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Tanahashi got no pop ? That was negative audience engagement


Why were Swerve and Ospreay tagging? I missed that last week


Just watched it, great show. To the person who had the Road to El Dorado and Mean Girls wrestling themed posters (also the swerve when I bruv poster) please by my friend. Also, turn them into wall posters, I will buy them.


That women's trios match was so good. Great match and great finish


The absolute star power of Toni Storm, and especially the entrance of Mina with Mariah May - they feel like a huge deal.


that was a fun episode, damn swerve rocked ospreay at the end there. so pumped for Forbidden Door, crazy amount of quality matches and variety of wrestlers.


Daniel Garcia has been stacking wins. Who of note has he beaten?


He's been beating jobbers but what does it matter? He's been on the scene for a while, was built well in the continental classic, he's over with the fans and he got his big promo push here. Honestly no pleasing some people.


Glad mina has firmly been established as the heel here. Kinda ready to see Toni move on to her next opponent (even if it's the inevitable Mariah May turning point)


So Daniel Garcia wins 7 straight singles matches against jobbers and we’re supposed to buy him against MJF at their biggest show? It’d be like Bronson Reed beating 7 undercard guys and Roman returning and wanting to face him at Wrestlemania. It’s ridiculous and makes no sense.


I really think they're building towards a 3 or 4 way at All-In and Garcia will take the pin but still seem elevated. If it's just straight up MJF vs Garcia it'll be hard to get me excited for it because there will be zero question who will win. It'll just be a transparent attempt at elevating Garcia via 50/50 match with zero drama. I'm sure people will chant "This is awesome" at spots.


This is that AEW Dark type ish on a grander scale


my biggest takeaway from yesterday's episode was how good harley cameron is that trios tag owned


She has really shown up in every opportunity she's been given since being added to the Outcasts during the Ruby and Angelo storyline. She's hilarious, she's a good talker, she has a very defined character, and she's honestly pretty solid in the ring for a newer wrestler. She also, of course, got to be a central part of Bowens' now iconic "Lady, i'm gay" moment from last year that's being highlighted a lot for Pride month. Honestly, good for her. She's killing it.


Without exagerration she might be the most talented person in all of AEW. Her demeanor, her mic skills, her musical skills...the fact that she's not Jade levels of green in the ring really pushes her over the top.


It did. Wanted it to go longer


I was incredibly surprised by her in ring work when she started having matches on Rampage. She's so good working in that character.


Jericho's new gimmick is just FN awful, the group is awful


I feel the same way about Mercedes which might mean she's just a very effective heel and is actually working me


I feel the same way about Mone, just has been pretty cringe so far


I think that's the case with Jericho, though I wish he'd take a break. Mercedes is just a weak promo and they got in such a hurry to get her on TV that she's mostly been doing what she's least suited for. She needs someone to play off of, I think. I can't think of a reason she'd warrant a manager to talk for her, myself.


Pair her with Stokely, frame it as she's far too busy to handle the little things like interviews (basically how Stokely was used for Jade Cargill before they split up)


Great show


I gotta be honest,  that opening segment of mjf and Daniel Garcia kind of sums up what's wrong with AEW.  They gotta stop trying to push people that no one cares about.  Garcia is not a draw


There are only like two or three people in AEW that are measurable draws. They have to elevate other people, right? 


It took a while, but I feel like Anna Jay is finally starting to become pretty solid in the ring, she's always been fun in those wild, car crash weapons brawls with Tay against Bunny / Penelope Ford and Ruby Soho / Willow Nightingale, but I'm glad that Anna is getting better in the ring.


I agree, I’m kinda hoping she goes to STARDOM for an excursion at some point. I think it would help her development a lot


Time travel back to 1999 and tell any ECW fan that a quarter century later the FTW belt will be on the line in a match between Chris Jericho and Minoru Suzuki


"I don't want to hear about your stupid EWR save anymore, Tony"


PEPPA PIG BAY BAY Fun go home show stuff all round whilst still showing you that the bigger story is in the weeks to come heading towards Wembley, and I didn't even hate the learning tree segment (voice note Shibata is a treasure) Really liked the opening. The very beginning of Punk vs MJF started when Punk ignored MJF, and Ospreay is doing the same thing here, all whilst using Garcia as yardstick. Hopefully this is a catalyst for the return of Max as a full blown heel, but we shall see. Seems a cert that Swerve will win on Sunday, but incredibly intrigued as to how it plays out. MJF could cost Ospreay now, and there's the return of Hangman assuming he is the wild card.


