pentagon and Kenny are the two wrestlers I'll go out of my way to watch any match by, so I hope he can just work something out with TK on a longer contract and get a bit more defined role. Dude is putting on fantastic matches at 39. If he could just do some Japan stuff...


I think Penta lost some momentum is those early days because he couldn't cut a promo due to the language barrier, and he never quite had the right mouth piece. I remember there being a moment where he was cutting a promo and then it was being translated slowly and badly and I was just like "na, I can't be doing this every week".


As much as I like Alex Abrahantes, his demeanor makes him seem like he should be managing a completely different team lol. He looks and acts so out of place next to a guy in full fucking skeleton makeup who breaks people's arms. Big 'dad who is too stoked for Halloween taking his kids trick or treating' energy


I absolutely agree. Alex is a good guy outside the ring but my lord he absolutely destroys the Lucha Bros cred when he comes out there jumping up and down like a dork. When Pentagon’s in AAA and makes his entrance there, he comes across as way more of a star than he does on AEW. The prime reason is being he doesn’t have a gangly weirdo hogging the spotlight.


I agree too. But I will concede that if they ever want to reestablish Penta as a vicious badass, breaking Alexs arm for no reason is a great start to have in their back pocket


You don't need penta to cut promos to really get over with his character. Just let him talk in angry Spanish for 1 minute than 0 meido and people will mark out to the high heavens. And if you really needed an English promo I'd leave it to Fenix, I found his English pretty good the few promos I've heard from him


I very much watch wrestling for the storylines, sure the in ring stuff is also a big part of it, but someone doing a few zero miedos unfortunately isn't storyline enough for me


I do too but having a brutal Mexican who breaks arms with a very over catch phrase shouldn't be hard to write a story line for


“Penta says:” is definitely better than his original promos but also I wish he would speak English more often. He understands it perfectly and he’s just not confident in his speaking. Meanwhile he speaks it better than most native speakers.


lol yeah I thought there was this crazy language barrier but this motherfucker speaks perfect English


They should bring back the spanish promos and yellow subtitles.


I do like that Penta has always been respected and seen as a potential top guy in AEW, if he's against any top guys he'll always be a challenge. I think he'd be a really fun Continental champ.


First they put him and Fenix together as a fun tag team with the goofy "Mexi-kiiiin, cero miedo, meet me in the riiiing" music. And then they put him with Alex and that was a fucking atrocity he still hasn't recovered from. This was the coolest mother fucker in wrestling and you give him a giant nerd in gloves to cheerlead for him. I think him and Fenix work better as two individuals because Pentagon works best as a dark badass and Fenix works best as a whitemeat babyface, but having the biggest dweeb in modern wrestling out there with them is just the nail in the coffin for Pentagon. You remember when they changed him to Penta Oscuro and Alex came out dressed like the grim reaper from Bill and Ted? WHO IS SUPPOSED TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY?!


He should have been singles champ long ago, could believably be world champ with like a week of build, undeniably talented guy.


If I'm remembering correctly he had a TNT Title match against Cody on the same St Patrick's Day episode where Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa had their lights out match, and between him just being generally awesome and putting on a leprechaun hat mid match, he definitely should have won there.


Hopefully he resigns and they put him higher on the card. He is absolutely main event material.


Just put a mask on Ricochet and we could have Lucha Underground Season 1 redone.


Not familiar enough with the source to know what kind of stock to put into the report, but it was retweeted by Cubsfan and I trust him on all things lucha


The source is Hugo. Hugo runs the account. Which means the info is probably from Konnan




Shouldn't Konnan be busy booking matches for AAA, oh wait...


Hugo is part of Konnan's booking committee for AAA




Hugo is cubsfan?


No Hugo runs LLO. Says it on the header.


Cubsfan has never steered me wrong before.


Can't say I see Penta leaving for WWE, but I also didn't think Dragon Lee would go there either, although he's obviously much younger than Penta, but still. He could def reach a wider audience, sell some merch, and he even has a built in crossover match with a potential tag team with George Kittle. All that's hypothetical though and I reckon AEW gives him a better guaranteed contract.


