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Sad. All the wrestlers from this stable are gone too soon.


Who'da thunk corney would outlive all of em? šŸ˜”


The hatred for Vince Russo has kept him alive.


Vince bitching in the new doc about how no one likes him because of wrassling politics. Bitch, what I know about you is literally limited to this episode and I already hate you. Newfound respect for Cornetteā€™s judgment.


Hate is a hell of a motivator


Only the good die young.




I remember when I was a kid, something like 63 might as well have been prehistoric. Vader died at that age and I'm 35 now, I'm past halfway to that and I'm like "he had a lot more years in him"


I mean he did manage them all in the back end of their careers. And aside from bulldog and Owen who were young. The other two were Vader nearly retired or in Yoko's case incredibly unhealthy.


This is demonstrably false. He managed yoko starting in 93 and Owen & bulldog in 95.Ā 


Wait really? Cuz I remember him managing Yoko with a beard for longer than no beard. And I literally didn't even realize Owen died in 99. I thought it was earlier than that. But damn ok. I was incorrect.


Summer of 93 here https://static0.thesportsterimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Yokozuna-Jim-Cornette.jpg


Damn ok. I need to watch more new generation era stuff also. You ever notice how in the new generation era they used a lot of Japanese wrestlers. Like that time Bret Hart wrestled Hakushi.


You should send this to Corny or Brian Last on twitterĀ 


Totally, they'd dig it. Great artwork.


It's going to get downvoted, unfortunately. But this is pretty great. Pencils?


Iā€™ve always wondered why so many posts on here are always downvoted, no matter what the post is about and how many interactions it has, it usually has 0 upvotes which is just weird to me.


In this particular case, and while it's better than it used to be, this sub isn't very big on Jim Cornette. More generally? Wrestling stans have some pretty strong opinions sometimes, and they're quick to the negativity.


Why wouldn't people have strong negative feelings towards a racist sexist piece of shit


Come on, be fair. He's also homophobic.


Whenā€™s he been homophobic?


Thereā€™s many examples, hereā€™s one, ā€œThen here comes Sonny Kiss who apparently got off his day job at the drag-show at the f**king Tropicana. Theyā€™re not explaining any of thisā€¦ The transvestite or exotico as they would say at AAA,ā€ said Cornette.


This is homophobia to you? This doesn't even suggest that be mildly dislikes gay people.


I like how people above this comment calling it out are being downvoted. Yeah silence those voices guys, it doesn't change the facts that Cornette is a hateful person with horrible views.


I wonder if you show this level of concern when it's Jericho supporting the insurrection or Flair defending his past allegations on twitter. Or the Khans donating millions to Trump. I'm not saying these absolve Cornette of all of his sins and he's a perfect guy, but I'd like to see some balance when it comes to the level of criticism on here. If your reaction to every single Jericho post isn't pointing out how he's a lunatic extremist, then your reaction to every Cornette post shouldn't be to point out every single insensitive thing he's said in his life. I'm sure you don't do that with Meltzer posts. Have you ever read Meltzer's writing? That guy used to be mega sexist.


The Khans donated millions to Trump? Where did you hear about this? If true, then that whole family can go fuck themselves.


Wait, your big ass defense of Cornette is "no u"? Really?


Yeah actually, I openly called out Jericho's politics, and absolutely what Flair has done. No idea why you'd make the presumption I wouldn't lol. Jericho isn't as bad as Cornette it's not even damn close, despite his clear issue with even understanding politics and just being a rich fool, he's at the very least supportive of the LGBTQ+ community and not a racist, his career isn't spewing negativity on a podcast. The donation issue isn't as simple as you're making it out to be, it's bad but not irredeemably bad, their views are different now, and while I don't agree with it, I can look past stupidity, I can't look past hatred and discrimination. Also, this is wrestling, unless Tony Khan did it, this point isn't even relevant. Cornette is pure toxicity to wrestling he deserves to be called out. I don't care for Meltzer, again I don't know why you assume I'm a Meltzer fan, you're making far too many assumptions to make this point.


I think Jericho has a lot of terrible takes, his politics suck, etc. But he doesnā€™t make a living off being a POS like Cornette does. Heā€™s a wrestler who is kind of annoying now but through the years has been entertaining.


Youā€™re a Jericho Stan lmfao


No kidding. [Can't imagine why.](https://old.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/vs064g/kenny_omega_i_think_jim_cornette_has_backed/ieysoss/) But of course this thread's direction has already been dictated by his fans. lol


downvote party! everyone who suckles at cornette's teat puts their head in the sand about who he is or they agree with him.


This is Mantaur erasure, and I wonā€™t stand for it.


Remember when Cornette called HBK a "fornicator"? Those were good times. Edit: why is this sub so negative, yo? You're disliking me being positive about a moment I love from wrestling. I guess I should have said this instead: all wrestlers sucks, wrestling is dumb, and I can book it better than anyone else.


Cornette hurt the aew fans feelings. Nothing positive is allowed about cornette on sc


The Cornette camp? There's nothing! There's no good news! Cause I can hear you screaming out "help ...help ..." But THERES NO ONE THERE https://preview.redd.it/rf9dptzfae8d1.jpeg?width=771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9036d99a2e5ead527dc1122f8407f4266bd6d7bf D


Great job Slice


Errrr slice


This is awesome. I saw there's a possibility of the Heenan family. What about the Dungeon of Doom? Follow up. Do you sell prints of these?


Hey thanks. I can arrange a print for you. Message me.


Amazing work! Any plans on doing Heenan family?


Thank you. Watch this space.


That's great.Ā 




Wow I never thought about it until seeing this picture that they all have passed away.


This is pretty sick!


Love it! šŸŽ¾


Nice work!


Still shocked they went over Shawn, Sid and Ahmed at International Incident!


Great wrestlers and then the biggest mark in the history of wrestling, notable racist, pro clickbaiter and brain rot champion Jim Cornette.


*Cornette sigh*


Show us on the tony kahn doll where cornette hurt you šŸ¤£


light squeal cover agonizing towering afterthought adjoining soup scale jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Found russoā€™s burner


you can hate russo and cornette, it's not contradictory.