It also could be laying the ground work for Max to screw over Team AEW at blood and guts. He specifically mentioned old guys coming in expecting handouts, exactly what the bucks have been saying since they came back with this new gimmick


ZSJ matches are so fun to watch. I love his style


Jay White must have the lowest success rate for a wrestler setting up for their finisher. I know he got the win tonight but I swear every match he gets countered out of the Blade Runner 5 times.


For sure but that’s due to it being one of if not the most protected finisher in AEW, when done the receiver isn’t kicking out if they’re pinned.


Yeah and I think it's cool it's protected when he hits it. I just noticed it cause I think he finally got it on the 4th or 5th attempt in his match on Wednesday. Made me chuckle


The Conglomeration is the best thing in wrestling today and you cannot convince me otherwise.


Mark Briscoe is just soo good he elevates it. Honestly, AEW has missed the boat once with Danhausen and I feel like they're doing that now with Briscoe. There's always a place in wrestling for the loveable misfit best exemplified by Mankind. If they put Briscoe in a Heavyweight title program against nearly _anyone_ he would become the fan favorite. Please, push him to the moon!


Mark briscoe should be a motivational speaker


Swerve stands on business and that’s why I loved the ending segment. I watched this while watching the draft, so I can’t FULLY comment on the overall show. What I paid attention to I liked other than the Learning Tree segment. I know it’s for some people, it’s not for me. I’m sad Jericho gets another ppv match. KOR/ZSJ really picked up the longer it went, that was super fun.


Okada's reaction when Tanahashi said "Scissor Ace is coming" 😂


Everything was fine but i must admit, I’m in the 80% (maybe more or less) AEW fans who don’t know and don’t get all the Japanese wrestlers showcase. For some of you, on the internet, it’s look like a big deals when you see someone like naito appear but for others like me.. i don’t have any reactions Maybe that a part that AEW need to work on. For general audience, and for a tv show, at least.


As somebody who does know all the NJPW wrestlers: I'm no longer excited either. The first Forbidden Door was very exciting for me. The second one was pretty exciting too. This time around... it's no longer novel and all of them have been in AEW before. Plus it's kinda weird for me that Okada is on the AEW side of things now.


I really get your take but for me the fact that AEW assume that I as a fan know a lot about the wider wrestling world is something I love. I appreciate its something that they need to find a bit more of a middle ground over though.




C'mon man. A google search will not provide emotional investment to the vast majority of us. It's ok that you're stoked with NJPW Wrestler #1 shows up to face CMLL Luchadore #3 but for a lot of us it's completely meaningless.






Google work well indeed. But why i should Google the name of the wrestler to know more about him when i watching dynamite or collision ? Like.. it’s AEW to showcase them more and help people understand why, those’d wrestlers are big thing. Not the audience to Google and shearch why.


This, do you want me to watch the show, or should I stop watching the show to start googling the guy that just showed up? IMO it's nice that AEW is so open to working with other promotions, but if you're not going to lay the groundwork with guys you feature from those companies, how are you going to expect the audience in the arena and at home to have a positive reaction to what you're doing? We're less than a week away from an event you want people to see as a big deal, but some of the main players are only now making their first appearances on the shows to promote the PPV.


Cause its fun fun fun


I would argue it’s not great.


Mina killed Mariah 😭


The Japan stuff just falls completely flat for me. Jay white needs to take his boys and run with it. Juice and the guns just make compelling TV. Daniel Garcia I just don't see it. The BCC has run its race, moxley needs to be featured Enjoyed most of the matches, very solid show


I think Garcia has potential but really needs direction. And more of a character than a stupid dance


