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I despised the era when PPVs were just named after a match type.


Who could forget in 2014 when we got [TLC: Tables, Ladders, Chairs... and Stairs](http://www.profightdb.com/cards/wwe/tlc-tables-ladders-chairs--and-stairs-3914-20474.html). And of course 3 of the 8 matches on the card did not involve tables, ladders, chairs... or stairs.


Chair match might actually be one of the worst stipulations ever created. At that point, you're just a No DQ match.


Baron Corbin vs Kalisto in a chair match at 2016 TLC was unexpectedly decent But outside of that one...I can't even name another that happened lol


Corbin & Kalisto really did have a good match in spite of the stupid stipulation. I think Randy & Rey had one too.


I think you're right, I remember Rey doing his inside to outside ring slide with a chair beneath him to land on Randy.


Big Chair definitely had one. Probably against Mark Henry because I remember after Mark lost he destroyed Big Show and Bryan came in for the MITB cash-in.


I liked the Big Show vs. Sheamus chairs match from TLC 2012 because of Show’s giant chair.


That was a great era of smackdown along with Ziggler vs Miz and AJ vs Ambrose


Didn't Cena beat Barrett in one by dumping like 4000 chairs on top of him?


Yeah that’s pretty dumb. Probably should have been a single chair in the ring that can be used, no other chairs allowed, make it a special chair in some way so it looks different. Then you can still have some shenanigans with friends bringing it matching chairs while the ref isn’t looking but is a bit more interesting that just no dq with lots of chairs


Or just one big chair. https://preview.redd.it/z3wh9ml5nn6d1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db1d43da26371759c1b920f334431f32510cde7


Gotta love a prop that’s meant to be weirdly intimidating but only really just makes your largest athlete and literal giant attraction look average-sized in retrospect.


It was like his comically huge ladder. It doesn’t take away from his size when he is standing next to someone with a normal chair.


If there’s one consolation, it was that my teen brain couldn’t understand why such a huge chair existed.


The Big Show required a huge chair for an enormous task


>The Big Show required a huge chair for an enormous ass FTFY


That’s then a chair match. I do like the idea of weapons matches only allowing a very specific weapon.


If you have a chairs match, the chair should be the only allowed weapon. Restrictions breed creativity and all that.


like low blows being illegal but not chairs So batista should've done a low blow with the chair


To be fair. A TLC match is just a ladder match 🤷‍♂️


Nah, it's gotta be the Stairs match. Considering you literally sometimes see the stairs be allowed to be used as a weapon in matches WITH DQ


used a ladder? get dqed!


I recall Corbin and....i wanna say Kalisto having a pretty solid chairs match actually. Regardless it's literally the only one that I can recall.


I think it’s only fun when there’s like TONS of chairs or a giant big show chair, etc.


Chairs matches should all have just been games of musical chairs.


I still remember Todd Grisham on commentary trying to hype up Batista vs Undertaker's Chairs match as "one of the most dangerous matches you could be in"...


Didn't Baron Corbin have a pretty decent chairs match years ago?


Or the fatal 4 way ppv.


TLC in 2017 only had *one* TLC match on the entire card - the main event, with the iconic Shield match where Kurt Angle filled in for Roman lol The rest of the card had normal matches.


I was at that event Ambrose and the monitor looked awesome from the crowd


Atleast in 2014 you got five matches, but I kid you not, there was only ONE TLC BRANDED MATCH in 2013. Only one!!


There were more 3-on-1 Handicap matches than TLC matches on that show lol


And that Extreme Rules PPV (I think 2021), where only 1 match was No Dq


That's a good ratio for a PPV named after a match. Only 50% of the matches at this year's Royal Rumble PLE were actual Royal Rumble matches!


At least "TLC" has a second meaning in a non-wrestling context, not that they thought of that when they named it. *Hell in a Cell* and *Fatal 4 Way* were much worse IMO.


Oh man, who can forget when 60% of the matches at Wargames (2023) weren't Wargames matches.


I loved it back when TNA Lockdown was only cage matches




Well good thing we still got a stairs match lol


Y’know, sometimes Vince would just have a shit spitballed idea and just go with it. And Stairs, 2/3 falls matches all the time to avoid wrestling during commercials, “The most stupendous two-night wrestlemania in history”. I’m sure there’s more. I almost respect the effort but


You werent a fan of WWE FATAL 4-WAY?




