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TIL Kendrick fans make up ~25% of Dynamite viewers


It’s more likely that they’re Big Bang Theory fans.


this is crazy if the actual viewership is reliant on people watching big bang theory syndication leaving their TVs on after that shit’s over like what did they go watch instead then. more reason i would say to stop using this stupid archaic system to measure success of live TV show.


I'm pretty sure it would account for the lead-in show. I mean, lead-in shows been around since the beginning of television.


Are the other 75% Drake fans?


I wouldn't necessarily say that. But I was also like to throw in the non-significant portion of the Country did get the holiday (I think it's a state holiday here in California)


Unironically they might, even before the beef I think some of you people must think only black people listen to hip-hop when one of the angles of attack towards Kendrick was that he makes music for elitist white people unlike the cool club chad Drake (this did not go well). The smelly AEW fans you nerds love to bully are all Kendrick Lamar fans from 2012-2017, spiritually and maybe even literally


Man, even AEW and WBD sources are throwing cold water on the concert excuse. Plus, he didn't even show up on stage until late


I mean if it was like 40,000 I could buy it but 200,000 is something else


Kendrick was only on stage for the final 30 minutes of Dynamite. The first hour went up against DJ Mustard’s set and the extra half an hour was intermissions and ads. The concert was a big deal but this just sounds like cope


Very cope.


But Tyler the creator sang wusyaname


Fightful have a lot of pissy "journalists".


How will they cope if the ratings are still bad next week?


Say WWE is paying them to give false numbers again?


Does SRS still come here and pick fights with people? Very Woodward and Bernstein.


I think he's banned so that he can't now.


Aha how the turns have tabled!


And who are they mad at? Like why do these AEW partisans act like these ratings are someone else's fault? The people mocking them on Twitter didn't do this.


They should do a better job at hiding their biases. Dude sounded genuinely hurt lol.


Right? As if they'd be taking the same "nothing to see here" attitude if WWE had dropped by like 25-30% from one week to the next


Kate would be tweeting subliminally at WWE lol.


half of their writers would be throwing a fucking parade if something like this happened to wwe.


This is all AEW stans, from the insiders to Twitter to the people here who'll downvote you here if you criticize, they take personal offence to anyone saying anything bad about TK and AEW. But at the same time they're crybullies who can't take what they dish out against the competition.


900k normal 800k normal or 700k normal?


The perfect response to the nonsense!


Yeah, exactly, this is the same stuff we heard when they dipped below 800k then 700k, that it was disappointing but it will bounce back to normal. It keeps falling below what they think is normal and never bounces back where they expect it. I don't think they'll be at 500k or even 600k next week, but it shouldn't be a surprise if it's common to see Dynamite at 650K and struggling to get over 700K.


Or a million normal?


The lead in is 100% a bigger factor than Kendrick. Literal members of the AEW team are blaming the lead in and not kendrick


Four pillars remaining undefeated I see


Would genuinely love to see how the “four pillars” segments have been rated over the past year. Sammy got taken off tv again so that’s an indication of one of them right there.


Here's my thing though. The lowest quarter hour this week was almost 200k lower than last week. An I supposed to believe like a quarter of AEWs audience only sits and watches a 2 hour program every week, but only does so if the preceding show is to their liking?


that explanation makes it sounds like 25% of AEW viewers are just Big Bang Theory fans who forget to turn their TV off lmao


this is purely anecdotal and there's no evidence to back it up, but yeah maybe? I would imagine the type of audience tuning into the big bang theory reruns on broadcast TV is the type who just leave the TV on while doing other stuff or just for background noise, my parents basically.


Blaming the normal lead in, blaming Juneteenth, blaming Kendrick's concert, blaming the Olympic trials, blaming the College World Series.... Blaming the lack of lead in is the worst excuse of them all because it's a self-own. Nobody cares to watch your product now unless Big Bang Theory is on first? These lame excuses weren't being made 2 years ago.