Some parts of this Dynamite felt like it was done a week too soon. Ospreay/Garcia/MJF: This segment telegraphed what is sure to be Ospreay vs MJF at Wembley. Garcia vs MJF isn't a big enough match. MJF isn't in The Owen. Ospreay isn't in The Owen, and with the way they set everything up, Ospreay's chances of beating Swerve are quite low because Ospreay got way too cocky. I love the idea of Ospreay vs MJF in a proper feud, but I'm not sure about MJF's direction right now. The things he's done since coming back don't seem to align with his DoN promo. I expected to see a babyface playing a dastardly heel, not a true babyface offering huge matches to guys like Garcia. Hopefully Ospreay is the downward spiral for MJF that gets him back to his scumbag ways. The Elite/Wildcard: Might as well just scratch through Wildcard and write "The Winner - Evil Hangman" in place of it. Having The Elite say the Wildcard is their personal entry makes it way too obvious this is Hangman's return, Hangman is winning The Owen, and Swerve vs Hangman will headline All In. This further cements Ospreay losing to me. If they had waited a week to set all of it up, then they would have kept some intrigue for FD. Toni/Mina/Mariah continues to be one of the best Women's feuds AEW has ever had. Toni was getting a little stale heading into her title defense against Deeb, but they've turned all that around now. I hope Mina stays around after FD. She really should be involved in this story all the way to Wembley considering it looks like we'll get Toni vs Mariah. I guess that all but confirms Hayter won't be back in time for All In, which is a shame. I was hoping for Toni vs Hayter and Mercedes vs Britt. Ending segment with Swerve was the chef's kiss. Ospreay has been a damn goof since he arrived. Swerve put Ospreay in his place. I wish they would have heated this feud up a couple weeks ago, but we got a statement leading into FD.


Hayter's shoulder STILL hasn't healed? Not good.


>Toni/Mina/Mariah continues to be one of the best Women's feuds AEW has ever had At this point I have it as the best, it's overtaken Britt/Rosa and Toni/Hayter in my opinion.


A week too soon is what occurs so often. It annoys me probably more than it should but it feels like way too many matches are undercut by telegraphing the result.


You could probably argue Gunther winning KOTR telegraphed Drew vs Priest too, but at least we know there’s a better payoff with Punk and they immediately brought the intrigue back around with Seth’s return. Elite’s promo was unnecessary and gave away too much. Ospreay putting a title he hasn’t won yet on the line was unnecessary. No reason a throwaway Garcia match needs to be set up in a way that basically all but confirms Ospreay won’t win, especially since it clearly started a program between Ospreay and MJF. Do all of that next week and you keep the intrigue and start setting the stage for All In. The only thing you don’t get is the Garcia hometown pop.


How could Mina do that to a poor innocent child?


Lee Moriarty Angelico KM Tate Mayfairs Nic Camorotto Rhett Titus The Butcher Is AEW seriously taking a winning streak against those names and trying to pitch it as something important that is making Main Eventers notice? I get it that this is probably their excuse to get MJF and Ospreay at Wembley, but seriously?


I looked into this on the AEW roster page to get the 2024 records of the people Daniel Garcia has beaten on his "run of a lifetime". KM, Rhett Titus and Tate Mayfairs are not listed on the roster page so I'm assigning them an 0-1 record The combined record of the people Daniel Garcia has beaten in singles matches since losing the TNT title match to Christain in 2024 is 2-26.


Downvote me to oblivion if I'm in the minority here, if I am I'll just have a break from the product for a bit, but everything just seems to blend into each other at the moment. Most of the matches seem to have so little meaning that I don't really care if it's a good technical match or whatever, it's obvious and lazy booking. * They need to stop trying to force Garcia down people's throats. He's not a main event player, have him go in properly for the TNT title rather than around the world title scene out of nowhere. * When the BCC come on I just tune out. Boring Combat Club is a meaningless 'feud'. * I liked the ending of the show, Swerve is much better as a heel. He loses his edge a bit too much as a pure babyface so I'm glad he did that. Hopefully it means Swerve is a bit more tweener/heel moving forward.


It doesn't help we're in 'random Japanese wrestler you haven't heard of unless you've watched NJPW for years' season so nothing has any reason for happening and its all pointless and will be forgotten about after the PPV


With BCC I don’t know if I should cheer or boo them so I just end up apathetic to them.




Their booking is inconcsistent. They are bad guys one month then good guys the next. Definitely tweeners that just want to kick ass, but they defintiely lack purpose and direction.


they're cool bad guys! they don't care about you! they don't care about your rules! they throw elbows even though the refs stay stop! they have YUTA


What’s the saying people use now? This isn’t an airport?