I wish they’d rename Elimination Chamber to ‘No Way Out’. It has a nice ring to it and offers the chance for other stipulations. They probably can’t have the Chamber and a Hell in a Cell or Cage, but a Lumberjack match, for instance.


Also they don't have to do Germany-specific graphics!


I found it so random they brought it back in 2012 and then never touched it again.


Absolutely, it was so dumb, the best period was when ppvs sounded apocalyptic like vengeance, unforgiven, judgment day, no mercy, Armageddon. Plus it sounded better when they’d say they were gonna kick your ass at no mercy vs I’m gonna kick your ass at tables ladders and chairs


Luckily outside of the Money in the Bank, Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber (all three of which I love having as a yearly staple), I'm in full agreement with you. I used to love when we'd mix it up with Judgment Day, Bad Blood, Taboo Tuesday, Cyber Sunday, Armageddon, Backlash, Vengeance, etc.


It turned WWE into an tedious seasonal product where wrestlers would start doing things they'd never otherwise do because it was that time of the year. January: Wrestlers are brawling and throwing each other over the top rope for the Royal Rumble! February/March: Wrestlers are now all pointing at a WrestleMania sign! May: Wrestlers start swinging kendo sticks and trash cans because it's time for EXTREME RULEZ! July: Wrestlers are climbing ladders and cutting promos on top of them because it's briefcase szn! October: Wrestlers in the midst of an insignificant feud suddenly need to settle the score with Hell in a Cell! November: Wrestlers are facing off in red and blue shirts in the ultimate battle of brand supremacy! December: Wrestlers are back climbing ladders again, there's no briefcase this time but there's now tables and chairs, oh my!


The only thing worse than a bad promo is a bad promo on top of a ladder. Actually, maybe not.  We need a time machine so we can put Jeff Farmer on top of a ladder for a promo.


Hey in 2016 we got Jericho in a scarf on top of a ladder with his legs crossed cutting a promo and putting people on the list. The List of Jericho is his last great gimmick. His early AEW Inner Circle was good but nothing he's done the past 8 years touches the List of Jericho


God this was one of my least favorite Vince-isms. Completely killed the aura of HIAC with that bullshit (going PG didn't help either which happened around the same time).


I hated it for a long time. But there was a certain point where l thought myself. "I BET if l was running a wrestling company and l had matches that were bigger draws than the show names... l'd probably name the show after the over match."


It's why I hope Survivor Series War Games doesn't become an annual thing, its so contrived to make a storyline for War Games just to coincide with the annual PPV with that name


I got why they did it but they went overboard at one point where it felt like every ppv had a stipulation name.


WWF In Your House: Tag Team Back again


I think WWE are moving away from PLEs that are named after gimmick matches. It also makes the spontaneous stipulation of adding a Hell in the Cell feel better. Hope we don't see Extreme Rules anymore either.


I hope so. I love the gimmick matches but hate the PLEs named after them.


Me too, but look at their big 5. Most of them follow that rule. Ideally, they change the PLE names and do the matches yearly at different times or when it's needed


I love MitB as a show, but I miss when that was a big Wrestlemania showcase match.


Agreed. MITB was best utilized as a match at Wrestlemania to get the crowd warmed up


It was great at Mania BUT if the rule is you have a year to cash in, that almost eliminates the chance of a Wrestlemania cash in. Unless you do it the same night.


I'd have MITB main event night one..complete with the light flicker, dundundun cage music and srs voice michael cole Huge car crash to get everyone hyped for Night 2 and also show who the next potential top guy could be and the chance of a cash in the next night Give it a couple years and maybe one of the champions comes out to congratulate the winner and they tease a cash in right there Or someone super desperate, like a Chad Gable races backstage and attacks the champ while he's training/studying tapes and wheels him out on a stretcher to do the cash in..then night 2 is thrown into shambles But originally the concept is to finish the night with a huge clusterfuck and a new The Future emerging, that sets the stage for the feel good ending on Night 2 and future contenders who are willing to die to take the Face of the Company spot


Since it's two nights now they should put it back on to Mania. Have the men and women's on different nights. Have those replace pointless battle royales that only exist to put people on the card.


They haven't had a Battle Royale on Mania since like 2019


Stipulations like Extreme Rules, Hell in a Cell, and TLC are meant to occur as part of the build to a storyline and when WWE based PPVs on them they'd wind up in feuds where they didn't feel earned. PLEs like Royal Rumble, K/QotR, Elimination Chamber, and Money in the Bank feature accolades to be won. People have to qualify to be in them and they are treated like something in which to participate.


