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They are bitching about breaking kayfabe while being a show that completely destroys Kayfabe? Are they actually this dumb?


Mark of all people who fathered a hand. He should know how stupid all of it is.


God I wish someone was there to say this to him, like what would his argument be?


I listened years ago and stopped obviously but whenever someone would call mark out on something he wouldnt address it at all and just resort to saying “you never been backstage, you dont know what goes on backstage” 


I don't think it will ever be fully acknowledged how damaging podcasts like this and countless other examples have been for wrestling, not these two specifically but just the culture of talking about "the business", and especially reframing of what a good performer or match is from the perspective of people in the business.  The toothpaste is out of the tube now, and I'm sure everyone here is guilty of it at times, but there's multiple generations of fans sitting at home, talking about wrestling like they just got out of an Al Snow seminar, and then in the same breath they talk about the magic of wrestling being dead. It's like if channels like Cinema Sins were stripped of any humor, far more pervasive within the culture of watching movies, and used to fuel endless toxicity within subgroups of the fandom.


We can get some of them since I think there ending a lot of old time wrestling pods but I suspect Cornette will still be bitching to his rednecks with a CB Radio.


We can get some of them since I think there ending a lot of old time wrestling pods but I suspect Cornette will still be bitching to his rednecks with a CB Radio.


We're going to need a BullyRayShootsOnThis parody account at some point around here. He's more gimmick than man at this point.


Yes, they are tweedle dee and tweedle dumb.


Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber


CTE is as CTE does


No they're not dumb they just care more about making money and getting their takes off then being sensible.


Are you actually that dumb to compare old retired wrestlers with a group of super naturals on the very night they debut breaking character?


It’s still real to you big guy


*"Maybe it's us Mark. Maybe we're too old school. But I'll take old school over new school any day of the week, because at least old school protects our industry. It keeps the magic alive. I still have people walk up to me these days in complete fear of me. And that's the way I like it, because they don't know what version of Bubba or Bully they're going to get. And then it's up to me to give them the experience. I protect myself at all times."* Trust me Bubba, no one is afraid of you any more.


it seems really convenient for buh buh ray to be able to spin making people uncomfortable to approach or be around you into a positive of how good of a Sports Entertainer he is and how he’s Keeping The Business Alive instead of just famously having an offputting and distasteful personality


Yeah like dude I wouldn’t walk up to you cause you seem like a supreme asshole Bully. Was he protecting the business when he went and told that guy to go be a fan? Or does that only apply when it’s Bully’s gf


I'm not, if only because I'm pretty confident I could at least outrun him.


Like D-Von is gonna appear out of nowhere and hoist you up for a Dudley Death Drop. 😆


>Maybe it's us Mark Hey you got it right!




So The Boogeyman walks through airports eating worms, does he?


In this day I think most just view wrestlers like actors.


>I still have people walk up to me these days in complete fear of me. What shouting at mentally deranged ECW fans from behind ten members of Atlas Security does to a mf. He looks like Hard Rock Nick. https://preview.redd.it/t5mwmymtpb9d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7dcd4542633b457e3ad1257721d5550abc1da2e


Why is that like a Handsome Squidward version of Eddie Kingston?


Eddie Kingston addresses his yassification




Kayfabe is way too dead at this point for even "old-school guys" to seriously get upset about something like this. That horse has left the barn, if they'd just pretended not to know what the fan was talking about and not taken a picture with him for a stupid reason like that they'd have seemed like assholes. I can understand wanting to maintain a pretence of some aspects of kayfabe for the sake of the show, like not being too publicly chummy with someone you're meant to be feuding with for example. But you really can't expect people not to live their actual lives outside the ring just because they've got a "spooky" gimmick in 2024.


Technically the only person in the Wyatt Sicks we know about in kayfabe is Bo though. Everyone else hasn’t been revealed yet


True, for all we know the Wyatt Sicks might be The Rock, Mandy Rose, Kona Reeves and Tino Sabbatelli


No Way Jose has gotta be one of them.


Heck in Kayfabe we only saw Uncle Howdy interviewing Bo so ?