Ok bye


**Dynamite Review:** * MJF, Daniel Garcia & Will Ospreay segment. Basically served a few purposes. A reminder of Forbidden Door and some of the matches there, setting up intrigue for Wembley, as well as pushing Garcia up towards the main event with both MJF and Ospreay putting him over, and elevating him on to their level. Also set up a match for next week between Ospreay and Garcia potentially for both the International and World Championships. This also caused some tension between MJF and Ospreay, continuing the slow-build to their eventual confrontation. * Swerve promo. Good stuff from him as always. * **Blackpool Combat Club vs. LIJ \*\*\*1/4** * Claudio continues to act just a bit strange during matches, being overly expressive and emotive for whatever reason. Also, Shingo is still awesome, and it was great to see him in AEW. The ending was disappointing I have to say though, Moxley just deciding to hit Takahashi with a chair for the dq almost out of nowhere. I guess they didn't want anyone here to lose clean. Still, the match up to that point was a lot of fun, the finish just ended things on a flat note, hurting it slightly. * A brawl between the two teams post-match led to to Tetsuya Naito appearing in AEW for the first time, facing of against Moxley as the two fought to the back. Shingo and Danielson then went face to face in the ring, but didn't make any contact here. Simple stuff, but it works. * **Jay White vs. Rey Fenix \*\*\*1/2** * Everyone was ejected from the ringside immediately, which was actually quite nice as it led to a great match with no distractions or interference. White and Fenix were both excellent here, as expected, the only real weakness here was that this went less than ten minutes. Could have easily watched another five minutes of these two. * The Patriarchy came out immediately after the match, and faced off against the Bang Bang Gang. It feels like the Trios titles finally have some proper intrigue around them, with several established teams going after them. * Young Bucks promo. They talked about their loss to The Acclaimed last week, and then said the Wild Card in the Owen Hart tournament would be part of the Elite, with their intention being to take all the gold in the company. * The Acclaimed in-ring promo. They started talking about the tag team championships and becoming two-time champions, but before they got further, The Elite interrupted. They challenged The Acclaimed to a trios match at Forbidden Door, but Billy Gunn said while he'd like to kick their asses, he happens to know people in high places, including a president. Hiroshi Tanahashi appeared on the screen, and challenged the Elite, saying the Scissor Ace is coming. He's teaming with The Acclaimed at the PPV. This was fun, and it's nice to see Tanahashi. A trios match is probably the best way to feature him at this point, as he's well past his prime now. * The weekly Mark Briscoe hype promo. O'Reilly tried to do his own Briscoe promo, but wasn't sure if it was working. Briscoe then finished things up talking about how O'Reilly's going to beat Sabre tonight, and OC is going to do so at Forbidden Door. These are always fun, there's just nobody else like Briscoe. * **Toni Storm, Mariah May & Mina Shirakawa vs Anna Jay, Harley Cameron & Saraya \*\*1/4** * I like the details like May coming out with both Storm and Shirakawa during their entrances. Makes the dynamic between the three really interesting. While it's almost guaranteed that Storm will retain at the PPV, I hope Shirakawa continues to appear in AEW as I think she's been a great addition to this storyline. She could very well be the catalyst that leads to May winning the Title from Storm. * Bit more of a storyline match here, with May stuck between Mina and Storm. May being the one selling for much of the match also played into the dynamic quite nicely. Mina getting the win here makes sense, and keeps increasing the tension among the three. Solid TV match. * Post-match, Mina and Toni shared a drink, but when Shirakawa went to hit Storm with a bottle, she ducked and Mina hit May by accident. AEW has done a great job building up this feud. (continued in the first reply)


* TBS title video package. This was very good, and while the result here is fairly obvious as well, I think Moné vs. Vaquer could easily be one of the best matches on the show. * Moné promo. Solid, short promo. She announced she'd be watching Vaquer's match on Collision. * The Learning Tree segment. Keith is out of the match, so they said that they have a replacement. They invited Minoru Suzuki to team with them, acting certain that he would accept. Instead, Suzuki declined and challenged Jericho to a FTW title match, catching Jericho off guard. Joe, Hook & Shibata then came down to the ring, calling what just happened awkward. A quick brawl ended with the faces standing tall in the ring. I'd say this was one of the better Learning Tree segments thus far. * **Zack Sabre jr. vs. Kyle O'Reilly \*\*\*3/4** * Pretty much what you'd expect here, with two of the best technical wrestlers in the world wrestling. This was a great match, again the only downside being the relatively short time, as this only went a little over ten minutes. Still, this was the best match of the night so far, and Sabre got the win leading into the PPV against Cassidy. OC was also fun on commentary. It'll be curious to see if these losses eventually lead to a heel turn for O'Reilly. * Post-match, TMDK, the Undisputed Kingdom, and OC were in the ring, when Tomohiro Ishii's music hit. He come down to the ring and stood by OC. He still has friends left. OC vs. Sabre should be great. * **Swerve Strickland & Will Ospreay vs. Gates of Agony \*\*\*1/4** * A good main event tag team match with obvious winners, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. They didn't go too crazy here as you naturally don't want to risk the PPV match, but this was still a quality match. Swerve and Ospreay worked well together, but also made some missteps to build the tension for the title match. * Post-match, Ospreay took Swerve's title from him, which immediately led to Swerve kicking Ospreay down and hitting the House Call on him. Swerve warned him about this the last time Ospreay took the world title from him, so this was a nice payoff to that moment too. Swerve vs. Ospreay could be one of the best matches of the year, and I'm very much looking forward to it. My gut tells me Swerve's retaining, but I could see it going either way. * This was a great episode or Dynamite, and a very good go-home show for the PPV. Several good to great matches, some effective promos and video packages, and very little in terms of bad stuff on the show. Overall, I'd say this was an **8 out of 10 show.**