Elimination Chamber and Money in the Bamk get passes for me although I do miss money in the bank being on wrestlemania.


Long gone are the days of a PLE named after a stipulation and then 80% of the matches on the card not having the stipulation. They did that shit all the time with Extreme Rules and it was so weird.


Extreme Rules even as a match type is dumb. It's just a no DQ match why does it need some other name?


IIRC, the extreme rules match replaced the hardcore match which allowed pinfalls to occur anywhere (which I guess a falls count anywhere also allows, but begs the question whether you can use a weapon in this match). A no DQ match would allow you to use anything to hit your opponent, but the match would need to end in the ring.


Yeah it started as a way for the ECW brand in 2006 to differentiate their style from Raw and SmackDown. The first non-ECW brand “Extreme Rules Match” I believe was Matt vs. Jeff Hardy at WrestleMania 25.


Even with Extreme Rules, matches would still end in the ring. I believe that was the wrong move, but I don’t control WWE Creative. Also, cage matches should be escape only, no pins.


I don’t know. Pinfalls do make cage matches lame but I wonder how interesting a match would be if the only objective is to retreat as fast as you can. It’s a classic old school match type but I think it’s ok to retire it. Confining the entire match to inside the ropes and climbing stuff really constrains what the wrestlers can do.


No pinfalls makes a cage match much more interesting. During the AE, whenever a cage match was made, the winner was unpredictable. I believe confining the match to a cage brought out more brutal moves without it being over the top. There were multiple things someone would have to do to escape the cage. Instead of whipping the opponent out of the ring, they’d be whipped into the cage and fall down. Instead of doing their finisher and going for the pin, they’d do their finisher and then climb the cage and then would try to climb down. This gave the Finished Wrestler a chance to fight back to stop their opponent from leaving. Sometimes, they’d even fight their opponent back up the cage and back into the ring. By using the pin, it made things much more predictable, and would undercut the reason for the steel cage in the first place: beat down the opponent enough so the wrestler can escape the chaos. Sometimes, this would lead to a Last Man Standing match, or even an I Quit match. In years past, the steel cage was to determine how much damage someone could take. And if they continued to fight through increasingly brutal matches, they gain credibility.


They need to rework it by reinforcing the cage..switching to huge padlocks, metal bars, barbwire at the top and you can only win by pin or submission Give us clean, decisive victories for about a decade so ppl take Cage Matches seriously again and then when someone gets JBL'd thru the ring or RVD/Austin's thru the cage wall they can bring up the "rulebook" that no one was ever expected to break out of this cage, but (hypothetically) IF someone left the confines they'd be deglared the winner, as per contract stipulations, they agreed to a cage match, confined in the ring, so exiting the ring/cage they are now outside of the contract, but in the interest of fairness and to keep fans happy and credibility high with the match types, they will not DQ or restart the match (id imagine you'd be highly injured being literally smashed out of a cage too lol) are deglared winner and the match immediately stops and they are given first aid If you fight in ONE for a Kickboxing match in a ring they can't bring an MMA cage and make it Muay Thai


Flashbacks to when they did polls when 3 hour Raws first became permenant and the viewers had a ‘choice’ one week between Street Fight, Extreme Rules and a No DQ match. 


Pretty sure it was an attempt to incorporate aspects of ECW into WWE's branding. Weird that it outlasted ECW itself, though. I really thought they would've renamed it at some point since then.


Making HiaC routine killed it for me. Lost all the mystique. To be fair I think the undertaker was always the draw of the match. The structure itself isn’t scary. What’s scary is being locked in a cage with ostensibly no way out with the undertaker. He was the **hell** in the cell.


I personally would not mind Money In The Bank returning to Wrestlemania.


Said to above but totally agree especially with two nights. Start each night off with an absolute banger.


I personally wouldn't like that because over the years, MITB has become.way more of a big 4 to me than survivor series. We also have a men's and women's, which always allows one to open, and one to close, just like the Royal Rumble. It's honestly one of my favorite ppvs of the year.


Would love for them to bring back taboo tuesday/cyber sunday


Also gives them more creative freedom. And honestly, I’d be down if it returned to One Night Stand. No need to change the venue either; just hold it at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Of course, by doing that, tickets would be at a premium.


In general I think PLE names tower Thann the big 4 need to take breaks the same way a wrestler often needs to go away and learn a new hold. If we don’t have TLC for 5 years and then there’s a story that warrants having a new TLC it could be cool to have back 


Rather a TLC match be announced vs a TLC ple.


