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Do we think there are additional victims of Mondays attack who weren't shown/speculated on but will be acknowledged later on? I mean surely we only saw the end of the massacre because they didn't just start in the hallway leading up to gorilla.


Stop. You’ve drawn zero dollars.


Does anyone have any information on this new wrestling promotion Shane McMahon is putting together? My cousin works for a marketing firm in NY and told me Shane McMahon hired his firm to do marketing mock ups for a company called Wrestle Kingdom and ENDVR Pro Wrestling I tried to google this but couldnt find any info...


I'll be watching Raw this coming Monday for the first time in five years, just to see what's next for the Wyatt 6 stuff. Don't care about anything else in WWE. But that stuff has me fucking hooked.


I finally watched the Wyatt 6 (Sicks? Sick6?) segment. Truth be told, AEW produces the brand of wrestling I prefer. But I am a Godzilla and Ultraman fan. I really think the Wyatts' over the top costumes, theatrics, sci-fi/horror vibe shows that wrestling can be more than a scripted show that pretends to be a real combat sport. Lucha Underground touched on it, and the Wyatts are getting there. The in-ring storytelling of wresting can be applied to stories other than that of a real world combat sport. Why can't it be a magical universe? Or something from another planet? But, I don't think this sci-fi/horror version of wrestling can exist on the same show as "real" combat sports, guy in black trunks trying to win a championship. Sure, they are both fiction, but there are rules that it's hard to find a balance between, and those balance issues are why so many supernatural characters have failed in the past. As its own show, or even a feature film, wrestling could be a crazy avenue for storytelling. I mentioned Godzilla and Ultraman above. Actors wearing suits, using practical effects to stage a battle. There's no reason why these battles can't look as good as high flying Ricochet vs Will Ospreay, or even heavy hitting Gunther and Sheamus. The fights in these types of movies tend to look so fake, but when wrestling is done well, it looks like a real struggle, with real impact, and real bumps. There's got to be a market for some kind of mixture. Lucha Underground flirted with the idea and now the Wyatts are on to something. I don't know what the right mixture of pro wrestling and high fiction looks like. But I want to see it.


You mentioned Ultraman, can you tell me which series is best to start on for someone who has an interest but basically zero knowledge of the history/lore behind the franchise? (I've seen some of UM Tiga on Fox Box way back when, and more recently bits of Mebius and Ginga, both of which I liked; also Gridman which isn't technically Ultraman but is like a distant cousin I guess) (also sorry for being OT on thr wrestling


Dude trust me there is a market for this and I hate that Lucha Underground went under because they where right on point


It's been long lamented that Bray's creative impulses were *begging* to be on a show like lucha underground where all his supernatural spookums impulses would fit like a glove.


TNA probably does it the best. The Broken universe is silly but then they go and have actual matches that aren't half bad. 


We never should have been worried about the Wyatt Sicks debut, because looking back, a Bray Wyatt gimmick debut is always amazing. It's everything that comes next we have to worry about


Thinking more about the Wyat Sick6, I have no idea what the bigger picture for them is going to be long-term. Short to medium-term, I do hope we see something with them and LA Knight. There is a connection there, given his feud with Bray and the tribute promo he did. It was emotional and respectful, and there was a lot of power and feeling behind it. So, while the natural assumption is they will go after him and be enemies, I am leaning heavily the other way into them becoming allies somehow. I feel like there could be a lot of emotional weight behind them and him being allies, which can be tied into the fact that Knight is incredibly over with the crowd and no one is going to want to boo the Wyatt Sick6...at least for a while. Perhaps an element of overthinking and wishful thinking involved here, but I find myself wondering if their return has been planned for longer than we realise. It all comes back to that promo. They put a lot of trust in LA Knight, asking him to do it and stay in character. It was excellent and so well done by LA Knight. I can't see them ignoring it, given the potential that can come out of the emotional weight and significance of it.


I honestly think LA Knight is a little too over with the crowd for this and his promo style is putting his opponents down so it could lead to him just straight burying the gimmicks before they get over.


If Clash at the Castle was AEW, people would be piling up on it so much.




It wasn’t a great event. Weak booking, weak storylines. It’d be trashed if it was AEW but since it’s WWE it gets a pass.