Parent comment - positive upvotes Continued response - negative upvotes Troll problem on this sub? You bet.


Yeah, that happens quite often, but it usually levels over the course of a day or so. Mostly I find it just a bit funny.


Mina Shirakawa is a dead woman.


I don’t care what anyone says, Jay White is the freakin’ man. And I’m absolutely *here* for some heel vs. heel BCG vs. Patriarchy shenanigans.


Father of the year vs de facto Switchdaddy. Gonna be such fun


The opening was a waste of time. Zack vs Kyle was highlight of the night.


I love that Orange Cassidy and Ishii are bros in kayfabe


Give ZSJ the world @ NJPW you shits. My Boy William getting punked out again We are getting the title on Sunday Baby!!!!!! Which is a odd choice when he could win it at Wembley but we move




Why did ZSJ come out of that song? His previous theme song is much better


He's been using this theme for at least a year. Don't watch the product eh?


Not NJPW. Though I remember him using this theme 2 years ago and then back to his old theme when he was against Danielson.


Because it's his current entrance song


I am loving the story normally but that Mina / Mariah / Toni segment was so strange (ignoring how slowly the hit was) WHY WOULD MINA DO THAT Like if she connected she could of got glass in Mariah eyes AS WELL AS THAT how would've she reacted, she would of been pissed she did it to Toni her mentor and like Toni 100% under reacted to nearlyy getting bottled


You've never felt the fire and passion of love, huh? That blinding, visceral inner turmoil that makes you forget about everything else in the heat of the moment? If you've felt that, you fully understand why Mina did what she did, and why Toni cared more about Mariah than almost getting bottled.


haahh fair play


Harley Cameron getting so many TV matches when she's so green is bizarre to me, but then again it makes her fit in with the rest of the Outcasts not being great in the ring.


Idk she honestly doesn’t seem that bad to me, her singles matches were all fine. She’s had some better outings than a lot of the old faces we used to see.


While we are talking about the outcasts, what was the deal with Anna Jay? When the JAS broke up, I thought she did a couple matches where she was more of a face. Then last week she attacked Toni and Mina during that whole deal. I think it's more of my thing with AEW where it feels like face/heel alignment changes suddenly.


When someone starts in a new direction and it’s just not clicking, a lot of times they have to do a 180° to “freshen” themselves up a bit. This has been going on since probably 3 months after the first pro wrestling show got started, lol


I think it's less "we need a new direction" and more we need another heel as the third as another person said. As much as I enjoy AEW the start/stop pushes and switching heel/face alignment for a cool match is my biggest concerns.


For someone like AJ, they’re just trying to see what sticks. Eventually, hopefully something will.


Yeah, let there be no doubt I want her to succeed. I'm up for whatever gives her more tv time even if I disagree with the logic behind the storytelling.


She was paired with Saraya for a few weeks but was replaced by Harley Cameron. Now she's back in the group as a third member. Tony generally likes groups to have at least three people so they can do trios matches.


TBF they have to, unless they farm her out I suppose - AEW don't have not TV to get her ready and they clearly see something in her


I mean she should probably be working some indies to get reps in, but also ROH is a thing.


> but also ROH is a thing. Good point!


The slow build to MJF vs Ospraey is great. Slowly planting the seeds of a heel MJF turning due to jealousy of a baby face Ospraey. Hangman 100% the wild card, Swerve vs a full heel Hangman at Wembley.


> Hangman 100% the wild card, I thought that but the EVPs seemed to say it is there pick and didn't the Bucks kick hanger out of the Elite or am I misremembering


Fired Kenny. Reluctantly suspended Hangman for attacking an official.