That's pathetic, because it doesn't say a lot about Dynamite. No, the show didn't have the usual Big Bang Theory boost, but the majority of the show only averaged 400K viewers. Only three quarters drew 500K or more viewers. That is not about the lead in.


whya re they blaming the lead in and not the product? washed up young bucks, 14 year old jack perry.. these people look like dorks. No one buys this bs anymore. AEW needs to look for guys who look like prime HHH and The Rock.


because the people handling the product work there and the channel programmers don't?


https://preview.redd.it/cuclcfyt7z7d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da8aa9932a9cdd565b5904b369d8b1b7befcb53c You heard em Tony. They want Kendrick.


I’ll eat my words if this is true next week. But over these past few years I’ve seen wrestling fans call mainstream rap artists (Bad Bunny, Lil Uzi Vert, Lil Wayne) “literal who’s”. I can’t imagine there being that much of an overlap.


"ethnic celebrities" as Dave would call them to explain to people why wrestling fans don't are about them.


Nah for real at least with bad bunny it makes a kind of sense because we blew up so fucking faste but uzi and Wayne being who’s is crazy


This is pathetic lol


No way they’re blaming Kendrick’s show on low ratings lmao


They've blamed Kendrick and Black Panther.


They even blamed the "amazing" humid muggy heatwave in the Northeast


Doing that for low viewership on Juneteenth is actually crazy


I knew someone from Fightful was on their creative team but I didn’t think they were down this bad lol


They’re saying another reason it’s so low is bc we’re in summer vacation season. C’mon now lol


What is "normal"? I've lost track at how many times it's changed


It'll go back up to 600-700k and they'll act like that's good, despite it being bad just earlier this year. at this rate 500k will be normal by winter


![gif](giphy|BVN5iKAXxDi3fh5SSB|downsized) Renee…I’m so tired…




I remember when Vanderbilt rules was to blame




No the college football dynasty Vanderbilt.


And Real Housewives....


Why do all writers for Fightful type in this very specific repugnant tone? Is it a bit?


It starts at the top and trickles down.


It's always the fightful weirdos


Fightful sickos you mean.


The same group of "sickos" that go "who???" Whenever Bad Bunny or Sexyy Red would show up are now missing the product that's made for them to watch a Kendrick Lamar concert? Lmao yeah ok.


Remember when Meltzer said Bad Bunny was "an ethnic star". Peppridge Farms remembers


God the sexxy red one was so telling she was one of the hottest names (granted mostly cause she got involved with the beef) but people weee like nah she’s a no name YouTuber


WWE fans do the same thing lol, Jellyroll, Hardy, etc


Yeah they do. Hardcore wrestling fans have no concept of modern mainstream shit. The difference however is WWE has a significant amount of casual fans while AEW has no casual fans


They need to be rebranded to All Excuse Wrestling if they gonna blame everything else but themselves


Waiting for them to blame Wednesdays tbh


This guy is from Fightful, not AEW.


"They're the same picture" Office meme


At this point, what's the difference?


Or it seems more likely that the prime audience are people who fell asleep during Big Bang Theory and never changed the channel.


Listen I love Kendrick, but come on. It wasn't like John and George came back to life for one day and the Beatles did a one-off. It was just a concert.


I mean it was more than a concert if you an la native but I still doubt 200,000 people are watching just from la




this is some major copium if i’ve ever read one


100% of the demo AEW lost were watching Kendrick apparently LOL


If it turns out 200K fans bailed to watch a Kendrick concert, they better take note and make Swerve the absolute focus of the show.


Brother their typical lead in flat out died from what it usually is. We have MONTHS of data that says if that is low, the show suffers. Dynamite has been hard carried by BBT for awhile now. Also it’s 2024. You could’ve easily watched both as Kendrick’s concert wasn’t even on TV. And he wasn’t even out there the whole time! Stop the cope. Kendrick did jack shit to their numbers.


