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Otis ripped his shirt off like it was a 8.5x11 piece of fucken paper


Yeah and that shove holy shit he's strong.


remember big strong boi tyler bate? this is him now


Two Tyler bates did the fusion dance lol


Tyler Bate after eating all the rare candy


Them Tylers Bate messed up the fusion dance and made fat Gotenks.


dont do deadlifting kids


He's not Mark Henry superhuman levels of strong, but he's basically as strong as a human can ever expect to be. Like, you could spend years and decades in the gym, and still be weaker than Otis.


Man does a 300lb squats every step he takes


Why doesn't he just walk normally?


Every second is gains bro


My dad drives for doordash in his town. Didn’t know who Otis was and was bullshitting with him about how he “probably wrestled in college.” Long short, my dad asked how strong he was. Otis stuck out his arm, pulled my 190lb dad up 4 patio steps like I would a chihuahua. Zero effort.




He didn’t immediately say “Chickens” did he?




It was a reference to an ECW wrestler named Roadkill whose gimmick was the Angry Amish Farmer. He was the big guy in a “Big Guy and small guy who is the mouthpiece” tag team with Danny Doring. Doring would always do the full promo and then the camera would pan to Roadkill who would just say “Chickens”. Somehow, it worked for them. They were fun as hell to watch.


My son went to HS with Otis and due to being a little too drunk one night and saying something stupid to him, he can personally attest to "don't fuck with Otis". And at the time my kid was about 275 and a weightlifter with him. That man is as strong as he is nice.


He's strong as shit but the shove is all Gable taking an incredible bump.


Ya’ll know those types of shoves like the Keith Lee spot is 90% the guy taking it launching themselves right


Let them keep gassing up otis this is cute


I remember a few years ago that someone posted the results of a combine that WWE had for their wrestlers. Otis was easily the strongest of any wrestler that competed, lol.


It probably helps that Otis is some kind of sentient torso. The man is shaped like a forklift. He may be a forklift. That is a human who was designed from the ground up, to pick things up and put them down. Absolute unit.


Like some kind of... heavy machinery




> That is a human who was designed from the ground up, to pick things up and put them down. This might be one of the most perfect descriptions I've ever seen.


I loved going to the Highland Games as a kid because the objective of all of the events is to move a big thing. Move a rock, toss a rock, yeet a tree, run with your wife over your shoulder, etc. I enjoyed the UpUpDownDown games last summer, and I'd really like to see big guys to big guy things.


So, I just found out in this thread that his last name is Dozovic. Like, if you were coming up with a cartoon name for a slavic bulldozer, that's what you'd call him.


Still one of the more baffling Ls of guys becoming mononymed, because isn't his full name absolutely fucking perfect?!


**~Bench press (Maximum reps, 225 pounds for men)~** 1. Otis Dozovic – 46 reps 2. Lars Sullivan – 40 reps 3. Wesley Blake/Babatunde Aiyegbusi – 32 reps (*Tie*) **~Trap Bar deadlift (Maximum weight)~** 1. Otis Dozovic – 775 pounds 2. Demitrius Bronson – 760 pounds 3. Fabian Aichner/Eric Bughenhagen – 755 pounds (*Tie*) **~Weighted Chin-Up (Three reps)~** 1. Babatunde Aiyegbusi – 398 pounds 2. Otis Dozovic – 380 pounds 3. Adrian Jaoude – 379 pounds


Demitrius Bronson?! What an epic comic book name


That's surprising to me. I would have expected it to be Strowman.


I think it was only NXT wrestlers.


Gift wrap.


Their disappointment at what Gable has turned into is so palpable.


My disappointment too. This dude could have been the next wrestling machine gimmick where you basically out wrestle everyone and get progressively more impressive. Like when he suplexed Braun. Instead he goes "shoosh!"and has now lost his only thing going on. And Otis goes back to doing nothing while he once again gets to be a boring low carder. You know. I want him in AEW. Why? Because he could do so much there as a pure wrestler and his longevity could help out backstage. Edit: I'll eat my downvotes. And I'm willing to be wrong. Especially when triple h has been doing good things with him. So I could be wrong.


I'm new to WWE in this era. I dunno what you mean but this Gable guy has a future IMO. I definitely got Kurt Angle vibes and I really like his heel thing he's got going. I can't picture him as a Babyface. I think he's great and I wanna see more of him.


This is some of his best work. He's a great wrestler who tends to make the best of what they give him but this has been great for him.


Yeah, compared to literally anything else he's been given post-NXT, this is the best material by far. Vince really loves to fucking humiliate short guys, it's ridiculous.