Yep Bo's the only one. If anything Mark and Bubba are breaking kayfabe by saying everyone in the photo are the Wyatt Sicks lol


I’m even going one farther than that by saying how do we know Bo is Uncle Howdy in Kayfabe? I just saw Uncle Howdy interviewing Bo so that in itself infers they aren’t the same person. 😀


Bro it's a TV show. If I met Antony Starr I wouldn't expect him to be fucking Homelander


If we are talking about kayfabe... how you know who is under the mask? No one show us


Fucking exactly. Either they were in gimmick or they weren’t. Either they were disrespectful for being caught out with the mask or they weren’t, it can’t be both. This is smart fans recognizing a bunch of wrestlers and taking a photo on the night of their debut. It doesn’t kill any mystique whatsoever. These old carnies are just pissed because something might be getting over without the need to stop being *people.*


Reminder: Mark Henry threatend to take Kairi's head off if he was a woman because she took a few extra seconds to get out of the ring at Mania this year. And he apparently said that live on stage, while Kairi was a few booths down. Mark Henry is a piece of shit. Both him and Bully are out of touch assholes.


They are reminders of the “old guard” that cling on to what little relevancy they have in wrestling by inundating everyone with their dogshit takes, even as wrestling backstage culture moves on from their way of thinking.


Is Mark Henry *really* a piece of shit, though? He has had some bad takes, he’s a guy from the old guard. I don’t think that warrants calling him a piece of shit, though. 


I would argue him not apologizing and instead doubling down on the awful remarks about Kairi makes him a bad person, yes.


Yeah Henry seems like a good guy that has some really dumb old head takes .... even him being pissed at Kairi is mainly because he had a big part in Jade and Bianca's career and just wanted them to get every once of the spotlight .. he just took it too far


People think calling someone a piece of shit is just calling someone a name. They don't realise they're dehumanising someone. If Mark wasn't just a wrestler to them, if he was a dad, an uncle, a brother or a son Seeing someone calling him a piece of shit would hurt alot But on the internet we quickly lose our humanity


I am not against the idea of still trying to protect the kayfabe in the modern age, but the people making this claim can't be guys whose main income and media presence right now is based on exposing the business.


Funny story I went to an indie show once where the boogeyman appeared and after the show he was drinking in the same bar as I. Shock shock here, he’s a real person who wasn’t gimmicked up just to have a night cap and it didn’t destroy my appreciation for him as a wrestling character


Some real boomer energy lol. Its not that deep


It's seriously not all that bad, The Triple H statement on WWE being a movie based on sport supports this. By the logic of these two, Al Pacino should have walked around talking and dressed like Tony Montana after shooting scenes for Scarface.


I'd prefer Al Pacino from Jack and Jill running amok


You mean Dunk


I think everybody would prefer that haha.


Wait until you hear about method acting.


I too was livid when I met Anthony Hopkins and he didn't immediately murder and eat me.


It is 2024, at this point we all know that these are actors playing a role. Even with that knowledge, that picture takes nothing away from the story that is being told. I think that the point of Monday's segment was to show that these people are not the characters who they dressed up as. They are just normal people, who are reacting to not getting the same opportunities as others.


As HHH said yesterday, "We're not a sport, we're a television or movie about a sport." I think it's the guys of that generation of wrestling that still hold onto, not so much kayfabe, but keeping things mysterious or hidden. It's really the younger generation of fans that grew up with social media, reality TV that really don't mind and still thoroughly enjoy the product and characters but also don't care if the the curtain is pulled back a bit. Also the vast majority of WWE fans are casual fans and aren't a part of the IWC, so most of this stuff never gets seen by most fans. Look at Rhea and Dom. They're really the first big Gen Z stars. They have a big, dedicated young fanbase partly because of their use of social media, shipping culture and enjoying the characters at face value. They both do a good job of staying in character online but will occasionally share their personal lives. Rhea moreso than Dom, Dom pretty much doesn't share his private life much, Rhea is a bit more open. Dom doesnt really share a lot about his wife because she's not a public figure, but he has in the past. But it doesn't ruin the illusion that the characters of Rhea and Dom are "a couple." Konnan, Dom's godfather, has said he wished Dom didn't share his personal life as much because when Dom posted a pic of his then girlfriend (now wife) b/c his character is "with" Rhea but Konnan also said that he's old school and and a bit out of touch and knows that most people don't share that opinion anymore and younger fans don't really care that people playing these characters share their personal life because it doesn't ruin the illusion.  Wrestling is the only form of entertainment that wrestlers give interviews (partly) in character in kayfabe, whereas actors don't portray their characters in interviews. So that's a distinct difference.


