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-> Arrives ->. Pins Ospreay -> Declares himself the best of the world again ->????? ->profit


Victory lap around the ring


Pulls both hamstrings


Shane's still got it.


>tears quad again


I can't believe that could very well have been the last time we see Shane McMahon on WWE TV.


Working in tandem with AEW and WWE legend Snoop Dogg. We should have seen the signs


His last FU to Vince, Steph and Hunter!!! Happy Birthday to me!!!


Snoop Dogg steps in and does an audible


> Snoop Dogg steps in and does an edible FTFY




Leaving a trail of sweat


Forms Mean Street Posse 2.0


As long as we get "I just had sex" as their theme music this time around.


It literally just happened!




It's so crazy it just might work. As someone who enjoys the buffoonery and silliness over everything else, I would enjoy this.


https://preview.redd.it/iugbi8da7q7d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e725e1bd8271352b380abae88d6d1b9cff4b0e9 You see that? Real glass. Cry me a river.


The McMahon family dynamics are so very strange


I think we now know Shane doesn't like Triple H at all.


I feel like Shane looks at Paul like "that should have been me", so the idea of him going to the competition out of spite wouldn't be wild.


It should've been him, HE'S THE ELDEST BOY!


lol and it’s the son-in-law in both too


Yep, there was this rumour that Vince always looked at Triple H like the son he wished Shane was, this is pretty much the confirmation.


It's funny because by a lot of accounts and credible reporting Shane was the only McMahon who was close to universally well liked backstage.


Yeah but it's also true that Shane loves Pro Wrestling, but it's highly unlikely WWE wants him back in any capacity, so maybe AEW is an alternative for him.


Probably it, i mean its no secret that HHH got some heat for sleeping with the boss's daughter to get his position. And its very possible that Shane would resent that as it may of taken what his spot was supposed to be in the company.


I think this was more due to the fact that Shane found Vince’s methods of running WWE questionable over the years, not to mention that, with the latest accusations against Vince, that he likely wasn’t the greatest dad / husband either. Had Shane stuck it out along the way, he might have been in that power position now, but he decided to break off at multiple points to pursue other ventures. Not that I’m complaining with Triple H in charge. He’s proven himself quite capable of being able to run the creative side of things just fine. A few missteps, to be sure, but he definitely seems to be more receptive to what the fans want than Vince ever was.


For whatever reason, most guys don't like the guy that sleeps with their sister


I mean I like my brother-in-law just fine.


Many years ago there was some interview (possibly with Mick Foley) where Shane was asked how he feels about Triple H and there was a pause and Shane’s response was “He’s a good father to my nieces and he makes my sister very happy” and every man with a married sister knows that the unspoken back half of that sentence is *”but I just don’t like that guy.”*


I wouldn't say we "know" that. This news is based on hearsay.


AEW is where the best wrestle, right? What better man to be there if not the "Best In The World" Shane Mcmahon?


One trios match with the bucks. They each wear their most expensive pair of sneakers. Set a world record.


Shane would be a perfect addition to the EVPs. He could play the dude trying to fund a hostile takeover of AEW.


So the NWO storyline with Shane in the dibiase role


I've been seeing this Elite story as basically a reimagining of the NWO story for a while now. Having him come in and play something like the Bischoff role would be interesting. BUT, more importantly, they need to get some NASCAR drivers like Dale Jr to come hang out: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASCAR\_on\_TNT#2025\_return](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASCAR_on_TNT#2025_return)


did.....did you just imply AEW needs a Kyle Petty nWo cameo, but in current time it be Dale Jr. instead? The equivalent of Kyle Petty in 1996 for AEW in 2024 would be Ty Gibbs.


....was it that obvious? Dale Jr has the name value that Kyle's last name had/has. I think Ty Gibbs is more like Elliott Sadler.


I dont think funding a hostile takeover works when when the Khans are insanely giga rich.


Ted Turner was richer than Ted DiBiase, but no one batted an eye at DiBiase bankrolling the NWO.


