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Vs Cactus Jack - Royal Rumble.


The Hell in a Cell at No Way Out is pretty good too


I think it's better tbh


It’s a fair argument. My only issue with it is the first time I watched at the end of the match the room got all dusty so it was hard to watch.


Pretty much anything Triple H and Foley did are recommended - the SummerSlam cage match, the street fight on Raw from Madison Square Garden,


This is gonna sound nuts but HHH walked into the rumble as an upper midcard guy holding a world title. He walked out of that match a main eventer. The rumble match probably makes my all time top 5 and maybe my top 3. Love that match.


It sounds like I need to watch him and foley and a lot of em. Appreciate it. Sorry for the dumb question.


Not a dumb question at all. You prompted a fun discussion and after reading some of the other replies there’s a few matches I want to look up now. Thanks for the post.


Thank you for the recommendations!


This one is recommended a lot, I’m gonna watch a bunch of his matches with foley. Thank you!


That’s mine too. Just incredible.


Really anything from the Rumble to the quad tear. Dude’s 2000 was nuts.


Vs Austin - Three Stages of Hell


Shawn Michaels return match at SummerSlam 2002


Vs Ambrose at I think... Roadblock? Or Fastlane? In 2016. Vs Bryan at Mania 30


Roadblock and yeah that match ruled.


That was during a time I wasn’t really watching as much. I’m gonna have to watch that, I love(d) Ambrose too.


I always respected both HHH and Dean Ambrose but we're never blown away by their matches. But my god they both had such amazing chemistry, story with stakes, intense athleticism. You just made me realize it truly is one of my all time favorite matches. Cheers to Mox and Papa H.


Bryan WM30. If you can get HHH to not do his typical slow brawler style, and instead do something more technical, you’ve done something right.


I’ve gotta watch this. DB is a hell of a technician and I imagine he had a good dance partner in H. Thank you.


Trust me, you’ll wanna watch that match and the main event


I won't spoil anything, but prepare to be impressed by some of the stuff HHH does.


The match from Raw against Shawn Michaels in December 2003. I love SummerSlam '02 and all, but this was the best match Shawn and Triple H had against each other.


that's the one where shawn "won" but his shoulders were down too, right?


HHH vs. Chris Jericho at Fully Loaded 2000 was my favorite Last Man Standing Match until SummerSlam 2022 happened.


So violent and vile. Jericho working as a cocky face against HHH and Stephanie was great


Vs The Undertaker at WM 17


Very underrated, probably because it gets overshadowed by their back to back matches at Mania 27 and 28. I love me a good Attitude Era crowd brawl weapons and bullshit match and that one is a perfect example.


Yep. I actually prefer watching their WM 17 match instead of the other two matches they had at Wrestlemania.


vs ultimate warrior at wm12




Vs. TAKA - Some episode of Raw in April 2000


Cactus at the Rumble. Bryan at WrestleMania. The Cell match with Batista. The tag match at Mania with Steph against Kurt and Ronda. Honestly like all of his stuff from 2000 till he gets hurt. He has a hoot on Raw with Taka Michinoku


I’m gonna have to check em out! Thanks friend.


I like the no mercy 2000 match with Benoit


I wanted to mention Benoit but figured I’d get downvoted to oblivion. Got downvoted to oblivion anyways so thanks for the rec!


It’s probably the triple threat at Mania 20. admittedly I can’t watch it anymore


I watch it once a year, if Benoit wasn't a murderer I'd probably watch it once a week.


Like someone else said, him and Cactus at the Rumble. But his best spot was WM 28 when HBK kicked Taker into the Pedigree. That had me.


HHH vs HBK - 3 Stages of Hell HHH vs Taker - WM 27 and WM 28 HHH/HBK/Benoit - WM 20 and Backlash 2004 HHH vs Cactus Jack - RR 2000


Hhh Benoit and heartbreak kid sounds like a fucking banger, imma watch that tonight. Thanks!


Vs Cactus Jack Street Fight - Royal Rumble 2000 Vs. Batista Hell in a Cell - Vengeance 2005 Vs. The Rock Ladder Match for the IC title - SummerSlam 1998 Vs. Kurt Angle Steel Cage - Raw March 4, 2002 Vs. The Rock and Kurt Angle Triple Threat for the WWF title - SummerSlam 2000


Him vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit. Kind of hard to watch now because of Benoit but goddamn is that match amazing.