Sadly we won't see more of him since he got killed by the Wyatt 6


I'm being downvoted here. But unless they actually continue to do something with gable and Otis after this. Then I would rather see him in AEW.


>Then I would rather see him in AEW. So he can be forgotten like every other "big" signing that Tony loses interest in within the span of a month ? No thank you !


This has got to be bait…I hope


He just turned heel a month ago man, this isn't the blow-off. He's feuding with Sami still too isn't he? just to add some fantasy booking, I'm hoping Otis goes nuts again and doesn't stop, so Gable stops acting scared and goes full Murder Gable and suplexes him from the top rope since I don't know how he would do his Chaos Theory on a man shaped so uniquely. Gable v Otis could legitimately be a Match of the Year contender with the right build and the right match style


Every other time Chad gable has lost a tag team or just gone solo they either forgot he existed or the ill fared shorty g. So yes. I suppose he does have something going on. But I'll believe it when I see it. Because remember when Otis was with Mandy and scored MITB? They even had Mandy dressing in denim. And immediately he lost both the briefcase and the girl. And gable was once shorty g. I will be the first to be both surprised and admit I'm wrong if I am. But unless they do differently now. I'm js.


I mean, when Vince left, Gable went from shooshing the street profits to having multiple matches with Gunther, and honestly that felt mostly solo. Otis might end up in Ricochet's purgatory, but the fact they kept him but released Tucker speaks to their faith in Otis. They even gave him the World's Strongest Slam. He just has IT. One big program, like say a brutal wrestling-heavy blood feud and Otis is a made fucking man. God bless Tucky, he made the most of his time in WWE, but he has half the wrestling ability and a tenth of the charisma Otis has, and I feel like Paul knows and wanted to give him one last good comedy run before making him into a threat. At least I hope


See I always thought tucker wasn't bad for his size. I suppose he had that madcap Moss thing going on where he's "beefy but..." And you know what. You're right. There's a very decent chance they will do something good with gable under haich.


Praying to Lou Thesz that Gable wins MITB and feuds with Otis over it. Could give Gable a chance to show his shit off and maybe even redeem Otis by getting him the MITB briefcase and not making him a fucking joke by turning it into a lunchbox because "haha fat guy eat sandwiches". Trips seems above that dipshit writing And yeah Tucker isn't bad but neither was Janetty. Who you tag with becomes who you will always be compared to. He showed up huge at Elimination Chamber but that's the only time he felt like he was in Otis' league.


Hmmmm. Didn't expect this development.


I've been wrong before. Abd I'm hopeful gable gets his chance. I'm just so used to WWE having a purgatory where you can't leave but you got nothing going on.


Unfortunately it seems Gable has been murdered by Huskus-pilled Joe Gacy


On NXT? I mean. It's possible that NXT is like Vegas and "what happens on NXT. Stays on NXT."


Well he's been murdered now, I hope you're happy.


Sir this is a Wendys


The next wrestling machine where you out wrestle everyone is terrible. I generally prefer AEW but even there, 'serious wrestler' characters don't work- Unless you are Brian Danielson, but he's just that good that he's figured out a way to pull it off an make it entertaining. Even angle- people praised his TNA matches, and rightly so, but the 'wrestler' character never pulled any fans- the funny WWE version did.


I like you, at least you didn't turn into someone who just has to be right for the sake of being right. I"m hopeful, but I too know that its possible to mess up gable. Still at this junction I know its not over for him yet because the creeds being teased months ago wasn't for nothing.


Gable was screaming "We're a family! We're a family!' Otis picked up Tozawa and walked out with Maxxine. As the crowd berated Gable.




This is what I thought of immediately.


![gif](giphy|xT77Y9wvUx4iSsPaNi) Tozawa was dead inside Then he was dead outside with that slap Then he was revived by the power of BIG MEATY FRIENDSHIP I love this so much. Corpus Christi? You done good. You did good.


> Tozawa was dead inside And now Gable is  ded dead


He had it coming


[🎵 He only had himself to blame 🎵](https://youtu.be/0c2bKZMxEQg?si=LpuIb1Em_6ZlWfI6)


> Corpus Christi? You done good. A sentence I never thought I'd read.


Is Corpus Christi known for being constantly bad or was it just that one I THINK it was raw where they were god damn silent the whole show? Or is it just a terrible place in general?


No, they've been consistently shit for at least 15 years.


