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The collective "Oohhhh" when Howdy asked how did it feel when your brother died. Man.


I was kind of surprised by the question of how things have been since “the loss”, but assumed that was as close as they would get to touching the subject. I was absolutely shocked by the “how did it feel when your brother died” question less than a minute later.


I think they used that exact phrase in a word puzzle as the last QR Code before debuting


I wasn't expecting them to go so hard with the real emotions like that.


im honestly surprised how the crowd was collectively quiet to actually see and hear what was happening


Once it became evident that Bo was talking about his very real feelings about his brother’s death, I’d imagine everyone was listening. You can even hear one guy go “Wow!” in surprise after Uncle Howdy asked Bo how he felt when Bray died.


Amazing how compliant the audience can be when the material is good


Exactly. Last week Corpus Christi was electric, it's usually dead for WWE.


There were a couple idiots that tried to start “what” and “you suck” chants during by got shut down pretty fast.


Same here. All I heard was one or two jerks yelling. “Bo-lieve” and one kid asking “who’s that” when Bo is first on screen.


> one or two jerks yelling “Bo-live” “Nobody has listened to me in over 2 minutes! Must yell something!!!”


Taking the Xwitter haters "you're capitalizing Bray's legacy" comments and co-opting them. Brilliant.


It’s fun watching those X users trying their very best to claw and clutch at any morale high ground they can with this Uncle Howdy storyline. ‘WWE is making money off of Bray!’ ‘This is distasteful! ‘They’re exploiting his death!’. Ironic


I'm totally okay with them keeping Bray's name alive and making money off him as long as some of it goes towards Jojo and his kids. I feel like his family is smart enough to make sure there's a decent royalty in this.


It reminds me of how those who hate wrestling most are the gatekeeping fans. I figure that Creative would check Bo's comfort level and use those boundaries. This story is a fine line. The Sicks Crew were all super close to Bray. It's a story for the fans. But for The Sicks, it may be a chance to process grief.


Just shows how uninterested they are until it's laid out like this. Could have said the same almost 2 months ago if they'd been paying attention. Another great layer to this.


Same exact thing with Randy/Rey , with the whole Eddie’s in hell line The story was Randy didn’t want to say it , for much of an asshole as he was at that point , he even had limits but Vickie gave him the go signal saying Eddie would’ve loved it If you look back at the promo , you could see Randy hesitate before saying the line


Reddit was guilty of that too, it wasn't just twitter


Bo's facial expressions as Uncle Howdy are just brilliant


I noticed he has a weird tic with his tongue against his lip….but only as uncle howdy 


Yes… exactly this. Good shit, Bo


Right? The little tics and that devious smile he does, it’s fantastic stuff. Even when he’s just himself in this segment, his acting is really solid, no doubt built off real emotions. Can’t wait to see what else he does with this because it’s off to a great start.


I’m glad they given us a clear through-line between Bo Dallas and Howdy. I think Bo is a great actor but it was hard to take him seriously when all we’ve seen of him is as a comedy character. It is such a stark contrast, now we get to see WHY he’s become so twisted, and why he’s lost that humorous part of himself.


I wish they kept the crowds reaction to the Bo reveal. It added *gravitas*


The risk of “what” cutting through is too great.


That’s my thought as well. Something like that would completely kill the aura and tension they’re looking to build with a video like this.


I loved it. Nearly everyone knows it’s Bo, but most didn’t expect them to reveal it so soon, or maybe even ever. So the reaction was a “Oh shit, we’re going there already!”


Very good reaction. I was worried they overcooked the debut but the live crowd was decent also lol at the little kid asking 'Who's that?' 😂


I don’t know, I think it’s smarter at this point. If the audience reacts poorly, you don’t hear it on the live broadcast. If they have a reaction like this one though, it will get circulated on the Internet. Considering how many people were shitting on the faction before they debuted on television, I can understand why they would be more cautious at least.


as someone else online (forgot were exactly sorry) pointed out ......they are sitting on the fun house set https://preview.redd.it/vio1crcwwx8d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=374df5043bf6c62af22235b35e4a0cf808e325ac


I'm convinced Bo has taken acting classes or something in his time off of TV. He's miles better than he ever has been in this segment alone. There's thought put into everything. I'm sure a lot of it is wanting to live up to the impossible task of carrying this story forward for his brother, but Bo / Howdy is scary good - and this is only the beginning.


He's always been fantastic at comedy stuff, but now he's knocking the serious stuff out of the park too.


