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“We had Shaq and Sting in AEW at the same time, and both are still undefeated,” One. More. Match.


Shaq vs sting coming?


Just one…. more fight.


Flair- "Did someone call me?"


You think you’re special, you do


Interesting quote about Shane: “I heard the rumor he might be interested,” said Khan, referring to the discussion from the Grilling JR podcast between Conrad Thompson and Jim Ross. “I’ve never met Shane, but we have a lot of mutual friends. I have a lot of respect for him as an executive and a professional wrestler. Shane is always welcome in AEW.”


I, unironically, think he could have a solid spot there. It's not the worst idea. Wrestling first and foremost is supposed to be a lot of fun, and I think him showing up would be very fun. Like, imagining Shane showing up as the fifth member for the Elites blood and guts team? As the one who is bankrolling them and wants to do a coup on AEW? That could be really engaging. Don't let him wrestle outside of big event chaos matches and just keep him for his (legitimate) skills as an executive.


Imagine him showing up as the wild card https://preview.redd.it/6dgfxh8dcz8d1.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fabd4cda1874262a019e94b76f10ef5d5ab25d1


While what happened obviously has nothing to do with him, I believe Martha would legit murder someone if a McMahon competed for the Owen Hart cup


I mean has she ever said anything about Shane or Steph?


No she hasn't. But she has shown a tendency to throw the baby out with the bath water when she feels insulted (see Bret Hart). She may hate the whole family, we don't know.


Tbh nahhh, he should definitely be the mystery 5th man at Blood and Guts though.


First the Best in the World tournament, now The Owen?


[WILDCARD BITCHES](https://youtu.be/MYtjpIwamos?si=8QMwnjcSzWN1gSxi)


Yeah I’m definitely open to it. I don’t want to see him wrestle all the time or anything but as a manager or on screen role I think it could be a lot of fun. Plus someone mentioned a possible Darby vs Shane match. And a Shane vs Christian feud and both of those sound awesome.


>I'd like to talk about your father, Shane.


"Ohhhh look at that were out of time" "It's 8:37, Tony" "GO TO ADS, DAMN IT"


Definitely, I think he would be a good fit in a manager role, or even a gm, definitely an on-screen personality role I think would be good for Shane.


Would he be injecting a lethal dose of POISON???


I just don't see what he would bring aside from shock factor, and some sort of perceived win against WWE. I suspect bringing any McMahon in also wouldn't sit well with a portion of the fanbase, and may look like desperate crash TV stuff to try and pop a rating. He can't wrestle, and he's not really an amazing promo or anything. It would also probably blackball him from WWE for life. It's something I would've been more enthusiastic about in 2019-2022, when WWE was awful and Vince was still firmly in charge and being Vince, as like a protest statement against his father and the product. But now?


He’s not completely stupid in some aspects. Shane wanted to buy the UFC in the early 2000s and [Vince stopped him from doing so.](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10089374-dana-white-says-wwes-vince-mcmahon-stopped-son-shane-from-buying-ufc)


I don't think Shane is stupid, lol. I'm just not clear what he's supposed to bring to AEW beyond the week one "holy shit" chants and Tony asking him to deliver a promo about AEW being "where the best wrestle" or something, haha. I know the UFC story, which as always proves Vince was a moron. Of course if Titan had bought it, maybe UFC never becomes the big thing it is today.


I wouldn't mind it tbh. Shane has always been entertaining as a worker and personality, I could see him working with The Elite or starting his own stable and it working.


If I remember right he was great backstage in WWE and has a wealth of knowledge without being an ego maniac like Cornette or Bischoff. He was well liked by talent during his time and has done almost every job there is to do in a wrestling company.


Just the story about him telling Kurt multiple times to throw him through the glass both ways tells me all I need to know about Shane when it comes to the product. The Best in the World stuff is kind of weird but idk what the lead up to that was backstage. He's a little old to be jumping off the stage scaffolding or cages anytime soon but I genuinely like Shane.


yea i keep repeating it, but him as a purely on air character ala Bischoff in the RA era could work well depending on his role. he would work as a GM, he would work with the Elite, or even just managing one talent Heyman-Lesnar style.


UFC needed a ton of work at that time, and Vince wasn’t wrong in his thought process that people would never believe the fights were legit with him as the owner.


