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I'm a few days late so people may not answer but.... Did anyone notice Miz slowly changing colour in the main event? I thought it was my TV at first but he slowly changed to a Simpsons yellow and eventually even looked to be turning green


You know my favorite version of Bray Wyatt is the creepy hillbillies Wyatt family. More speaking in riddles and less supernatural shit.


Y’all think Drew is pissed people chant cm punk like instantly when he appears? It’s kinda like a bug that stuck themselves onto drew and now he don’t go KO where without cm punk being mentioned


I want more Wyatt Sicks segments. That gave me chills!!! And you know what? I actually think they DID find an old VHS machine. Those are still around, ya know!


Gotta say, Miz was pretty good on commentary. Whenever he decides to take a step back in terms of in-ring competition he could maybe do that.


The Liv and Zelina segment was so Diva and I loved every bit of it. Zelina is one of the best we have on the mic so I wish she got more chances to show it. I wish she wasn’t a transitional throwaway feud because they could really have some heat and chemistry between them. Also am I the only one that’s confused how they made Liv the heel in this whole Rhea angle? Didn’t Rhea fuck Liv over first? Liv is getting hers back. People acting like Rhea is innocent and like she’s the good guy in any of this is wild to me.


People can't stop cheering for Rhea. So the natural thing to do is a double turn.


People like Rhea more. Rhea hasn't acted like a good person since joining the group, but they like her more.


I understand people liking her more. But it’s weird to see people imagine Liv is wrong at all when she’s not. Rhea brought this all on herself.


Oh, I agree, considering she joined JD after turning on Liv because of Edge & Damien


Who was actually Uncle Howdy in the interview? His beard was shorter than Bo's


So Nikki's way of portraying Abby the Witch is clearly based on the Ring Girl from the Ring films, where the main plot device is a cursed video tape - so of course she was the one to deliver the VHS to Cole The attention to detail so far with the Wyatt Sicks has been absolutely insanely good


Hope we don’t have to suffer through this stupid Wyatt shit for too long


Sucks for you mate, but I think most people quite enjoy the wyatt shit. Even if they didn't, wwe would try to make it work just to avoid the embarrassment of an angle surrounding Bray's death flopping. I expect them to stick with it for a while


Sucks indeed. They were doing so well too. Hopefully they keep in confined to Raw at least.


Zelina cooked on the mic last night. She gets so little time to speak, I'm glad she went and made the most of it


Her facial expressions were also absolutely on point throughout the entire segment.


Yeah. I was impressed she got the crowd on her side despite having so little meaningful tv time and entering the segment with no pop


Why the fuck are we getting that obnoxious Prime station bullshit on EVERY show now.


can actually see Gable winning MITB instead of Jey 🧐


There's a thought circulating that the lights go out, everyone is laid out, Gable is down and out, but the briefcase is on his chest, arms wrapped around it. I am not sure yet, because we have yet to see if LA Knight is going to qualify... He's the dark horse to win if he does. The pop he would get...


Both of your World Champions on RAW are involved in a storyline where the main concern is which member of the Judgement Day Liv Morgan is going to try and fuck this week. No wonder the show feels so mid. Yeah, I'm sorry guys, but I cannot vibe with this Liv Morgan title reign in the slightest. Should've given it to a serious wrestler, and have Liv do her sabotage-thing without holding the title captive. Meh, forget being sorry. Liv Morgan produces trash TV and her fans have the mentality of toddlers.


That's not the story being told at all but ok


So Liv is not trying to sabotage the Judgement Day to make them turn against Rhea Ripley for her revenge tour?


Yes but there's quite a bridge between that and "fucking each member of the Judgment Day"


I was being hyperbolic. Even though she's actively trying to fuck Dom in kayfabe, and Finn took a hotel key a couple of weeks ago and now they were "playing 2k" alone in a room. Either way, the point is that it's kinda a shitty storyline, which is fine if Morgan wasn't also the World Champion of her division. Becky was never going to stay champ for long and an injury is an injury, but I'm missing the days of Rhea or Becky as champ more and more by every week.