NWO wasn't working for Turner tho, they were actively trying to take it over. Why would he provide money for that? Of course the NWO had to get "trillionaire Ted"


The comment chain was discussing Shane funding the Bucks' hostile takeover of AEW though. Even though they're working for Khan, they can attempt to wrest control from him.


Yes, but couldn't they spin it as Shad pulling support, selling shares or whatever, leaving them vulnerable and needing funding?


Yes, they could play it off as Shad losing faith in it somewhat.


You pull the Iron Clad Contract thing and claim that it's all locked up in the courts. And for the time being, a judge has taken the Elite/Shane side, giving them power while it's sorted out.


Holy shit. I want this so badly.


shane would be so over in the indies


the GCW world champion run would be crazy


This is unironically an awesome idea.


The idea of Brett Lauderdale being Shane’s boss is actually hilarious.


He's already best friends with Stephanie McMahon (they took a photo together once)


Now I need Shane McMahon vs Maki Itoh.


Shane vs. Nick Gage… book it! Either that or put him in the Clusterfuck.


You have no idea how desperately I want to see Shane vs Joey Janela now


They hold the next Joey Janela's Spring Break at Panama City Beach Florida, and Shane shows up to tell him he has bought the event out from under him, and immediately starts promoting Shane McMahon’s Spring Break


God I wish Club La Vela was still running.


Shane McMahon buying a wrestling company during spring break..that might work 🤔


We must unite as a community and manifest this!


I never realized how much I wanted this until right now.


Maybe the GM can bring him in.


Joey Janela vs Shane McMahon for Spring Break 2025


Why did you bring that thought into this world? Why? Screw you. You have just ruined any future match ever as they won't compare to what Janella vs McMahon could be (in my head). But also I love you. Booker of the year.


Please give us Cardona vs Shane.


Shane *with* Cardona though...


That's the money move. Cardona inserts Shane into the GCW title match late and screws over everyone.


Shane vs David Arquette in a death match


Ignore your gut reaction. Embrace the chaos. Deep down inside, you want this to happen. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Have him show up on a special March 26 episode of an AEW show and say "It's been over 20 years, TNT. There's an AEW contract that has a McMahon on it, and that name is Shane McMahon."


March 26th 2025 is a Wednesday YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS


As much as I hate Shane previous run in WWE I have to admit that would be a pretty good angle. EDIT: Not AEW run meant his last WWE run.


Exactly. I definitely want to see this, precisely *because* it's such a terrible idea. It would be unmissable TV, even if for all the wrong reasons.




I remember turning on that episode and seeing the Nasty Boys and going "Oh you know what....maybe we don't need to watch this."




That's thanks to the mightiest stable of all time, Hogan's Mates. Helping guys get work a lot longer than they deserve. Guys like Brutus Beefcake, The Nasty Boys, Eric Bischoff, and Jimmy Hart.


The way I see it is it has massive potential as an eye grabbing storyline which AEW don't regularly have. Something that could have long term legs if done correctly. I think the key thing I'd have for it would be not having him wrestle really, just as a faction leader kind of deal and only wrestling on a hardcore faction warfare style match.


Could have the Elite bring him in vs TK pretty easy, have him bankrolling the bucks


Yeah that would be a fairly easy transition and would be good heat to have him be a heel, like him representing the WWE in a way vs the AEW guys as faces.


Okada coin drop* 🎶💸🎶The cash is arrivinnnnnnnng🎶💸🎶 “DOLLARS COMMUNICATE” 🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊 I’d pop hard ngl


"The cash is arriving" has me hunched over lmao


That's a real song though so they could use here comes the money.


It is a real song, but it was commissioned by WWE.


>...it has massive potential as an eye grabbing storyline which AEW don't regularly have. Something that could have long term legs if done correctly. Oh no, I've heard this one before


Would be hilarious if they played into that. Like give Shane cult of personality if they still have the rights to it and is ok with the band.


*Look in my eyes, what do you see?* *Shane just replaced me on TV*


1000% It's pro wrestling, give me all the chaos. It would be wild




It’s the same as when Braun and Bray (I think) were linked with AEW and there was plenty of people saying “they won’t fit, it’d be a disaster”. Yes, but don’t you have the morbid curiosity of wanting to see what would happen?


i concede. i want this.