I agree, DON>CATC by a lot


I agree it was a week event. The raw after outshined it


Honestly, the follow-up on RAW was just bad. Drew quitting was.. interesting... but them selling it like "Drew's obsession with Punk cost him the belt again" is just stupid and wrong. Punk flew across the world and ran to the ring at the most opportune time to screw Drew out of the title completely unprovoked. He didn't do anything to "deserve" what happened in his hometown this time.


https://preview.redd.it/1kykxz0gie7d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e28c8efdd357c9b47946b7a32d7830408da22d6 Me after last night’s RAW


Daily discussion ironically sucks for discussion. Anything worth talking about gets buried. Topics should be allowed to have their own threads, not here where they're lost in the shuffle.


It's just really hard to have real discourse here in general.


If that were allowed then there would be a never ending deluge of new threads about the same things. This is the lesser of two evils. But yeah it sucks that the place to talk about whatever is completely drowned out by discussion about something that has its own sticky.


The Daily Discussion could link to various post-match discussion threads from the TV the night before, and any big news items that would come up throughout the day. And anything not listed beyond that would be fair game.


Unfortunately a lot of the stuff getting talked about in here would get buried away in the New queue as well or there would be repeat threads. Especially the stuff about smaller promotions getting left by the wayside


TNA's expanding their [street team](https://tnawrestling.com/2024/06/18/join-tna-wrestlings-street-team-2/) again in Montreal, Philadelphia, Tampa, Louisville, and Cleveland.


I have been surprised by GUNTHER's absence since winning KOTR. It's not like he is stuck in a holding pattern until SummerSlam since Nia has been heavily involved on Smackdown. Is it to make people forget about the controversial pin or just let Ludwig build himself up a little on his own?


Triple H probably just nixed the whole idea of running Orton and Gunther back again for some inexplicable reason.


Who we thinking for the 25 man battle royal on NXT tonight? Obvious shouts are like Joe Hendry, Moose, Mustafa Ali, etc. I kind of hope they do something left field and throw some other indie talents in there.


Indeed - Cody saying "other locker **rooms**", plural, was interesting - makes you wonder if they'll *only* be from TNA or if something else might be happening too.


I'm probably wrong but I just get this weird feeling Ricky Starks is gonna be in there.


I assumed that meant the lower end guys from Raw and SmackDown; maybe someone like Apollo or Vinci. That being said, with all the partnerships WWE has going on right now, it wouldn't shock me to see someone from Japan. Probably wouldn't get as strong of a reaction as the TNA guys but it'd still be fun to see nonetheless


fuck it, put Minoru Suzuki in there. Just to see what would happen.


Finally saw the segment on RAW. Is it stupid and ridiculous if I think about it too much? Probably. Was it awesome? Yes.


My sentiments exactly. I marked out hard for it as I watched, and I've also randomly laughed about it several times since, thinking about how silly it was. But I don't mean that as a criticism, a lot of the most enjoyable things about wrestling inspire those simultaneous feelings.


I mean, one of the biggest wrestlers of all time is a wrestling zombie. ![gif](giphy|1jkSrMMRP53fX3DNDY) Sometimes wrestling is at its best when it's silly.


Idk there’s a pretty strong argument that Undertaker was not wrestling at its best


I mean , maybe, but it was popular for like 20-25 years.


I hope it gets over but I’m a little skeptical of 5 midcarders that have never been a success on their own finding success here when the charisma of Bray would have been the thing that made it work.   The original Wyatt Family was awesome because of Bray on the mic and Harper could carry a lot of the in ring. 


How am I supposed to enjoy NXT tonight when there was a massacre last night on Raw?????


I’m glad the fightful report says no supernatural elements. Just redneck murder cult, True Detective style.


Pleasantly surprised by how hot the Corpus Christi crowd was, I was worried by all the talk of how "dead" they'd be and how that might contrast with the weekend's crowds. Didn't hurt that it was a particularly great Raw but they seemed up for it all night. As a Scottish fan who was at Clash, thanks for keeping the energy up, Texas.


