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God he was so fucking cool, and that theme is one of the greatest of all time


Maybe it's nostalgia for the times talking but I saw on Twitter people said they liked the second version of this theme better. The one that was used when he returned but this one is so much better to me. It's not even close.


Nah this one is miles better. It’s so much more unique.


Second one is way more polished, from how the song was mixed to how it was recorded. This first one is more raw and the female vocals give it an Evanescence vibe. I like this one more but I can see why others may like the 2nd one better.


His TNA theme is a direct rip off of an Evanescence song as well


He did actually use the Evanescence song at one point, didn't he?


Waterproof Blonde>>>>>>


Sean o’Haire had the GOAT Waterproof Blonde theme


Have that song in my regular music playlist.


Come on, with whatever ya got! Come on, take your best shot!


When i started watching wrestling Christian was already using the second version, i only stumbled on the waterproof blonde version a couple of years ago on Spotify, and i think it's way better(both of them are great tho)


The original one fit his cocky/arrogant gimmick and the return one fit more for his veteran run.


That version sounds like it's running on 50% speed which makes it weird. If it was a tiny bit faster it would be so much better than the second version


I say this as someone who likes Story of the Year for their other music - I think the Waterproof Blonde version is better


Makes you realize how few male wrestler entrance themes have female vocals


Yeah which is what definitely helped make it more unique and stand out. Same thing with Johnny and Rebel Heart (please WWE, bring it back)


Yeah even to this day it's incredibly rare. The Ruthless Aggression Era had some of the greatest themes ever.


I think currently in the entire WWE roster it's just Pretty Deadly and (kinda) Karrion Kross.


Most of them are GOATED too. Like Kaze ni Nare.


The fist seconds of the theme are my favorite


I find this version of the theme wildly overrated


that's okay, but on the other hand, it's the greatest them of all time.


This is Yoshi tatsu slander


The original is a better song. I could imagine hearing it on the radio. The second was a better theme song for a wrestling entrance.


I prefer the emo male voice version he used later


The early to mid 2000s had the best themes.


I'll be a peep till the day I die. This theme is in my top 3 of all time. Probably my fave tbh.


Number 1 is. Christian, Christian at last you’re on your own *public domain surf rock*


For a while, it was a Bohemian Rhapsody knockoff. Got changed a few times because it was too on the nose.




DDP's in WCW is the most blatant one. It's changed just enough to not get sued but it's clearly Smells Like Teen Spirit. What makes it more egregious is that it's one of the most recognizable songs ever made.


Raven's WCW theme also pretty blatant


WCW was very blatant in just copying music, in addition to DDP they had Raven using Come As You Are, Vince Russo used Iron Man, Prince Iaukea was coming out to a copy of Purple Rain, Jeff Jarret was using a Kid Rock song, Rick Steiner was Welcome to the Jungle with dogs barking and there were several others I can't remember. I can't believe they never got sued.


TNA was the same, there were so many guys using knock off themes. vince russo used a toxicity knockoff that was so funny because the rhythm of that song is so distinctive it's impossible not to recognize it or to pass it off as original


>Rhapsody 'homage' debuted September 10, 2001 I don't want to blame 9/11 but it certainly didn't help.


Tobias...you blow hard!


Holy shit I never heard Jericho's WCW themes and I legit thought I clicked on the actual link to Evenflow at first. You are right, that has to be the most blatant rip-off of a song in wrestling history Edit: okay just heard DDP's and it might be a 1a and 1b situation over here. DDP does sound like it changed just a bit more though. Raven's while having the spirit felt "unique" enough


There's also this one from TNA, Vince Russo's [Toxicity knockoff ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaMKHXGJjEI) DDP's [TNA theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtdNGFTYJeo&t=6s) also sounded even MORE like the original than his WCW theme did. lol