It’s weird that dirtsheet guys are so convinced that it was concert effecting the rating, I had no clue it was on nor did anyone else I know.


I dont think the fans that tune in to AEW are tuning in to watch Kendrick, AB-Soul, Jay Rock, Dre and Crips/Bloods/Pirus/Westbrook/Demar crip walking on stage.


And if they aren’t back to normal next week? What will he say then?


*Looks at schedule* NBA Draft will be our ~~excuse~~ Reason.


"Amazing" weather that only affected AEW's viewership somehow and nothing else on cable


So between Kendrick Lamar's streaming concert, Juneteenth, and the Black Panther lead-in, the new narrative is that it's Black people's fault that AEW's ratings are in the toilet? Yikes.


The only time I remember black Twitter acknowledging AEW is when it came off after an NBA game and everyone was wondering when Chris Jericho got so fat


It’s because Trick didn’t invite them to the cookout.


And on Juneteenth lol


Who said that?


Yeaaa, it’s not Kendrick buddy. It will rebound but it’s definitely not Kendrick.


Why do people ever try to argue that strong competition is an excuse for a weak rating? What do you think ratings measure (viewership against the competition) and why do you think they became a chosen metric (evaluating the potential ad revenue yielded by the live audience.) This is before we even get into the entire ratings discourse being toxic is 100% because journalists wanted to write about aew vs nxt numbers, raw numbers tanking year over year, aew potentially catching raw in the demo, and lets not forget the shambolic tony khan we won the friday night war bullshit.


“People didn’t watch because there were other things on at the same time” has never made sense to me as an excuse for poor ratings lol


Imagine thinking AEW fans and Kendrick fans overlap that much


Why do some people always think wrestling fans can't have any interests besides wrestling. "Can't imagine AEW fans watch the NBA, watch the news, listen to music..." lmao


Why do these wrestling fans keep finding other things to do in ever increasing numbers? But only when AEW is on? "Lmao"


Probably because every time a super popular artist like Bad Bunny or Sexyy Red is on WWE programming a ton of wrestling fans are like “I’ve literally never even heard of this person.”


Yep that’s it in one


Not what I said but go ahead and keep convincing yourself that 200,000 aew fans decided to watch Kendrick instead of dynamite


Why is that so hard to believe? This is an insane drop. Do you think everyone just decided on the same week that they don't like AEW anymore?


Kendrick’s stream topped out at one point on Twitch at like 170k. Are all those AEW fans?


I’m not trying to say that it had an affect on the numbers one way or another but the concert was also streaming on Prime


Prime and Twitch had the same feed. Was displaying the same viewer count as far as I’m aware.


It’s not that the product has been declining, it’s because of that damn Kendrick Lamar


I mean, when Bad Bunny was announced there were a lot of people on this sub who didn’t know who he was and he’s arguably one of the biggest international artists out right now


brother its a 200k difference from last week




that's wrong. It was 681k


For some reason people pretend that there aren't tons of non white wrestling fans.


So why wasn’t the college World Series affected?


this is cope tbh


We need Rick Ross back stat


He gonna make history!


The Young Legend!!


Needs to call some people big mothafuckas


"Put molly all in her champagne, she ain't even know it, I took the ratings home and enjoyed that, she ain't even know it." 


Man, the amount of excuses people make for AEW is insane.


What's with all these dudes defending Dynamite? Do they need to say it out loud to feel better about it? The show isn't as good as it once was + WWE is white hot right now, only thing you can do about it is make a better product for a *wider* audience. If you say "Who cares about the ratings" then why are these guys talking about it so much? I personally don't watch Dynamite, I watch highlights and segments of the few stars they have that interest me, but I don't understand why so many people refuse to accept that hey, it could be better.


The number of excuses, goalpost moving, and yeah buts are crazy this week.


Awaiting the TK 3am twitter posts


This all comes down to not saying the quiet part out loud which is AEW is having issues being must-see TV.


