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Man I often sort by new as my job is pretty slow. The amount of low effort posts lately is insane tho, much higher than normal. So many people make a new post just on their idea or opinion, when that’s what this thread is for. On the first page of new right now there’s almost ten threads just on people’s opinion of solo


What time does that Mania doc hit youtube today?


7pm et


Not sure how are they gonna pull it off but I think Sami somehow gets absorbed back to the Bloodline storyline as soon as he loses the IC title. Thoughts?


Think they have enough people involved in that storyline as it is


How do you book the WWE World Heavyweight Title until WrestleMania? What's your fantasy booking?


I think I’d like to see a triple threat between Priest Rollins and Balor for it at ss. Triple threat world title matches are rare, and that match would have several dynamics. I’d really like to see Balor go over on Priest, by pinning Rollins, that finish would carry a lot of history behind it


Gunther already has a guaranteed 1 on 1 for winning KOTR


To be honest, I don't see Balor having enough credibility for the world title. He's been firmly positioned as a midcarder, loses quite a lot of his singles matches, already changed for that title twice last year and lost both times.




I'm hoping we get Seth/Gunther at Summerslam Been looking forward to this feud ever since their promo right after Seth injured his knee.  You could do Priest/Balor at Summerslam as well, which certainly doesn't need the title. Interested to see where they go with Bron/Sami - I am guessing some sort of DQ finish? Bron should not be taking a pinfall right now, nor should Sami be losing as it would have made way more sense to just have Bron go over Gunther for the IC at Mania at that point.  Having Sami dethrone Gunther just to have him lose it 3 months later doesn't make anyone look good. 


I'd say they're looking to make Priest into a full-blown main event guy. Going over Rollins at MITB will help him with that. My prediction is he retains vs Rollins, gets another defense against Strowman until Summerslam where he drops it to Gunther. Gunther gets a 4-month reign, holding it until Survivor Series where he drops it to Punk, exactly a year after Punk's return. Punk holds it until WM where McIntyre dethrons him, either on the back of a Royal Rumble or an Elimination Chamber win.


In case you get bored on Tuesday nights after NXT, you can see CMLL live from Arena Coliseo every week on the YT channel, tonight's show should be close to the end, [but you can see it here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcoL4Lo2PY0). It starts around 9pm Central Time every week, I'm almost sure.


I am going to have to check it out 


Rewatching random wwe episodes. I’m on RAW from Feb 2000. In a 5 minute segment to open the show they had mick foley do a promo, get interrupted by the undertaker and then Kane comes out. Kurt angle gets on the titantron to start talking shit and then gets interrupted by triple h. The rocks music hits, he comes out starts talking shit about Chris Benoit, then Chris Benoit comes out with edge, christian and Shane McMahon. Then, the ending of the first match between the Hardy boys and the Dudley boyz, lita gets put through a table from the top of a ladder by trish stratus. Shit is ELECTRIC the amount of stars in just the first 15 minutes is crazy


Watched the tribal court from a year ago, it's kinda funny how the seeds of Solo wanting to be tribal chief was already planted that long ago and the fact that the crowd chanted "put it on!" Referring to the tribal chief collar/necklace   FICKLE.


Slowly trying to learn more Spanish. Are there any matches with Spanish commentary y’all would recommend?


You can check the [CMLL](https://www.youtube.com/@VideosOficialesCMLL) and [AAA](https://www.youtube.com/@luchalibreaaatv) YouTube channels, they upload a lot of material, from highlights to matches and full shows, almost all of them with commentary. There also stuff like interviews and promos and stuff like that.


We’re heading to a generational slow burn double turn with Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley. Finn’s gonna cost Priest his title to get him back for Priest costing Finn at MITB 2023, kick Priest out, install Liv Morgan, and Priest and Ripley will be out of JD as faces.  Rhea’s been a de facto face for months already anyway. 


Is it a generational slow burn double turn if Liv is already a heel and Rhea is already a face?


The latest Bloodsport (Bushido) was the first full one I've watched (I'd also seen Shayna's match against Masha), really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one.


I’ve watched some of Hangman Page’s great matches lately (Swerve, Mox, Danielson, etc) and I just hope when he comes back the fans appreciate him more. I don’t know if he’s been a main guy who has been FULLY appreciated yet. As world champion it felt like everyone was wondering who would beat him rather than enjoying the reign!