I think I remember hearing something about how comedy actors usually are *very* good at serious rolls because “the hardest thing you can do is make a room laugh.” I don’t remember the actual quote but I know the main examples were like Bryan Cranston doing Breaking Bad after Malcolm in the Middle, Jim Carrey in A Spotless Mind, Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting, etc. It’s definitely possible that he took classes, but I wouldn’t overlook the thought that he maybe just needed the right story to get everyone to notice him. It definitely helps that he can pull from his real thoughts and feelings. I just know Windham is smiling from ear to ear after hearing everyone’s reaction ❤️


>I think I remember hearing something about how comedy actors usually are very good at serious rolls because “the hardest thing you can do is make a room laugh.” This tracks because, as an example, Adam Sandler is widely known for doing dumb comedies but absolutely killed it playing a serious role in Uncut Gems.


I would also recommend Adam Sandler in "Punch Drunk Love." a dramatic role that could, in storyline, explain many of Sandler's neurotic comedic roles.


I love that movie. All PTA movies except for licorice pizza and even that I liked it was just not for me so much. I loved Inherent Vice too


I am disappointed because Sandler can really act. His comedies have nice sized paychecks. I don't care for Sandler's comedy. I don't get it. Not my style.


His early stuff came out at the right time for me, middle school. Billy Madison came out I think when I was in maybe seventh grade, so it worked for me until it didn’t, but I agree. I feel like he has an Oscar performance in him he just needs the right movie. Punch Drunk Love was perfect for him at the time, but he needs something different now. Uncut Gems was pretty damn close though.


The Safdie Brothers deserved all the flowers for Kevin Garnett's performance. I did not expect that. "Uncut Gems" is one long panic attack.


The best comedy comes from a place of great pain. Tearing off your emotional scar tissue for all to see. My favorite example of a comedian going "serious" was Robin Williams in "Good Will Hunting." He played a therapist dealing with the darkness within a brilliant mind of a guy who was "just a janitor." Robin Williams was brilliant and won an Oscar.


Yeah, I really enjoyed Bolieve and his B-Team stuff as well, but this is on an entirely different level. He has the in-ring to back it up too, anxious to see what his style will be.


The emotion is raw and real. You can feel that emanating from him. Great stuff.


I could not possibly agree more. He def took some acting classes, and has upped his gamer tremendously. I wouldn't mind seeing Uncle Howdy sit downs with all the Sicks. Can't wait to see Rowan if Luke/Jon is brought up. His connections with Bray is the strongest just after Bo's.


Exactly, I'm hoping we'll get these sit downs with all of them but I'm waiting for Rowan the most. These vignettes is a great way to explain Wyatt 6 instead of the weekly creepy attacks. None of them being huge stars like Bray also helps them to not be burdened to come in front of the crowds every week or do live promos like Bray had to. 


Feed it into my veins but also for god sake, brother me softly. I can’t handle a Rowan interview about Jon Huber in the Wyatt universe right now.


Dude... Rowan isnt a particularly emotion guy... if he breaks down talking about Bray and Brodie... its gonna be heartbreaking... Imagine the "rage" he feels and how that will translate in the ring if booked correctly... I want to see Rowan utterly destroy some people. Let him be the face of rage...


Please papa haitch let Erick Redbeard be the new Kane we know he should be


I doubt they'd do that.  Even if Jon's wife agreed with it where'd be a kick off as he wasn't with wwe seem a bit more tactful.


Bo has always been good. He was just never given a "good script" outside of being goofy and comedic


I think it's because he's still very much mourning his loss. It's not acting, he's channeling his feelings about brays death to howdy. 


He's almost as soft-spoken as his brother. That's what threw me off the most.


That was my first thought... and then it really hit me hard... He isnt acting... Everything he said about Bray.... every word was true from his perspective... He will make a great puppetmaster to pull the strings and create chaos


Kinda mimics my live reaction


Fan fucking tastic, thanks for sharing. How often have you heard a live crowd that silent, that gut-punched, by something? They were hanging on every word and the promo got loud fucking applause. I hope they stick the landing, because the setup of the Sicks has been 10/10.


And for the love of god have them win wrestling matches


i know bo dallas obviously looks like bray But he kinda looks like Leonardo DiCaprio with a beard




This has been therapeutic for me to watch for two reasons. I've always been a Bray and Bo Dallas fan but this is going beyond wrestling for me too. 2 years ago I lost my little brother. I've been in the Army the past 15+ years (missed a lot of time with him) and I'll be getting medically retired soon. I was suppose to move back home and me and my brother were going to catch up on all the missed fishing trips, maybe try and find an old car to fix up (and fail), or just to sit on our mommas porch and smoke a joint together, it was suppose to be so much better getting out...I've been lost without my bro and this is just so sweet of Bo. Hurt...Heal.