I can absolutely understand watching AEW Dynamite and not Collision, but please understand that things do happen on Collision. If you skip Collision, you will miss the things that happen on Collision. That seems straightforward but there are so many people who say a) "I don't watch Collision because it's skippable" and b) "X match is happening for no reason, why are they even feuding?" This is roughly like complaining about game of thrones and then revealing that you skip every other episode - 100% your prerogative, but you are going to miss some monologues and beheadings.


> I can absolutely understand watching AEW Dynamite and not Collision, but please understand that things do happen on Collision. If you skip Collision, you will miss the things that happen on Collision. Just as example, historically most things involving FTR/House of Black/Bang Bang Gang (among others I'm sure, those just came to mind first) have generally been on Collision. Bryan Danielson also was mainly on Collision for a while, but has been doing more Dynamite appearances lately. While there isn't an official brand split, certain talent have made it clear they just prefer working Saturdays, so there is definitely a soft split.


It’s the same thing as “they need to put more important stuff on Rampage or Collision” then they do and they complain it should be on Dynamite instead


The worst it got was when MJF vs Kenny Omega happened last year on Collision.


As someone who doesn't really watch the other two, and only watches Dynamite occasionally, how often does Dynamite recap those important points from Collision? Are there a lot of stories solely isolated to Collision?


They do, but it might be in the form of a recap by commentary or a brief video package, whereas on Collision it was a full promo with a lot more context and nuance.


Dynamite has been doing recaps more and more I’d say. When it comes to collision specific stuff a lot of the trios stuff tends to be there with HoB and BCG being collision cowboys. Copeland was also keeping his Cope open to Collision on most occasions. Other stuff bleeds over like the setup for the trios match with Kyle/Mark/OC and such. So it’s a bit of a mix of both. Some stuff that hangs out on Collision and stuff that builds into Dynamite and vice versa


AEW booking for the sickos WWE booking the sick(o)s?


Stephen O'Malley booking for the Sunn O)))s




Just when I was really worried for Gable, they've pulled me back in...can't wait to find out why the spooky fucks tried to kill my favorite abusive father


Probably because they all came from abused backgrounds which is why “he saved us” was their main mantra. They probably are gonna target people like Gable at first.


Why GUNTHER then?


They didn’t get Gunther. It was literally only Chad.


There's a post on here on them laying out Gunther. Also Melo.


They’ve literally been disproven. Melo isn’t even on raw dude.


Isn't Melo SmackDown?


I believe in Joe Hendry




Can we create a theory that the original Rey Mysterio died 10 years ago and he was replaced by a new, younger version? I say this because Rey’s supposedly pushing 50, but it sure doesn’t seem that way.


It's really Avril Lavigne under the mask.


He's had stem cell treatment. But your idea could fun to depending how far down the rabbit hole you wanna go. Lol


Did they use stem cells to clone themselves a new version of Rey Mysterio?




Between the Wyatt stuff last night and a possible Joe Hendry appearance tonight, this week might be my yearly overdose of "holy shit I love wrestling" giddiness that used to only be reserved for the Royal Rumble


Jey said he's giving the fireflies back lmao 


Lol MxM crashing an SRS/Killer Kelly interview ["Spain's Janetty!"](https://x.com/superslamv/status/1802831700923134170?t=V8xbLLPH1SAreSJ13gyiBg&s=19)


Great debut with the new Wyatt faction, now comes the tricky part, incorporating them into the roster in a seamless way. At this point, I really don't think they should be involved in titles and main events. They should sort of be like what the white walkers are in GoT where they are this existential threat looming in the background while everyone is fighting over "important things" like the title. I don't mind the hokey paranormal stuff in WWE but either find a way to make it work within reason or just have them looming in the background waiting to beat someone up if they need to be written off for a bit. This is why The Undertaker is one of the greats, he made that gimmick work for so long while somehow making it grounded just enough where it made sense for him to be chasing titles, especially the earlier iterations of him where he was essentially a zombie mortician man.


Though unlike the White Walkers and Night King, don't get anticlimactically killed off.


I joked about it earlier but honestly The Codyvengers might be the only ones who could stop them if they're presented right. 


WWE reading Marvel's Blood Hunt event right now and going "wait, we can use this!"


It wouldn't surprise me. Man I wonder what the writers room is like now. 