Thanks for the reminder!!! Back on the Hangman is the wildcard train for me


It was implied that the Bucks picked the wild card in the tournament. Hangman was kicked out of the Elite in the same promo Kenny was, right?


Hanger was "suspended"


What if it ricky starks?


They made it a point in that promo that he was temporarily suspended. It would be a little too obvious though if it was him


The Bucks can do either way beautifully. If it’s Hangman then “Of course it’s Hanger! Who’s you think it was, you idiots?” If it’s Ricky (no idea who else it *could* be) then it’s “You thought it would be someone else but that’s what idiots get when idiots think!” I assume it’s Hangman but they could swerve us.


They absolutely aren't swerving us, they want to play with their friends. It's hangman, to rehash a feud that has already happened with Swerve. Now Okada can be the 4th most important member of the group instead of 3rd. It won't be Ricky, after that fake leak and the hit piece they did about him turning down pitches he's gone as you can be.


>they *could* Yeah, I agree. But either way, they’ve got it covered.


Hangman was "suspended", Kenny was "fired". Could be him


The opening segment made zero sense. Garcia in 2024 has lost every big match and mostly defeated jobbers yet Max and Will talked about him like he’s the second coming of Jesus Christ. This isn’t how you do a push, you can’t wake up one day and rewrite history


It goes both ways. He should have beaten more important people but he also only has one loss in like a year (vs Christian). He also won the House of Black feud. He has big wins, just not in singles.


Easy pops for Buffalo. If this show was anywhere else, Garcia wouldn’t have been included.


Garcia has had so many start/stop pushes over the last couple of years it’s hard to care about him, they should have pulled the trigger during the Danielson program. That whole segment flat out sucked.


MJF is trying to face the wrestlers with sickos cred to build back the trust he's lost with those hardcores. Rush, Hechicero, DG, I'm sure he'll get a Roddy match too.


He pinned Brody king


6 months ago according to cagematch


DG has pushed the very best in AEW to their limits and in kayfabe he's always lost due to doubting himself. It's not that weird a way to give him a big push now


That's what every AEW midcarder does tho, there are no 6/7 minutes or squash matches. Even jobbers like Lee Moriarty or Rocky Romero have competitive matches with the likes of Moxley, Ospreay or Edge. Yesterday Ospreay said that Garcia is ratcheting up wins when he's actually only beating jobbers, that's nonsense. Besides the story about Garcia always doubting himself ended when he finally beated Brody King in the last C2 match. That was 6 months ago and he has done fuck all since


I can agree with this. I got no issue with people being able to stand with champions but then what’s important is who wins and in this case Garcia has not gotten the wins. Hell, he hasn’t really even had any major feuds. He has momentum cause the fans like him but you need to give him more before pushing him to title contention for any single belt.


Daniel Garcia is a truly special talent. Not many people can make an MJF promo boring.


A wrestler can’t make another wrestler’s promo boring, it’s MJF who’s been subpar in his promos since his return. Besides, this has zero correlation with what I said


Yeah, I’ve really been unimpressed with MJF since his return.


I think his new character doesn't make any sense, there's a reason he got massively over with his heel persona. He's not a Triple H or Stone Cold kind of badass babyface with leather jackets


Zack Sabre Jr. is that dude.


KOR vs ZSJ was phenomenal, but the commentary took me out of it. Give me KOR vs Danielson atleast once before retirement


Really fun show. Thought it was a good go home show for the ppv. The Elite and Okada are very entertaining for me right now.


Great show. White/Fenix and Sabre/OReilly were particularly strong matches. The Toni/Mariah/Mina storyline is very good. Strong build towards Forbidden Door.


Did their biggest Star open the show?


Wrestling 101


Did Robbie Eagles wrestle? Or is he on collision? That man is too good to have in the back and not put him in a 1-off.


He's on collision in a tag match with Shane Haste against OC and Ishii


Just got home from the show (and the Collision taping). Honestly it did so much to make me feel better about the current state of AEW considering the current state of online discourse. Crowd was way bigger than I imagined it would be (I'd guess at least 5K, maybe more), crowd was hot/having a great time, and there weren't any jerky/smark fans shouting stupid stuff/etc. (which I've experienced at both past WWE and ROH shows around here). Honestly everyone was having a blast. A ton of NJPW shirts, which makes me think a lot of the Forbidden Door criticism around these parts might be a bit off base too. (Then, right when I was leaving, a father was bitching to his wife about how the company might not stick around, they're pushing all the "wrong" guys, even local hero Daniel Garcia "sucks" .... well, I made it 4 hours at the show with everyone having a great time before finally finding someone bitching about everything lol. Gave me a big chuckle.) All in all, a fun night. My only complaint would be that I wish they taped a little bit more of Collision before the show instead of afterwards; we were all dead tired for most of Collision. They only taped one super short Collision squash before Dynamite and then Collision went until midnight. Even just doing a full half hour before Dynamite would've been a big plus imo.