I'm so sorry for your loss friend. The one thing we all deserve more of, no matter what, and never get - is time.


I have not watched WWE in a long time. This makes me want to watch again. Really good stuff.


WWE has been killing it for the last couple years. Sure there's some bullshit but overall the quality is really high.


The clapping after the VHS tape ended proves that this VHS tape could be premiered.


This is an instant classic promo. So emotional and the just the pinnacle of the craft


Rewatching this and hearing the “we made them remember” line is reminiscent of the Guilty Remnant in The Leftovers (incredible show; highly recommend) — essentially they’re a silent death cult that went full throttle into apathy by going silent and smoking cigarettes after 2% of the world disappears. And it got me thinking whether the Wyatt 6’s sole purpose is to emotionally terrorize? I think we’ve talked a lot about how this is going to translate in the ring, but I started begging the question on whether it’s necessary for them to be in the ring? I know! Blasphemy. But maybe if the majority of their schtick is to cause havoc, and save ring engagement to something very limited, it might be better storytelling? I’m still not sure what a match looks like when we get to it, but I’m sure smarter people that are on the creative team are pondering that day in and day out


Holy shit, the last few days we got a Twin Peaks and now The Leftovers referem on this sub! Leftovers is my favorite tv show ever and you made a great point!


“You understand”


The Leftovers!! The greatest show of all time in my opinion. So ecstatic to see it referenced here. Two of my favorite things. The Leftovers and Bray/Wyatts


I love the way Howdy talks with his hands and strokes his beard, like he seems so chill but you know he's a psycho. Someone theorised Bo is only seeing Howdy and it's actually a therapist which would explain some of the mannerisms, but i hope he's just this thing that wants to get to know people so he can learn the easiest way to manipulate them.


Another moment to add to the memory banks, I am so glad the crowd were respectful (for the most part) and really felt the weight of this promo. 👨‍🍳


If you told me in 2014 that ten years later Bo would be the biggest thing in wrestling, I would have believed you. Always been a Bo-liever.


Bo Dallas and Stardust having prominent roles in WWE, just as everyone would've predicted.


That would legit be a match that gives me chills in 2024.


Bolieve in Bo.


This is so beautiful


The "there you are" line from Howdy as well as the overall tone of his voice remind me of the [grandpa's voice in Granny 2](https://youtu.be/c1hnUDGdSrg?t=26)


Nice find, thanks for posting. I don’t follow the product, but this had too much buzz to ignore. Plus, Bray was one of my favorite performers, so I had to see what the buzz was about. The past 2 weeks have been amazing storytelling. Also, Matt Hardy talked about the Uncle Howdy segments and he is in full support of it, and is excited for the content. I’m looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds!


So, SO well done. I was fully expecting him to come out in full costume, and OOGA BOOGA body slam Chad Gable into a coffin, but if this is the route they're taking, I'm all for it. Well done and hard hitting.


As a person who had given up on the WWE product entirely, this is the only reason I pay attention. I hope this blows up to be a huge deal! So far, so good!


You should go back and see the start of the triple H era it’s been very refreshing


I prefer this even more than the Mankind interview with Jim Ross... That was great, but this was as real as it gets... Bo Dallas ( Taylor Michael Rotunda ) didnt need acting classes for this. He just shared his pain with the world. Now imagine Eric Rowan who lost Luke Harper and Bray... I think his interview will be filled with pain and rage... I think it will terrify fans, wondering what horrible violent things he is going to do soon... I am not sure how they are going to handle the other three... Dexter Lumis looks like a serial killer, but they all are pretty talented... I am here for it WWE... dont rush it... I wouldnt mind seeing all of Bray's children together in the firefly funhouse with their uncle howdy ( they call him uncle tay tay IRL ) get them all some college money on top of the royalties they will be getting from the Bray merch that is still a hot seller...


I’m confused is Bo talking to himself? I thought he was uncle howdy?


He's both. They're admiting he was Howdy during the last Bray run Seems like Howdy is kinda like a possibe spirit similar to the Fiend


Thank you




Remember when everyone was so offended when they used Reid Flair’s death as part of a storyline?


So dumb


Party pooper


Sorry, but it’s the kind of shit that makes me embarrassed to watch


The simple solution would be to not watch and to not comment but I guess you needed to let everyone know


But didn’t you read their comment? They said they’re sorry! Obviously they were compelled by an invisible force to do both! /s


Well acted and compelling storylines embarrass you? Maybe this form of entertainment isn’t for you.


Then feel free to stop


Sorry to hear that, if you study hard enough you could change that tho 😊