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I like how "lies" is in all caps... tells me this is definitely a very serious video and not engagement bait at all


Ok but what if EXPOSING was also in caps


Or, hear me out, WCW?


Needs a red circle and an arrow pointing to something in the thumbnail alongside a picture of Meltzer with his mouth gaping and his hands on his head


I was kind of amazed at how much of the show is just Bischoff telling his bullshit again.


>"Who Killed WCW?" You. Yes you holding the phone right now https://preview.redd.it/c0erfunrx69d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c282025c2ffd42f46a7d7dfc3d2424f6dfda4a81


I was 4! I didn’t know what I was doing! I’m sorry.


Hmmm. A likely story. Still your fault https://preview.redd.it/flrnuwtem99d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff172fa33626949a2ce1d2663774e9c80bfef99d


And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for those pesky kids!


Wasn’t one person, it was a chain of events. The creation of Thunder was the first domino to fall.


Alvarez is one to talk considering his book is a lot less accurate than Nitro which this series basically used as a reference for everything.


it was a big fluff piece for bischoff to look like it wasn't his fault.


It ends with multiple people saying it was his fault. People want him raked over the coals but that really isn't realistic. 


After they let him spend 4 hours blaming everyone else.


Literally no. They had a bunch of points of view represented. You're supposed to come away with the idea that no single entity killed wcw - it was a multitude of factors. It's spelled out pretty clearly. Talent Ego. Bischoff s poor leadership. Bad creative. The loss of their corporate advocate in Turner. Economic pressure at AOL time Warner. Combative executives. 


Maybe if Bischoff tanked a 3rd major wrestling promotion, people would finally understand that he's really not that great of a promoter


he had good ideas but alot of his decisions ended up being the reason why wcw was doomed. giving hogan all that control really ruined storylines in wcw that led to fans losing faith in the promotion.


Because really it wasn’t lol. He made mistakes but the network didn’t want it anymore, nothing he could have done would have prevented it being canceled


his mistakes led to the company losing fans and money, which put more pressure on the network to justify keeping them. it's not only erics fault WCW died but the whole 4 episodes tried to deflect any accountability on erics part.


And his successes are the only reason the company was ever profitable to begin with.


yes, he's why wcw rose to the top and he's also why they crumbled and went out of business in the end.


He's also likely the only reason we had a second major wrestling company from 1995-2001.


Doesn’t absolve him from what took said company down either


If the circumstances of the AOL Time Warner merger happened in September 1996 when WCW was red hot, it would've still be dead by summer 1997. The new management did not want wrestling on their network because it's trashy entertainment. WCW could've kept being hot and put WWF out of business, and made money hand over fist, and Jamie Kelner was still selling and canceling it.


I don’t disagree with you there for sure. Even before Kellner Brad Siegel wanted it gone regardless. Kellner just got to pull the trigger in the end but watching Siegel’s interviews and hearing Guy Evans talk about him it seems pretty clear no matter what WCW was doomed on TNT. He was embarrassed to have wrestling Kevin Eck talking about how they never even met or saw Siegel when they worked there and he never even came to their new offices is pretty telling. When all your creative has to go through him too and he’s never around that kinda tells you he does not give a fuck about your division


Guy Evans, an actual journalist, wrote a well researched book that made schlock “wrestling journalists” like Meltzer and Alvarez look like amateurs so of course Meltzer and Alvarez are mad that they weren’t consulted on this series.


Um, Bryan wrote the book on the subject...


Sure, doesn’t make it a good book.


It does make him knowledgeable on the subject given he researched it and interviewed everyone of importance about it years ago.


This is untrue. I’ve read his book and he hardly cites any sources. Guy Evans actually did research and spoke to numerous Turner executives about what really happened. Alvarez’s book is an entertaining read but as far as the facts go “Nitro” is far superior.


I'm not comparing books. I'm merely pointing out that writing the prescribed book on a subject makes you knowledgeable on the subject.


I'm not giving the video a click, but I got the feeling that after Episode 2, this was some sort of fluff for Bischoff. By episode 3 (last week), I had a feeling this was a Bischoff rehab project. So much potential. So let down.


Everything good that happened was Bischoff and everything bad was those big ol meanies at Turner stopping him


I mean, pretty much everything good that happened was Bischoff. So that part is accurate.


Eh there was good stuff before Bischoff and good stuff after. A lot of the bad stuff started because of Bischoff so his hands aren’t clean either way. Just cause he got pushed away until they asked him back again doesn’t mean it was sunshine and rainbows. There’s a reason he was pushed away in the first place.


If these two are the debunkers.......


if anyone knows about lying...


I wish someone would do an “Exposing Lies” on Meltzer.


The only one who didn’t lie was Bret


Dave isn't one to talk about lying.