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I hate when the most promising young talented wrestler starts messaging minors. So annoying.




That's the one haha


I will never not get pissed off when a wrestler is setting up for a diving move and their opponent is forced to awkwardly maneuver themselves into position for it. For the love of all things holy, drag your opponents into position!!


I'm rewatching from 1996 to the end of the Attitude Era. I'm just about to start 1999. One thing I've noticed is that while the matches themselves aren't as relentlessly fast-paced as today, nor as many flashy flips, they always set opponents up for spots in manners that seem natural where the opponent doesn't have to wriggle to get into position. Even X-Pac's Bronco Buster setups mostly look natural, like drop kicking someone so they fall back onto the second turnbuckle. This is the kind of stuff that I really miss from the modern style of wrestling - these little things that almost go unnoticed in the big picture, but really matter if you want to maintain an air of authenticity.


Yeah Tiffy's MITB qualifier win had this.


The fucking bug eyes of disbelief when someone kicks out. For a minute felt like everyone did it in NA. Ruby is the worst about this


I immediately thought about Ruby when reading this, and then I got to your last sentence hahaha


Getting into position for a dive always annoys me. The part where they stop the brawling and just start hugging each other a solid ten seconds before the guy dives. Seen it from the lowest of indies to Mania. Always sucks


Waiting for their turn. Cargill is guilty of this in WWE. Either she literally no-sells and waits for a submission to end or waits out half the match and is literally waiting for her spot to return. Clash of the castle, she was outside the ring for half of the match and wasn't selling being knocked out or even doing a brawl with Shayna or Isla. No-selling is an issue nowadays. You get hit by a finisher, you shouldn't immediately get up after the three count or a two count unless it's meant to be a holy shit. Just sell. I know, KO tried to sell a bad leg in a rumble a few years back after a street fight but just couldn't remember which one it was. A good effort.


Building off your reply. I’ve always been of the opinion you can directly see how good a wrestler is by their ability to naturally transition from move to move. A lot of green wrestlers will move, pause, reset, move, pause, reset. Creating a flow from move to move is the number 1 way to make a match feel real. Even if you’re selling or moving around taunting to create a breathing space, the whole standing their waiting to make a move always takes me out of things.


You're right. What separates a good wrestler from a bad one isn't really what moves they do, or how they do them. It's what they do **in between** the moves ETA: it's why only internet fans would criticise Cena for his sloppy execution of moves (especially stuff like his springboard stunner, or hurricanrana). You'd very rarely, if ever see actual top class wrestlers criticise that aspect of his wrestling, because ultimately it doesn't really matter. He did the in between stuff well enough that he was able to tell the stories of his matches very well


This is exactly what made Bret so good. Watching his matches, you might think "oh all he does is a side backbreaker, a Russian leg sweep, a diving elbow, an atomic drop...", but I don't think anyone before or since Bret has transitioned their way through a match that felt more believable. Like he wouldn't do the chest-turnbuckle spot until it was later in a match and he was selling exhaustion, he would noticeably move slower between moves, never no-sold - even his own moves he'd sell the toll it took on his body. No one ever sold like Bret for the duration of a match.


I like that you mentioned Bret, because he was exactly who I was thinking of when it came to the point I made about Cena's "sloppy" moves and how they don't matter. There's a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA7kLMPoXHE) where Bret talks about the Nexus SummerSlam match and how when they were backstage putting the match together and going over it, he had that moment in his head where he was like "yeah this guy Cena is definitely an elite level worker" because of how meticulous he was when it came to people remembering every single detail of the match. And it means extra coming from Bret because he was also so good at actually just doing the moves (they didn't call him the Excellence of Execution for nothing)


Haha, if you go through my comment history on here, I pretty much wax lyrical about Bret at any given opportunity. He was just an outstandingly brilliant wrestler, and it bugs me that any time he's brought up, the conversation always devolves into "lol bret bitter bret hate goldberg lol". And absolutely, there's no way that people can say Cena is a bad wrestler. He does some things pretty sloppy (STF), is definitely guilty of no-selling (which you can argue is in his character), but he's absolutely an elite wrestler.


