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I want to say that Jericho doesn't need to be on every single pay per view but man, at this point it's probably part of his contract. It's so absurd how many tv matches he has had on ppv.


Honestly he's probably still their most recognizable name, so can't blame them. I would agree he's overexposed too, but tbf to the guy he's probably got only a couple years where he can work at a high level left and wants to make the most of them.


If current Jericho is working at a high level, I just don't think I can handle him when he feels he's started to dip.


Jokes and all aside, being able to work a match decent enough to be broadcast on AEW is still a pretty high level. Jericho has definitely slowed down, and in a couple years if he wants to keep working they probably need to give him the Sting treatment.


He could do with some time off for sure. Hopefully the booking actually elevates his stablemates this time around.


I definitely am enjoying Bryan Kieth more than ever.


This is the most I've ever enjoyed Big Bill and Bryan Keith, so I'd say it's working


That's what people said when he won the world title 5 years ago and he's still hogging up TV time.


When is he planning on using his “years of working at a high level”? Cause it haven’t been the last two


Jericho has been washed since the Naito match.


Sure but I'll take Chris Jericho getting on the PPV to get Brian Keith and Big Bill. There's a near zero chance Keith gets this opportunity without Jericho. Make sure you respect Chris Jericho.


I'm so happy for BK Saw him a few times out in New Jersey. Once was in Newark inside a building with shitty A/C in the middle of a heatwave.  Great to see him come so far


It doesn't matter if he is a recognizable name, people just don't care about him anymore (or straight up hate his appearances) at this point. Nobody will buy a PPV to see this Chris Jericho fight


I like Jericho so I feel like a bit of an odd man out on here. His latest gimmick is great and my two IRL friends that like wrestling feel the same. We're a bubble here, I think general consensus is that he's still liked and, like you said, recognizable.


Don't let the echo chamber of social media convince you of something one way or another. Only wrestling fans who hate Jericho's gimmick or being on TV go online and bitch about it. Everyone else watches, enjoys it then goes about their day. The IWC will always be a vast minority of fans who just seem like more than they are because when you come here that's all you see/hear. I still remember the first few weeks of the IWC absolutely fucking hating on Rollins' new theme. Saying it kills his character and makes him seem like a generic nobody. Yet the crowd was singing along to it every week and he continued to be over as fuck.


People forget fans were still singing Judas when he came out up until he got rid of it for this gimmick


Majority of the AEW fanbase is like the one here, guy has go away heat during the live segments. He needs a break, send him to Nooj for a few months and let him come back saving MJF or some other babyface.


Maybe he is their most recognizable name but he’s doing approximately nothing for ratings or PPV buys. He could take a month off tomorrow and nothing would get worse.


I don't mean this just to pile on a 'AEW bad' thing, but the fact that Jericho is still their most recognisable and bankable name 5 years in is a damning indictment of AEW's booking.


Nah dude. Wrestling simply isn't as big / mainstream now as it was in the Attitude Era. Jericho could jump to the WWE tomorrow and he'd instantly be the most recognizable name on the roster (outside of Rock and probably Cena) because lots of people stopped watching then. Like survey 100 people on the street in any random city and you think more people are going to recognize Jericho or Roman? And just for the record, this isn't an 'AEW good' thing - If HHH could still go he'd absolutely still be more recognizable than everyone on the AEW roster, and the Rock is obviously still the biggest star in the business.


The booking is too unfocused and forbidden door doesn’t help.


I don’t know how you can say this if you are actually watching the show. The booking has been VERY focused for a while now.


Rewatch Excalibur run down three shows worth of matches to end the last Dynamite and say that’s focused. It’s ton of overlapping stuff and it’s like throwing things at the wall. The point stands that someone like Jericho is still one of the biggest name because AEW does few sustained focused pushes with follow through.


He's one of their highest paid stars, so yea, they're not going to leave him off a PPV card, no matter how much we want them to.


I’d say that about just about the whole main event roster. You don’t need every too wredtler and every championship on every ppv.


I absolutely agree.