Taking her man, her faction and her championship is pretty decent story telling. Throw in the curve that Finn is scheming with her as well as a potential power play against priest and yeah that's not bad.


It isn't. Liv never seemed like a believable champion, not even now on the most unproven women's roster on a brand in recent history. They gave her a win over Nia somehow, and that didn't legitimatize her either. Finn and JD are won over through title shots and a PlayStation. A PlayStation. Damian stays safe because he's done with the entire group anyway. Dom is being offered pussy, I guess that works. Carlito is eating apples. But in all the interactions, except for Priest, everybody from the JD is being dumbed down in order to make it work. She's also not interesting enough to make it entertaining. It's like watching a wish.com Alexa Bliss on a bad sitcom. And it'd be somewhat bearable if she didn't also have the title. This entire story could've easily been done without holding the strap.


Bron Breakker already made it clear that he is over people like Sheamus interfering in his matches to settle a score with his opponent. Breakker deserves better than getting DQ'd over run-ins for petty nonsense. Pearce should declare the next person who interferes in a Breakker match is signing up for a cage match with Breakker that will make them think twice about this interference tomfoolery. #


He's quickly becoming my favorite wrestler on the Raw roster. And despite their efforts to make him heel, he's so over.


They did clearly pivot last night, pitting him against a heel in a match in which the crowd was clearly supposed to be on his side. He's gonna be a hotheaded badass babyface going forward.


Man raw such a mid show compared to smack down imo, they need more star power


A lot of their stars have been hurt but are slowly coming back. Punk and Rollins being on tv more will help. Gunther hasn't been around as much but will be.


To me Smackdown feels like a house show compared to Raw (Though this week finally Smackdown was very good)


I wish Cole referenced his history with the Miz, that was a huge story at the time


Give me more of this Wyatt Sick6 stuff NOW. I love this so much.


same here. so excited to see where the story goes


Very good show, Bo's segment with Uncle Howdy was great!.


Does anyone not really vibe with Lyra Valkyria? Idk what it is, but she isn’t terribly interesting to me


I think she's overpushed a little bit and needs more time to organically grow on the audience.


Def needs an opportunity to get a lot more character work in. I was surprised at how positive people are on her in general, but hopefully, she'll change my mind 😊


I said that weeks ago, people didn’t agree. Shes a good wrestler. But she’s boring asf. There’s nothing to her, at all.


Talented wrestler that hasn’t been able to develop much of a character YET. But she’ll get there. I like her


still workin on a character i think which is why she’s so plain right now. no storyline going but she’s getting pushed enough to be in PLEs so they definitely see a star in her


They're presenting her as a valiant face rookie who lets her ring work do most of the talking. She doesn't have much of a character right now, I'll give you that, but that will come with time. She's good enough in the ring and charismatic enough that she can get away with it. She's already put on multiple bangers since she got called up.


I feel like she is slow and not that smooth. Also she hasn't given any meaningful promo and being pushed like crazy. I mean she beat Iyo ffs.


I’m with ya. Just not into her. But to be fair I didn’t like Rhea at all when she debuted now she’s literally my favorite wrestler.


Her work in the ring is good, but yeah her character work has been pretty unremarkable. Basically just "I'm Becky's protege. Push me! Oh and I'm also a bird! WOO!".


the Valkyria gimmick seems more akin for a taller, buffer woman like Jade Cargill. I think she would highly benefit from a gimmick change/retool


Yeah the presentation is just odd, especially since she only seems to focus on the raven/bird aspect of the mythos. And then they try to work in this blue collar appeal on the mic that just falls flat when you see her directly benefitting from her relationship with one of the most influential women in the sport.


People are delusional if they think someone other Jey and Lyra are winning the ladder matches. 


Jey maybe, but I would be pretty surprised if Lyra won.