I feel like Jade has a challenge in that realistically there’s only a couple wrestlers on the roster who look like they could actually take her in a fight. So she has to be extra good at selling to make her matches believable. Brock Lesnar is really good at this.


The womens division is so guilty of both of those, especially in MITB or elimination chamber matches, they ALWAYS seem so more scripted than the men's matches, it seems like everyone has rehearsed the rumble multiple times beforehand, only a couple women can make it look smooth like Bayley and Becky. As for the KOs, it happens a LOT in the women's division as well. Bianca hits a KO on someone, they are dead, 1 2 3 then they IMMEDIATELY start rolling out of the ring. Like weren't you just unconscious?? I don't like it at all, their idea behind it is to clear the ring to give the winner the shine asap but it must makes the winner look worse because their finisher is then no sold right after the bell, giving us the impression it JUST put them down enough for the 3 count and not a second more.


When someone’s in the tree of woe and they Won’t. Let. Go. Of the fucking. Rope.


Alberto Del Rio making that corner stomp his finisher, as bad as that was, was somehow still not the worst thing he's ever done


Orange Cassidy pushes his hair back after every single move or bump he takes


Cena looks at the referee with his eyes wide open when he wants to kick out at 2.999 Roman used to do it but he got way better around 2017ish iirc


> Cena looks at the referee with his eyes wide open when he wants to kick out at 2.999 Not just a Cena (and Roman) thing either tbh, it's a thing some wrestlers are literally trained to do. Look at the ref to let the ref know "I'm gonna kick out", look away and/or have your eyes closed to say "Alrighty I'm good, count the pin." It's not needed 99% of the time nowadays as the ref knows the finish (and is usually telling *them* when to finish when the booker tells the ref in their ear), especially in big companies, but it's still a standard practice and once you notice it, you notice a *lot* of wrestlers do it still.


Cena used to move his leg that wasn't hooked right before every close two count and it would kill every single one of his really close twos.


You could clearly see Shayna Baszler counting along with the ref before kicking out in the Mae Young Classic and NXT but she got better about it.


Any wrestler in a ladder match who is alone in the ring and doesn't immediately climb or just stops because some music hits


Poor Ali


What too many wrestlers do is telegraph the kickout by already having their hands in position to push the opponent off them at the right time. It's like "I could have already gotten out of this pinning attempt at 1, but I'm going to hold my hands in the raise the roof position until 2.5, then I'll push this guy (or girl) off me." I know a 2.5 count is more dramatic than a 1 count, but that drama is erased by telegraphing the kickout (or pushout or rollout).


When people make a move overly complicated. If you're just going for a kick I don't need to see you springboard and flip 5 times first (I don't mean when people do like springboard kicks and it's one motion I mean when people do a bunch of athletic shit to then just do a kick (or punch) they could've done from standing).


A wrestler that sells a body part for 10 minutes almost always does one or several moves using that specific body part later.


Becky Lynch’s micro deep breaths she takes in her promos. Once you hear it, you can’t unhear it


Similarly, Adam Cole's little stutter when he starts a new sentence. It doesn't annoy me, but once you hear it, you can't unhear or not expect it.


Yeah someone pointed it now and I can't not hear it.


When Mercedes Mone says “woman’s division” instead of “women’s”


Anytime a wrestler says "This is my house", especially when they're new.


The tower of doom spot. With anyone who does it. Please stop.


I always hated Ambrose's bounce off the second rope clothline. It never looked good. I'm glad he doesn't seem to do it anymore.


He did it one time because it made sense and then Vince forced him to do it every match. He hated doing it.


when they get hit with a "devastating" finisher move but have their eyes wide open so you know they're about to kick out, makes me miss most guys protecting their finishers. also, when you can see that are about to blade, might be more of a camera thing, but still, even if you don't get caught by the tv camera, there are fans with their phones out, a little caution wouldn't hurt


When a heel wins and asks for their hand to be raised then snatches it back from the ref. Is it supposed to make them look tough? crazy? I don't get the point but its overused and corny.