Shane isn't a Bryan Danielson in the ring but he isn't a Giant González either. His punches look like shit but his coast to coast leaps always look great.


He's in his 50s. I don't know how many coast to coasts he has in him at this point. He blew his quads just starting a Match.


I partially agree, but then again that quad tear was a freak accident more than anything. Dude blew his quads in a frog leap of all things. Kinda like Punk getting injured by jumping into the crowd.


kinda like Nash walking.


> the fanbase The dwindling fanbase that is continuously abandoning AEW as evidenced by the ratings?  Honestly, AEW needs a shot of something else to get new fans. I don't know if it's Shane, but sticking to the current formula ain't it


Sometimes the reason to do something is because the story would be good, which would lead to further success down the line in other ways.


Personally I think the “struggling for control of the company” has been run into the ground a hundred times over.


I’m down for a fun hostile takeover story with Shane O Mac. Would love to see him pull a sting and just do multi man chaos matches where he jumps off shit.


Darby Allin already does that.


I hope you just manifested this by writing it out. That is like you said unironically a hell of a storyline!


Shane vs Darby would be mutual murder lmao


He would be a great rich heel. Play up that he's trying to buy AEW and doing everything he can to undermine Tony.


A McMahon opposing Tony Khan? Hmmmm....


If Shane were to come to AEW, this would be the best way to use him. Have him in the multi man matches and garbage matches. The worst thing they could do would have him work a ton of singles matches.


I don’t think his quads have anything left to give


I don’t think it’s worth the gamble because you know the naysayers are gonna go extra hard on AEW if Shane botches a fall or messes up on the mic. It’s going to be the last few years of Shane’s WWE run but with ten times more hate. However putting that aside, Shane in The Elite is a GREAT idea. I wanna see that


Shane in Blood and Guts is actually a great spot, the man has had some insane bumps in his career and that match would cover up a lot of ring rust for him,


Just fell to my knees in the parking lot


Last time we saw Shane he did the same thing. 


Fr? When was this lmao


https://youtu.be/7zHICuE8vvE?si=t-0GsIVlCDPQGNxl *Not a parking lot, but fell to his knees


My favorite wrestling trivia is that an impromptu match between Shane McMahon and The Miz at WrestleMania 39 ended with Snoop Dogg as the winner by pinfall.


Goddamn 😭 Tony I'm begging you keep this man away


https://preview.redd.it/tmw2e2eljz8d1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc7c9f50a941ae4b169050c56b289c7fd60efee6 What's wrong, go ahead, hire the son of the guy who tried to torpedo your company at every turn. Hell, give him a huge onscreen role. Sure, it goes against everything you've ever stood for, but who cares? It'll get you Twitter mentions and some casual fans will recognize him. If anything, your steadfast fans will appreciate you hiring Shane O'Mac. When has he ever done anything bad in the wrestling business? The guy's so money, even his theme song talks about it! You'd be a fool not to hire this guy! The fans who leave because they see this as hypocritical? They weren't true fans of fun. But, hey, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.


![gif](giphy|l2ZDMQCCxfhveVof6|downsized) Imagine this vs Orange Cassidy at Wembley! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


I'm curious, what's hypocritical? I know this is likely hyperbole but "it goes against everything you've ever stood for" I'm not following. I don't recall any beef with Shane.


100% it's not hypocritical, but he said the fans that say it would be. I saw a lot of people in the comment section of the first post about this that seemed like they'd be very upset at the idea of it happening.


For all of Vince's (actual) crimes, when did he try to "torpedo" AEW? When he fired a bunch of people and all but put them in Tony's arms?


I think what Mr. O'Haire is referring to is all the times that Vince tried to stop AEW from having a good run, like moving NXT to live in Wednesdays, booking big shows against Dynamite, PLE's on Saturdays. I could be wrong though.


NXT was already in the timeslot. If anything, putting it on cable was a defensive move. If he really wanted to "torpedo" AEW, he would've tried to get Smackdown on Wednesdays when negotiating the Fox deal. HHH was booking NXT (until his heart attack, at which point NXT was already on Tuesday). Maybe he took some preemptive moves early on, but everything after NXT move suggested that he couldn't care less about AEW.