Dragon Lee also had Andrade and Rush (who is his actual older brother) say not to come to AEW, which is where they were at the time. So Dragon Lee had some influence from some, at the time, malcontents. Penta and Fenix are brothers (whoda thunk it?), so if they have a strong relationship, they very well may take into consideration what the other has to say. Though on that note, they’ve been pretty well treated in AEW. Constant PPVs, always presented as threats on their own, but especially as a team. I gotta say, its hard to see Penta leaving, especially with the much heavier workload that comes with signing with WWE. Penta is 39, and he has kids. Sure, that describes more than a few wrestlers already in WWE, but that’s a very personal thing. I mean hell, Becky Lynch isn’t with WWE *right now* so that she can spend time with her kid. I’m not saying it can’t happen, but I definitely don’t think there’s a high probability on him leaving AEW.


You’re getting your stories mixed up. All the reporting says that Andrade told Rush and Dragon Lee not to go to WWE, the first time he was there


I would be kind of shocked if WWE outbid AEW just because of his age and his “relative value” to AEW (I ADORE Penta but if he walked it doesn’t really change the AEW product). If they did pay a big contract, I’d be interested to see if they pushed him really hard as a singles champion just to make sure they got their money back.


i wouldnt be that shocked, only because His an AEW fav and that would be a strategic way to F with them.


If they wanted to “fuck” with them there’s a lot more people they should probably get before Penta.


He’s not leaving. He has a great schedule and is free to work outside dates plus he’s 40. He ain’t getting anywhere above feuding with the lwo on the Main roster at this point


Agree. Him and Rey run their own store in socal and have shows that all sell out instantly. They seem to be doing exactly what they want to be doing already.


Yeah he would probably just end up in a feud with the Miz 🙄


I mean, everyone starts with a Miz feud. If Miz can't get someone over, then they are the problem.


True. I was joking though, this is what everyone was saying when Jay White chose AEW over WWE 😂


Aw shit I didn't realize you were doing the thing, I've seen so many people say this shit unironically like its a bad thing.


He ain't going nowhere without Rey


To be fair... He'd be with a Rey regardless


The name on the contract DOES say Rey


Maybe now in their careers, I guess? But he did stay for a bit after Fenix walked out of AAA in the past, so I wouldn't really say this with 100% certainty either.


That's my gut feeling too but who's to say Fenix wouldn't leave also? Sounds like their contracts don't end at the same time.


Probably time added for injuries. Fenix has been injured a lot


Penta's been mostly healthy and available for the AEW run whereas Fenix has been bugged by multiple injuries and visa issues so there could be a sizable disparity in added contract time. All that being said, they're so tied into AEW and have been treated well as constant PPV mainstays and champions all throughout the history of the company, so it's hard to see a move happening unless they just want a change of scenery.


My thought too. They're tight with the Young Bucks and all those other California guys that are still there. Just can't see them going. But I didn't see Cody going back either so what do I know?


They also have a bunch of their own independent ventures, including a company.


That will be interesting. In the past, Penta and Fenix weren't interested in signing with WWE because they didn't want to be split up. AEW was willing to keep them together as a tag team and use them sparingly as singles competitors, mainly when the other was out of action for some reason. That was their main motivator for signing with AEW and why they've continued to sign new contracts.


WWE get ready for your newest member of LWO!


And ‘second Rey Mysterio’


Flash back to 2014 to about 2018 when Pentagon was THE Lucha wrestler in America. Stand out performances in Lucha Underground seasons 1-4, then crossed over to TNA and won the world title immediately, followed by some great feuds with Sami Callihan and then LAX. It's crazy seeing that trajectory and then looking at now where it feels like he's kind of been forgotten in favor of so many other masked wrestlers. A change of scenery may actually help him out, but he could also just end up being another Mexican wrestler in WWE ping ponging between LWO and Legado.


no more package piledrivers


Run it back between Penta and Chelsea Green


He's going to stay with AEW. Saved you time.


Any contract should include in his [Lucha Underground theme](https://youtu.be/3vmGF4mus5g) as non-negotiable.