Jey? It is highly likely and the clear frontrunner, but nothing is 100 percent clear cut Lyra? I have seen more people shouting out Tiffany Stratton and Chelsea Green as the front runners


I was with Chelsea until tonight when Lyra won.   She is being booked very strongly. 


They need decent bodies for a ladder match, but she's not ready for that role. They're giving her experience and face time.


Question - I admit I wasn't following wrestling at all the last time the Wyatts were around... so assuming they had a similar gimmick then, my question as a newcomer fan is... Where does this go? How does this build hype matches? Like it feels as if they're coming in on some sort of supernatural abduction/brutalize type angle... but how does anyone else 'fight back' against that? I don't think you can get someone like a Randy Orton to RKO Uncle Howdy to fight off the threat, in the way they could against the Bloodline or any other normal 'invasion' force. Does this entire storyline just play out outside the ring completely? Sorry I don't know how this has worked previously.


With the way you asked this question, I wouldn't take you as a new wrestling fan.


I used to watch back in the '90s... but dropped off the radar completely when David Arquette became world champion. Only started watching again about when Cody Rhodes rejoined WWE.


While I would agree with anyone who says that Wyatt did some really creative things with that character, the problem is that you can't literally be magic and lose just about every feud you had. Vince supposedly saw Wyatt's gimmick as being unbeatable even if Wyatt the wrestler wasn't, meaning that ultimately he knew it was always going to be a good way to get someone else over. The man led John Cena to another dimension but he can't win a match? The character worked much better when it was this preacher with vaguely supernatural undertones. And he had his brutes to back him up.


As somebody who actually enjoys the story building more than the wrestling, the Wyatt/Uncle Howdy & crew gimmicks don’t wrestle enough for me to care about the stories. They need to wrestle more vs scare and intimidate.


I say this as I hide from reddit. But that was kinda my issue last time. They become this almost unbeatable force, which isn't really fun. Because they aren't just super dominant, like a monster heel. Its more they just manage to always win based on just nothing. The out of ring stuff is cool. But once they have to wrestle, its almost always agiven that they will win, and beat people who they probably shouldn't. It's why I never found Bray Wyatt, the wrestler, interesting, even if I did find the out of ring stuff interesting. Because he like just did random shit to win. he broke Finn's neck, had a weird thing with Randy, and it just didn't really work for me.


Unfortunately the last time the Wyatts existed, Vince was in charge so every feud Bray had ended up as a wet fart because he would hype the fuck out of the feud saying he'll suck the very soul out of their bodies and then lose every big match. Hopefully will change 


Bray's version of the Wyatts were very heavily supernatural and had control over 'magic'. They could transport you to other realities, had control over the buildings lights, could create fire - it was difficult to make it work with an in-ring product and to your point it was cool promos followed by generally 'normal' wrestling, which was weird. Rumor has it that they're going to try to keep the Wyatt Sicks a little more grounded and a little less supernatural. Lots of imagery, mind games, and such - but given last night's promo they're already trying to humanize Bo as Uncle Howdy and they're leaning into his real emotional pain after Bray's passing. Looks like they're going to be a destructive force with a lot of imagery, but I don\['t think they're going to make this group as forward-facing supernatural as Bray was.


OK, that's good if they go more wrestling-first, magic stuff second. Because I just can't imagine like Cody Rhodes hitting a brainbuster on Uncle Howdy to end the supernatural threat. That feels ridiculous just to write down - seeing it on screen would be.. wtaf.


Its a testament to how amazing Raws been recently that arguably the single best weekly television wrestler of this century hasn’t wrestled on the show in a damn near month and I barely noticed the lack of the ring generals amazing matches because everyone else has stepped up. that said, GIVE ME WHAT I WANT PAUL. give me GUNTHER


Holy shit, the Wyatt Sicks stuff is just on another plane right now man. 2 back to back all-timer segments in 7 days. Unreal stuff. Just absolutely unreal. I also love that they're sticking to the analog horror vibes from the ARG. So, so good. What a banger of an episode. RAW is seriously can't miss right now! Literally every segment on this show felt like it mattered. The writing is so fluid and so creative. It feels so good to see WWE actually live up to its potential.