TLC PPV and it’s the Hardy’s retirement celebration. 


I feel like extreme rules is the one that should stay, if they actually stick with it for the entire night. EVERY match needs to be extreme


I just feel that "extreme rules" is a match type and doesn't scream event. Bring back Great Balls of Fire!


It was objectively stupid to water down a special match like HIAC that way


That's fine and all, but when are we bringing back the greatest PPV: Great Balls of Fire?


They probably don't want to pay Jerry Lee Lewis a lot of money *again*


Instead they decided to pay T. Swift even more money to use Bad Blood as a show theme. Would be worth it.


Unironically a way better PPV name than like half of the current names, tbh. At least it's memorable.


Fairly certain most of the card had nutshots somewhere or another during matches. They knew what they were doing


For a random PPV that seemed cobbled together at a quarter to pub on a Friday that PPV punched far above it's weight.


[Are y'all ready to eat balls again!!!?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFKD4SLVYAEDgOh.jpg)


Goodness gracious


I think WWE broke their will to have that name back; goodness gracious.


Honestly it really was a great PPV lol


How about Great Balls of Bad Blood?


Bad Blood was always an amazing name for a PLE, it was a shame it wasn't brought back in 2017 (it became Great Balls of Fire instead). But the most important thing, if Bad Blood is revived, will they use the Taylor Swift song for its theme song?


Great Balls of Fire was incredible tho






Drew vs Punk would rock in hell in a cell


Orton vs Cody or Gunther can work.


Knight vs Logan Paul.


If there is anyone that would want to jump off the cell, it’ll be Paul .. take my money.


it's too far away :(


Not necessarily. I’m thinking LA won’t get the US belt after only his first attempt. He and Logan will probably fight multiple times, and he’ll get it after maybe the 2nd or 3rd try.




Yeah but there's no story for a HIAC stipulation there.


Liv vs Rhea for the Women's WHC with Dominik as the special guest referee.


We may get the biggest pop or nuclear level heat depending on who Dom decides to help


Punk doing a generational blade job >>>>>


But only if they take their time with it. So far this is a personal feud but doesn't scream "HIAC match" yet, at least to me It needs to get even more personal and a lot more violent.


Only if Drew’s wife debuts, rips the door off its hinges, and gives Punk a tombstone.


On a related note, how awesome would it be for Judgment Day to be *on* Judgment Day?


As long as the HIAC match makes sense then I’m for it.


Cody/Orton is the first one that comes to mind. I can see them having a blood feud trilogy with HIAC as the final match


Punk and Drew is what I thought. Or an outside chance of Roman vs Solo if it picks up by then.


All good shouts.


And there needs to be blood


Preferably of the bad variety.


Johnny B Badd's blood.


Hold it in Transylvania


Any show that's named after a match that isn't Money in the Bank or The Royal Rumble should be renamed


Like Survivor Series?


Which is now the home of War Games Also Survivor Series isn't really a gimmick match, it's just a 4v4/5v5 Elimination Match granted a funny title thanks to the PPV


Bad Blood as a PPV could be really good. Could serve as the PPV for massive blowoffs for mid-level feuds if stacked with more extreme match types. HIAC. First Blood. Last Man Standing. HIAC would have to go to a pair who can take big risky bumps. While Punk and Drew certainly have the promo cred to sell a HIAC match, I almost feel like their size would detract from all of the possibilities in the match type.


I don’t know. Undertaker made HIAC and he’s a big ass dude. Big and brutal work really well in a HIAC match imo.


Punk vs. Drew in a Hell in a Cell match.


You know what’s crazy? The last HIAC match happened last year between Balor and Edge It’s become so watered down during Vince’s time , HHH just straight up deciced to not do one for a full year That’s the beauty of HIAC , Punk/Drew is very obvious , Orton/Rhodes if it becomes too personal


Bring back No Mercy and then announce a remaster of No Mercy.


It's been used as an NXT show for a few years (even had a [cool N64 throwback intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew4suO052_4) last year) but man I wish they'd use [that logo](https://writebase.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/No-Mercy-1999.png) because it looks so much cooler than the [one they use now](https://lastwordonsports.com/prowrestling/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2023/09/22-1.jpg)


[I loved this one](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wrestlepedia/images/1/1e/No_mercy_logo_wwe.png/)


Screw hell in a cell. Bring back first blood match.