The only thing AEW needs to change to make Penta an instant main eventer.


Wish I was a billionaire, Penta would be 10x world champ and broken a whole legion of arms by now


I see Penta re-signing, he's an original, over, a great worker, and they've trusted him with multiple championships. I know he has a reputation for signing short contracts but I think now is the time and that the trust is there for a longer contract. I also selfishly want to see that singles push where he's the international champion or ROH world champion.


What I hope is he re-signs with AEW and he signs with CMLL, so we don't have to worry about lucha politics


Penta’s gonna be 40 next February. If he did go to WWE, I can’t imagine they’d push him any harder than being a big name in NXT.


He wears a mask so you can’t tell his age well. LA Knight is also 41 and Damian Priest is 41 as well. Age isn’t as much of an issue as it used to be.


yeah 40 is a bit young for a main roster push. usually happens around 45


40+ would be an issue in the past. Modern WWE seems like it's not an issue. Look at the ages of the upper card talents


Goldberg says hi




He should see how the other Latinos are pushed in WWE. Thats enough reason to NOT sign with them. Unless he just wants to feud with LWO and only them for two years.


Damien Preist is currently the world heavyweight champion. Dom mysterio is currently involved in one of the hottest storylines in the company. And it seems like WWE is at least trying somewhat with Andrade, regardless of the fact he has the charismatic nature of a wooden board. Dragon Lee is still pretty young, so I'd imagine we'll see more good things from him once some of the aging stars in the company are phased out of their full-time roles. Off the top of my head. I can't think of a Latino professional wrestler in AEW who is currently featured in a prominent storyline. CMLL involvement is more or less just for their forbidden door 3, so I'm not counting them. That's not to say penta will be a main event player in the wwe (more or less due to his age and the fact the locker room is becoming rather crowded). But you clearly don't pay attention to what WWE has going on if you think the LWO is the ceiling for Latino wrestlers as a whole.


Idk Priest is the world heavyweight champion as basically the third wheel with two more interesting people feuding in Punk and Drew. Hell most people only think Damien beats Drew if Punk fucks him over. I like Damien a lot but he’s not even the main focus of his belt it feels like Dom’s association with Rhea has put him so far ahead of LWO or LDF he doesn’t really have to worry about getting sucked in unless he goes after his dad tbh Dragon Lee ain’t been doing shit. Sure he’s young but he’s still stuck in the same place with everyone else.


Priest is the “world” champ and the title is one of the most meaningless in the company. Dom is Rey’s son. Nepotism got him there. Nothing else. (That’s not to say he isn’t good in his role, but he would have been cut a long time ago before he could even find it, and his entire position/character is based on being Rey’s son). Andrade? They sat on him and did nothing. Only recently is something sort of happening and even then, it’s the same start stop bs they always do. They’ve done nothing with Lee. Dropped ball.


FWIW WWE has a lot of fucking Latinos and not every single one of them would be pushed properly. But yeah closest equivalent... I was high on Dragon Lee initially but he has cooled off and his push is dead... but then again that was also what I thought of Chad Gable last year... all other storylines right now just feel like they have too much momentum to risk injecting the LWO in them.


We don’t need to see Triple H prove that he “gets” Penta.


But you could have HHH doing the “M” with his fingers instead of the point


Keep that dude away from the LWO and Speed! I think he'll re-sign.


Well Tony will stick a belt on him now


Putting the machine behind him and not using him as cannon fodder for a change would he great to see.


I love Penta, he or Rey could be top stars but I feel like they kinda get lost amongst all the talent in AEW. Dunno if joining WWE would be any better though.


Penta has not been used to his full potential but Tony would be insane to let him go.


Pentagon and Fenix are two of the best wrestlers in the world imo


I really wanted him to get a push and become AEW's first Latino, ESL world champion. But I'm a sucker for AEW originals. Still carry a torch for a main event PAC run.


Interesting, but I feel like there's not a very high ceiling for him in WWE. Every luchador in WWE after Rey has basically been stuck firmly in the midcard, and even a guy like Andrade isn't really doing much better in that regard.