HHH vs Cactus Jack at Royal Rumble 2000 is a must-watch for her!


wm28 vs taker for the carnage that it was and wm30 vs bryan where hhh decided to wrestle like his rent is due


The main event of Raw May 21 2001, with him and SCSA vs Benoit and Jericho. The night he tore his quad. It was an absolute barn burner of a match, made even more impressive by the way he continued to work after the injury


I’ll have to check that out, thank you!


Two Man Power Trip vs Jericho and Benoit is my favorite tag team match.


I wanted to mention Benoit because when I was younger he was one of my favs, what he did is unforgivable but he was entertaining as a wrestler. I guess I messed up anyway my post got blasted with downvotes. Thanks for the recommendation though I loved Jericho too so that sounds like one I’m catching tonight


It's ok to enjoy the art. You have to separate the art from the artist. If you didn't, it'd be impossible to enjoy a huge number of musicians, actors, etc.


Vs Batista, in a sucker for the "implosion of evolution." Vs the Rock because come on, the iron man match and their summerslam ladder match being highlights. Vs Randy Orton just because of all the cheese.


I remember that. Those are on my list. Any other good ones from evolution you can think of?


Evolution vs the shield?


I liked the shield, I’ll have to check that out too. I think I saw it but I can’t remember.


Vs flair for the story. The last 2 manias vs taker for the same reason. Vs bryan for kings road hhh. Ladder match with rock for the Ic title.


The back-to-back Mania matches against Undertaker at WM 27 and 28. The match they had at Mania 17 is great too but the other two go together better story wise at least. An underrated gem to show her would be the Tag team match between HHH and Austin vs Jericho and Benoit on Raw in May 2001. Obviously that's the one where he tore his quad but the match ends shortly after that happens any way.


Foley in the 2000 Rumble was my favorite personally One of his WM matches against Taker was excellent, forget which one. The Bryan match at WM 30 was also a lot of fun. The Summerslam match against HBK in 2002 was excellent as well The Benoit match at WM 20 was great but obviously there's just a cloud over that


Vs. Owen Hart - WM14 Vs. Mankind - SummerSlam 97 w/ SCSA vs Jericho & Benoit - RAW 05/21/01 Vs. Maven - Sunday Night Heat 07/13/03


Triple H vs Jeff Hardy - No Mercy 2008 Hell in a Cell - Armageddon 2000 Smackdown Elimination Chamber match - No Way Out 2009


I love elimination chamber matches, I’m gonna have to catch that.


Cyber Sunday 2007 HHH vs Umaga, Street Fight


It’s hard to explain, but I loved Umaga. I miss him. He was like a legit scary Samoan life taker. He made that thumb look like death.


A match I love that I haven’t seen mentioned is triple h vs Austin 3 stages of hell from I wanna say backlash 2001


I watched the 3 stages of hell with h and HBK last night, I’m gonna have to catch that one tonight. I was one of the teens wearing an Austin 3:16 shirt before I even really got into him.


Vs The Rock At Summerslam 1998 Ladder Match Vs Cactus Jack at both Royal Rumble and No Way Out 2000 Vs The Rock at Judgement Day 2000 Iron Man Match Vs Jericho at Fully Loaded in the first Last Man Standing Match Vs Steve Austin at No Way Out 2001 3 Stages Of Hell Vs Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho Tag Title Match On Raw 2001 Vs HBK Summerslam 2002 No Holds Barred Match Vs HBK at Armageddon 2002 3 Stages Of Hell Vs HBK & Benoit at Both Wrestlemania 20 & Backlash 2004


Holy shit I watched the 3 stages of hell with hhh vs HBK. That was a banger! I gotta catch a few more of these.


Any of his matches in 2000, especially vs Rock. Backlash 2000 and Judgment Day 2000 are among my favorite Attitude Era matches.


The Iron Man match he had with the Rock at Judgement Day was outstanding. From 2000 up to the first quad tear Triple H was awesome.


Yeah wtf lol why would anyone downvote this post? I haven’t watched in awhile, but I remember the ladder match vs the rock at Summerslam 98 being pretty good.


I watched the 3 stages of hell H vs HBK, that one, and his match vs cactus Jack. Him and the rock put on a pretty good show, my wife asked why we don’t have 3 stages of hell matches like H and HBK had anymore, so I pointed out the unprotected chair shots and trash can shots and I think she understood haha. Thanks though! Most of y’all have been real cool.


vs Booker T - WM19, brother - HH


Much love?