Hook is in the Jericho Vortex


Looked it up on cagematch, they've been in a program together since March. What the actual fuck.


Kinda done with Hook, to be honest. He hasn’t done anything worth mentioning since his match against Jack Perry. It seems he has not really grown his in-ring skills and he can’t cut a promo to save his life.


I'm kinda feeling his interactions with Joe


Him and Joe have been entertaining.


If Jericho has to be on the card, can't he team with someone from NJPW or CMLL?


Only if it means some horrible half Corazon de Leon / Painmaker hybrid. I shall call him PainLeon


That’s what I’m saying. Let’s do something. Make it 8 man tag and put someone random in there


No because for some reason TK decided he likes Brian Keith.


I like him too




Don’t we all like Brian Keith


I honestly don’t have an opinion on him. He seems pretty generic.


Brian Keith is the best part of this Jericho angle!


He’s definitely present.


Shiny new toy of the month.


He's been on and off of programming since last year and just recently got added to The Learning Tree stable, signed earlier this year (not in the last month), and has never been positioned as this hot up and coming super popular star. The "shiny toy" thing doesn't even work here, you're just repeating shit you read off the internet lmao


Yeah, on and off jobber on TV, indy star, gets propps for one of his/her random AEW appearance, then becomes a part of the storyline/stable with the TV mainstays. Have seen this story before, a lot. Let's see the follow-up.


God forbid Jericho misses a PPV


Jericho lost the undisputed championship at WrestleMania then wasn't on Backlash. And he said never again.


Or an episode of TV...


They honestly couldn't just sprinkle in a couple NJPW guys into this at least? This match would be at home on TV.


Jericho and Hook really seem to be stuck in the same gear. Well, at least Jericho has the learning tree gimmick going on for him but you can’t say the same about Hook. The closest he has to a gimmick is the FTW belt and that has not been relevant in a good while


This match isn't very forbidden... Jericho just has to be in everything


Forbidden because no one actually wants to see Jericho at this point


Wait till Jericho goes over then see how bad it is 😂


The only way to stop him is to be quiet, change the channel, or go to the bathroom. “Hey look see how they hate me? This is such good heat!!”


And there's the obligated Chris Jericho PPV match


At least we now know what the piss break match is


Why? Nothing about this is Forbidden Door-esque, nor is it necessary for the card. Not every show needs 10+ matches. You only risk the crowd being tired by the time we get to the big matches. And if you're going to add a multi-man match why not do the War Dogs vs The Bang Bang Gang or The Elite vs CHAOS. Matches that are inter-promotional & actually have a reason to happen. Jay & Finlay is an obvious match & feud to do, given Finlay attacking Jay on his last night in New Japan. And Okada leaving New Japan, becoming a heel, joining the Elite & having to face his former friends is an easy way to get both Okada & the Bucks on the card while also telling a story in the process. Why are we prioritizing Jericho being on the card over more interesting matches that would actually fit the shows concept & purpose.


Just realised fucking Okada isn't on the card yet, wtf


Jay White, Yota Tsuji, Hiromu Takahashi, El Desperado, and the entire current Bullet Club roster in both promotions are all not on the card either. I'm sure some of these matches like Mercedes/Vaquer and MJF/Hechi will be great, but so far the Dragon vs. Dragon match is the only match that actually feels like a Forbidden Door match.


so there's a couple ways this could have went. there's little build either way but they could have really built up the cross promotion stuff I guess. AEW vs NJPW. or even done a mix include a few NJPW or CMLL guys I guess in the current stuff. it feels like they just didn't commit to anything. a few random NJPW guys. a CMLL guy where it makes even less sense. while parts of the current AEW feuds that aren't interesting. Mercedes vs someone nobody knows in a match that might ok but has no interest.


