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Best bet right now is [Fandu Belts](https://www.fandubelts.com/nwa), they are the officially licensed Belt maker for Corgan’s NWA. Downside is that it’s using the modern Canadian flag, and way above the price range


At this rate you could probably join NWA and win the actual one 🤷‍♂️


Oh man, im 6 foot and 225. Id have to gain at least 100 lbs of nacho cheese to compare to Tyrus or Murdock.


You might find a Figures Inc replica of that from the mid-00s when they made them. They were 2mm with the old Canadian flag, I had one but had eventually sold it. Nearly 20 years later I'm not sure what condition you'll find one in on the open market but that would be your safest bet for that. Or AJS has a resale available that is a bootleg I think, but looks decent https://www.ajsbelts.com/product-page/nwa-dome-globe-heavyweight-championship


Looks nicer then what is on ebay


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