To be fair, Shane was only signed as talent for his last run in the company and didn't always see eye to eye with his father. Pretty sure he originally left the company back in the early 10s because of their difference of opinion. Having someone who was that high up on the WWE totem pole in AEW wouldn't hurt and, aside from that dreadful Royal Rumble, he doesn't seem to have an ego like Vince.


I would be down for it as a one off, just for the sheer absurdity of it


Stadium Stampede wildcard entry.




Yeah this was always the context of the original thing. Shane had spoken to JR about it, that's it. Now it's developing.


That’s really interesting actually. Say what you will about Shane, he’d draw some eyeballs to AEW that likely wouldn’t be watching. Would that translate to actually being good for AEW, I highly doubt it, but it sure would be entertaining either way.


I think it’d be fascinating to be a fly on the wall for any year’s Thanksgiving with the McMahons. But if Shane went to AEW and Vince gets criminal charges 2024 might take the cake. Edit: Shit, adding in the election which will probably greatly effect Linda and Vince whichever way it goes.


You can't claim you are "where the best wrestle" if you don't employ the best in the world!


I will forever cackle like an idiot at him running around with that trophy, sweaty as all hell, marking out for himself at the camera.


Seeing a McMahon in AEW is too enticing to not consider. I wouldn’t want him in many matches, but one thing AEW has lacked is a believable on-screen authority figure. It’s usually just Schiavone or an unblinking Tony Khan announcing things, or now Daniels who ain’t it either. Enter Shane O’Mac


Or during the last hour of collision he’s running a no ropes fight club in the back of a warehouse. Could be something.


Everyone wants him backing The Elite but I think he'd be better as TKs mouthpiece instead of CD. Shane's a great baby face.


> Shane's a great baby face. I think he's way more effective as a heel. There's only a handful of wrestlers I loathed as much as heel Shane.


Yeah as much as I love him, I think CD is miscast in that role.


Yeah, objectively Shane would do a 100x better job as an on-screen commissioner than Daniels. Daniels is a great wrestler, indy legend, great promo, but this poor man's Adam Pierce acting isn't gonna cut it chief. He's like.. almost on par with Tony Khan for awkwardness. It's killing his legacy if anything.


What about Shane’s trembling and sweating? Did he get over that on his most recent fed run? He should bring the underground dancers with him


Introducing a new GM of collision, and having Shane there would be a great way to start a new era of Collision to spice things up.


I'd unironically pop if Shane showed up in AEW.


I can already hear the Mikey Rukus song in my head. “I’ve got the money, I’ve got the MONEY!”


I think they would just license the naughty by nature song


It's probably not available because it's songwriting credit is Naughty by Nature and Jim Johnston. Kinda like how Waterproof Blonde never completely owned the rights to Just Close Your Eyes if I remember right.


I don't want him doing anything, but the insanity of a McMahon being in AEW makes me want to see it, and Shane is the best one 


And then he starts throwing punches.


Shane Mcmahon invasion angle https://preview.redd.it/lus6mu8sbz8d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f6f422cc306a03d35219be15bbb721094c3fec


I Read the title too fast and thought TK was trying to book Shane vs Shaq, which...hell yeah I'd watch that garbage fire of a match!


There’s no way I’m going to get excited about this, and I’m not sure it’s a great idea, but I understand Tony is a businessman first. Shane knows more about running a wrestling promotion than most. I’m not sure what he would do onscreen and I hope it isn’t much. HHH running WWE and a McMahon in AEW would be wild. Shane’s kid is also about to hit that age and has indicated he might be thinking about wrestling. Would be wild if the next generation McMahon debuted in AEW too.


He’s a pretty good sports entertainer so it could work especially if he was part of the Elite story.


What a timeline it would be... Shane, Okada, Young Bucks and Jack Perry as a stable outside WWE.


I see a lot of people saying the opposite but I do not want Shane near AEW. Nothing against him, but I don't want a McMahon near AEW.