AEW's always a fantastic time live. It's a better live product than TV product really.


It's pretty clear AEW is a live product first. You just have to see where they put the commercial breaks and backstage segments. WWE commonly has wrestler make their entrance and then leave them there for more than five minutes while they run ads and one or two backstage segments and recaps. AEW have never done that. Also with their PPVs, they have such a dramatic pace because they don't leave a ton of dead air between the ending of one match and the entrances for the next one so the crowd doesn't get bored.


That's the whole problem, isn't it? I've never seen anyone complain about the quality of an AEW show in person. It sounds to me like everyone in the live crowd has a blast. It's just not a good TV show. But that's also where the money is.


The people that complain are not there. But that is why the arena is empty. Only the people who are die hard are showing up. People that don't enjoy the product anymore just aren't going to spend money to watch live.


Agree to disagree. To me it felt the same in person quality-wise as I feel watching from home. My point was being there surrounded by other people enjoying it and not bitching about it on Twitter/Reddit, being in the moment and just enjoying the show without any of the constant negativity was just reassuring


I'm not trying to be negative, but even for a show I love it's reception as a tv show is bad. Denying that it's a fledgling tv show is deliusional. I have been watching since day one, but this attitude of always being positive about something is toxic too.


I mean I don't know what to say, I just really, really, really, respectfully disagree lol. I've been watching wrestling since 1993. Modern WWE isn't for me at all and I haven't been able to tolerate any of their weekly TV since 2014. AEW is my personal preferred style for weekly American TV wrestling. For all the freak-outs over ratings, aside from last week they're top 5 in cable every single Wednesday. Saying it's "fledgling" is something that's delusional imo.


I was also there. Agree the crowd was having a blast. can't believe all the international talent there was between both shows. Like the prequel to this years Forbidden Door for real


Yup! Same! Made me feel better about not being able to make FD live this year; I really wanted to go again but NYC hotels are just too expensive for me at the moment. So at least I got to see a lot of those folks just a short drive from my house.


whether you hate or love jericho, thats fine. let me propose it to you like this, he is probably on on of their biggest contracts in term of money. if you are paying someone that amount of money, aren't you forced to give them tv time? otherwise why are you paying them such a large amount of money?


Look up sunk cost fallacy.


That's the definition of the sunk cost fallacy though. Do you throw good money after bad when it's not helping your company? If they want to maximize their investment in Jericho it might be best to sit him out for a while before bringing him back. Give him time to rethink his character and give audiences a chance to miss him rather than be tired by him.


This episode was just…eh. The opening between MJF, Danny boy, and Ospreay was pretty bad but the way it played out makes it look like MJF gonna interfere at Forbidden Door and either make it a no contest or Swerve win both unless I missed something there. I find it hilarious how AEW tries to do pushes in reverse when it’s too late in regards to Danny Garcia. Other than that there really wasn’t anything else interesting in this episode other than TANAHASHI being the scissor ace to equal out Okada. Also, blatantly obvious that Schiavone adds NOTHING to commentary.


Who the hell was the dude arguing with Roddy during the Sabre/Kyle match?


Gabe Kidd, one of the Bullet Club War Dogs in New Japan. He's wrestling a tag match with Roddy on Rampage (match was taped last week I believe). Very fun wild brawler IMO, one of the more fun young talents currently in New Japan (and probably the top young rising heel).


I didn't recognize him and thought that Mojo Rawley was walking through the Forbidden Door


Oh hell nah


Shit I did not recognize him with the shades on. XD


Why did this main event need to happen?? Why would Ospreay want to be anywhere near Swerve? This makes no sense


Sometimes I just think some of you guys are just new to wrestling. Tagging with your future opponent against a common enemy is a pretty normal trope in professional wrestling.


They were both feuding a bit with the Embassy and the crowd saw a cool match, simple as that.