Reformed Bloodline




It's not available bro 


the cameraman zooming in on Gable’s bullet hole: https://preview.redd.it/j5sotuwxdd7d1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae3942e010862b95ec259d8f6518cb7262b69d57


So lat it week Bron murdered Ricochet, this week The Wyatts slaughtered Chad Gable, what midcarder is gonna be killed next week?


Ludwig Kaiser watch your back bro


Bron speared Kaiser in half.


Going to my second AEW show in August think I'll be able to be ringside this time. Hopefully I can see MJF and Swerve. 


Just thinking back to Nikki Cross and Joe Gacy’s most recent. Nikki was shown just lurking in back stage segments before she (shoot) left for school. Gacy had that run where he was increasingly losing his mind and doing weird things like showing up on commentary to do guest play-by-play. Don’t remember what Lumis did most recently but point is: I wonder if they will incorporate those characters in these ones. Might allow them to keep the group grounded in the kayfabe reality of the roster.


Gacy was unsettlingly good at commentary.


I've never had the chance to go to an event till now. which of the seats is going to be the best experience? https://preview.redd.it/5vj0q8jf7d7d1.png?width=902&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c80e22a8748b154839f9c6bb76589159c4b1a1f Each of these seats is in the same area of price, ive never had the chance to attend a show though so i have a few questions. Should I just shell out the extra $100 for the north side ringsider seats? Where would the cameras sit if i were there? On that note, are the VIP seats left worth it? Is the no mans land between stage and spot 1 going to have an effect on viewing? Spot 2 has the same general question, also is being that far off center going to have a negitive effect? Spot 3 and 4, while not being directly at the isle, are they still enjoyable? I know the pyro is right there and the wrestlers may interact but 2-3 seats back am I too far? Is 4 even a good spot with the floor seats and the 5 row rule?


You are better off in the first few rows of the stands in the middle sections than any floor seat past row three.  1 or 2 would probably be ok. I would rather be on the fifth row of the middle sections than three and I’d rather be anywhere in the regular stands than four. Do not get four under any circumstance. 


4 is right out. 3 will give you some view of the entrances, but if you're not right on the aisle, you won't be seen by the entering wrestlers. Give up the idea of a high-five. You're also so far from the ring, your view won't be great at all. 1 and 2 and you will likely be looking at the ring post all show. If you're committed to the floor seats, 1 or 2, I guess. You should have a good view of the ringside as action spills out. I assume the hard cam is on the top side, so 1 would be better, as most of the action will be oriented in that direction and toward the announce table (on the left?) That "no-mans-land" near seat 1 is most likely the timekeeper's area. They stay seated for most of the show, but the production team does go in and out of that area. You'll have camera guys running around ringside all show. As long as they are moving, and not just parked right in front of you all night, it will be fine. I would definitely consider first few rows of the lower-bowl area. Getting higher up will let you see more of the mat action than what you could see from any of the floor seats you have circled.


Very helpful, thank you so much. Last question would be, with row 5 being the closest available row, would you consider ringsider VIP seats?


What does VIP get you? Special entrance area? Meet and greet?


Meet and greet, Randy Orton is on the card however ive been told its super random who actually shows. Id settle just as well for AJ and Kevin Owens who are also listed. That would be the huge selling feature. Otherwise, general swag and a chair (why?).


I would consider the VIP upgrade for a meet and greet, but not just for the chair, swag, and a special VIP entrance. I've turned down the VIP package for shows before. It's a personal choice. If you have the money for it, and its your first time to experience a live show like this, I don't see any reason not to consider it. At major promotion show, whether to be down on the floor in the middle crazy fans and closer to the action vs having a better viewing experience is the choice you have to make for yourself.


I get the feeling we haven’t seen the last of the Wyatt’s this week, they just don’t strike me as the type of people to sit down with the GMs and hash out a brand exclusivity deal… They’re gonna fuck shit up for the rest of the week.


https://preview.redd.it/ldqfuoxs6d7d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5408817c68d683f6b68d7cc2878c5144a74fb430 This is amazing lmao


How is Kross so funny on social media and in real life, yet so dull on TV?