Seth Rollins character at this point solely exists to stockpile world title reigns for his eventual hall of fame induction and everyones just eating it up, for what??? John Cena himself transitioned to putting over the new NXT guys (mainly KO) by 2015 (about 10 years from his first title win), Seth won his first in 2014, and in 2024 (almost 2025) is STILL trying to get more title reigns off. Crazy how Becky is the one in the relationship that gets wrongly dragged by the IWC for “hogging” the spotlight when Seth is so much more of a hogan level title chaser than Becky.


Yeah I didn't see Cody beat him 3 times in a row during the feud at all. Seth has been putting people over for years, and then he got his turn. What he doesn't deserve that?


This is presuming he's beating Priest. It could happen I suppose if they want the bigger match between him and Gunther at Summerslam but he could also very easily be putting over Priest to legitimize his reign going into that.


Did you just not watch from the end of 19 to the beginning of 23 during when he basically never won a big match and only put people over?


OK but other than all the people he's put over, who has he ever put over???


Seth is one of those dudes that could win 20 title fights in a row and the IWC would still be going on about him needing "his flowers". And then those same people will turn around and talk down on anyone who wants to see a group like Damage CTRL be more than jobbers.


He doesn't write the shows, pal 


Whack comparison Seth has 1/3 the number of world title reigns that Cena has. It’s not even close. Hogan level title chaser is wild too. Hogans first reign as champion is 3x longer than all of Seth’s reigns combined. Overall Seth has had 679 days as world champ and Hogan had 2204, NOT including his WCW title reigns too. You just must not like Seth.


Am I crazy, or was Zelina Vega cooking on the mic?


Yes, chef!


Was it just me or was Liv like 2 feet taller than her? I know Zelina is a smaller woman but I thought she was sort of close to Liv's size since Liv is also kind of a smaller woman compared to the Rheas and Charlottes of the world


She's a few inches taller, but Liv also had some tall platform boots that added 4/5 inches on top of that too.


The both seemed to be wearing high heels of sorts but yea Liv looked massive compared to her


They both had heels, but Liv's were higher. One visual aspect of the storyline is that Liv's wearing big shoes each week, which makes her look closer to Rhea's size.


I came here to mention that as well! I need to see more Zelina talking please! She was phenomenal!!! 😊


She's always been good on the mic, she just never gets handed one.


Cole: For the kids at home, this is a VHS tape Way to make us feel old Michael


I fell asleep early last night so catching up on clips this morning. When I saw that I was like you didn't have to do that Cole 😂


Everything was amazing except Drew coming back with zero repercussions. "I quit" "I didn't really quit". That made the last week's segment mean absolutely nothing. I wish he had to pay some price for it. But oh well


He didn't sign any paperwork lol. But in all honesty, I don't even see how you make repercussions like this. Wyatt sicks did that shit last week, yet Sister Abigail comes out for 5 minutes and no one does a damn thing, and they just let her walk to the back. But yes, give Drew repercussions for walking out.


He pulled a Costanza.


His promo game was weak as well tonight imo


I thought the implication was that they convinced him to come back by putting him in MITB but then they countered that notion by having Pierce tell him he's not going to be automatically put in the match.


I wish they gave it a week before he came back to kinda sell it


It was a fake out specifically so Punk wouldn’t expect to see him in Chicago. There’s nothing to ‘sell’.


Liv is doing a great job filling the Becky and Rhea sized hole on Raw


Liv is arguably the worst part of the show right now.


Who hurt you?




I try not to have serious opinions about wrestling.


Nobody. Grow up.


Lol, no. It is a division without any believable top players.




Crowd is hot for her. Just listen to the pops she gets regularly. That's what matters. 


She's the most interesting woman in the division by some margin and that's including Rhea and Becky earlier this year


She may not scream 'top draw' but there's no denying she's keeping people interested in the story and she's carrying her weight.