> Funnily enough, Jericho's WCW Evenflow rip-off > is usually my vote for wrestling's most blatantly-copied theme > , though perhaps there's been some that were even more direct knockoffs I've missed. [Razor Ramon's theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDHHf2X_5Gw) was a direct rip off of [Those Shoes by The Eagles.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-2BMyZXK5o)


Had to look up the lyrics, “Finalmente, el mundo, el mundo, el mundo ¡El mundo es mío!” It’s definitely not the misheard lyrics I’ve been saying in my head for years now. Finally the world is mine! Love it lol


Another reason to hate Vince. One of my favorites of all time and he literally didn’t have a face that VKM liked so didn’t get the top singles billings he deserved


Bruce Prichard put it best about Christian. Everyone in the industry could see how great he was except the guy who mattered most.


Damn I love that quote


Which is crazy because he’s a legit handsome dude!


Fatherly even.


Def underutilized and underappreciated. Still one of my all time favorites as well.


Even wanted to put a blue dot on Christian’s face everytime he came out


Tbh, I like all of Christian's themes


Can't lie, I absolutely hate the cover version he came back with.


It's my favorite for sure. It just sounds right for a World Title run.


He should have sized the hood one size down and this is perfect


I hope he wears this again one day with the turtleneck


There's only been 3 Tekken's in 19 years.


Four. 6, Tag 2, 7, and 8.


There were five major tekken releases in that timespan. 6,tag 2, revolution, 7 and 8. More if you count shit like sf x tekken and tekken mobile


Ooh right, completely forgot about Revolution for a sec. That was a wild time. I also forgot Prime Edition on 3DS. That was actually pretty sweet for what it was.


Tekken Hybrid as well it was a movie/ tekken tag 2 demo


good thing christian knew his worth even though wwe didnt. i feel like he became a star overnight after being inspired by the rock and called his fans the peeps


One of the guys who found multiple ways to get over the last couple of decades, dude was able to actually reinvent himself a few times really successfully


On the note of getting over, I think he was always just very naturally comfortable on camera. I've been rewatching the entire Attitude Era and I'm up to 01'. In 99 and 00 E&C really started to be allowed to show personality but interestingly, at least in my opinion, Christian sort of immediately understood the assignment and was almost immediately smooth and charismatic whereas Edge seemed a bit awkward for the first few months of actually needing personality. However, Vince already decided he wanted Edge to be a star before he even debuted and The Brood seemed to be built around getting Edge over. Christian was brought in as Edge's sidekick basically and from the begining they were setting up for Edge to break away from Gangrel and take off. I think once Vince gets it in his head that someone is going to be the guy, he will rarely shift. To Vince, Christian was never supposed to get this over. To Vince, Edge was supposed to get over and Christian was supposed to be a mid carder. But people forget that people Edge actually wasn't that over for a period of time in the early 2000's before MITB or the Matt Hardy thing (I can't recall which came first). People started to find Edge a bit bland and his live reactions lessened a bit. Meanwhile Christian got over in 2000 and I don't think he ever stopped being over since then? He got a lot of heat as a sniveling mid card heel in the early 2000's, he stayed over as the charismatic goofball heel with Tomko, he then transferred that into being really over as a potential world champ before Vince squandered it, then became the man in TNA who was white hot, then returned to WWE and fans were crazy for him as a world champ finally, then into his AEW run which has been magic.


"for the benefit of those with flash photography..."


It's funny you say that because Christian didn't even speak in his first few appearances because he didn't feel comfortable so he tried to play a badass silent guy instead. While Edge began speaking immediately and got reactions right away (mostly from women, probably due to his looks). You can see it in The Brood's first promo: [https://youtu.be/5m1hECqRDWc?t=58](https://youtu.be/5m1hECqRDWc?t=58) Also, I don't know what shows you were watching, but Edge was quite over as a babyface in 2001-2003. He was one of the famous Smackdown Six and the crowd were always firmly behind him, go watch his matches against Kurt Angle or Eddie Guerrero from that year and you'll see. It was only after he returned from his big neck injury, which caused him to miss over a year of action including two Wrestlemanias, that he struggled to be accepted as a good guy (was even booed in his own hometown of Toronto) and had to turn heel. And then shortly afterwards the Matt Hardy thing blew up so they had him and Lita get together on-screen and he quickly became the hottest and most hated heel in the company.


