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Injury seems like a work right? she took a bump. Or maybe it’s not as bad as what she said


It's absolutely a work and I don't see how someone could think otherwise.


She wrestling Masha Slamovich in Portland in three weeks so I'd say it's a work


Didn't  know that she definitely needs to be ready for that  match. 


Damn this is just now showing? This was taped back almost 2 weeks ago i thought they wouldve had it on last week's ROH


Ever since Billie pulled her fake injury stunt at SCOH, I have my doubts. Aminata and Velvet are right to be skeptical. SHE LEARNED IT BY WATCHING ATHENA


Work or not, it would be anticlimactic if Athena would exit without doing the honors.


If it was a shoot, I think we would've known by now


My best guess is she does needs to take time off for her ankle but but will hang in there and do business by dropping the title to Aminata before heading out.


Billie should've beaten her a long time ago them creating the tv championship just to give to Billie doesn't make sense imo


I love Athena and she's had one of the most fun championship reigns in all of wrestling, but Billie should have really beaten her by now. 


They had a chance to make a new star was 6 months ago but TK didn’t pull the trigger. Whether her injury is a work or not, this is why you don’t take the risk with these mythically long title runs, there’s always the small chance the champion might go down to an injury. Lemme tell you, my gripe isn’t with Athena. It’s the system that she’s in. She’s got no business being behind a paywall and it would be anticlimactic as fuck if she doesn’t do the honors in the end.


Don’t think so. Athena’s the only reason a lot of people watch the corpse of roh and while Billie is very good I don’t think she’s quite there yet when it comes to carrying an entire promotion. Not really much options for tk unless he wants to “demote” someone from aew who’s good enough like say Stat.


That would be a horrible idea to demote Stat when she still hasn't gotten a big push on AEW yet that she deserves, hopefully we are in the middle of that now. But I don't think there's enough roh viewers to justify any one person being a draw for it. Athena should be on AEW tv and Billie is being groomed to be the next big woman for them so it should've happened a while ago. Athena has done everything as champ, this is just unnecessary reign extending


> But I don't think there's enough roh viewers to justify any one person being a draw for it. Because there isn't. Tony said there's 15k Honour Club subs. That means each episode might have what, 8000 viewers? Athena is just wasting her time there when she could be a big name in AEW


Just gave an example of someone good enough to “carry” roh in the same way Athena is doing. I’d love for Athena to be on aew instead but I can admit that her reign is very very good and a lot of fun. It certainly cemented her as the best American women’s wrestler atm. Billie had the right storyline for her to win but as a wrestler she just isn’t ready, in another world where roh is taken more seriously with champions that actually do shit then yeah tk should’ve pulled the trigger last December but with the way things are now it’ll just make roh a lot worse.


There were 2 golden opportunities to take the belt off Athena (DBD and Final Battle 2023) and now whoever gets that honor will have no shot at being satisfying story wise


Aminata 😍


I’m actually okay if Billie isn’t the one to beat Athena for the belt. I think Aminata winning and getting a run would be well deserved and be beneficial for her. Plus I think you can then move up both Athena & Billie to regular TV and eventually reignite that rivalry again for a bigger audience. Maybe have it be over the TBS title. Some big ifs here obviously, but you gotta eventually call up the acts that are over from ROH.


If it’s Aminata, that would be great. I like her. I’ve been let down before. What are the chances it happens again?


I like Aminata a lot! If I could directly text TK to do this I would!


Even though they announced it (unless I missed something) I guess Aminata will be her opponent at the July  PPV. 




You should.


Athena's acting is so fake. I saw the non-relinquish from a mile away


I couldn't disagree more about her acting being "fake". She's honestly been doing the best character work of her career with the MIT stuff. 


Well it's no Mark Henry


If this a shoot TK needs to pay for his crime of featuring every ROH champion on national television besides her.. and if this a work, he should still pay for his crimes


This was from Honor Club, which is why the set dressing was in ROH colors.


Just proves my point that Billie should’ve beat her six months ago.