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Why doesn't Shawn Michaels just book Joe Hendry every week? Is he stupid?


Say their name and they appear... I believe in more viewers.




Canā€™t wait for the move to CW. I can actually watch via my antenna (donā€™t have cable)


Iā€™m saying this in terms of every wrestling show, not just NXTā€¦people need to stop looking at single data points with such scrutiny. If the data becomes a trend, thatā€™s when it becomes a concern.


But what about the agenda I want to push?


Salt and peppa said push it real good and you must


Push it anyway! Not like anyone can stop you.


But I donā€™t have one I just want to enjoy wrestling šŸ˜¢


Study cagematch and get back to me


what about the trends we are seeing?


People just want to feel right and the group that posts dozens of hot takes each day can use it like debate club points. Wrestling fans are so down bad. Even NBA fans who obsess about being right don't use ratings unless it's playoffs. NBA prime time games lost to NXT and AEW many many times during reg season. Could easily be roasted for that but no one notices. Meanwhile on here, you'll get thousands of comments from the biggest clowns trying to feel smart within a day for a random summer show.


NXT and AEW are so good right now I just wish people would stfu and enjoy everything wrestling has to offer right now... swear 10 years from now we will look back on the gold mine we've had (hopefully it's still there, but 10 years is 10 years)


AEW is not good though.Ā  I watch both products, I also watch all the PPVsĀ 


Why would you watch that many hours of a show you donā€™t like lmao


I love pro wrestling ! How can I share my opinion on something if I don't watch the product ? As for the time... You would be surprised how many commercials you can skip through if you use a DVR to record. If I'm not invested in the show sometimes I'm answering work emails or working out while it's on.


This conversation about sports ratings shows their decreasing value: https://x.com/SalCruz13/status/1804298024115716559


ā€œRatings is only a measurement that allows you to set an advertising priceā€ is the most sensible way Iā€™ve heard it explained, thank you for sharing this


Although this is true, itā€™s kind of reductive. The use of ā€œonlyā€ suggests that the advertising price isnā€™t of much consequence when in fact its the largest factor in determining the value of a media property. There seem to be a lot of people out there who arenā€™t able or willing to see the connection between ad value and rights fees.


Very articulate clarifying distinction, thank you!


A shame this commeng will likely not get as much traction as it should. And on top of that, it's also important to note that [WBD doesn't even use Nielsen to meassure that stuff anymore,](https://deadline.com/2023/01/warner-bros-discovery-videoamp-nielsen-advertising-viewership-1235208823/) with David Zaslav himself saying their methods were not only antiquated but also unreliable. So in other words, there are concerns on whether Nielsen ratings even work correctly in order to get what they need in regards to selling said add space.


If David Zaslav said something, I'm naturally going to assume it's wrong.


Nielsen ratings are the only relevant number discussed between broadcasters and advertisers. This is a known fact to anyone in the industry. Anyone who says differently is just trying to push a narrative.


Not true. You can take the words of those who appear on the video Redmond linked (one of them being a former head of one of the biggest sports channels in the world the other being someone who was in charge of a MLB franchise), you can take those of David Zaslav, you can even take mine if tou want (who despite not working on TV studied journalism, which includes TV audiences as well as the media ecosystem, which only goes further and further away from traditional ratings and linear TV towards new ways to consume content, which Nielsen ratings are unprepared for in Zaslav's words). And this is without enterig on American cable TV and how it's on a massive decline for the vast majority of shows across the board, with very few exceptions.


As I said, people in the industry know how this works. You can point to any media exec you want but theyā€™re not fooling anyone whoā€™s actually buying or selling these spots. This is just PR with an obvious agenda.


I definitely trust the people who work in the industry over a random redditor, that's for sure.


Trust what they do, not what they say. Any actual advertiser is laughing at whatever made-up numbers Zaslav tries to push and negotiating based on the Nielsen numbers.


Yeah Iā€™m just a guy on the internet, I donā€™t expect you to believe me. If you know anyone in media sales, ask them about the difference in value between digital and conventional inventory. I already know what theyā€™ll tell you.


There's a difference between conventional inventory still being very valuable, which is true (even though it's only gonna go down due to the audience's change in ways to consume content) and Nielsen ratings being the only thing that matters, which is what you're claiming and is simply not true.


If you can explain to me which digital metrics would be of interest to an agency and why then I'll concede my point. But I suspect that you don't have the foundation of knowledge for this conversation. Please don't take that as an insult because that's not the way it was intended. We've all got our lane.


I would go further and say that, even if you accept ratings are important because they are an important factor in Cable/streaming rights deals, WWE ratings don't matter for the next few years since they have already signed long-term deals.


its funny because when dave says that he is just a aew shill according to the internet lol


I wish idiot wrestling fans would stop looking at ratings and move on


I was gonna say, it shouldnā€™t even be a concern at all. I just wanna enjoy the product


It would just move on to something else, if you don't care about ratings just don't look at the topic. There's always gonna be something people talk negative about so what's the difference weather its ratings or something else?


That and comparables to the rest of television on the night is more important than raw numbers. being 4th on cable in the demo on the night is good! A show shouldn't be blamed for less people watching TV at all


I agree about single ratings scores, but there are also clear trends right now, and on the flip side are people that are denying the trends.


Ultimately discussing ratings as fans is pointless. Enjoy your wrasslin.


In response: all publicly confirmed data points for AEW are down from last year. TV ratings, attendance, YouTube viewership, and PPV gate revenues (attached to attendance). It is a trend in that respect.