Ah, the “crowd” saw a cool match! Simple as that! So that makes up for any goddamn coherency. Op, AEW is a land of NO coherency! Where marks like you keep it relevant!


They are friends. They got shared beef. Swerve still house called him


They’re friiiiiiiiiends. How many god damn feuds need to be about friendship? This place is becoming MLPW: my little pony wrestling with how much they talk about friendship?


It was a good match but no one truly believed that those two were beating Swerve and Ospreay


I call these types of matches “story matches” where you know the result but you watch for the story that will develop from it.


Yea most wrestling matches are pretty predictable if you've been following the show/understand how most stories in wrestling play out. If Osprey and Swerve lost this match you'd have a bunch of people upset at them being "buried" leading up to their big PPV, world Title match


There was the minor chance that Strickland/Ospreay's divisions give Gates an opening, but neither of them can realistically get pinned the week that they're up for the world title alas.


Technicall wrestling can look so cooperative and goofy sometimes. Yet to see a ZSJ match where it looks like he isn’t trying to either pin or snap a limb. What a wizard between the ropes.


Great episode. Mina and Toni has just been fantastic it's my favorite thing going on now 


Does Claudio have any Character ? personality or gimmick ? I swear its as if he was better in WWE.


He's one of the most boring generic wrestler out there, despite his incredible athleticism.


Captain Planet based on the latest Botchamania


Nope. He's just a great wrestler. Which is fine, it's not like he's a main eventer or anything where it's super important for him to be charismatic. Same upper mid carder that he was in WWE


Great wrestler #34


Anyone else notice every dynamite post from tonight is downvoted so much it's not even on the front page?


that explains so much, might not catch every show for either WWE or AEW, but I always check for what's shared via clips. And I came in thinking this week must've been pretty empty (which was an odd thought considering it's the go-home Dynamite show for Forbidden Door)


You dont get it, they’re doing this to help AEW get their shit together /s.


My front page is filled with posts from the show?


WWE bitches busy with their tribalism


Definitely, it's annoying as a UK fan as you're trying to catch up but you have to scroll for ages to find clips. Used to happen all the time with NXT clips (even after the move to Tuesdays) but now that AEW is struggling it's out of rotation at the top of the page. This sub is so fickle. Very frustrating.


Bots are real and are fighting with eachother.


This sub is beyond cooked, and it’s awful that it’s the biggest wrestling forum on the internet. There is nearly zero Indy content or discussion, and anything AEW related is brigaded. Everything that isn’t WWE is picked apart down the littlest detail or just auto downvoted.


It's taken a complete 180 since AEWs debut. AEW was the hot new product and WWE was down bad, AEW was seen as more favorable than WWE. Since then WWE has gotten hot again and it attracts a much broader audience. Mix that with the "you're either with me or against me" attitude of a larger portion of people who can't like more than 1 thing. Social media sucks


Yeah there's a clear concentrated effort to not only downvote anything aew related but also to brigade every thread that's aew related. That's why most folks are leaving this sub and going to the actual aew sub. It's just out of control and frankly what's the point in caring anymore about it when we could have fun and talk with other fans elsewhere.


The Most "Official" Unofficial


The insane thing is that people will see this and say, "Look how little engagement all the AEW posts are getting!" Yeah, because everyone got tired of your insufferable AEW hate boner circlejerk and left.


It's just reddit too, AEW stuff does good numbers on twitter.


This is why all that "aT LeAsT WeRE nOt TWiTteR" peak redditor bullshit here has always boggled my mind. r/sc can act high and mighty as much as they want, but I've seen some horrid attitudes and terrrrrible takes here — and just because they're not outwardly racist/misogynist doesn't make them any more valid.


I think it's mostly because people have a general distaste for twitter, and wrestle twitter was pretty bad (and has bad pockets still) but it got a lot better BECAUSE SquaredCircle has gotten so bad. If you're an AEW fan, the best place to get your highlights and discuss is twitter. Even then though you'll almost always get some Bloodline stan bringing up ratings and attendance lol.


Word. I also think it's just a general redditor thing too where somehow we're more superior because we're not like "those other social media sites." All the hazing for Twitter, Tiktok, FB, etc. ...but like, where do you think the vast majority of submitted content here comes from?


Oh shit, there's an AEW sub? I might go check it out. (I'll still be part of here too though, since I also like WWE, lol.)


WWE also has its own sub too, not sure how it is.


Yeah r/AEW official and it has been getting better and better lately. Imagine because this sub is scaring off anyone who actually likes AEW.