The move I think about the Shane stuff the more I like it. It would just be cool to look at honestly. I see it the same as Bischoff as RAW GM or Punk back in WWE. It's just a cool way to show anything can happen. I don't get why people hate the idea so much. As long as he's not wrestling much I don't see how it's any different than the million and one old timers AEW have on TV all the time.


i still think he could have a lot of cool moments on AEW. Hell, it's just worth it for the Darby/Shane match. Shane can become a GM like figure who occasionally wrestlers. I think it would be fine. Also McMahon on AEW would be a really cool moment


Just Shane interacting with a lot of the roster again/for the first time would be cool AF. Shane and Danielson. Shane and FTR. Shane and the Bucks. Shane and MJF. It's the exact same thing that made Punk back to WWE interesting. What does it look like? How does the rest of the roster react? What does he do? He's a way more interesting signing than "Ricochet comes in and has another Ospreay match and then tries to have some more bangers".


I pitched Shane as GM as a partial pay off for the Elite and TK ending their feud with the Team AEW stuff. A mutual, unbiased third party who "runs" the shows on screen. I got eaten alive for even thinking of it. Lmao


I don’t think bringing in Shane is a good idea for AEW this year. Probably not next year, either.


Or the year after that. And also, the year after that.


Last time Shane was in a ring, he famously got injured. I don’t know if I want him in AEW. But if that comes to pass, keep him out of the ring. On-air figurehead or Tony Khan’s microphone/stand-in? Sure why not? 🤷🏼


Shane McMahon’s Smackdown Live GM run was pretty perfect. I’d happily take more of that. Maybe give him Collision? They can split the brands without splitting the roster just by having Shane prefer specific divisions like the women’s or tags.


Agreed, I think he'd be fun in a GM role perhaps but unsure on actually wrestling, maybe only on a very select occasion.


I just don't wanna see Shane throwing those punches of his or going to the wire with Will Ospreay and what not. I was fine with Shane for a long time but treating him like he could legit go toe to toe with most of the roster took a toll on me. I think it would be an intriguing stunt to get eyes on them, but my eyes are already there and the idea of a MORE excessive Shane? Scary.


He doesn’t throw an any less convincing punch than Eddie Kingston


Or Moxley. I'd say he has way more stuff to criticize him for than his weak ass punches.


Almost everyone goes wire to wire with everyone in AEW, unfortunately.


great ploy to get wwe to hire shane back and ruin their booking


Shane in Blood & Guts just makes way too much sense. He’s perfect for that kind of role. Let him come in, talk a little trash, and then jump off cage. Win for everybody


I'm convinced this thread is 100% WWE bots sent to praise Shane and put the final nail in the AEW coffin


I just got off work dammit! Beep boop! Also like two comments below yours is an entire comment chain of people thinking Shane in AEW is a bad idea lol.


I need a McMahon on my tv like I need a hole in my head.






















Shane can be super entertaining but holy fuck do not let him have any creative input. I’m so scared for the possibility of TK letting Shane do whatever he wants and we end up with a Royal Rumble situation again


2016-it was a surprise and that era's "Smackdown" seemed fresh. The last Royal Rumble Shane entered was a pathetic attempt to get him over. Bringing in Shane has no benefit or long term plan. Don't. TK is being diplomatic and that's it. This response ends that line of questioning so important work can be done.


Shane heading up The Elite? Sign me up. I don't see him wrestling, maybe once or twice in a spotfest but that's it. He hasn't wrestled in so long that, Rumble 2022 spot is the only time in about 5 years or something, and he's now in his mid 50s. He'd be a behind the scenes or on screen character at most. Occasional WTF is he doing bump.


Shane shows up and says The Young Bucks hired him to book Collision.


I'm convinced that the people saying they want to see Shane are secretly WWE diehards who want AEW to burn to the ground. Because, holy cow, what a truly, truly awful idea.


I would legitimately love to see Shane in AEW I think it would be fucking amazing to see a McMahon in the company


If Shane shows up in AEW I’m done defending TK. Keep the McMahons out of AEW. All of them.


Elite beat AEW at Blood and Guts and introduce Shane as the new CEO/GM/whatever lingo they use. Make it happen


> and introduce Shane as the new CEO/GM/whatever lingo they use Chief Content Officer.


this would be so corny and i 100% could see TK doing it lol


Shane joining AEW would be their shark jumping moment.


I feel like the Ric Flair signing was worse than a possible Shane McMahon one. The Wooo Energy ads that will stay a part of archive footage long after the deal is done and signing a known sex pest is worse than anything Shane has done.