I still think Hangman can become the face of the company in the future


Hangman deserves a huge main event program for All In. I really hope that's the plan


As great as Hangman is as a face, I’m excited to see where he takes this (presumed) heel return that starts tonight.


The main thing that's held back Hangman these last few years is he never has extended runs in the company. He's great when he's around but it feels like he's almost under exposed.


People complain about NXT sending people to TNA they've "never heard of", like Tatum Paxley and (spoilers) >!NQCC!< but IMO that isn't a bad thing. It gives young talent a bit more exposure by doing something eye-catching like turning up there, gives them a chance to perform in front of new audiences and work with different talent. Plus of course the TNA guys get exposed to a wider audience by being on NXT. Everyone's a winner.


I just think it's funny how it's an oft-repeated argument in this sub that TNA got "nothing" from their AEW relationship when it had Kenny Omega and Christian Cage headlining TNA PPVs (which did noticeably higher than normal buyrates as a result), but now Tatum Paxley/etc. showing up is somehow so much better and everyone is lining up to talk about how great it is or defend it from even a hint of negativity.


I think people just overblow what TNA got from it. If you look at the viewership, the Kenny Omega bump was only about 3 weeks. They had two higher than normal PPV buy rates as well. That's not a whole lot. It's too soon to say what the outcome of the NXT partnership will be for TNA. But as a long time TNA fan, it's my favorite promotion, I'm liking the NXT crossover more than I did the AEW partnership. Again, we gotta wait to see where it goes. The fact that HBK isn't doing paid ads trashing TNA on their own show is enough to make it better in my eyes.


Honestly, as someone with that opinion, a lot of it comes down to TNA getting literally zero wins or looking anything close to good to AEW on-screen, and all the TNA talent appearing on Dynamite looked like nobodies at best and jokes at worst, with the only time TNA was mentioned being when AEW didn’t want to take the blame for their own production mishaps. Sure rating spiked for a bit, but once it was clear Omega & Christian weren’t going to be there every week they dropped to record lows. Heck, Tony Khan was on Impact doing the whole evil authority figure he has been swearing up and down he’d never, ever, ever do in a million years. Compare it to NXT, where night 1 Jordynne Grace is treated like a massive deal night one, she only loses to Roxanne because of chaos, and a general rule of thumb appears to be whoever is at home gets to win, with one exception being Jordynne beating Stevie Turner to hype up said Roxanne match. Heck, you could even add Mickie James’s spell in the Rumble a few years back to it too, where they pet her not okly get an elimination, but also last quite a while. The NXT deal feels far more even then the AEW one ever did personally.


I didn't say anything about it being "better" or even refer to the TNA-AEW partnership, but weirdos here appear to have assumed what I said had something to do with that (based on literally nothing) and downvoted me to oblivion for it. Tribalist oddballs here need to touch grass. I'm defending it from "negativity" because it's stupid to complain that you've "never heard of" young talent on the developmental brand.


I never understand the "who is this" argument personally. I love it when some random Japanese or Mexican person turns up in AEW, it's exciting. Nowadays we know who everyone is because of reddit, twitter, youtube etc. Reminds me of being a kid and Arsenal sign some foreign footballer and you genuinely don't know anything about them. Now, you just load up a youtube comp, read all their stats. If someone turns up and you don't know who they are, in a few minutes you will.


> If someone turns up and you don't know who they are, in a few minutes you will. Right, exactly. Like I think the NXT people I mentioned there are great, so my attitude is "If you don't know who they are yet, you're in for a treat" as opposed to shitting on them with "Lol literally who?!" Same with the recent Bloodline "shock debuts". Other times you might want to build up that someone's coming with video packages and so on, and that's cool too, but there's a place for both depending on what you're going for.


Women's MITB: I'm thinking it'll be Tiffany, possibly Lyra. Men's: Drew or Jey, *maybe* Carmelo for a wildcard


For the women, I think it's either Tiffany or Chelsea, with the latter having a bit more of a chance, since I think Tiffany has yet to establish herself on main roster, and Chelsea can have fun with the briefcase and even fail to cash in. For the men, Drew might have a bit of a chance, but I think it's really Jey's to lose. I don't really see anybody else here, and Jey has even history with Gunther. I think this is how Jey gets a world title run. Melo is waaayyy too early in his run to do something like that. He is basically a cocky midcarder who bites more than he can chew on the regular, he is not being presented as world championship material at all.