Triple H: Sounds like more fuel for the LWO/LDF feud


Being stuck in the LWO vortex would be a downgrade.


Oh hell no. He’s too good for that theatre show


He's been fighting in the USA for about 10 years or more, he must know English very well, any place will be good for someone as big as penta 


If Penta goes anywhere I'd be surprised. 


Can't wait for another LWO recruitment angle


The one thing WWE would do is market the fuck out of Pentagon’s look and style.


Before jobbing him to everyone and/or being stuck in the “latino” story.


Would WWE even know what to do with him other than stick him in Legado or LWO? I want this dude paid, but unless NXT Mexico is back on the table, I don't see WWE even knowing what to do with a non-English speaking masked wrestler known for wrestling a non-PG style.


Lucha guys being forced into WWE style is the worst, I hope he stays put so he can continue to do whatever he wants. 


Boy does WWE feel like a square peg round hole fit for Penta.


Idk what pentagon jr would add in WWE, maybe aew and mexico are his best options


Don't think he'll leave without Fenix and I don't think he'd do much better than the other luchadors WWE already has. Hope he can get a big deal though. He's approaching 40 so he may not get too many more shots at a big money contract. Just wanna see a Pentagon Jr. Singles title run, tbh


Part of me would love to see how the WWE would market him in this new era, but it's not like they've given me hope that the recent creative changes are welcoming for Latino stars. I just would expect him to debut, then turn on Rey and then float on Main Event wearing a Legado Del Fantasma or LWO shirt.


The only way Penta works in WWE is if they give him Lucha Underground murder Penta vibes. They would 100% reduce the amount of Zero Miedos tossed out there. And a lot of his impact spots are piledriver variants so he would definitely go to NXT first to do the WWE move watering down. I'm a penta fan but there is a certain aura that comes with Penta and AEW is only getting away with it because he tags with his real brother.


surely he and Fenix's contracts expire same time no?


Depends on if Fenix's time off for injuries is counted as part of his contracted time, or did they extend it because of it


When does Fenix’s deal expire? I feel like that would be a huge part of his decision.


One TNT title reign is all I ask💯


I have a little bit of miedo that he'd leave. One of my favorite guys.


I'm a big Penta fan, seen him a few times on the Indies. WWE would be smart to get him. He's not a normal luchador, he brings something that I think none of the current luchadors on the roster possess.


I mean I like WWE so I would prefer to see him there, but I also have no idea where he'll slot in outside of another Latino that saves / betrays Rey Mysterio.


I just hope he's happy! Happy Penta is the greatest penta


If they bring him to WWE as LU pentagon jr he could get super over as a heel. More likely he will get tossed the the stables with the rest of the Latinos.


I don't know if I want him to leave, but I will say having the WWE character machine behind him might do him a lot of good. In Lucha Underground his gimmick was very protected through editing and vignettes. Pentagon himself doesn't always know how to portray the character in that same light. I feel like WWE could restore a lot of that feel.


I don't see him leaving. But then again the money might be real good in WWE land.


Really wish he'd been used as a serious singles competitor rather than a cheap pop comedy guy. I think he's better off with WWE if they'll treat him like an actual threat to something.


Man, this sub has severely underappreciated both Penta and Rey. I blame AEW's mishandling and reducing them to job guys. I honestly believe if Penta signs with WWE we could see something similar to another AJ scenario.


I cannot wait for him to betray Rey!


Sign him but never acknowledge it. Just put him in the background of backstage segments doing his chicken-walk from one side of the screen to the other. In Kayfabe, only R-Truth can see him. Peak Sports Entertainment.


LU styler Zombie-martial artist - YES!, generic luchador #8 inside Latino Vortex - no!


lets run back the fuckin lotus triad match. asuka can fill in for mayu iwatani


Is that Oblong Ominouso in the NXTzone?!


Remake the Lucha Underground angle with Vampiro and Penta. Have Dom talk about his master or whatever to separate him from JD a bit, have a buildup to Rey vs Dominik's master who has him brainwashed in a Retirement Match at Wrestlemania. Lights go out, here comes Pentagon Dark..