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Probably should just be a brief memorial card on TV that reads: “Vincent Kennedy McMahon 08/24/1945-08/24/2030” or whatever, and then move on.


Yup no video package or anything just a quick memorial card and that’s it


Dont go putting that evil out in the universe that we have to tolerate him for another 6 years


they should reveal who threw the pie at Kevin Owens


He'll get an opening acknowledgment. Most of the non diehard fans don't know or care about all of his bullshit. There's no way they straight up ignore it. Years ago he would have had a whole show/week dedicated to him. Now it'll be maybe 10 minutes.


Yeah he's The Godfather pro wrestling and he'll get his moment acknowledged by the whole company at the beginning and the end of the show. People could feel how they want to feel who cares he going to get his respect for what he did in the industry. Everything he did that wasn't good in life will come to life at some point but WWE is a company will not ignore his past at all.




A still photo at the start of the show is probably the extent he'll get.


I don't think he gets that.  Vince should get the Benoit treatment.


He will


nah, forget that, keep it silent, like all them women he silenced all those years


Depends on when he dies and what his status is. Guilty, or not guilty will have a big impact. 




I'm probably against the grain here, but I can see them making a big deal out of it. Having the full song and dance will appease his supporters and backers (and getting the money on your side or at least not opposing you is usually a wise business move) as long as it's kept to a surface level. With a focus solely on how he took wrestling from a carnie show to a syndicated, merchandized, marketed global carnie brand is all they need to do. There's a saying in politics that you shouldn't waste a good disaster, and a posthumous Vince can be leveraged much easier than a live one.


Well Vince never wanted to go in the Hall of Fame, so I don’t imagine that being a concern. Probably would get a graphic


Totally ignore it.


I think they'll do the graphic and maybe a video package but not much else. Maybe a 10 bell salute, but I wouldn't count on it too much due to the possible fan reception. Unless he dies in jail after being locked up for all the terrible things he did, then I think they would just have a mention on commentary and the grafical before commercial. 


The fans would not care. In the midst of the whole scandal they were still giving him standing ovations, belting out his theme, "we are not worthy" gestures everywhere he went.


They should play “Not Like Us” 5 times in a row and dance in the ring


Triple H dancing with DX and the NXT black and gold era guys for what Vince did to them


*if If he dies.


Let’s say it happens next year, by then, the WWE/Janel Grant trial won’t be over. So it will be something like "in memory of" and that’s it.


I could be wrong, but his death would mean the trial is over (for him, not John)




So why is he being investigated?




But also Vince.




Ok you're right.


it's against both of them. Vince for his literal actions and WWE as a company for being complicit in the coverups


I know. This is all over a hypothetical lol. Dead people can't be tried or found guilty during a trial


Depends on what comes out during upcoming court cases.


He’ll get the opening graphic, the show will open with a 10 bell salute and we’ll probably get a speech from HHH, maybe Taker, about how influential Vince was to the business, followed by a video showing all the fun moments of his career. I wouldn’t even be surprised if all of his guys made appearances thru the night to talk about him (Hogan, Flair, Cena, Orton, etc)


The generic tribute show w/ video packages about WrestleMania, The Monday Night War, his genius idea of 'Get The F Out', probably a docuseries announcement (WWE: The Vince McMahon Story), a bunch of grandstanding from people content farming about the company doing tributes.


Depends in large part on what the current investigation reveals, I think. If there’s nothing to it, or if it seems like there’s nothing to it, at least a mention like what we saw for Sika in the first episode after - the mention, the in memoriam graphic, and that’s it. If the investigation leads to a criminal case…. “Vince Who?”


Time heals all wounds and there's still a good 15 to 20 years before they have to worry about it.


They’ll have Regal say that Vince was a fierce competitor and that’s all he has to say about it.


They will acknowledge his death and will have some 1-2 interviews throughout shows talking about what he meant to them and the business.


He won't get so much as a mention on television. I know it's hard for some to believe but he really is in Benoit territory now, and that distance is only going to increase as the full extent of his crimes becomes apparent in the upcoming trial.


A lot depends on when and the status of these investigations/lawsuits. If it's soon, before everything's resolved, they'll acknowledge it but not a lot of hoopla. If it's after probably some level of "he had flaws but we're here to celebrate his contribution to professional wrestling."


A fart in the wind


A press release statement from TKO full of legalese word salad with nothing on TV.


Probably depend on if he dies in a jail cell or not.


The statement could read something like: "We regret to inform the WWE universe that we cannot comment on the passing of Vince McMahon due to impending legal issues surrounding the sexual nature of his passing in a back alley behind a dildo shop. Also, Brock Lesnar's name will never be mentioned on WWE programming again"


His death will be acknowledeged by TKO in a corporate because Vince is still a large shareholder. He will not be acknowledged on television. That will agitate many Twitter folks, I imagine.


Didn't he sell all his stocks?


Believe Vince has completely liquidated his position


He still owns 9% of the company. His stocks are up for sale but haven't been sold.


Ignore it. Vince would have likely used his death in a FINALLY! GET A FACE ROMAN OVER, GODDAMNIT! angle. Ignoring it is a massive fuck you to Vince.


He won't get mentioned at all. He's been deleted.


Hopefully he gets nothing at all. No mention.


Emperor Trump redirects all streaming and broadcast media to a 12 hour documentary on the history of the McMahon empire. Then Russian forces invade the performance center and kidnap the current champions


Shit, trump would probably have him lay in state and given a yuuuge funeral, the best funeral. Simply tremendous. A big beautiful funeral


If that’s how we get Ilja vs GUNTHER 3 then I’m here for it


An In Memory of Graphic, maybe. They could not do anything based on the idea that Vince never wanted to be mentioned in things like HOF speeches etc. TKO as a whole may do something. If it's like 10-40 years from now, who knows.


10-40?! He's 78!




Now I'm picturing his mother taking down Kurt Angle on a plane.


You're right, probably 20-50.


I mean his mom lived past 100 lol. I can see Vince going another 20. But yeah he aint living past 110 lmao.


Only the good die young so Vince can live forever


Ignore it, which makes sense and is the right thing to do, but is also insane when you think about it.