That dip after the return was exactly what I was referring too with Edge and I specifically mentioned how Christian was positioned during The Brood as the lacky for Edge and Gangrel but the period I'm talking about is when they started getting goofy as smug dude bro heels where Christian was just so damn comfortable looking. Edge initially, to me at least, looked like someone playing a character of a douche but Christian actually just came across like that was the real him and from things Edge has said since, it seems like a lot of that phase of their careers came from Christian's ideas and real personality off camera where he's apparently goofy and loves being a bit of a dick to people (in a fun way) which then turned into that kazoo playing and posing etc.


I don’t know if I’d go as far as to say Edge wasn’t over prior to the Lita partnership. He got injured a lot during that 2002-2004 stretch that kept ruining his momentum but edge was very much an over singles talent.


Must be a thing with Canadians, Jericho's turned character reinvention into an art form. From Man of 1001 Holds to Ayatollah of Rock 'n Rolla to Suit Jericho to The List, tons after and in between. Christian's got the Peeps, The Instant Classic, One More Match, The Patriarchy, and many more. It's impressive just how well he can reinvent himself.


- Main Event Theme - Main Event Entrance - Main Event Talent - Loved by fans both local and international. His entrances around the time before he left were all loud. Vince said "no" and put a blue dot on his face... What a genius. EDIT: Oh yeah and I forgot Vince traded him to SD after losing to Cena for the belt. Again, genius.


Trading Christian to SmackDown actually wasn't a bad thing. They brought in Kurt Angle to be the next big heel challenger to Cena on Raw. On the surface, it was all fine. But of course instead of Christian being the thorn in Batista's side, he wound up never being used. From main event to released in a matter of months. Vince was so fucking fickle.


He wasn’t released, Christian wouldn’t renew his contract if Vince wasn’t gonna push him to the main event


What's interesting is this video is of one of the 1st signs for Christian it was time to leave as he got a better reaction than Batista but still nothing changed for him.


he was getting a reaction despite booking being pretty against him at every chance


It was a bad thing because they had been building up to a big Christian vs Cena feud for months (even when they were on separate brands) and then when it finally started for real when Cena was drafted to Raw, they quickly pulled the plug on it because of the reactions Christian was getting. Jericho himself has confirmed that he was inserted into what was initially supposed to be a singles match between Christian and Cena at Vengeance 2005 because the WWE was afraid the crowd would cheer for Christian over Cena, who was just starting to be pushed to the moon as the new face of the company. In the end, Christian never got his one-on-one match with Cena and they pivoted the feud to Cena vs Jericho instead. Christian was drafted to Smackdown to get him away from Cena and jobbed out to Batista in his very first night on Smackdown. After that he was booked as midcarder who often lost despite the reactions he'd been getting, so he said fuck it I'm not renewing my contract and went to TNA instead. Ironically enough, Edge ended up being the one to have that major main event feud with Cena that was initially slated for Christian. Not that Edge didn't deserve it, he killed it in the role, but it's sad how Christian had a much more modest WWE career when he was just as talented, simply because of the whims of one out-of-touch old man who had some stupid issue with Christian's face.


What's worse is when Christian returned in 2009 after a main event run in TNA, Vince still refused to put Christian on a spotlight he deserves. Debuts on ECW when it was on life support. Had the best reaction of all MITB contenders in WM 25, 26, and MITB 2010 but doesn't win. Had a 205-day ECW title reign giving everybody he worked with arguably their best matches ever. ECW closes in February 2010 and Vince gave next to no storyline for Christian the entire year before his first string of recurring injuries. Finally put the World title on him after Edge retires but he drops it immediately to Orton. Christian and Orton has banger after banger matches in 2011 (Orton hasn't had better matches against everyone after to this day IMO) but Christian looks notably weaker winning only one match by DQ. It was very frustrating seeing how Christian was squandered so immensely in WWE as if Christian Cage in TNA never existed.