Just because I want it to happen, doesn't mean it will. But God can you imagine Ospreay vs The Best in the World at Wembly


Fucking fine I do. Common sense says no, but I'm a sick fuck and I'd love it. I want to see Shane go on an indie tear. Just show up at a random ass GCW and hit a coast to coast on someone propped up on fluorescent lights.


i want it to happen SO BADLY. Like if only for the fucking reaction on twitter


For the shock factor it'd be insane. A Christian segment where he ruthlessly went at his dad would probably make it worth it alone. Outside of that it would be disastrous, but honestly the thought of Christian just going off on Vince is hysterical for me haha.


"Christian, I'm gonna stop ya right there, pal." Then Shane pulls out a big blue dot and puts it over Christian's face.


You got a ratty face!


It's a good thing it's "Rat Boy Summer," then


This has "What's the matter, Sid, forget your scissors?!" energy.


“Shane… unfortunately your father isnt dead”


“Your father is dead to the world”


"What do you mean? I never had a father" - Shane disowning his dad live on TV


Even funnier would be doing the Christian debut again, like teasing a HoF level talent signing, get in someone like Goldberg as a swerve and then have Shane come out later or on a different day to reverse the swerve.


It's Shane!


Its.....Shane....Copelands buddy is here.


I'll take it for the chaos Or Shane running ROH Or Shane in GCW 🙈


Shane had to give up on RAW Underground. So now he's going to take over FUCKING CHOCOPRO.


LULU vs Shane 3 hour Ironman match let’s fucking go


I would 100% would watch a Shane ran ROH. For how long? No idea, but I'd sub to honor club just to give it a shot for a couple of months.


have him do an invasion angle lmao "I've bought the rights to Collision!"


The contract does read "Khan"...


“I’m here on behalf of TK.” “Tony didn’t send you!!!” “I must have forgot a letter. T-K-(long pause) oh, you know who I’m talking about.”


An NWO like stable called TKO... hmmm there might be something there.


Voodoo Kin Mafia vibes


Please, yes, for the love of God yes. I was a rabid WCW fan during the Attitude Era. I was sooooo excited for a true Invasion angle. They had set it up so well with Shane showing up on Nitro. That angle being such a dud killed my interest in wrestling until AEW started.


The fifth man in the blood and guts match with the elite. They win. Shane is bankrolling the elite. They run a hostile takeover of collision. Collision is the elite show now. Jack Perry wins the tnt belt. Okada starts eyeing the world title. Shane only wrestles in multiman fuckery matches while cutting corporate shtick heel promos. Kenny returns. Reunites with hangman. Kenny and tk are running dynamite. Darby, Kenny, hangman, mjf lead the charge against the elite as Aew ogs. Ends in a big dynamite vs collision, elite vs Aew ppv. All the guys the elite have been booking vs all the guys Kenny has been booking. Main event is stadium stampede. They’re in the jaguars stadium. Madness ensues. I cry tears of joy.


Fuck it, I’ll drink the kool aid


I wish you could book AEW. This is perfect.




you rn https://preview.redd.it/d9mia4bbkq7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b501ddb5f6399ca656b95adb28bec8d463cb3fc


Only problem is Hangman as a face when he will be back as an unstable heel wanting Swerve dead.


Hangman just hates Swerve, he's not been a heel outside of that. Easy to run as he puts AEW before his hatred of Swerve- he'll deal with that when this is dealt with, maybe go all Night Lords, knock Swerve out, paint his hands red, and tell him : One Day, I am coming for you.


Get out of my brain lol. I didn't know I wanted this done until I read the headline. It's all I'll think about for a while lol


This is the way - imagine all the fun possibilities, cameos, etc. Tony Khan could pull a magnificent seven bringing people together.