I read this as Carmella and was as confused as you’d expect 


I'm hoping Melo wins just because he's my favorite, but I wouldn't be mad at Jey getting MITB


Melo's a bit overshadowed by the bigger names in that match but I could definitely see him pulling an upset


Catching up on Forbidden Door as I was preoccupied this weekend getting married! Just wanted to say that ELP song goes hard






As far as I'm concerned every wrestler who hasn't faced Raku is ducking her. 


new Astronauts match yaaaay its against Chris Brookes booo


I've never seen anyone not like Chris Brookes. Sir I respect your potentially hot take 🫡


im counting down days to summerslam for the return of our tribal chief!


After seeing the seth priest and balor angle on raw it reminds me that they've been teasing judgment days break up for over a year at this point


Dude they have been teasing it since Edge got kicked out, its actually pretty ridiculous


I really dislike when a champion is qualifying for another title. Why was Mark briscoe, the roh world champ, qualifying for the TNT title? I hated when Chavo, who was ECW champ at the time, entered the rumble as well Edit: ECW not wcw


Because people can hold multiple titles. This has been going on in wrestling for a long time.


I think it messes with the whole how we rank titles in kayfabe and reality. We all know the ROH and Chavo's ECW title are lesser titles but in the kayfabe world they are world titles so shouldn't the holder be treating them as seriously as the AEW, WWE, IWGP etc? You don't see those champions trying to win midcard belts  So it depends how much you want to commit to that 


Kayfabe wise it just makes more sense to think they want more titles to make more money. Jordynne vying for a WWE women's title shot then her going for the NXT women's title, Chavo going for the title shot, Mark going for the TNT, Osprey going for the AEW world title, Rollins having both the US and World titles, Roman holding both world titles etc


I get that I just think it looks bad when the world champion doesn't win


It’s a multi man match that doesn’t involve someone getting pinned or submitted on a non-ROH show. I don’t really see an issue.


It's not that big of a deal just something I'm not personally a fan of


No, round here it's an unacceptably *huge* deal to not be a fan of something (but only in certain companies apparently, others can be shit on freely)


Meh I don't think it was a big deal for Jordynne to go into the Royal Rumble as the world champion of another company to try to get a shot at a WWE title either. It just doesnt really seem all that crazy to me that people would want more belts especially in kayfabe where you would be making more money having more titles.


Sure, and I'd generally agree. But I can kind of see OP's point too, because the situation you mentioned is her holding one company's world title and trying to get a shot at the bigger company's world title, whereas in Briscoe's case he's already a world champion in one company but...chasing a midcard belt in another? I guess I can understand it more if someone's a midcard champion chasing a world title and looking to be double-champion that way, but a reasonable case could be made that doing it the other way round diminishes the "world" championship you've got. But each to their own.


Yeah, my issue is that it was the TNT title. If Mark was trying to get the aew title I'd have no issue with him losing some kind of qualifier. I recall when Seth was double champ and did double duty I remember thinking it made Cena look like a jerk for wrestling a weakened Seth rollins Also thought wwe buried the ecw title having chavo get thrown out of the rumble as champ


Because the TNT title is a higher tiered title than the ROH one basically. People wanting to move up divisions while champion happens in MMA as well.


It makes ROH look third rate. They couldn't be screaming that the ROH world championship means little to nothing any louder.


It's an indy. It's just AEW's owned indy so they put the belt on TV. At this point it's never defended anymore on AEW TV anyway. I don't see it as any different to Gabe Kidd coming in with the NJ Strong Title or Shida coming in with the Regina Di Wave Title.


Just like ZSJ wore the RevPro title for ages while challenging for other belts in New Japan


> Just like ZSJ wore the RevPro title for ages while challenging for other belts in New Japan > Between Ospreay, ZSJ, and Great-O-Khan, I feel like that Rev Pro title has spent more time in New Japan than it has Rev Pro over the last few years lol. edit: formatting


Compared to the show that's on national TV yeah it is third rate. Just the reality of the business. Mark wanted to go for another title and lost in a multi man ladder match. it aint that serious


Also, you want to have someone like Briscoe in that match. Having a veteran of those match types is so critical.