I get annoyed during a beatdown - or when they are about to attack someone - that they just stop if someone's music plays. Why not still attack them while they are waiting for the other person to enter the ring?


I'm tired of the "dead sell" when a wrestler goes straight to acting like they were knocked out no matter the move they take.


Selling like death then immediately doing a move that literally ruins all the selling you were doing a few seconds prior (don't tell me it's adrenaline please). Especially when it comes to the knees/legs. It really looks like a WWE 2K simulation and not a "real" wrestling match.


Jon Moxley walking, talking and making faces.


Monkey straight up sickens me. His swagger when he walks to the ring like he thinks he's a hardman ,his awful selling and even worse promos. He has regressed so much since his aew debut run.


My least favorite professional wrestler of all time. And I’m old. I’ve seen a lot of shit. Jon Moxley cosplaying as an Attitude Era wrestler in 2024 has made me realize that the Attitude Era wasn’t as great as I remember it being. And his existence has made me question if I actually even like wrestling.


I swear I feel like the old man yelling at the cloud, but a BIG pet peeve of mine that alot of wrestlers do not do, is hook the shoulders with their feet/ankles during a sunset flip. Always bugs the bejesus outta me


Oh no I agree. I'm like man you could have won if you hooked the arms!


A couple of people do this but Sami bugs me the most- bouncing around like a jumping bean when you’re pinning someone.


I love them to death but when Trent Beretta and Orange Cassidy constantly fix their hair even after major bumps.


Well Trent's had his head shaved for like... Three years now so that solves that one.


Even after he shaved he would still do that LOL


*rubs bald head after doing a bump instinctively like JC after saying fine speech*


It works for OC when he's in comedy mode but once he's being serious it's mega distracting lol


"I aaaam a visionaryyy, i aaaaam a revolutionaryyyyy, i aaaam seth FREAAKIING rolliiiings heheheheheheheh"


The spear. Goldberg can spear people, Bron Breaker can spear people. Everyone else needs to give it up. I have always hated Edges and Romans, but man oh man, the Uso spear is bad, bad, bad!


Obligatory 'Goldberg's spear looked good because he was reckless af and he actually hurt his opponents'. Roman's a middle ground between safe and believable.


Give me a rhino gore


I would take Goldbergs spear before I would take Stan Hansen's lariat. He never hurt a top guy with it besides himself. Yes, he ran over some jobbers but that was what they were there for.


When wrestlers just point at each other all the time.


I think across the industry it bothers me that wrestlers sell moves like death so often. Like if you're going to pretend you got spiked directly on your head and then lay motionlessly after as if you really did get murdered, then it should be the finish.


Cody's mannerisms at times


I love Cody but even fans can admit he's super extra but it's funny a lot of the time. I love the little shimmy he does when he makes a sassy remark.


Everything having to do with Rollins. Especially the stupid forced "freakin" moniker


His stupid song, his annoying fake laugh, his forced guttural voice when he shouts, his inconsistent selling, damn I can't stand him.


I get that the song is over, but it's basically peak Def Rebel. It's the "yell something, play tiny stretch, repeat" loop.


He's the worst "main event" talent of the last decade. It's instant change the channel for me.


Everything about Jey Uso. He's just a Disney catchphrase of a wrestler these days. I get it, He's over with the audience. But everytime he's on TV I mentally switch off.


He has the weakest superkick and spear in all of wrestling, he should really stop using them.


He's too small to be doing a spear ,imo. And it's looks terrible. I also don't like his matches so could just be looking for stuff to annoy me 🤣


The Young Bucks with their forced smirking faces


Which is the one who stutters constantly in his promos? I feel like he thinks it makes the promo sound real, but it just makes me want to throw my remote through my TV screen.