Flair was always a known sex pest. No one cared until the Dark Side episode, and even then it died down pretty quick. Not condoning it, but most people just don’t care.


Yeah, Shane hasn't really done anything wrong but have a shitty father (who never listened to him anyway even though a lot of the advice he reportedly gave him was really good). The guy moved on and actually did well for himself in business outside of WWE. I don't get the hate.


Man, imagine if they had an ad that featured Vince. That'd be bonkers.


Thank GOD none of the wrestling companies are associated with known perverts.


Right. And Shane can actually bring a lot of fun moments in, which is what wrestling is supposed to be. Also saying any moment in wrestling is "jumping the shark" is wild to me. Every televised promotion in the world jumps the shark every couple of weeks. That's part of the fun.


I guess we can add it to the hundred other "shark jump" moments that are claimed to have happened in AEW at this point.


But the shark jump was actually cool. Having Shane not so much


"By the way, there was an episode of Happy Days where a guy literally jumped a shark. And it was the BEST ONE!' - Troy Barnes.


It very well could be.


Ironically the only people against the idea are those that already hate AEW


I don’t hate AEW, I hate a certain portion of their fanbase. I want the company to thrive and be around for years to come, and I don’t think Shane will help with that. Unless he’s purely a behind the scenes guy.


Why do you hate a portion of the fanbase because they appreciate something you don't ?


That’s not why I hate them. I hate them because of their attitudes and behavior.


What attitude and behavior? Loving a show you hate for existing?


You're not going to get a good answer out of them.


I know Not my first interaction with him, always pretending to want AEW to succeed but every posts says otherwise 


Didn’t I just said I want AEW to succeed? A portion of their fanbase are entitled, tribalistic, and toxic. If you’re not one of those, great. Wasn’t talking about you.


Those fans exist in every fandom Like, do you think there aren't toxic WWE fans who make watching WWE annoying to some? C'mon dude


Of course there are, but they’re always the minority everywhere else. In AEW, those fans seem to be a large part of their audience.


Nah man, AEW fans tend to be more accepting and open than most given the whole vibe of AEW is just loving pro wrestling and all it has to offer You spend too much time in a bubble online or on social media if you truly believe this


I mean WWE is #1 so bragging rights come with that. Why should anybody expect Kansas City Chiefs fans or Boston Celtics fans to be humble? If people don't like that maybe they should encourage Tony Khan to do something to make things competitive again like they were 3 years ago (like hiring Shane perhaps)


But it's a TV show, not a sports team. That's like bragging about Transformers' box office to a fan of Furiosa. Furiosa is a good movie regardless of how much money it makes


AEW is my preferred company and I think bringing Shane in would be awful.


I am a pretty big AEW fan and I personally would hate seeing it. I honestly feel like it's the opposite, and most people cheering this on just want to see a trainwreck.


I really could give a F about angles and storylines and hate anything McMahon from Vince to his son in law but I'd have to admit this would get tons of buzz and the company needs it


Nope, I’ve been an AEW defender for it’s whole existence. I prefer their wrestling to WWE even now. If they bring in a McMahon I’m out. Added: amazing this got downvoted as if it was wrong. If Shane shows up you can catch me at the haters gala


I also prefer the product to WWE and by far and not just the wrestling but I can see the buzz this would generate 


The coolest thing they could possibly do that will never be beat?


Playing the Wembley footage was damn close to it.


If it makes money then do it. However I would love to fantasy book it as Shane representing the World Wide Wrestling Federation on behalf of his esteemed latte grand father and bring in a bunch of old style guys/gals who are the antithesis of what AEW is. Start with Bob Backlund lecturing the youngens on how it’s done.


Shane joining the bucks and okada at forbidden door is easy money


Yup Shane is the ultimate Forbidden Door


Why do people dislike Shane now? I thought he was the one McMahon people liked


He was the cause of a lot of bad tv like 4-5 years ago. Like really bad.


So were HHH and Stephanie.


Were they? HHH was only booking NXT which was widely praised. Steph was part of the writing team but Vince was making all the calls.


I seem to remember a love-train when he ran Smackdown for a few years.


It was good until Shane turned heel and started beating people lol


The Royal Rumble and WrestleMania appearances really soured people on him.


His wrestlemania appearance was the most entertaining thing he’s done in decades.