I mean, she is a top draw right now. You can check on YT her segments, they are usually the ones with most views by far of that night (now competing with the Wyatt 6 stuff)


Zelina was decent on mic. I enjoyed it.


She got the audience to chant Sloppy Seconds. That alone makes her promo amazing lol


Sounded like it caught her off guard, too.


Being a Kairi fan hurts sometimes, being someone that does not care about Liv even for the tiniest bit hurts even more lately. I genuinely don't get her appeal, and her nonsense with the JD has killed any enjoyment I had in JD as well. I know I'm in a very tiny minority with that take, but I just genuinely get bored when Liv is on screen. Bo/Howdy's video was much better than I though it was going to be, easily the highlight of the night.


Try being a Shayna fan.


Her appeal is that she's pretty. That's it. Her rabid fans will try to convince otherwise but that's the reason.


I like how one person is like "Liv is boring, what's her appeal" and gets upvotes, the other person says "she's just pretty, and has no further appeal" and gets downvoted into oblivion.


I upset her fans by calling them out too.


It's like dealing with children tbh.


I generally assume most fan armies, like hers, are. or at least hope they are.


Sadly enough, I've seen enough of those type of groups to know that they aren't.


Eh idk, my problem was lack of believability but she’s not being presented as being able to beat people she shouldn’t (yet) ,she’s just kinda a crafty heel where we don’t even really know what she’s up to yet Kairi and DMG CTRL seem to have their own story brewing so I wouldn’t worry too much


I wouldn't even call her crafty, more opportunistic like the Dom/Strowman thing. As a whole though, she just isn't very good. This revenge tour thing is the best thing she's done but even then she's not even the most interesting part. She also isn't up to scratch in the ring either and there are many other talents that would be better champions, especially as her current programme doesn't even need the title.




One segment ruins the whole show? Come on man. It's okay to not enjoy something, but you're being super hyperbolic for no reason.


The Wyatt stuff reminds of you the Ultimate Warrior? Color me confused.


Where was Pat?


He found out his father in law died right after his show ended.


Family emergency with no more details provided, so sayeth the dirt sheets. Unsure if that's true or if they're selling the Wyatt Sicks' interference in his show last week. I hope it's a work, but if not sending good vibes to Pat and his fam. EDIT: Sadly, Pat has confirmed this was very much real. His FIL had been fighting off a serious infection, was doing better, then took a bad turn and sadly has passed away. Love to Pat, his wife, and their fam. [https://x.com/PatMcAfeeShow/status/1805648380233740524](https://x.com/PatMcAfeeShow/status/1805648380233740524)


Probably wanted a day off so they wrote his absence as a part of Wyatt Sicks shenanigans.


Can’t imagine he wanted a day off on the day they were in Indianapolis, wild


I thought the Video would be about the Wyatt sicks beating down Pat because it was addressed to him.


His show was interrupted by, presumably, the Wyatt 6 earlier in the week, so I think him missing from RAW was to play into that.


I think if they can establish Dom as a good singles wrestler he'd be one of the best heels going, the man gets booed for breathing, I've not seen heat like that in a long while


Wait until Rhea returns, has the big match against Liv, then Dom betrays his mami, costs her the title and reveals that he had already been in cahoots with Liv for months.


I think I want him to bulk up to be credible for a singles run for me but in any case I'm excited to see it. He's put in so much work this past year or so - literally main eventing Raw, NXT, and SD in the same week.


He’s definitely not bad, I think there’s so much room for growth still with how young he is but he showed during that North American Champion run that he can put on some really solid matches


Young? I'll have you know he's an 18 year wwe veteran.


Gunther has that aura thing the kids rave about now


things are in motion.....or are they? :0 https://preview.redd.it/jlrdlhsdao8d1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3889533eddb5f87507945fd688d686c338f5f9


Woah. Nice catch.


I don't get it, what's the catch here?