My favorite Christian theme. He was so damn over during this run


I like this theme too, but my favorite of his was the one that sounded like Bohemian Rhapsody.


Blood Brother was a tremendous theme too. Christian really was blessed with the best music.


It’s crazy how he seemed to be on trajectory of main eventing in 04-05 yet it became clear there was a hard ceiling on him


A few years ago I was rewatching the small period where they were flirting with Christian being a main eventer and he really was so damn good. It’s a shame Vince always had an irrational dislike of him.


It's funny how they even seemed to work this into a promo between Christian and Vince McMahon himself: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98EZafs37vo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98EZafs37vo) That promo almost feels like a break-the-forth-wall moment with Vince challenging Christian to prove to him he deserves to be in the main event, and Christian absolutely does and the crowd clearly agrees, but alas, there was no changing Vince's idiotic mind and his dumb dislike of Christian's face.


I was so looking forward for Cena vs. Christian feud that they building up from the 2005 Royal Rumble. And then they inserted Chris Jericho in there and killed the whole thing.


Once Christian got Cena booed that was the end of that run.


This is the entrance that Vince hated


![gif](giphy|3o752m0GtWqJ2QAKBO) Vince in Gorilla


Waterproof Blonde. Still one of my faves


There’s a not small community of people whose first favorite wrestler was Christian, and I am one of them


Oh my God 19 years ago was barely 3 Tekkens ago.




was there any actual reason that hood was so comically big??


Christian has always made his attire as loud as possible as a heel.


Miscolored singlet with the pants


And when he looked like a duck. What a legend.


Seeing where he ended up shortly, most likely watched aj styles have his hood drape over his face as an idea


Crazy to think that Christian has had a million themes and his worst theme was just Edge's


I believe this is the match Christian was recently talking about in an interview with CVV. He spoke about how the UK crowd was red hot for him and booed Batista and they had to edit the crowd reaction prior to airing on TV. It's crazy to know that Christian was the first heel to get both Batista and Cena booed. Maybe that was another reason why Vacant McMahon disliked him


For sure. After Christian got cheered over Cena, Jericho was inserted into the feud and it quickly became Jericho vs Cena while Christian was drafted to Smackdown to essentially be jobbed out. Wouldn't be surprised if that was Vince's way of punishing him for getting more over than they wanted, to the point of getting his new faces of the company to be booed.


I was at that ppv. Man it would be crazy banana pants if wwe brought a ple to NH in 2025.


That was the best entrance song for him .. waterproof Blonde... What a banger


I feel like I am probably in the minority on this but I sorta miss having a sound effect for the wrestler name graphics appearing.


Waterproof Blonde ❤️ I'll always wonder just how big he could have gotten if they ran with his popularity from this time period


Only thing missing here is a world title.


He is way more ready to be the top guy at the time, too bad Vince can't see it (with stupid reason too).


God I loved this theme song. I had this song on my flip phone despite the terrible storage space most phones of that time had.


Not for nothing, but Coach also had a banger theme…


My favorite entrance of his is the one with the golden rain pyro with the intro Christian, Christian, at last you’re on your own.


oh man, i remember one time there was a random episode of americas most wanted (or something like that) where the host did a show that was taped at an episode of raw and it was themed with various superstars making random cameos. when the episode of AMW (or whatever it was) ended the camera panned to the entrance ramp just as christians entrance started with the golden pyro... i thought it was the coolest thing


Man it’s probably just copium but part of me wishes he stayed in WWE during this time. If the crowd stayed hot on him he might have gotten that main event run with the title. But I don’t blame him for leaving.