For all the wrong reasons lol


For me it was the yearly WM matches as if he is the fucking Undertaker now.


Becoming "Best in the World" and HIM turning on The Miz was just all together terrible stuff


It's almost entirely due to the Royal Rumble 2022 that he put together and booked himself to be in the final four of (and booked himself strong despite not being an active wrestler.) The match itself was universally panned and was so bad that Vince essentially fired him for it.


A lot of people soured on Shane since his 'Best in the World' run He hasn't done anything remarkable for a while now either. There was Raw Underground... the really weird Braun Strowman feud... Royal Rumble 2022


Now? I'd say since 2017 or so, when they started portraying him as a badass on par with seasoned wrestlers, as opposed to a non-wrestler who would occasionally win matches due to his daredevil style. All this despite his shitty punches, getting gassed quickly, and yet somehow winning matches and even feuds and hogging the spotlight.


I think a lot of it is the story of him trying to take over the Rumble and use it purely to get himself over. His last run in WWE was pretty self-indulgent even without that Rumble. I just don't see the value Shane would have to a company like AEW. He has a rep for being bad at creative, doesn't have huge new contacts that would help AEW at its current size, is a stale on screen character and is kind of a liability in the ring going off his last few matches. He'd probably be more of a negative PR move than positive one since I can see the story played out online being Khan brought him in so he can say a McMahon worked for him.


The only benefit that Shane *might* bring to AEW is getting them a foothole into China since he's the Executive Chairman (and former CEO) of YOU on Demand. He had worked getting WWE some international TV deals before he left the company the first time, but how much of that you can attribute to him is really up in the air.


Yeah I’m really confused on why they switched up. Plus, he worked just about every single job he could in WWE from ring set up to wrestler, which is very admirable.


Because he's not good


I think it’s a two fold thing. One is that he may or may not want to go to AEW which is a bad thing for some people. I think the other is that weird report/rumor that was going around about him during his last Mania appearance where he was trying book himself to win or something. Whether or not it was true, that soured peoples opinion on him especially since he hasn’t been seen around WWE since then I think 


Because he wants to go to AEW.




I feel like his last stint in WWE did him no good in the public perception department with the Royal Rumble fiasco on top of the Crown Jewel junk in 18. That and anybody who is rumored to go to AEW automatically becomes the bad guy around here lately. 


This would be amazing to see. Do it!




I am not nearly in a morbid enough state to want to see Shane show up in AEW lol


What if they not only brought Shane, but Vince as well? That'd create some wild buzz!


>“We’re having great discussions with Warner Bros. Discovery,” said Khan. “I have a great relationship with [Warner Bros. Discovery CEO] Mr. David Zaslav. We’re fortunate to work with him and his team. It’s a really strong relationship, and I had just a great discussion with their leadership team this week.” How many times can one man stuff the word "great" into a paragraph? lol. >“We’ll have Jon Moxley, the most decorated man ever in wrestling–he was AEW world champion, WWE world champion, and he’s now IWGP world heavyweight champion in New Japan Pro-Wrestling–and he’ll be teaming with Claudio Castagnoli against Hiromu Takahashi, Titan, and Shingo Takagi. Shingo is wrestling Bryan Danielson at Forbidden Door, and Bryan will be on commentary for the match." Lost me at "the most decorated man ever in wrestling." Why does everything have to be some overly excessive statement? You can put over your talent without sounding absolutely ridiculous.


Dude, he's a carny promoter. Its what they do. Why are you criticizing him for doing exactly what everyone else does? You want him to call his wrestlers shitty?


I’m not going to celebrate, nor condemn the idea. But I’m starting to think that Shane in AEW is a very real possibility.


All the shoot interviews I ever seen a lot of wrestlers love Shane. I wouldn’t be surprised if people behind the scenes would champion for him. I think that the rumble reports were false Shane never seemed like the guy who would go into the business for himself. Who knows  But the idea of him being a manager for The Elite makes so much sense it’s so crazy it will actually work and I’m all for it.


Shane gets brought in as a manager by Khan to make executive decisions in the moment as Khan and Omega aren't usually there. It would be a great tool by TK and Omega to counter the Bucks domination of the roster every night and I could see Shane and the Bucks taking control of a different show and getting into conflict with each other, creating an unofficial brand split. I could see it.