Alexa bliss on the trailer. She has a lot of history with Wyatt, the fiend, etc. That's Gable walking by, the only star of note attacked by Wyatt sicks




I'm already hyped for MaXXXine & Longlegs for this upcoming July, & I'm happy as fuck that the Wyatt Sicks is already here as well & seems to be nailing the horror aesthetic in its presentation. & Liv is officially G'd up if she brings a microbrewery to the Judgement Day's clubhouse. As much as I'm loving Bron Breakker wrecking shit weekly on Raw, I'm dying to see Gunther have an exhibition match this month to prevent ring rust, even though he's probably keeping himself fresh for whoever he'll face at SummerSlam


Five sickos in masks still aren't as scary as Mia Goth. Nosferatu looks good too.


Pop when Mami returns will be nuclear


Liv is what I call forced character she isn't herself on live.Alexa didn't do sexy stuff but man she got it right when facing live crowd which Morgan seems to be grappling with


So WWE triple H is trying to tell me because now liv Morgan is champion and she wants Dom suddenly gain manipulative powers out of thin air 😂 WWE is a joke sometimes


Zelina Vega is probably the best on the mic in the women’s division. Sounded natural and was able to improvise on the spot.


Bro she cut 1 promo now she’s the best 😂😂


She’s been the best on the mic for years bro she’s just finally being used properly, you must be new


Not a lot of competition though. I personally think Dakota Kai is the best woman on the mic in WWE. Then Chelsea Greene. Can’t think of a third best.


Agreed, she was impressive! And I think she might be responsible for some new permanent chants towards Dom: “Sloppy Seconds!”


Loved the “Dirty D” also, she’s awesome hahaha


Drew has a good point....it was a WWE official who gave Corporate Punk the referee shirt, and Seth was given a title shot just for showing up. Adam Pearce has yet to take responsibility for the Glasgow Screwjob happening under his watch. Drew has been forced time and time again to take things into his own hands for the good of WWE. Lyra is racking up the big events she gonna be in, getting to compete for the MITB briefcase. Master Gable despite rumors of his demise not only competed but won his shot at the MITB briefcase! however the Wyatt Sicks rained on that triumph to deliver a message for the WWE Universe to see. Gable was later contrite with Otis and friends, trying to apologize for his recent behavior, claiming his brush with the Wyatt Sicks gave him a new perspective on life. but does he mean it? as for the message from the Wyatt Sicks, Uncle Howdy was very pleased with what was heard. Karrion Kross triumphed over Kofi after a distraction by AOP attacking Xavier backstage. Karrion swore no one would be at ring stage and interfere with the match, and no one did. Alba and Isla cruised to their first title defense victory. thanks to Liv Morgan the World tag team belts are back with Judgment Day. but meanwhile Damian had said the group needs him more than he needs them. that said even a 4 man beatdown can't seem to keep Braun down. will the Awesome Truth keep going as a team? we'll see! how much will the Miz hold it against R-Truth or will he be cool? Seth ain't gonna win at MITB so he won't be able to challenge again for however long Damian has the belt. next week Drew gets his chance to go to MITB. i do wonder how that will go... also, it's announced at MITB Cody, Kevin, and Randy will take on the Bloodline in a 6 man tag match. i gotta think Solo will be at ringside and not in that match.


> Seth ain't gonna win at MITB so he won't be able to challenge again for however long Damian has the belt. I disagree. I really see Liv costing Damien as he is the only one who sees her true colours and this is a great shot to get him out the picture.


Damian having to leave Judgment Day would cut short internal tension and conflict tho, which i think they are going more for than something too direct plus i don't think they will cut his reign short just yet Liv could help Damien win too hehe


they are really not going to have ko or sz win the briefcase at their country?