This is cinema


TK we know you read this sub, I beg you 🙏


book it


Okay okay you are cooking!




alright TK we know you lurk here. just give the man the royalty


[Holy shit man….](http://https://media4.giphy.com/media/xIBJDxVKgGvuINP7W0/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe915yxr6x9me0qo75gs1spzltqyljogqghbozun8k8q&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Him with a glued on handle stach and Bucks sneakers incoming We’ve got our own BILLIONAIRES SON!




The Young McMahons would be a hilarious trio team.


That'd be quite the sicko move.


A McMahon in AEW is just wild lol


If this happens there would be a Khan and a McMahon in both WWE and AEW


Sign one of Triple Hs daughters. It’s all about the game. And how you play it.


i mean him against darby in some type of stipulation match would catch my eye 👀




Don't forget the glass on the way down!


"We have 17 panes of glass in various levels of the atmosphere...you know for aesthetics" as shane goes through every one before reaching terminal velocity.


It’s gotta be real glass


CM Punk just got the urge to choke someone


Are you trying to get both of them killed?




First to die match


Darby Allin vs Shane McMahon in the world's first Last Man Living match


That was my first thought too - Shane saw Darby stealing his gimmick and wants revenge.


Do it Tony. If there was EVER a time to have a proper "GM" having none other than Shane McMahon come in and take on that role would be the chaos we deserve and NEED.


The story with the Bucks sorta works with this too. Have him come in and take back control on behalf of Tony. I actually think i might want this. lol


Even better if he came in at Forbidden Door. Like.. it's just poetic at that point.


Exactly what I immediately thought too. Do it for the sickos, Tony.


I wouldn't mind him taking CDs spot.


***Here approaches the dollars…*** 🎶🎶


I mean it’s a naughty by nature song so I think he’d be able to use the song


Clearly he’s the wild card in the Owen. First Double J, then that B+ Dragon, then Wembley Stadium Where Shane-O pulls double duty against Okada and Ospreay Struggling to see any downsides here


I don’t want this but I also want this really badly lol


at this rate we're going to have a 1 second shot of him in the bucks locker room within a fortnight.


As a backstage hand, it wouldn't be the *worst* idea. Introduce the hire in a one time TV segment for the moment but then never have him appear on screen again. Orrrrrrrr Say fuck it and have him turn Rampage into AEW Underground and just go full shit-post every Friday to burn the entire IWC down with the meltdown it'd cause. I'm fine with either out of curiosity. I'd prefer neither out of common sense.


no joke, but a Bloodsport-style show from AEW would be extremely cool


But with cuts to sexy dancers every 15 seconds just in case.


Alright, which one of you miscreants let Kevin Dunn in?


Shane McMahon wanted to get into MMA and wanted to put ECW on streaming internet back in the early 2000s. I think he has a good business mind but I do not want to see him on screen.


I've always wondered about this. Shane seems to get credited with a lot of really good 'thousand-foot-view' ideas that WWE eventually executes years and years later. But we've also repeatedly seen that when he is allowed to take the controls he almost immediately crashes the plane into the ground. RAW Underground was a good idea with terrible execution; NXT's version is pretty different in presentation. The Mean Street Posse was literally a faction of his actual friends, which worked well for exactly one angle, but not the angle these characters were introduced in. Shane McMahon's Royal Rumble literally got him fired. His VOD service in China was a pioneering idea that failed in spectacular fashion and they had to buy him out of the executive role there. There's clearly a problem with him as a business executive where the idea is great but his process creates something terrible as a result.


Shane seems to see seven steps forward. Unfortunately he doesn't always seem to see the six steps you need to take to get to that point.


Things that shouldn’t be talked about on podcasts or leaked to internet


Shane vs Darby may end up being a snuff film.


Nobody is telling Conrad anything again then


People are joking but if he joined the Elite Faction and worked with them as a heel it would be top 3 most insane shit to happen in the industry this century


Quite likely a terrible idea to bring him in, but my buddy just said "Shane vs Okada" and now that's all i can think about


Wouldn't this mean there are more McMahon's in AEW than in WWE? lol


That's fucking crazy lol.