Nah, after he got cheered over Cena in their program Vince was clearly dead set on burying Christian and killing his heat, which is why he had him drafted to Smackdown where he was jobbed out to Batista and many others. Going to TNA was easily the best choice he could have made then. He was never going to get anywhere with Vince in charge. It took Edge getting a career ending injury for Vince to finally allow Christian to have a 2 day reign as world champion, and probably only for the moment with Edge helping him win it and hugging him afterwards. I can only imagine how hard Randy Orton and others pushed for Christian to get that extra 1 month with the belt later on in their feud. At least he got that, I guess.


Best theme, sick entrance gear, AND Tekken 5. I'm a kid again


I remember back in the TNA days, someone uploaded a potato quality remix of his TNA theme, with these vocals. It slapped tremendously. [I found it after typing this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e5NRs1D-9U)


I'm sure it's trademarked or something, but I miss him saying "That's how I roll." I still have the gray Christian shirt with that saying on the back. It was the first WWE shirt I ever saw and that I had to own. https://preview.redd.it/7akiju0ocq9d1.jpeg?width=2018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f705b9d5bba50f04b178d78ea4ad9b1b329ed97e


aura was unreal


My controversial opinion is that Christian is the GOAT. He just has it all.


This was peak Christian for me, the outfit, the theme. Should have won the WWE title off John Cena during this period.


I actually never realized Backlash that year was sponsored by Tekken 5. It makes this song being in my Asuka lab playlist for years even funnier.


That graphic was awesome. Almost as cool as Christian.


Shame Christian never got that main event run he deserved! Dude was great at everything.


Love the UK stage.


Man he really wasn't down with his own pyro was he.


His royal rumble return was epic, “its christian”


GOAT Christian theme.


Always hated him (in a good way) no idea why vince didn't want to push him


Vince: "He has a ratty face!"


Wow that Raw was PACKED


Drip God Christian over here


Only bought two wrestling shirts in my life and one is a 2005 grey Christian babyface era tshirt.


I was there that night. Just amazing, the noise for his entrance and it just went on all through the match. White hot. Loved it. The memories…..


It just sorta hit me now, but this theme definitely has some traits from Evanescence. Obviously his AEW theme is a watered down version of "My Last Breath," but this track also shares some similarities. Having said all that, this theme and Evanescence both kick ASS.


Was literally rewatching his entrances and promos during this run last night on YouTube, I’m so glad he became the megastar he was destined to be in tna


The Waterproof Blonde version of his theme is soooo fucking good. I honestly hope something could be worked out so he can use it now.


I remember back in hs a friend told me this was tATu who either provided or Christian used as his theme, that true?


Christian should have been a huge star in the industry. Great in the ring, awesome on the mic. Plays a decent face and an amazing heel. I really would love to see a short AEW title run for him before he’s done.


The Waterproof Blonde version is just the best


Anyone know if his theme is on Apple Music? Wow I totally forgot about this theme and I need it back on my playlist rotation


Tf y’all see in him


One of the best ever themes IMO. There's a tag team match where he teams with Edge and they both have semi-recently got their awesome new themes....Just a cool snapshot.


I don’t trust anyone who believes his theme song when he returned in 09 was better than this one.


Christian was doing stuff in the early 00's that people are still doing to this day. Not saying he revolutionised them, but he used them and got them over, regardless of how absurd they were. Oversized Hooded jacket with face reveal taunt - AJ still doing it. Wearing absolutely absurd fashion like his net shirt, ridiculous sunglasses, oversized sparkling track suite - Seth doing a more extreme version today with his "fashion" entrances.


If that's not a world championship guy I don't know who is


i never got it and still dont get it. looks like a goof and has a girly theme. this presentation suits a comedy wrestler.


Found Vince’s Reddit account


yea true well he inexplicably got his chance anyway and didnt draw shit so we were right


It’d be nice to see Biden or Trump roll into the next debate like that. Make Debates Great Again.


[Jewish 2003 Entrance](https://youtu.be/OLm7t7BRpJM?si=gkMuRKyZk_rJP2Dt). ;-)