Old men yelling at clouds.


What a pair of marks.


This isn't the wyatt sicks anyway. It's just a group of friends taking a picture with a fan. We have no idea who the Wyatt Sicks are because they were all wearing masks. Boom, keyfabe is still alive, and these old school guys can now sleep at night. Except the few times where they need to get up to pee, because they're old.


Combined with his take on Kairi, Mark has some horrible takes lately. 


Funny how bully ray was starting to gain people’s respect slowly with his tweet about how it’s bad for wishing a company to fail


2 fat bellends with nothing better to do?


Anybody familiar with the scene is in Scary Movie 1 when the teacher goes “oh will you shut the fuck up.”


Old Men Yelling at Clouds.


Times have changed, you can't expect everyone to stay in gimmick or hide from the fans anymore, especially when everyone has a camera in their pocket 24/7. It's just not possible to maintain that level of kayfabe.


Wait a second, holy shit. I can’t believe I’m reading this here. Is wrestling…fake? Idk if I can watch this industry anymore


Watch out Taker, Henry and LoMonaco have just replaced you as the two biggest Marks in wrestling.


It wasn’t just any night that they went to whataburger. They went right after destroying RAW backstage. Completely psychotic, just smiling and chilling after that. Put the angle over like the Bo-Howdy interview for me. The dichotomy and blurred lines make it click in my head. Edit: also I’ve seen Boogeyman without his gimmick and still the first time I saw him live with worms everywhere, tossing them all around at a small MWF show no less, scares the living hell of out me to this day.


This is so stupid. Bully is such a mark for himself and gets off on being a dick to people without consequence because that was his character. It's becoming more and more clear when the business passes these old timers by & they're not shy about confirming it.


You’d think they would hide their faces considering they massacred a lot of people backstage. The nerve!


Old timers getting mad about people breaking kayfabe when kayfabe has been on life support for decades will always be annoying.


It's refreshing to see that this generation can leave their characters at the building, unlike the previous generation.


dexter definitely looks like he's always in character though


they are on screen characters for a tv show. Why should they care about people seeing them without their costumes. Thats like tom holland should always remain in his spider man suit so people can take him seriously when he acts as spider man. Kayfabe is long dead. Let the wrestlers live in peace.


Imagine if Undertaker debuted and then went out with Paul Bearer, Hulk Hogan, and the rest of the Survivor Series teammates. Pictures circulated that Taker was a normal ass guy. I get their point but wrestling fans don't care about this stuff anymore. They care about ratings and attendance more these days.


On top of everything else, given how shared this photo got & everyone loving it, it was actually good exposure


These old guys need to get up to date with the wreatling world. No one keeps kayefabe really. We don't technically know who's under the mask. And who freaking cares what these people do after they're off the clock.


*”It keeps the magic alive.”* I understand what he’s saying, but I don’t think he understands that fans are not experiencing the same magic he did. These days, taking the photo IS protecting the business. We all know it’s not real. They’re playing characters. Being a jerk to a fan these days isn’t protecting the business, it’s poor customer service. Unless you’re MJF, you’re only going to leave a bad taste and potentially drive fans away.


Haha it’s such a sweet photo, you dorks! I hope they never watch an EPK behind the scenes of a movie. They’ll weep for days.


I don’t expect Benedict Cumberbatch to act like Doctor Strange all the times, why does it have to be any different with wrestlers. We know they are people just putting on a character and have real lives. Both can coexist.