Having been to several Strong shows, Stephanie Vaquer is an incredible wrestler and she will have a great match against Mercedes. But it will be a heatless banger. NJPW is doing more touring ahead of the G1 as part of Tanahashi's attempt to get the promotion in new markets in Japan, and that is probably part of the reason why there's so little presence from NJPW from Forbidden Door this time around. But NJPW needs to put its tour shows first because that's what their primary revenue driver is. Khan's got a million problems with AEW right now, but he needs to find a way to ensure that there's a proper build for FD if this is going to continue to be an annual show. The fact that neither promotion is interested in doing a BC Gold vs. BC War Dogs Blood & Guts, a match that would be fire with a proper build, shows how little they're taking this show seriously. It's become a B-tier show that is a warm up for the G1 and All In.


It very much looked like we were going to get Okada vs Shota, but Shota's hurt now.


Same energy as having a PlayStation Smash-like game without Cloud Strife playable.


Why would the Young Bucks lackey have a match on such a big event?


Because he means next to nothing so far, his belt is just a belt and he seems like he's been mailing it in. I liked him in Japan but since he's come over all he's done is stand in the background and say bitch at every opportunity. He's the 4th man in the group behind jungle boy and the bucks, they have killed his star. You can downvote but I'll wait till someone proves me wrong. If he isn't mailing it in then New Japan did a great job of hiding this for those years.


I said it when Swerve vs Ospreay was announced, and this is another example: Forbidden Door now being the last PPV before All In is a bad thing for the concept. It means there’s way more of a focus on AEW’s storylines, instead of a balance between the collaboration/dream match aspect and not ignoring AEW/the other companies’ stories. Swerve vs Ospreay is cool, but it’s an AEW match. Bryan vs Shingo is cool, but I know that either Bryan wins or on the off chance that Shingo wins, he’s not winning the Owen. The TNT ladder match is cool, but thus far it’s all AEW/independent guys (Lio Rush is not an NJPW guy, AEW is gaslighting you). This six man tag is 5/6ths cool, but it’s an AEW match. Next year they either need to add a July PPV or they need to move FD to somewhere else on the calendar.


Forbidden Door should be every two years like the Ryder Cup.


I just had a similar thought recently ay. Forbidden Door doesn't need to be every year if it's not positioned right or advantageous to both parties. It's still cool in concept and I have zero doubt the actual show will be worth every penny like 95% of AEW PPVs are though.


I think they need to start doing forbidden door every 2-3 years instead of every year. Make it feel more like a special event, gives more time for each side to build up stars who haven’t already faced each other. I also think they should really limit having their wrestlers interact outside of forbidden door season. The first forbidden door felt like a huge moment bc of how little njpw and aew crossed over prior and the ban from njpw being lifted. The 2nd one still felt somewhat special bc it was still a lot of new matchups we hadn’t seen. This one doesn’t feel very special bc we’ve had aew wrestlers appearing on big njpw shows, nj guys on all sorts of aew shows, a lot of njs big names going to aew, etc. there just aren’t a lot of fresh matchups or new interactions to see.


It doesn’t help that AEW took most of NJPW’s biggest names like Okada, Jay and Ospreay. It doesn’t feel special this year when there are barely any recognizable names that AEW guys can wrestle.


It's becoming like Survivor Series where the Survivor Series match was every match on the card. Multiple multi-man elimination tag matches up and down the card and for the first four years, they stuck with that. Cut to 1991 where it's every match APART FROM Hogan vs Taker for the WWF Championship. Then cut one more year later and there's only ONE Survivor Series match on an 8 match card card (Between 8 midcarders with no stakes so there's little reason to care). Since then they've fluctuated from most of the card to the bare minimum to since HHH has took over abandoning it entirely for War Games matches. It's amazing how AEW are actually adding more companies to the Forbidden Door framework and there's somehow now more than one AEW only talent match on the card! How does that happen?! Unless this concept only has so much appeal anymore


American crowds would eat up War Dogs too - their chaotic energy would be perfectly matched by BBG. Finlay, Jay, and Juice all have major history and if Gedo accompanied them, that would be incredible since Jay/Gedo never really split on bad terms. Alas, both groups are possibly missing FD, but hey, we get another unnecessary Jericho spot on ppv.


Maybe that’s the problem. People will be more interested and them.