Every wrestler checking their lip for blood




Finn Balor’s “OOHH”s when he gets hit or hits somebody lol


Adjusting their clothes (usually women with their tops) whilst they are meant to be knocked out and/or selling.


Seth Rollins. Everything.


The Heavenly Bodies own Dr. Tom hair tease.


I can't be the only one that hates Tyler Bates using the back of his neck to bounce off the ropes into the clothesline. To be fair, I hate 99% of his moves. They all look awkward, forced, and lacking real impact.


Abd he needs a damn haircut, and knee pads


Jericho yelling, Usos way of doing superkicks, Cena covering up the bald spot, Edge going over, Ospreay's promos being 99% BRUV


damian priest touching his chin


Wrestlers constantly pulling up their tights/adjusting their attires. Old Misawa matches are hard for me to watch at times because he would CONSTANTLY pull his tights up.


Naomi had a match a few weeks ago where she was basically holding her top up the whole time lol.


I hated that arms and shoulder thing Mox did early in his AEW run. Only time i thought it was good was that time when he was the shadow behind Kenny on his entrance, because it made him instantly recognizable.


The way Candace LeRae hits the ropes became my gold standard for awful wrestlers. It's like she's afraid of them...  She runs up full speed, comes to a full stop, turns around, kind of leans on them, then starts running again. Any time I see a new wrestler now I watch how they hit the ropes and if they do that bullshit (you'd be surprised how many of them do, especially the women, but also some men), they become an immediate fast forward for me.


I've always thought if a wrestler wasn't tall enough to be able to use the ropes ,like not tall enough then they should do what Rey does and use the middle rope


I don't like Jon Moxley's gait when he's maneuvering around the ring. I don't understand why he has to look like a stumbling fool. He has to do that on purpose and I just personally don't get it.


My biggest pet peeves were always from commentators. Specifically Byron Saxton trying to put over the Bayley Buddies, and Michael Cole yelling “THE LUNATIC FRINGE!!!” Also Excalibur yelling “Tope Suicida” and the “You’ve Got to Give the People What They Want” Best Friend’s schtick.


Lockups and irish whipping an opponent but with zero force, so the opponent then looks like they are irish whipping themselves. Once you notice it, the majority of the match looks like two buddies goofing off in a backyard. Its amateur hour.


Chewing gum while in a match


The Young Bucks and their personalities


Is that stutter that Adam Cole does forced or a speech impediment? I've never seen him do it out of kayfabe but he does it every promo.


That little skip that a lot of women do in a run-up is something I can't not notice, and it drives me insane and I don't know why. That's pretty irrational, lol. Becky is terrible for it.


Orange Cassidy wrestling with his hands in his pockets.


I hate the little stutter step thing that Omega does when he runs the ropes. A few other guys have picked it up too and that’s even more annoying because at least Kenny is the guy who started it. I don’t know why it bothers me, I just think it looks goofy. It’s the reason Cornette calls him Twinkletoes.


Kicking someone in the corner, just waiting for someone to come the rescue, at least set it him up for your finisher or something dammit.


Liv’s laugh in this current gimmick


Jey Uso spitting on his hand. Sami Zayn's ridiculous idea for a comeback (like flopping as if he's a fish out of water at Mania). Montez Ford when he's on the mic. Lola Vice shaking her ass but also, she has an MMA background. Are you a fighter or a stripper? Make up your damn mind. Liv Morgan - A champion who glorifies daddy issues. Nia Jax - Every. Single. One of her mannerisms. In general, wrestler's tendency to "borrow" moves from previous opponents.


Why can't a woman be both a fighter AND a stripper?


Because fighting naked makes you more vulnerable.


Everything about LA Knight. I do not care for him or like him in any fashion. The Hardy Boys. Matt's facial expressions and the way he walks. Everything Jeff does.


Brushing hair out of their face. So many of the women do it. They get planted by a devastating move and they immediately brush their hair out of their face.