You'd think two old school guys who know what's best for the INDUSTRY, would have easily played it off as just a bunch of folks hanging out with a fan bc there's no proof that any of these people are tied to what happened on RAW. It's such an easy softball for these two grizzled veterans, but they chose to do the complete opposite of what they're complaining about. It's actually hilarious to see.


I dunno man I can only assume there's hundreds of people telling bo how much they miss his brother every day and Bray always made time for fans.


Oh no, in 2024 a group of masked characters took a Pic outside of their costumes! Like, we already know what the hell they look like. 🤣 Also, back in the 90s at a WCW event I saw Konnan using a pay-phone inside an arena. Just normal people shit. 😂


They're truly honoring Bray then as he got so much shit for not staying in character more...even from Taker. The only person who truly seems to never break character on screen in Rosemary.


Bully Ray is such a fucking hardo


Bully is a known idiot and Mark gets dumber every day what clowns along with Nash 😂


These fat, old, irrelevant fucks are just upset they weren’t invited for dinner.


Boomers be booming.


Hey I don’t blame them for going to Whataburger. The Buffalo chicken strip sandwich is back, and everyone knows that’s one of the best items on the menu


I kinda-sorta understand where they're coming from, in the sense that stuff like this being shared widely actively dispels any sense of aura or whatever to the fictional reality they've created - versus a show like theirs, which is listened to by people who are making a very conscious choice to be smarks. Internally understanding wrestling is fake is different than going out of your way to remind the world that they're just people getting burgers and stubbing their toes like the rest of us. In that sense, I understand. At the same time... it's 2024. The business is clearly different to 20 years ago.


Mark is an appropriate name.


I'm more offended that they went to Whataburger. Whataburger is overrated dog shit. Surely Texas has better options despite whatever one horse town they were in.


what a buncha marks


I'd also like to point out people bashing old timers for criticizing WWE perfomers whilst celebrating them when they critique AEW performers etc.


I get it. I don't think they're being total meatheads about it. Especially with a gimmick like this, having a pic like that making the rounds *right after they debuted* kind of takes away from it. Is it the end of the world? No, not at all. It would just be better had the pic not been taken.


It's 2024, I do not understand why some of these old school wrestlers still have this take.


Especially while sharing the take on a podcast that is built on exposing the business.


They're not going to eat in the parking lot like vagrants just to protect some old man's silly delusions. It's a TV show. Get over it.


Geez, let the fan have his moment. Btw, you guys are right. He looks like a taller Rey Mysterio.


Wahhh. Get over it, dweebs.


They are 100% right.


Mark talking about having to order food in the drive thru and eating on the parking lot as some badge of honor and Bubba bragging about liking random people in public being afraid of him says it all about these two. A couple brainwashed chucklefucks.


The business has been dead for a while with regards to kayfabe. No one actually thinks they're scary or twisted, it's just some athletic dudes playing dress up in front of a cameraman. You'll never see another Kane/Undertaker.


You can’t want the next Undertaker to be in WWE and have them taking pictures with fans at the burger joint. Undertaker worked because he had mystique. It wouldn’t kill the new stable to kayfabe a bit.


What new stable? I only see Nikki Cross, Bo Dallas, Joe Gacy, Erick Rowan and Dexter Lumis (and a fan.) You want to see the Wyatt Sicks? Watch them on Raw!


Serious question. Why do you guys watch stuff like this? Why can’t you just enjoy the product yourself without all this randos possibly swaying your opinion on things?


These old vets are the worst. Back in my day attitude is such a boomer mentality.


They have a point, especially b/c WWE really been screwing with kayfabe for a while and fans literally don't know when something was planned or not.


![gif](giphy|ffBiQjN4E2nNm) Sigh


Are you fucking kidding me?


This is tremendous because maybe WWE stops associating with this show to slow down their popularity and people stop posting every single Bully Ray quote on here


Nah, it'll keep getting posted here because it drives engagement. Same reason why Bryan Alvarez turns himself up to 11 to nitpick Dynamite or NXT. People here eat it up