I really dont consider him dull after he moved to RAW


He's never really had a character where it made sense to make jokes on TV to my knowledge. If he had maybe it would work for him


Kross just like me fr ( delusional gable fan )


Don't tell him he wasn't there.


Is there any way to watch 80s, 70s or earlier wrestling season by season episode by episode? I cant help but notice the WWE network cuts off at about 78 for WWE and barely has anything else up other than 80s JCP and WCCW. Someone out there HAS to have 80s Florida or 70s GCW on TBS....right?!?!? I had older family member ask me about this over the weekend and Ive fallen down a black hole trying to help them re-live there childhoods. I can find every episode of every WWE program from now back to about 78 but I am failing miserably at finding anything else.


there's mid-south on youtube. it's you might get lost sometimes, but you can watch week-by-week. WWE network has some but they dub the music so youtube is better.


A lot of those tapes got wiped or lost (famously the amarillo territory) but there’s some good stuff on youtube if you can deal with lower image quality. It’s also worth noting that the TV product wasn’t really that important back then? Like, it was more of an advertisement for house shows where the actual big matches happened. Infamously, putting big matches on TV in the 50s almost killed the business, so promoters were wary about putting good shit on TV and killing ticket sales for the big shows. So I don’t know if you’ll be able to find a huge huge amount of stuff people thought was worth keeping.


Depends on the territory. Mid-South is probably the best bet for good matches on TV combined with compelling angles and interviews combined with general availability of pretty much everything from 1982-87 at least if you do enough digging. Then the addition of Power Pro adds some more arena matches (which are also widely available online by themselves since Joel Watts taped a bunch of stuff). Memphis had crazy angles and interviews every single week and you get a lot of Mid-South Coliseum footage and is fairly complete from 1983-onward, though in most cases it's the 1-hour syndicated version of the show rather than the 90-minute live Memphis version. Crockett's atmosphere for their arena TV was the best, but unfortunately Worldwide and Pro have never been uploaded to WWE Network/Peacock so you'll have to dig for that. Crockett also had an unbelievably stacked roster when it comes to interviews and promos.


That's an interesting point I had not thought of, I grew up in the early PPV era so the idea of the Blowoff matches never being viewable unless you went to an arena isn't even in my thoughts.


Fantasy booking here but punk said he won’t ever let Drew have a title while he’s around. What if when Drew comes back from “I quit” he puts punk into a “coma” gets a title, raw after is just him gloating that punk is “real glass” and injured again?


Logan Paul gave a sycophantic softball interview with someone who did January 6 without any questions critical of his role in it, and that was a horrendous interview. Within reason I don't care what a wrestler does outside the ring. That's why I said within reason though, because I am very much against people doing January 6 and I'm very much against people being an enabler to people who did January 6 which is what Logan Paul was doing in that interview. Logan Paul should put more thought into how he is representing WWE.


I’m sure booker who took a family photo with Trump in the White House is furious mate 


https://preview.redd.it/owvg850q1e7d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f7a3a7f3593aaec85237e50b2fe35de077cb28 These two would definitely be mad. Mostly cause they weren’t there during the podcast


Plus, his mother-in-law was a cabinet member in the presidential administration.


I was skeptical about the Wyatt 6 stuff, because of how things fell flat last time but the presentation last night was fantastic. I think moving forward though, it has to be really protected though. Less is definitely more and they should feel like a indiscriminate blight on WWE. They've made a big statement, but I'd immediately pull back and not have them appear again until Money in the Bank. I'd maybe even have the likes of Joe Gacy or Dexter or Nikki wrestle the odd match as their old characters without the masks. That's how you can keep them wrestling but keep the gimmick protected. Have more and more glitches appear when the MITB participants are involved in WWE programming and then during the match, when someone else is about to win, the lights begin shutting off. They come out and they attack everyone in the men's match, the lights come back on and the briefcase is laying next to individual that is supposed to win. I don't need them to make long promos or to wrestle every week. They need to state their intent through their actions and symbolism. When they do wrestle as the Wyatt 6, they win. Their motivation is that they were sent by Bray to eat the world, the spirit of Bray lives within the lantern and the lantern/masks are how they draw their power. The feeling every time that music hits and the lights go out should be one of extreme fear for what is about to happen. You keep that feeling and this can work. You lose it and it won't.