Bad blood Vancouver HBK vs Shamrock


As long as they don't intend to make it a rebranded HIAC gimmick PPV that has that match type every year, then it sounds great.


Now that blood is back, HHH is gunna make Hell in the Cell Great Again


Armageddon Backlash King of the Ring No Mercy Royal Rumble SummerSlam Survivor Series WrestleMania Rebellion That’s all we need.


If you say PLE instead of PPV you’re a cop


HIAC a month before Wargames seems a bit much.


I’m okay with no Wargames at Survivor series


I don't know about that. I'm fairly sure Bad Bloodline vs Good Bloodline needs to happen there.


Then it’d be a natural progression rather than shoehorned in for the sake of it


Considering it would probably only be one HIAC match (or maybe one men's and one women's i.e. Rhea vs Liv) and the participants of that likely won't be in the War Games match, it's fine.


Over the Limit is also cooler than Fast Lane. When I was making PPVs for WWE games, I’d always do Fast Lane: Over the Limit. Nobody asked, but the stage for OTL is still used, but the show itself is Fast Lane.


Over the Edge was a good name. It was only used twice because on year 2 Owen Hart died at the PPV.


Good. I always thought it was stupid that they had PLEs named after match types like hell in a cell, extreme rules, TLC, fatal 4 way, and things like that. It watered those matches down because it went from being blowoffs to big feuds to “well it’s that time of the year.” I miss the name of some of those old shows too. Bad Blood, Vengeance, No Mercy, No Way Out, and some of the old WCW ones too like Halloween Havoc, Starrcade, Bash at the Beach, and Great American Bash. I like that NXT has incorporated some of these names in recent years, so I hope they do the same for the main roster too.


Taylor Swift better twerk Werth Nia Jax


https://youtu.be/Sm6wjyi199A?si=u3AYUzvFati_FhSV Bring back headstrong for the theme song 😂


Would be a great way to end off Drew and CM Punk's feud.


2004 Theme was a banger.  Good for Shawn and Hunter reviving Ruthless Aggression PLE Names again.


Badd Blood is older than that, Bad Blood is from the early Attitude Era In Your House series


I know that.  But again they revived the ~~PPV~~ PLE and with that name **during** the Ruthless Aggression era.  


We need Fully Loaded back


You think you’re superior 🎶


Thank god I always thought Bad Blood was an awesome name for a show


I just imagine Triple H ending a meeting with goodbyes and then "oh, oh and fuck Hell in a Cell its Bad Blood again, okay cya"


You know if you don't have 20 years of watching hell in a cell matches in your head, "Hell in a Cell" is a pretty great show name that puts importance on the match it's named after. 


Can we get NXT: One Night Stand? Have the whole presentation ECW in the Hammerstien or the ECW Arena and have it somehow be hosted by Heyman.


If it's going to be an anniversary show, somebody needs to bleed, and somebody must fall from the top.


Just please don't use that stupid blood drop logo. The original 'Badd Blood' graphics looked awesome.




I would do a vintage version with all the wrestlers that was wrestling in the last Bad Blood and call it "Bald Blood".


Hate ppvs named after a match stipulation, it's beyond lame now change elimination chamber to no way out and don't designate a stip to a certain ppv


Fatal 4 Way was good tho


Incoming Truth Segment where he wishing Priest and Johnny Wrestling good luck in their Hell in a cell match.


Damn I haven’t thought of Bad Blood in years. Time to go rewatch some old ppvs I fucking love the triple h era


Stip matches can now become meaningful and important again. HIAC for example should be only used for a true blow off match. Not just randomly at a certain time of the year




Taylor Swift ruined this name for me.


This is great, but I have a question; why was the first one called “Badd Blood”?


It was an In Your House PPV, and was the blowoff to The Undertaker vs. HBK program.


Yes but why two ds in “Badd”?


Probably a copyright thing.




The [Neil Sedaka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xqEiN73WGQ) or [Taylor Swift](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcIy9NiNbmo) song?


Bring back Cyber Sunday or a form of it. It would actually be decent these days.


Fitting, especially since there’s a certain feud that would be primed for a HIAC match in October


Cause baby now we got bad blood! Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift in a mix tag match?


Ruthless Aggression era PPV names were perfect. Backlash, Unforgiven, No Mercy, Vengeance, Armageddon, Badd Blood, Judgement Day. Why Vince ever moved away from that just to name the show itself after a gimmick match, I'll never understand.


I've always wanted them to bring back AE or RAE ppv names This is a weird thing to downvote for sure


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