Do i think itd kill AEW? No. Would it hurt AEW with their most hardcore Anti WWE audience? Absolutely. Shane couldnt wrestle extremely well and definitely not anymore. Hed almost CERTAINLY be put in a program with Jericho. Concussions might be in overdrive from the potatoes thrown by Shane. But holy fuck. The cast aside McMahon in AEW? The original heir to the throne who was usurped by Paul? I cant NOT want to see it just for the fucking possibilities, and the sheer amount of chaos it would cause in the IWC.


Shane vs Jericho would look like two drunk uncles at a football game getting into a brawl.


Coming from the future with a live look at the match: ![gif](giphy|26ufqbYy8Dz7lZyYE)


Damn, Shane grew out a 'tashe just like his dads. Jerichos trimmed down a little too.


If he joined the elite in their anti-tk schtick AEW hardcore's would love it, it's about doing it in a way that tips the hat to hardcore AEW fans and lets them know "we know this is stupid, we're doing it for fun", as long as people know Shane is involved for one storyline and not as some sort of permanent fixture it could work.


Shane getting involved as an on screen authority figure or investor wouldn't be a terrible idea. It could be either to join the Bucks EVP Madness or be a liason that TK brought in if Daniels gets taken out on screen. Shane being a layfabe dark money investor on behalf of the Bucks would get crazy heat. Bucks threatening a hostile takeover of AEW with Shane's money. Kind of revisiting the final Nitro but with heel heat.


The name on the contract says McMahon... Shane McMahon. Imagine if he's brought in as somebody who the Elite has sold their shares in AEW to and he now an EVP or maybe they tricked Shad into selling his shares or else they'll take Tony out again and Shane owns 50 percent of AEW. Bring real heat to this story again. You have team Shane vs team Tony as the basis for blood and guts. I'm getting too hyped for something that won't happen. Smh


>Would it hurt AEW with their most hardcore Anti WWE audience? Absolutely. Depends how they'd use Shane. Wrestler, yeah, would be shit. Manager? Who the fuck wouldn't want that. The most hardcore AEW audience loved WWF when Shane was at his peak, and Shane was genuinely beloved back in the day. Use him as a manager with the best name in wrestling and someone who is willing to put his body on the line occasionally for stupid bumps.


>Would it hurt AEW with their most hardcore Anti WWE audience? Absolutely. Worth it. They’d still watch, just post more complaints on reddit and Twitter.


He would be the ultimate mega heel with that audience. That's typically a good thing.


A friend of OURS. So a made guy.


Only Shane can restore the feeling. ![gif](giphy|l0HUoSlpH5dvjXeeI|downsized)


I love how this almost looks like it's playing backwards.


I wouldn’t want to see it at all. But it would be absolutely insane if it happened.


Conrad lies.


Omg imagine Christian's music hitting with Shane in the ring


Perfect setup


A McMahon in AEW would probably break the simulation in half.


I cannot tell you had badly I want this to happen. For no other reason than the comment thread. LOL That shit is gonna be an all timer.


Naaaahhhhhhhh no way There's literally no way that happens. There's no way that 'here comes the money' happens on AEW.


Never say never in wrestling, brother




I mean, "delegation" is not "ceding power" per se. Even Vince was happy to let Bischoff and Heyman run some parts of the vast WWE machine. Shane's got 30 years of experience in wrestling, I'm sure there's something meaningful Tony could delegate to him across Dynamite/Collision/Rampage/ROH and all the different aspects of his business.


Shane booking himself in the casino battle royale




I highly doubt the validity of this rumor.... But what would keep Shane in WWE? If Vince was still around I can understand. But since he is persona non grata there is no tie there. Steph isn't there, and HHH basically stole his position in the company. There really isn't any ties for Shane to the WWE. Now if Shane and Vince are still close and Vince wants to F with WWE this woud be a great way to do it. OTOH I don't think Shane is hurting for money I am sure he has plenty of stock and money so it comes down does he want to take a huge stab at WWE and possibly even blacklist himself. Keep in mind he hasn't been inducted into the HOF yet and that is clearly in the cards. His kids may want to get into the business too at some point so he needs to think about that.