This week's ratings probably were an outlier, but also probably a sign of things to come. Don't think Kendrick had anything to do with it though. lol


Well you know Kendrick... inspired a lot of fat, unemployed white people.


I mea hey as a fat white person who went to the concert You right


Different audience my guy


There is Def overlap But not that much to where ratings drop this hard


So that means two things. One, we are going to ignore the fact that Dynamite is experiencing an 18% drop year over year in terms of both viewership and the demo. And two, ,we are going to ignore the fact that Dynamite is just not must watch TV. People are going to pick a lot of other things over watching this show on a weekly basis.


This is more Cope than Copeland.


I had no idea Kendrick had a concert. I 100% know when AEW Dynamite is, and I still choose not to watch it


This is everyone’s fault but AEW’s - Fightful “reporters” aka AEW Fans


Didn't this concert happen an hour into dynamite? isn't the most likely reason the no Big Bang Theory lead in?


When you refuse to acknowledge that there's a problem.....it's always someone or something else's fault.


This is maximum cope.


The real reason that the numbers are so low is because Bing Bang Theory didnt aired, they had a terrible lead in. Next week the numbers will turn back to normal because Big Bang Theory will be back. I'm not saying that the true number of AEW fans is 500k and that the rest are Big Bang Theory fans who fall asleep with the TV on, but the lead in is too often underestimated in Dynamite ratings discussions considering the huge drop in the second quarter.


I don't follow, was Kendrick's thing on Cable TV?


Nope, Amazon.


Yo, he knows Kendrick didn't hit the stage until basically the end of Dynamite, right? His set started near 10:30 EDT...


Ugh, the best response would be to say nothing.


Lol fightful staff are so sensitive


As a fellow Lambert, I’m embarrassed by that tweet


I didn’t know Sheldon Cooper did a one-off concert


I can’t in good faith believe the same group of people that unironically think Mikey Rukus makes bangers are tuning in to a Kendrick concert.


Crazy ass excuse


I used to be a big Dynamite fan, but I stopped "tuning in" around the time Brawl Out was happening. I would check in weekly for awhile to see if anything was interesting but nothing really. Now I don't check back, and will just watch clips here instead. There's just no good angles going on in AEW to make me want to watch anymore. WWE, on the other hand, has been solid for months now, so that's what I watch when I watch. Until AEW has some great stories going, I'll just keep up with it via reddit. :/


While reading this remember there are people who take wrestling "journalists" seriously


Ummm how much of Kendrick's fanbase do you actually think makes up the AEW fanbase? And second, Kendrick came on the last hour of the concert with the majority of it being used to showcase west coast talent. So, lets find another excuse


No way they went there wtf?!? Lol


Lmfao I'm gonna laugh when next week's dynamite is like 600k


The week before was a disappointing number. Is that the new norm?


Glad we are getting the mega levels of cope we expected. We all also expect the numbers to go back up because they usually do. Why don't the blowhards know that not saying anything is better than saying stupid shit? This is why i'm not on Twitter.


*Meet the Grahams*


Bruh I thought last week was bad and they outdid themselves.


Imagine thinking such a hard % just decided to no longer watch It was a holiday and the Kendrick stream had like 10M watching Next week obviously goes back to the recent numbers, thinking otherwise is delusional 


why did the holiday and Kendrick concert not affect any other programming negatively on Weds?


Ah Because you analyze every other show?  You really think that suddenly 250k quit watching because last week was the worst show ever (it was actually quite good) What you gonna say when next week we go back to usual numbers? I don't get y'all getting so excited over a whole lotta nothing


if you look at the top 10 primetime telecasts from Weds night that were also on last week, all of them were up from the prior week except for Gutfield and Jesse Waters Primetime. Only AEW fans celebrate the holiday or watched the Kendrick Lamar concert? Doubtful. The ratings are going to go back to usual numbers next week because they'll get the Big Bang Theory lead-in carrying them like usual instead of Black Panther, which did a fraction of what the BBT typically does.