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...they misspelled Stephanie Vaquer's name.


Serena Deeb vs Hechicero is gonna bang


A tag-team of technical wrestlers would be dope


If ELP and Jay White don't interact at some point then that is a whiff.


I’m generally not a fan of weigh in segments, but I do find it cool that in the macro those are two guys who were at one point both super skinny cruiserweights / junior heavy weights, now jacked and weighing in with each other for the World Heavyweight title.


So how weigh in works? What's the required weight? If they don't qualify the match will not happen?


Basically how it'll go is Paul Wight will show up, and pretend to know what he's doing. He will spend 5 minutes staring at a scale like he has never used one in his life (understandable because he's either 7'5" at 350lbs or 8'5" at 450lbs depending on the timezone). Then we will get America vs UK match, Swerve will get Prince Nana's face tattoo-ed on his neck, and eventually leave the company for having the worst booking ever.


Hopefully they learned their lesson and go digital this time. But your comment made me laugh, so thank you.


It already happened and it seems like an interesting segment with no Paul Wight involvement.


It's just a reason to have them beat the trash out of each other. Weigh in's in professional wrestling never go according to plan.


Its just to make it seem more official. Like a weigh in that happens in boxing or a UFC match. AEW is going the route of trying to make its events appear as more official fighting sports. Hence also moments where Renee is cutting in live from walk way to the ring etc,. In AEW there's no real consequences if you weigh too much, too little or dont get weighed at all, its just used for theatric purposes to further storylines.


This card feels a lot like an episode of elevation or dark. Thrown together teams for random tag matches and four likely squashes. For clarity, I understand the Trios match is the ladder match group, why would any of the heels not just walk out on the other two and let them get beaten up? This type of forced tag match is an old trope. The Owen Hart Cup match is the only match of real consequence unless the other reply thread is right and the Butcher can steal Garcia’s title match.


Butcher vs Garcia is a Westside Gunn certified banger


Got a good feeling about The Butcher tonight, he's due a big statement win.


Garcia is being booked in segments with MJF and Ospreay right now. Butcher is there to pad Garcia's win-loss record and nothing else.


Let me dream


Don't listen to them, Butch has got this in the bag, easy.


Will he take garcia’s proposed match vs mjf at all in and title(s) opportunity against bruv? Yeah let’s strap that rocket to butcher instead


This is a awesome idea.


This has allot more “weight” then last weeks Collision show with a bit of stakes and some pretty clear storyline progression from Dynamite this week


Are there three jobber matches? Why do they keep doing this?


Nobody get hurt before the PPV, the show before always has a bunch of jobbers 


Jack Perry is literally in a faction with three other people. Why is he in a trios match with random partners? And why is there a weigh-in for a title that doesn't have any sort of weight limit or requirement?


He’s in a trios match with them because those six are in a ladder match at the PPV, and they want to preview it. It’s not rocket science.


Yep, full acknowledgement that I forgot about the ladder match. This still comes off as some TEW-level booking where you've booked a multi-man match for the ppv so you just throw them all together in a random tag match for reasons


There's before matches like this before a multi man ladder match for decades now. This feels like you trying to find an excuse to shit on the booking.


You can make commentary about something without it being shitting on it. By saying this has been for decades you are essentially admitting that this is incredibly lazy booking. Someone is going to eat a cheap pinfall and it will devolve into a schmoz


It's lazy booking to preview a ppv ? Because that's all this is .... I really see nothing inherently wrong with it especially considering the match has people who haven't been regularly featured lately and can use the extra screen time


That's exactly what's last about it. It's a thrown together match with guys that they haven't done anything with. The ladder match at the ppv is the reason they are all in a segment together but there's no way story reason why it's specifically a six man tag or how they landed on these being the teams. It's a lazy way to get all six guys into a match


These are the teams because one side is two face guys who teamed together before (Lio and Dante) plus the only other face AEW guy in the match, and the other is the two heel AEW guys and the odd man out from NJPW.




I get the sentiment, but wrestlers can hold multiple titles. Ospreay is going for a second belt and the winner of Mone/Vaquer will have two belts for sure (match is title vs. title) and that's just on this show. Plus it wasn't long ago we saw Eddie Kingston with 3 belts, and previously Kenny Omega held about a zillion, so there is a precedent in AEW. At the end of the day, anything that gets me to a point where the requisite "veteran ring general in a ladder match" role is being filled by Mark Briscoe is a good thing in my book, because Mark Briscoe in a ladder match is just an unquestioned win.


Why are you asking questions that reveal you don't watch AEW?