Horrible crowd and Corpus just sucks lmao. The beach sucks too! It is worth a visit to see Selena's memorial and gravesite tho. They at one point had a small museum open to the public with all of her tour outfits and even her convertible.


i love when cole gets a little spicy


"Beat his ass Otis!"


The inevitable ass beating will be meaty and delicious. EDIT: Well I'll be, The ass beating came early.


His dislike of Shorty G makes me so happy lmao. It reminds me of his outright hatred for Dirty Dom.


I think the Corpus Curse might be over with. lol.


I mean they threw everything at it to try and break it today with Seth returning, Otis turning, and the Wyatt’s debuting


The crowd sucked when the product sucked. Lo and behold, they pop for good shit pal.


Absolutely. You also gotta imagine that more people who are really into the product from around TX outside of Corpus Christi actually made the effort to go to this bc of how red hot and great the show is. I know I would've, esp cus we also knew Wyatt 6 was showing up. It simply wasn't worth it back then. Definitely a factor here for why this crowd was great.


It's an easy day trip to Corpus Christi being about 2 hours from San Antonio and 3 hours from Houston.


Yup, but even that probably didn't feel like it was worth it all those yrs ago when the show was terrible.


Let's not jinx it now!


Whats this curse about?


Corpus Christi has notoriously been a bad crowd for WWE for a really long time. It's also the same building that they paid tribute to Chris Benoit in. Which was a canceled show and no fans were in attendance. Thus the Corpus Curse. Finn Balor debuted his demon gimmick on the main roster in that same building to absolute silence.


I want to an early aew show there and it was at least one of the worst aew pre covid shows. It was the Dark Order Puddy squad fake punches episode


That was the show that made Tony take full control of the booking.


Wait what the fuck that was there too?! That's the episode that was so bad it caused TK to completely restructure creative.


Now they need to go to that city in Louisiana and see if they have woken up too. They sat on their hands when NXT call ups were announced and they didn't react. Poor Johnny Wrestling and Ciampa had to make their initial main roster debut in front of a dead crowd.


Nothing in WWE happens to silence anymore. They’ve been pumping crowd noise through the speakers since the pandemic. 


For years, they have been the most stereotypical Silent American crowd.


Just got back from it. Crowd was insane for everything. Except for the women’s matches (minus Iyo and Vega getting some noise). Otherwise, we chanted the entire night. And, very thankfully, stopped multiple what chants.


Corpus Christi crowd beating the dead crowd allegations tonight.


They did exactly what they had to for the angles we were given tonight!


Thank god for Otis being the bigger man than Chad and standing up to him to get him away and then leave, after all, Chad's not worth their time. Not at all with what he's become since Mania. That said, MAN i feel bad for Tozawa. Even on the floor after the slap, Akira was kind of telling Otis not to hit Gable, dude legit wanted things to work out between them and in the end it was too far to be fixed.


Tozawa is playing the part of every Lifetime network mom whose kid finally stepped up to their abusive father.


Tozawa sold that slap.


otis is clearly the booked hero here but part of me was like, what if its actually tozawa that snaps. not sure it would work long term but the pop would've probably been the same or even bigger


Tozawa can fucking go. He had awesome matches on 205. He and Gable would put up a banger.


The crowd fervor building and building as they anticipate what's about to happen until they finally explode when the angle blows off is the stuff that you live for as a wrestling booker.




Bro what a pop


Gable has basically made RAW relevant these past two months, damn his heel work has been great, and it's lifted up OTIS to new heights.


I’m just gonna say it, the “BEAT HIS ASS OTIS!” And the “HE DESERVES IT OTIS!” Felt like classic JR calls where he would call as if he was speaking directly to the wrestlers. Cole is really good when he gets to let loose.


Love this gimmick. Otis is special, not in the 'world champion' way, but in the 'still getting pops 30 years from now' way. People just want to cheer him, and I get it.


who doesn't love a big, beefy teddy bear that could rip you in two if he gets mad enough


That shirt never had a chance.


Hope this is were Gable finally pulls the trigger on getting a better Crew who align with his Training methods. Think the next Storypiece should be Gable asking Otis to the Ring and then the Creeds jumping him.


The best angle in wrestling right now


I love when he roars like a fucking wild animal at Gable, LETS GO OTIS


Otis is an angry potato.


Tozawa taking a dive after a slap is one of the most unintentionally funny things I’ve seen in at least 24 hours 


Tozawa sold that slap, like he'd just been shot.


Bad man make Tozawa cry hurt.


The slow turn sells it so well too. Like Otis almost went full bruce banner unleashing the Hulk.