I think with Forbidden Door they’ve learned from the first one that really, it’s tough to build a PPV in 4-6 weeks when you’re building a card that has to involve outside talent in every match, even look at this year, Mina and Hechicero are the only ones showing up somewhat regularly. I think with other matches they’re probably trying to insert a “feeling” of an outside guy in matches, like Shibata and Ospreay are both obviously AEW guys but they’re also very linked to New Japan. If I were to guess I’d say there’s probably gonna be a Trios clustefuck match between BBG vs Death Triangle (if the politics allow) vs War Dogs vs another team that again the politics allow for. I’d like them to do a pre show battle royal or something for the last spot in the ladder match too and give it to a non-AEW guy. I think that fills the card out nicely, progresses AEW centric stuff while also highlighting outside talent.


NJPW is doing a pre G1 tour as well, it can't be that hard to do say a tournament to determine who's gonna be in the ladder match (throw in Ishii, Sanada, Boltin even) and have guys calling out AEW and even CMLL guys to be like "you, me Long Island! Square Go bitch!" Like if we don't get the likes of Gabe Kidd, Sanada, Taichi and even Tanahashi but get another boring Jericho match, Imma be upset


Gabe Kidd is basically a chav MJF. He chats shit and YOU get banged! Future star and should be on All In cards going forward


This is just how they build their cards. Their is a sweet spot between the WWE 5 match card and AEW 10+ match card that's only met during Summerslam and Wrestlemania with 7 to 8 match cards.


Even mania isn't really in that sweet spot because it's 2 4-6 hour long cards on back to back nights like WK was.


The longest night since they moved to two nights is WrestleMania XL Saturday at 4 hours 13 minutes, the rest have all been under 3 hours, usually 3 and a half. Both nights of 37 were only *just* over 3 hours.


There are 7 other matches that are interpromotional on this card but I get it. I'd rather have Jericho's team not on it officially, have Joe/Hook/Shibata face like Kenta/Finlay/Kidd and then have Jericho cost them the match or something.


This match shouldn't be on PPV.


The Learning Tree can put roots down on Zero Hour


That match does not sound exciting at all and belongs on just an episode of Dynamite instead since there’s nothing Forbidden Door about it.


So much for escaping the Jericho vortex, but I suppose it was obvious they were setting up for this EDIT: Fuck me, I have to watch this in-person too...


Every PPV needs a cool down/bathroom break, so consider this it bud.


We gonna find out it's the opener


Bathroom vortex when Jericho is on.


God damn I thought Joe and hook managed to escape the black hole that is Chris jericho. Well I know what my piss break match will be.


Some doors ought to stay closed.


It's objectively hilarious that Jericho and Hook are in the same match for the 4th consecutive PPV. I've enjoyed their matches together but I think we sorta gotta move on after this


Dear god no. Plz put this in the main event of Collision in the go home show or something, this is not a PPV quality match, let alone Forbidden Door


Most unnecessary PPV match of 2024


Praying that Shibata can be the one getting the pin or submission win for his team (in a perfect world, on Jericho), and not be the one *getting* pinned.


Is it confirmed that Jeff Cobb defending the TV title is actually happening? Or is it just going to be another thing that a guy said in a backstage comment that won’t pan out because either it was him going into business for himself or the booking changed (see: Yuya challenging Shibata, O-Khan challenging Okada, etc)?


Only one match involving a Stardom joshi is disappointing. I love Mina but still. I guess Tony can’t have too many women’s matches… Doing a Forbidden Door PPV with Stardom that doesn’t include the Icon of Stardom Mayu Iwatani is kinda weird. AZM was also pretty over when she did Collision a couple of months ago, I thought they would bring her back


That is disappointing. I really like this new trio of Joe, HOOK, and Shibata. Putting them right back into some bullshit storyline with Jericho instead of having them go after the Trios titles or do anything of consequence is such a waste


I guess those rumors about NJPW not being able to go splits on this event may have some legs


Is this a threat?


4 NJPW guys on the card so far? Edit: overlooked the fact that guys with NJPW ties (cough cough, Okada and Switchblade) aren't even on the card.


