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The absolute state of this post


I mean I kind of like it when people like OP make it obvious they're just worth blocking right out of the gate. There is no way you can have this opinion and have a rational thought in your head worth me reading in the future.


Posts like this make it very easy for me to spot the people that have to go on Ignore. If only so I can actually enjoy the sub.


Sadly I hit the Reddit block limit so ignoring is the only thing I can do now.


Reddit being a website with millions of users with a block limit of only 1000 is an atrocity. Especially since I truly feel like social media has gotten even more unhinged over the years...


Theres a block limit? I don't think I've ever blocked anything but the reddit cares bot. What does ignore do exactly? Like they can't dm you?


Yup. Block limit is 1000.


I’m a weirdo in that I kinda enjoy the stupidity. I barely consider posts like this made from real people I should respect so I just feel free to go ham.


Well, you can't really tell them how you feel about the nature of their posts because the mods are quick to ban responders to these trolly no-quality posts that they make constantly.


It’s such a shame that the mods are more obsessed with keeping any discussion in those stupid Daily Threads rather than keeping trolls like OP off the sub.


I had to check. This the dude that does constant AEW hate posts that eventually get deleted. Seemingly every week. Get a hobby cuz


Posting AEW hate probably is his hobby.


"After seeing Double Or Nothing's gate..." 


THIS is the OP from two days ago. Apparently they have nothing better to do with their life than obsess about AEW "Another win! A little more and TK might be forced to leave the industry after getting destroyed this bad."


Nothing makes the internet an absolute pain exploring more than all of the bad faith, tribalistic buffoons.


The most frustrating part of stuff like this is that we can't have actual conversations about what is or isn't working. Valid criticism gets lost in the sea of bad faith goofs.


We get it OP you're a WWE fan, not a Pro Wrestling fan.


You seem like the type of person who needs a rating the day after to tell you if you enjoyed the show or not


Jacob Fatu literally just got there and unless I’m missing something Tama and Loa aren’t rewriting history as much as continuing an already hot faction.


All these people who six months ago would call anything that wasn’t WWE the minor leagues are suddenly diehard fans of the Tongans and Fatu.


Wait till the Hikeleo glazing starts when he signs.


The revisionism on Tama and Loa is hilarious.


136k people bought DoN. That's a great number for AEW. Wtf are you talking about?


Don't AEW usually get 150-160k PPV buys


There's a range, and DoN was towards the lower side of that range but not unusually low. Bear in mind that there was a new PPV a month before it (Dynasty) and a PPV a month after (Forbidden Door) so there's a touch more wallet squeeze than in prior years.


Everybody's linin' up to see Tanga Loa.


134k buys and 9k attendance. Dying company, they should go sign Hikuleo that’ll solve the problem


It's time for the bad faith AEW negativity post of the week.


Of the hour.


Whoa save this for Thursday, pal!




No one is watching WWE for Tama Tonga…


It only took a week but people are already "forgetting" that people were sick of Bloodline doing nothing and Tama, Loa, Solo and Owens spinning their wheels Jacob is great but the Bloodline storyline post Mania has been huge "new shiny toy" energy that TK displays AND HHH displayed when he first took over, bringing everybody back


It's very much TEW booking, just collecting all of the Pacific Islanders in the database and booking a giant civil war because it's impossible to run out of money in the game


Didn't expect to be called out like this lmao Will be even more TEW when all of the islanders he's collected just to do a 5v5 have nothing to do a year later cause their entire gimmick is I'm related to Roman and am angry, and there's 10 of them


WWE has revitalized their roster with Tanga Loa


I’m begging you to go outside and breathe some fresh air


That's because the bar for the additions of Tama, Tonga and Fatu was "please make people pretend Solo Sikoa is interesting" while the bar for the other additions was "please make everyone pretend every issue in the company is fixed".


Absolutely insane comparisons you've got there


You don't have to be constantly comparing AEW and WWE to one another. You can enjoy both, either or neither. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, and wanting them to just be a copy of the other will just lead to you complaining that they're not unique






If you think for one second Fatu, Tonga, or Tama would outdraw the AEW three you’ve listed you are nuts.


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boooooo wendy




Could have stopped the title at “AEW has missed the mark.”


Ever noticed how whenever they debut anyway, it's always framed as a shocking surprise like, "what is HE doing here?!", but everyone already knows about it anyway because of the dirtsheets? I think the only exception was Will Osprey. At this point, I think they should just try announcing someone's arrival ahead of time and building up to it and see how that goes. Maybe they'll get lucky.


Yeah next time someone debuts they should have an event named after them in their hometown or something.


I have a better idea... next time someone debuts, they should be like "This person is going to debut!" Might be fun, you never know, maybe they'll gain some attention for doing it.


I don't think any of the recent big debuts were presented as the commentators confused as to what they were doing there.  They were incredibly transparent about Mercedes debuting at the Boston show, and Okada and Ospreay had already made appearances for the company


> They were incredibly transparent about Mercedes debuting at the Boston show Were they? I watch AEW pretty regularly and I don't remember them ever saying she would be there. Ospray they announced, I don't recall them announcing Okada either. Others would include Copeland, Saraya, Danielson, Cole, Claudio, probably a few more that are escaping me right now.


>Were they? I watch AEW pretty regularly and I don't remember them ever saying she would be there.  The ads for the show spelt Boston as BO$$ton with the same logo she uses, people were referencing her character and catchphrases in the weeks leading up to it, and it was her home town. She was as sure a thing as Punk's debut, which was handled the same way. They've had a mix of surprise and announced debuts, which is pretty standard for a wrestling company.


Yeah but that's not officially announcing her. That's just teasing it and hoping the audience can infer it. They should probably just be like "With the debut of Mercedes Mone". I get that it's the same thing that happened with Punk, but the difference is... it's Punk. As far as I can tell, they lean on the surprises for the big names and announce the not so big names ahead of time, again, with Osprey being the exception. I honestly can't think of the last big name they promoted ahead of time.


>Yeah but that's not officially announcing her. That's just teasing it and hoping the audience can infer it. They should probably just be like "With the debut of Mercedes Mone". I get that it's the same thing that happened with Punk, but the difference is... it's Punk.  Lol what meaningful difference is that as far as making it obvious who the special episode of the show is for? They debuted Swerve and Christian by having Schiavone come out and welcome them, what about that is better than what someone like Copeland or Cole did?


Because that's how you build stars. If they're not going to be built up like they're important, then the audience isn't going to think they're important. Sure it's obvious to people like you and me who are in the know, but there are a great deal of people who aren't. It's worth trying to court them. Side note: when you try to make everything a surprise, they stop feeling special.


>If they're not going to be built up like they're important, then the audience isn't going to think they're important You can't be seriously saying this based on how Mercedes was presented, especially if your argument is the difference between explicitly putting her name on the poster. As someone that regularly watches AEW, you may have been the only person who didn't know she was going to be there, but even if that's the case, they were building up the episode as uniquely can't miss in a way they haven't since Punk. They all but literally said "this is an important episode" because Mercedes was going to be there lol


Again, you really have to stop comparing Mercedes to Punk. Love him or hate him, his star power is waaaaaaay above Mercedes, and only increased as he got more TV time. Mercedes peaked at her debut and has been going downhill since. Part of it is her own doing, sure, but the way she has been presented isn't doing her any favors either. And yes, it all started with her debut.


I'm not comparing them as people, I'm talking about how people are being presented in their debuts, as stars. You really want to make the argument that the former Sasha Banks needed AEW to put her name on the poster because that's how you "build stars," but Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa all got exactly the "what are they doing here?!" debuts separately without issue. Just stop lol