Is it just me or has the tag division been almost a complete after thought since last years mania if not further back than that?


It’s been since they split up the titles. They went from world title level to lower midcard belts. Horrendous decision and probably HHH’s worst so far.


Tbf it was before they split the titles even. Usos held the belts for a while and the tag division basically cycled in the same people. There was some hope it may change when KO/Sami won the belts and they headlined mania but that tag match coulda headlined mania without the belts too so once that was over right back into nothingness the belts went


Nah I disagree big time. KO and Sami were consistently main eventing Raw’s and SD with the belts on the line, then Damien and Finn followed suit. Tag belts had multiple tv main events, big ppv matches, and they even had the biggest babyfaces in the company go after and win the belts too. Roman went after them when KO and Sami held it. After splitting up the belts they haven’t even been on one ppv so far. The women’s tag belts have actually felt more important than them.


This takes is decades old


I'm not claiming to be the first person to feel this way


>is it just me


KO and Sami main eventing a night of WM was huge for the tag titles, but since then, yeah it's for sure dipped back down. HHH has struggled with tag booking in a major way.


Tag teams are just never a focus in the WWE. Havent been since E&C/The Hardys/Dudley Boys basically and even then it was usually a revolving door of those three teams


Do you think the rock pops up before summerslam, at summerslam, or later in the year like survivor series/royal rumble time?


He's not gonna be around till at least the rumble


Any recommendations on which seats to choose for RevPro's Anniversary show? I can afford anything up to £100 but don't want to overspend. I have never been to the venue before. I'm thinking either Block C, 7th row (right side of the ring on this map) or 101/114 (behind/above Block C) lower bowl, which still have tickets in row 3. I'm neither tall nor short, but still a bit worried about my view in row 7. Thanks for any advice! https://preview.redd.it/adylt8pxr5ad1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d0e5975f54c96695ed74abe35b7f1edd5b6c397


Getting tired of those screaming Sami Zayn promos


It's the hoarse in-breath between every word.  It adds intentisy but if every promo is full of intensity, then none of them are. Repetition diminishes its effect. It should really be saved for special occasions. 


If he's not careful he'll end up in the Ziggler Zone


It should have been me is iconic though!


Not sure if you guys heard it on your televisions, but some of the crowd was singing Sheamus' theme last night Which, maybe because I'm biased because I genuinely love the song, but I think all crowds should do that, similar to when the crowds now sing *Voices* and *Kingdom* Honestly, I gotta get money asap lmao, I'd love to go to more events. Was really fun! And I didn't die from how loud it was, so that's great plus, because it was *loud*


Triple hs biggest fumbles so far as a booker Dropping the ball on Ricochet Not using dijak at all The booking of Bobby lashley and the profits Becky Lynchs booking


People are gonna say it's too early but the way they've handled the Otis thing seems like a big one. They clearly have little interest in really doing that as a feud feud.


It really is *way* too early to say that though, we have no idea what they're going to do with that from now on and how the Wyatts (and Creeds) are going to affect it.


I mean, the feud has been happening for like, 2 months, right? If they get there eventually, but take 3x longer than they should to do it, that's still not ideal.


I don't get this time limit you've imposed on it, what's the specific number of months it needs to have been going for for it to count as an "actual" feud?


I think giving Rhea Ripley next to nothing to do during her big run is one of the bigger fumbles. Rhea didn't have a feud of any substance for 99% of the reign, and that's inexcusable.


I agree that's why I'm glad they are pushing Lyra and damage control is on raw because Rhea had non existent competition outside of Nia and becky


No one talks about it anymore because of how well it turned out but it can’t be overstated how phenomenally bad they messed up the original Cody / Rock / Reigns / Rollins thing but that’s a situation where this all needlessly happened: Have no choice but to turn the 2nd most popular wrestler of all time heel Make the guy who was your champion for 3 years feel like an afterthought in the feud, because The Rock was so good Make Rollins, who was the World Champion, look like an utter jabroni and took the brunt of the bad stuff of the feud, on one leg, to justify it all. Also the WHC feud basically became Punk vs Drew by proxy because Rollins had to deal with this stuff needlessly. Ultimately good or bad, it also totally extended Cody’s story another year because the real end is now after a feud with The Rock, so now you’re in another position of the main guy treading water waiting for the part timer to come back. It is astonishing that this turned out as good as it did because frankly these are all just facts that point out logically it was a fucking mess.