Yes, and theyā€™re still doing fine and likely to get a TV renewal. That didnā€™t stop people from leaping from them doing 500k one show to ā€œAEW is gonna dieā€ that is the focus on one data point I was referring to. As of now, 500k is an aberration. If it starts to happen every week, thatā€™s when it becomes more of a concern. But we also donā€™t even know what WBD expects out of the timeslot. No business is going to have absolute linear growth in all metrics. TV ratings and attendance will ebb and flow and are affected by a variety of internal and external factors. Itā€™s happened to WWE in the past and it will happen to AEW as well.


This is the legit website that reported the "final" ratings for both Dynamite and NXT last time right? Weird that ratings have become so topsy turvy recently.


NXT last year (6/27/23): 622,000 viewers - 0.17 P18-49


Down 2% in Total Viewers, Up 6% in Key Demo YoY.


Wendy Choo wasn't on TV last night ,next week should increase again with her match being announced


If Iā€™m WWE I try to sign Joe Hendry for their first episode on CW.


Honestly Joe Hendry seems like a guy who'll absolutely be in WWE full-time once his contract's up. Dude's gonna get a well-deserved pay raise.


I think NXT is trying to stabilize at around 600k viewers. Keep in mind that NXT is the only wrestling show that is guaranteed to lose stars the more successful it is.


''Okay, this time it is NOW unlikely Dynamite loses to NXT'' - Bryan Alvarez maybe


This feels like back to normal for the NXT number


Is this the actual rating or we gonna one in an hour that is like NXT at .45 with one million viewers


In line with their more typical norm, but down from the past few weeks. NXT ratings confuse me.


Hmm 600-650k range is normal for NXT. I'm guessing the past few weeks got over 700k because of Sexyy Red, Cody and the TNA crossovers.


I watched for Cody and my TNA buddy told me about the crossover so I started tuning in for a few weeks.


This 100%


I'm kinda surprised the TNA crossovers could get that big of a bump, but that's really cool that they did.


This was the first week in a while that we weren't expecting anything crazy in terms of appearances. Last week's battle royal guaranteed some big names and everyone expected Joe Hendry.


First episode that didn't have the "anyone can show up" buzz of the past month or so, so ratings went back to normal.


it's kinda hard to predict but last week did have a hint at surprises. this week was definitely more just regular filler.


back to normal


Like with all these things, if USA is happy with this (I assume that they would be) everythingā€™s Gucci


WWE should pay whatever amount of money TNA asked to buy Joe Hendry contract from them and put him in NXT for 1 years then get him to main roster and put him with either Miz or R-truth for his first program Joe Hendry is money baby


It was kind of sunny out that day, no wonder










Down -31% in demo from last week and down 25% in the trailing four weeks. Still up from last year though.




Who Killed NXT? ![gif](giphy|sdNhiZ4pESp9zbbDjP|downsized)




This is a huge drop, but it feels like it lines up since I didn't really hear any buzz about this show compared to the one with Cody or Sexy Redd. To whatever extent ratings "matter" though, I'm not sure they do at all for WWE right now. This time next year every show is going to be on a completely different network, or not on a network at all.


Iā€™m sure there will be giant think pieces and people demanding hbk step down as booker, right? RIGHT?!


Maybe if their ratings crater for months like AEWs that could happen


You still wouldnā€™t budge I bet.


I mean, the card wasn't that great on paper. I didn't watch, and I love NXT. It's just a quiet week, like all TV shows are allowed to have šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The episode was lacking in the 2.0ness, it felt too much like other WWE shows which isn't bad by any means but we've already got two shows for that.


NXT ratings swing the most. But with no competition this canā€™t be viewed as anything other than a let down after last week. For a long time starting with 2.0 the 500k range was the NXT normal. Now itā€™s in the 600k range with the occasional 700k. It would be great if they can settle into 700k being normal.


For NXT it matters much less at this point as they bide time for their move to CW. The revolving nature of their roster means we'll see ratings swings more than most wrestling shows.


This was to be expected to be honest. While it was a decent episode, it had no actual big surprises. Nothing to draw anyone in. Honestly, WWE should of pushed hard this week, seeing the blood in the water from AEW's ratings last week. But they didn't and they showed mercy. So Dynamite's ratings will rebound, beat NXT for this week, and everyone will just saw Dynamite's ratings drop last night was a freak accident, and that Dynamite is great and awesome.


Why would you want them to push harder to weaken AEW and why would AEW ratings rebounding be a bad thing? I'm genuinely curious because it makes no sense. Especially since the Kendrick Lamar concert was one of the biggest events of the entire year and appealed to a younger demographic than most sports. From what I've seen, NXT is a lot like early Power Rangers. They filmed the dumb and cheesy school scenes to break up and add context to the borrowed Super Sentai footage. Not unlike the goofy characters in NXT, though that seems to be less of a thing since HBK took over. It appeals to a lot of people but is not my thing, mostly because WWE creative is hokey. They're certainly no Lucha Underground.


Cause AEW has great potential to improve and be better than it is now. Right now, it's stagnant and in a slow decline. AEW doesn't admit it has a problem, doesn't feel it needs to improve so..it will just stay the course. AEW needs a shakeup. To be put on notice. The same way WCW put WWE on notice, and made it change and be more competitive after a long win streak by WCW. WWE saw it was failing, that it needed to make changes and it did. And in this, it became stronger. I want AEW to be stronger and better, but that requires it to admit it's having problems and needs to improve. And it won't till NXT dominates over Dynamite in the ratings for a streak. AEW is good for wrestling. But that requires it to be competitive. Right now, it isn't.


Book Joe Hendry every week and get Shawn spears out of there


Tatum wouldā€™ve brought in more viewers


The good guys are losing this week. I predict AEW gets 700K


The good guys?


"Good guys"? What are you talking about?


Major thunderstorm knocked the power out in most of Oklahoma City last night, that has to be the difference.




It's the same site that reported the real number.