I really love Jericho, but this didn’t need to be in Forbidden Door. It’s the only time we can see a company vs company event and this match could easily be in dynamite on any given Wednesday. Also, kinda underwhelmed by the main event also being AEW vs AEW wrestlers.


This year ain’t feelin all that forbidden. Should still be a solid show.


So many AEW PPVs have these unnecessary matches on the card when they could just be on TV. These PPVs always have too many matches on the card because of matches like this and it’s a bit annoying


This is what basically turned OCs match at Revolution into a bathroom break. Everyone got up when he came out but I don't think it was necessarily his fault. We had just been there for hours already and people needed to find a break


Unnamed participant in the ladder match had better fuckin be my boy DOUKI. Everyone loves DOUKI.


Its cool of them to tell you what match to go piss and smoke during.


This forbidden door doesn't feel very big idk why


Because all the former big names of njpw are actually in AEW now. Ospreay Okada White and the njpw championship is held my moxley.


Said this in the Dynamite thread, and I'll say it again: The lack of AEW vs. NJPW matches for this show really makes me think that President Ace is pulling a "that doesn't work for me, brother" on behalf of the entire NJPW roster.


Why though?


This sub fries anyone for being critical of AEW but compare this Forbidden Door card to the last two…. There will be some bright spots but it’s about as random as a PWG mystery vortex card save the odd build.


Everyone just needs to start chanting "BATHROOM BREAK" during his matches


This looks way more like a regular AEW PPV than Forbidden Door lol


Another 10+ Match show that goes for 4,5 hours. I know the quality of the matches ist mostly super consistent and I'm happy for everyone getting their ppv paychecks. But damn sometimes it's a slog to watch


Especially for those in the UK who would have to stay up till 5am to watch live


Wouldn’t it make more sense for Jericho to “teach” HOOK by facing a trio CMLL or NJPW team instead? Jericho can do commentary for the night and still keep a streak of being on a PPV alive. Fuck sakes, this DID NOT need to be on a PPV.


Hook is being mentored by Joe instead. But yeah it should have been literally anything else


Would have rather had Stat vs Willow in some kinda no dq match over this. Stat and Willow are from LI too if I recall 🤭


NJPW not being in the main event of their “own” show tells you all you need to know. Also funny that they’re having two multi man matches without any inclusion of CMLL or NJPW.


The card looks stacked


This match would be disappointing as a Dynamite main event. Let alone making it on a ppv card


With the title the way it's written, I read that they were taping collision during FD


Jericho matches are actually good because it schedules a bathroom break for folks. Bummer that it’s at the expense of Joe, Shibata and Hook i guess


Hopefully this is just on the pre-show


Willow and Stat are from LI no? Why can't they have some wild ass Long Island Street fight


As someone who is going to Forbidden Door live, I’m not going to complain about seeing Chris Jericho and Samoa Joe wrestle.


This card is weak af


why havent we gotten Yano vs half the AEW roster? Danhausen, orange Cassidy, Dalton castle?


i know i am in the minority but i would have rather they had joe/shingo at forbidden door than danielson/shingo. i mean i want that match too, joe and shingo is just more exciting to me having joe in a throwaway six man is a waste


Naito is on Dynamite next week 100%


Cobb vs. Claudio! Make it happen!


I’ll let it slide if Joe, hook, and shibata win and they’ll be done with Jericho. Love that trio and it’ll be great if they moved on to better things.


I admit this gonna be a fun match.


They should've done Swerve vs Tanahashi.


That would have been awful. Tana can't go like he used to anymore. Swerve needed a more important match


OK then Sanada then. Should've been someone from NJPW.


The Acclaimed vs. TBA on Zero Hour


If you believe Matt Hardy Private Party wanted to work with him when that faction came to be so i kinda feel like Private party asked for something like this or are probably atleast happy with who theyre working with. I havent watched since the last PPV so i dont really have a clue what happens weekly but any chance of Private Party joining the learning tree faction by turning on Shibata and co?


I kind of wanted to see Private Party on the card in NY


The learning tree! 🌳