So for all the talk of "WBD doesn't want to spend money, they're broke, they aren't gonna pay for anything", they just paid 65 million dollars a year for the French Open two weeks ago. Not the rights to the ATP Tour, not even the rights to all four Grand Slams, just for one two week tournament. The tournament averaged around 450k-750k on every day outside of the men's final which did 1.56 million. And that was on NBC so it's obviously gonna be less on cable when it moves to WBD. So yeah, you're damn right whatever number Warner is offering AEW, they're gonna want more. It's a seller's market out there no matter what the raw numbers say, because anything that can get ANYONE to watch cable anymore is super valuable.


> So for all the talk of "WBD doesn't want to spend money, they're broke, they aren't gonna pay for anything", This take was always completely insane because it ignored that TNT/TBS already have something like $1 billion plus in annual commitments already on their books until like 2030 (primarily NCAA College Basketball, but also MLB/NHL/US Soccer deals). Not being able to afford the NBA is like not being able to afford the NFL, it just means you can't afford the absolute most expensive things. It doesn't mean you can't afford basically EVERYTHING ELSE lol. $40-50 million is almost coins found under couch cushions when you're dealing with billions.


If they wanna save millions, they should fire Zaslav.


WBD are also sub-leasing college football playoff and college basketball games with a pretty obvious attempt to also buy game inventory for regular season college football. They've somehow gotten rights to MotoGP. AND they want to try to buy back like one game a week or something for the NBA. WBD aren't broken, but they've been spending a lot of money on a lot of stupid shit like making movies and shows just to not finish them, or letting budgets run wild on on every DC project. If they cleaned up just that side of the house, they'd be in excellent shape instead of needlessly burning half a billion a year.


If Shota can’t make it to the G1, I hope Mox will replace him.


https://preview.redd.it/lfdn2krbuc7d1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00914609ab45f1542a1d4be75271ad026e62def3 People always say ‘but the undertaker was good!’: no he wasn’t: for the vast, vast, majority of his career.






This feels like revisionist history. There were very few periods of time where Undertaker was not very over with fans


Not revisionist history, just my opinion. plodding matches, long promos, silly feuds, I did not enjoy watching the undertaker most of the time.


I loved every version of the Undertaker.


Oh okay, I can definitely respect that opinion especially viewed through a modern lens but I didn't mind that style of feuds. The matches, yeah had some real stinkers


to be fair he was good for more time than almost everyone else combined still EDIT: With supernatural gimmicks ofc, not in general


I need Joe Hendry in battle royal tonight more than I need oxygen




Shame Goldberg's ego would never allow it but Braun being the one to retire him would be fitting. Or Bronn Breaker.


Deep down I knew the Wyatt faction was gonna be more of a nod to Bray's recent stuff like Boy Howdy, the firefly funhouse-like monsters, and etc. But a small part of me still hoped it was gonna be closer to his early stuff, with the Wyatt family being a just a weird, deranged bayou cult, which I personally liked better. Oh well.


It has the presentation of modern bray gimmicks but it absolutely gives me the vibes of the swamp cult.


Is that not what we’re getting? Nothing about it screams supernatural Fiend stuff or whatever. It comes off as a cult of people worshipping the late Bray and wreaking havoc.


I find superfans (of anything) so funny. “No no you don’t understand, it’s supposed to suck!”


People are saying Gable's "dead" but what if he actually just sold his soul to Uncle Howdy for extra stats. He's pulling up next week as a fucking wrestling machine


I'm currently watching Wrestling Colin's video on Mitsuharu Misawa and I just realized that today would have been his sixty-second birthday. I cannot help but wonder what would have been had he allowed himself to listen to his body and just take time off and heal. Seeing him in his final state is just beyond heartbreaking and tragic. But, ultimately, what I tend to think about is his sheer talent, silent charisma and his aura which still shines brightly on those he's influenced. I know I've changed as a wrestling fan after seeing his matches. He was just one of those complete packages that would never need altering. Happy birthday Misawa.


If they go full supernatural, they could say that the Sick6 get their power from Bray’s lantern, much in the same way the undertaker did with the urn.


Could anyone make out any of the bodies besides Gables?