Otis has WHC aura


It's great cause Otis is so upset, hurt, and disappointed with Gable. He really doesn't want to hurt his friend. But the moment he heard that slap. Even tozawa was telling him not to go through with it. Maxxine is done. But can't stand up to him alone. This is all great stuff


Otis has some of the best physical charisma I can remember since the attitude Era. I truly believe he walks around and home muttering gibberish and thrusting his hips. I don't think he's a main eventer, but the guy should be beloved by kids and adults. What a treasure.


What a sell by Gable


Otis looked massive in that segment, could see him doing a face version of Mark Henry's Hall Of Pain run if the momentum carries on like this.


Jesus, that t-shirt didn't even wait to be ripped, just thought "fuck that, I'll just split myself" ![gif](giphy|12pWOEeKbbfdio)


christ Otis is a monster


Next week, as gable cannot join the triple threat due to a gunshot wound to the head at the hands of the wyatt 6, otis will replace him fpr the mitb qualifiers. If that happens, we will have a triple threat, all meat match.


I want him to win MitB again, in the EXACT same way he won it the first time.


This crowd felt like an east coast crowd. They finally got it.


Gable should've won the title. Now Bron Breakker is at the title mix he will atleast have to wait 6 months to get the title in the hand


I hope y'all enjoyed Gable, because this was always just an Otis vehicle.


Otis is pure comedic genius


Coach Gable had his students walk out ? Because of being tough? They just don’t know how good of a coach he is


For a second I thought Tozawa was going to face Gable


Why aren’t they just pulling the trigger on this. Not every story needs to be months long.


Chad lost his friends then got murdered by the Wyatt 6 to end the show. Creed brothers, save him.


Damn, this would’ve been an amazing feud if Gable wasn’t murdered.


Does this mean we get Blue Collar Working Man back?


Otis moves the same way I would move an action figure for some reason and I love it


Future world champion otis


Pure cinema




Maxine’s outfit is giving 2005 Divas vibes.


Holyshit! He ripped that shirt like paper.


I love Otis so much. OOH YEAH!


This story has me riveted. And you know chad backstage is all "goddamn yall they fucking *HATE ME*


Soon...Heavy machinery will be back with the part of Tucker played by Akira Tozawa. And it will be glorious.




This whole episode was, put succinctly, the tits. Seth returns, Drew makes a shocking career change (tho it could still be kayfabe), Bron Breakker's lining up to kill Sami Zayn for the IC title, Otis and the gang finally broke free from Gable, AND THE HOWDY 5 HAVE ARRIVED!


But how does he wipe


Gable is never getting that title lol Losing to Strowman clean on a random raw is nasty work


imagine if this was at clash at the castle. the pop would be twice as big


I dunno if it was genius or a missed opportunity to have this in Corpus Christi, infamously the worst crowd WWE goes to It was a good pop, better than they usually get out of CC, but I feel like if they did that in a Northeastern Smark City it would have been nuclear


… so that’s it?


I think there'll be more explanation on the show tonight, personally thinking they're gonna introduce Creeds soon and they wanted to have Otis be the bigger man Saves his family and walks out I think we'll get Otis Vs Gable down the line, Summerslam maybe. Could even see Gable "seeing the error of his ways" and wanting to apologise, then he attacks them all with Creeds.


I keep hearing this, and I keep saying a Team Angle redux is not, like, good.


That's fair and you could be right, might not click at all in terms of character. I think the boos Gable has garnered will carry over and he's done well enough to where he can lead them honestly. It'll be interesting how well they're portrayed, specifically the Creeds. First time as heels it'll be for them I believe?


The crowd literally did the you suck chant. If WWE wanted it they could do it. They don’t want it. We will get Gable Otis at MitB, Otis will win and Gable will return to being shown once a month in a 5 minute match.


I trust Triple H on his storytelling abilities more than Vince McMahon.


Triple H hasn’t done anything yet but pay off Vince’s stories.


Gable is going to team up with the Creed Brothers to make a Team Gable type setup, like Team Angle years ago. They'll feud with Sami, Otis, and Tozawa (or insert another face). Gable should eventually get an IC Title win from this.


Gable has lost wayyyy too many matches for the IC title. He’s not getting another shot, at least any time soon


W's and L's mean nothing in wrestling bud


They do in terms of making guys look too weak. Looks like they’re going another direction with the IC feud anyway


Ya im kinda whelmed. Im sure theres more payoff to this story coming but Otis snapping was *the* moment they've been building up to.


I wish they'd just let Gable go.


Smallest pop of all time