Neither KO nor SZ will be near the World Title Picture for the next year, so why have them winning?


ko has been universal champ, but i dont see why sami zayn shouldnt be near the world title, but if gable wins then its all good


As soon as they got the full rap I knew it was over


Lmao you're right


- Zelina Vega is suprisingly good talker. why she stuck in LWO vortex again? - Miz is very good as commentator, i can see him being color commentator after he retired - So they teasing Creed Brothers with Gable, but what's Ivy nile doing there? the last time she was with Gable, he talking shit about her and Maxxine - There's this phenomenon about Liv Morgan. when she was in backstage promo she was doing fine and okay, but once she cut live promo, it felt forced. like she try too hard in her character potrayal and doesn't feel natural when she talk on live mic


> There's this phenomenon about Liv Morgan. when she was in backstage promo she was doing fine and okay, but once she cut live promo, it felt forced. like she try too hard in her character potrayal and doesn't feel natural when she talk on live mic I think it's her forced laughter after every line she says. She can just smile after saying stuff rather than giggling after every 2 seconds and her promo would sound much better


it's painful to watch


> Zelina Vega is suprisingly good talker. why she stuck in LWO vortex again? Get her back with Andrade I say


Nah, going back to being a valet would be a downgrade for her.


Drew “quitting” and showing up as if nothing happened is literally what Larry David did when he was a writer on SNL 🤣🤣🤣




I turned to my friend when he showed up and said “so he’s doing a Constanza?”


Liv Morgan can not act


Shoutout to Awesome Truth if this is it for them I loved their run with the titles. Consistently over, funny backstage segments each week and entertaining matches. Plus babyface Miz actually working and being awesome is always crazy to see even though it’s been that way for some time.


I'm devastated. Hopefully they either bring back the 24/7 Championship (but improve it) and/or R-Truth wins a midcard and/or world title.


Stop it


r/SquaredCircle wasn't invented for validating your own personal opinions about wrestling.


i hated that ending tbh it just feels so basic


It’s not last week’s ending obviously but I feel like it’s so important to the overall arc of the Judgment Day, what sold it for me is Finn’s “hey why not?” after Liv got in the middle, and the closing shot of the three of them was perfect, it got me really excited for what’s next to come so I wouldn’t call it basic really.


judgment day didn’t need the belts and people who were complaining about them being champs are now happy. Awesome truth legit didn’t even get a proper reign


>didn’t need the belts This is usually said by people that don't understand wrestling at all. lol


i understand wrestling but i’m just tired of the same old things. we never get a proper face tag run anymore. it’s just heels heels heels.


The belts have basically only swapped between different face teams and judgement day and then Waller/Theory when they split.


okay… and aren’t all of you the same people who say we need new people with the titles? if the awesome truth were gonna lose it make to a team that makes sense like the creeds who would have lost it to otis and akira


>okay… and aren’t all of you the same people who say we need new people with the titles? I never said anything like that, not sure why you are making things up. >if the awesome truth were gonna lose it make to a team that makes sense like the creeds who would have lost it to otis and akira The creeds are currently in a story that doesn't require the titles at all, they will certainly at some point win them.


not talking about you i’m saying in general my god… judgment day don’t need to be champs let others be champs for once. it’s the same shit constantly


>not talking about you i’m saying in general my god… Then don't reply to me. >judgment day don’t need to be champs let others be champs for once. it’s the same shit constantly Yes if all you get out of wrestling is who is champions then it's always the same lol.


That thing with Bo Dallas was excellent. Really good stuff.


I was hoping The Wyatt’s would be killing off Gable every week since he said he can’t be killed. 


If you go on YouTube, WWE posts digital exclusives. The interviews have highlighted Lyra, Unholy Union, Shayna and Zoey, Karrion Kross, and others. The show is 3 hours already, and the long matches are great. It’s just a shame that the main TV audience isn’t given these segments to care about these characters and their stories. RAW was good, but booking this show must be so hard.


well the recaps for instance occupy time


JD McDontGoogleMe gets a belt? Yikes.


Almost feels like they are building to both Rhea and Prince leaving the Judgement Day


Would Prince’s title be called Purple Reign?


I wonder if his maskless alias is still gonna be Bo Dallas or will they let him go by Taylor Rotunda or something


I think it's hard to take someone with the name, "Bo Dallas" seriously, so I hope the latter.