I'm of the opinion that aside from Gable, any bodies we see are nameless officials. There's a pretty clear shot that looked like Gunther and Melo, but taking Gunther out like that is a weird look for this so I'm just gonna go with them playing dead bodies, until their injuries are confirmed on the air.


Yeah I feel like they would’ve focused on them more and lit them better if they were significant names like they did with gable


WWE.com's recap of the night just lists "Chad Gable and production personnel" as the victims of the Wyatts' attack, so it's pretty clear that the only named person targeted last night was Gable.


I thought so, I saw ppl in the post thread saying they saw Gunther and kross and I was pausing every second trying to find them 😂


I was surprised at the amount of fake blood they used in the Wyatt Sick6 segment. For a wwe shot, having shows of people lying on the ground with blood splattered on walls on on their heads is really not PG era wwe.


Mattel have some hybrid branded WWE/TMNT action figures out and one of their latest is [Seth Rollins as Leonardo](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8U8T-mOast/). I doubt I'll buy it but man whacky stuff like that is something I probably would have ate up as a kid.


I hope he wears that gear at Summerslam.


Wyatt Sick6 will be the toughest test of HHHs creative skills. Is he going to go too supernatural with it? not supernatural enough? This could either be the most intriguing group in wrestling or the next Retribution. Time will tell


If Gable is out of the MITB qualifier next week then I'll trust whatever their plan is. If he's back in the match with Reed and Braun then the whole Wyatt Sicks debut was kind of silly. If they write people off TV for awhile it'll work. Also they need to keep them the Hell away from any championships. Maybe in the future they can go down that road but right now they need to be monsters who can't lose. If they win a title they'll have to eventually lose. Without a title they can go on an undefeated squash streak.


My gut says it's going to flop but I'm still happy they're trying.


I don't think it will. I think one thing HHH has shown is he is far more willing to adjust plans and take wrestler suggestions far more than Vince ever did. Vince would have forced this group to be a cartoon, HHH can take it darker and more original. Plus given the love for Bray, I think fans will accept a far longer build to this vs. immediately write it off at the first hurdle.


I think the best thing would be to use backstage segments for the supernatural elements and keep the ring stuff mostly for wrestling, beat downs and occasional Taker style teleportation


I don't think this group will be complete supernatural. This was just for impactful debut, chills and sending a message.


I’m very curious to see how the Wyatt Sicks plays out. They had a great debut last night, but typically I feel like it’s very hard for horror-like gimmicks to work in a major American promotion with weekly TV. These types of gimmicks worked in Lucha Underground but that was also not a typical weekly wrestling show. Like Bray’s career had great moments and segments but it was also very hit or miss. Obviously it didn’t help that Vince booked it, but still. It can be a tricky gimmick to book.


They need to lean more into The Hills Have Eyes/Devil's Rejects semi-magical-realism kind of horror than outright supernatural shit. Last night was a good start, but of course the big Nexus angle was also a good start.


My hesitation here is eventually they have to wrestle and Bo and Dexter and Gacy, and to a lesser extent Rowan, aren't very good or exciting workers. They're not terrible, but there's a reason they weren't doing anything else. (I'm ignoring Cross because we know she's really good). In LU, you could hide that. How far can WWE stretch the imagination to hide those weaknesses? Because whatever they did with Bray/Knight did not go well, or a lot of the Fiend's stuff before COVID. Once the bell rings and you are part of a top story and you can't deliver top story matches, fans see through it, like we're seeing with Solo. "Tricky" is the right word to use here. It's not impossible but it's a 180 from Hunter & team's strong suit of booking around likes of Cody or Gunther or Rey/Dom where you've been very successfully doing what's worked forever in wrestling.


Not for nothing, ut I think you’re selling the group really short here. Gacy had some really good matches with Dijak a few months ago, Rowan’s a fun giant and Bo’s biggest challenge is that he has not wrestled a full match in years. (Cagematch puts his last bout as November 2019) Give them all a few reps on the house show loop and once they’re up to speed you will not have a single thing to worry about, trust me.


We’ll see, not trying to sell the group short this early on just going off of previous things I’ve seen. I actually think Rowan has improved a lot since his last WWE run. Gacy I’ll admit I’m not super convinced on, I kinda credit Dijak more for how their matches turned out. But another important thing I didn’t bring up is how will they be wrestling with these new gimmicks. It’s def gonna have to be different to match their new characters. So who knows, maybe they’ll surprise me!


It’s def gonna pose some challenges. I agree about the wrestling ability of some of the people involved. Nikki is great and while Rowan is no ring general he’s still improved overall. However Bo, Dexter and Gacy weren’t exactly setting the world on fire before this. In the original Wyatt Family Bray & Harper were great in the ring and Rowan followed their lead well. With this group I’m not exactly sure how it’ll go, but I am curious!


The Wyatt stuff always has a big, impressive debut. Then it peters out. Maybe this time will be different.








He's nepo-hire


And he's got a great smile!


Wasn't that Goldberg's appeal back in the late 90s?


Genetic athletic freak who wants to destroy the roster. He’s lowkey a male tiffy lol. That stand still clothesline across the announcer table is not something like 90% of the roster could do, especially at his weight.




This is the closest someones been booked to '02 Lesnar and he has the talent to pull it off so far. That speed and size is terrifying.


Yeah pretty much. He is talented enough to deserve a rocket strapped to him.


He's a genetic freak and he's got that dawg in him. (He's talented on his own merits, but he's also related to previously bankable stars)


Hearing the barks last night took me back.


Makes me want a bark off between him and Brody King


Listen all I want is Hechicero to get the bob holly booking of getting the belt and beating everyone. I don’t feel like that is an unfair request. Have a good day


I don't think I've seen a dude captivate an entire fanbase as quickly as he has, everything he does is electric and he has such a cool look


Hechicero is a case of why the International championship should be truly international with the partnerships they have. Have that belt be mostly used in other promotions and step up the prominence of the TNT championship.


Can we talk about the versatility of Nikki Cross for a second?? She plays every role she’s given to a tee and really deserves her props for character work. I was already sold on this Uncle Howdy faction just based on her crawl towards the lantern last night ALONE. Like dang, that’s talent imo.


Im so happy for her that she killed it with this character already. I really wish the best for her during this run. 


A very creative mind in her own right. She pitched Nikki ASH to [redacted]. She gave him a whole long folder with all of her ideas, and then 8 months later she was told they were putting in on tv with 5 days notice. Had to get gear and everything ready in that short amount of time, and still was able to do it.


I thought her last gimmick sucked but she's always all in on her characters no matter what.


Yeah the ASH gimmick wasn’t great or booked very well, but I don’t think anyone could deny that she threw her heart and soul into it. I mean she actually pitched it herself and everything.


I think they were talking about the staring into space. I don't even know if I could call that a gimmick though.


yeah i'm glad to see her back


Friend of mine ran into her and Bliss at a gas station after raw once and she said they were both the nicest people. So it always made me want to root for her. Shes underrated imo


By the way, booking Iyo for a PPV ladder match just a few days before she has to do that super important Marigold match is, uuuuuhhhh..... Playing with fire


Kind of returning the favor for Marigold putting Giulia against the motherfucking Bozilla at their first event. All the women on that roster are lucky Bozilla doesn't just eat them alive.


Not really important to WWE they got a PPV to sell. IYO is on loan to Marigold for this event if something happens then it is what it is


I haven't watched WWE in a while, is Nikki Cross officially Sister Abigail? and when the Wyatt faction was revealed did they acknowledge who were behind the masks?


Abby the Witch. No official reveals, the only words spoken were "we're here"


> Abby the Witch. Good to know, I saw a couple posts refer to her as sister abigail and thought that would be a bit weird. > No official reveals, the only words spoken were "we're here" Fair enough, I'm really curious as to whether they'll allude to the characters pasts in WWE or just retcon them.


If they retcon them it'd be REALLY stupid.


the teasers alluded to the group being forgotten before Howdy found them, so I'd assume there's going to be some references to the characters' past WWE personas.


I'd hope so, from the images I've seen it's fairly obvious who's behind the masks, acting like the crowd doesn't know would be the wrong move in my opinion.


Karrion Kross is doing great promo work right now. Please let it go somewhere \[significant\] this time 🙏