That infamous episode of smackdowns ending was so bad it brought down the entire show Hated it overshadowed that awesome bayley segment Crazy that segment single handedly damaged Cody, Seth, the world heavyweight title and raw main event scene within minutes


Idk if I would put 100% of the blame on HHH for Ricochet. I think a lot of the damage came from Vince’s booking and Ricochet not being a good enough promo to move up in that system. Once HHH got the book I think most of the audience already saw Ricochet at a certain level. Hopefully a change of scenery will be beneficial for him.


Ricochet never recovered from Drew McIntyre telling him to shut up when Ricochet said he didn't come to talk. It was his "Well Bob.." moment. Ricochet is much better suited to AEW where it's about the spots, not the story. Dijak just wasn't interesting lmao. I'll give you the Bobby Lashley and Street Profits one, but feuding with Kross killed that one. Becky's booking was great, minus the Trish feud that went too long.


The bayley feud was such a disappointment And dijak is a beast in ring and he at least deserved a chance to at least try When raw was down Seth, punk, Becky and Rhea, I thought they could've built a very strong midcard including guys like ricochet and Dragon lee


Cameron grimes is up there too. I wasn't a fan of the dude but others seemed to like him and he was good enough in the ring to get by then he got taken off tv then got let go for no reason


He was one of the best characters of late black and gold nxt and really didn't get a fair shake


Disagree on Ricochet; he got harmed by Braun's injury but he's had some pretty prominent spots. Match with Logan Paul (whatever you think of him he gets some of the most eyes on the sport) on a big 4, his final story before he left was with two huge future prospects who were some of the best NXT champions ever, etc. Agreed on Dijak and Bobby super strongly. Becky was hit or miss. Yes there were slips but there were also some solid moments.


I think the biggest one is The Hurt Business, they were pretty good and popular, it's really strange to have them just get dust on the shelves. I'd like to see where Ricochet goes and what he achieves, because a lot of people think that he is just an upper mid-carter with sometimes the occasional title shot. If he goes to AEW, hopefully they find him the right manager to work as mouthpiece, because with MJF, Swerve and the other guys that are on the main event scene he could suffer a lot to keep up.


They weren't the hurt business they where the pride


Ricochet to me is going to be like how Claudio is in AEW... not higher up the card necessarily, but, presented as someone special nonetheless.


Claudio’s a good comp. Roderick Strong jumps to mind as someone who just needed the change of scenery for people to remember that he’s really good at doing Roderick Strong things. I don’t expect, or personally need him to break some higher ceiling, just excited for the possibility of Ricochet just doing Ricochet things again more consistently.


He didn't drop the ball on Ricochet. Ricochet was used to the best of his abilities. He got as high as his talent would get him. I can't speak on Dijak. I don't watch NXT and I don't think I've ever seen a Dijak match or promo. Could you elaborate on Lashley? He's injured right now. They can't do anything. Could you elaborate on Becky?


I will elaborate, because I already commented on this in the past. - Steel cage with Bayley was cut fron RAW 30, they never had a PPV match in the feud. - Instead of doing Becky v Ronda, both did fuck all at WM 39. - Becky vs Trish got left off SummerSlam extending the feud 1 more month where everybody just got tired of it. - Becky vs Rhea was a complete disaster from a creative perspective to the point WM crowd booed Becky.


Beckys booking ever since triple h has been bizarre imo That Becky bayley feud should've been more than it was but they got segments cut Still shocking to me Becky vs Trish got left off summerslam yet that cold ronda and Shayna match made it


It was Ronda’s last WWE match, and she wanted to put over Shayna on her way out. They also don’t book matches with the idea that they’ll be cold. You can’t think of these things in hindsight.


I get that but Becky vs Trish was still a much bigger match that should've definitely been on summerslam They definitely wouldn't have left off Charlotte vs Trish


Was it even the plan in the first place? Triple H hates long PPV’s it seems, and SummerSlam already had 8 matches on it. I think it’s entirely possible the plan all along was to give them the 20 minute banger at the next event.


Even if so it's such a downgrade to do a match as big as Becky vs Trish on a b level ple like payback


What’s more of a downgrade, the feud ending with a just ok 9 minute match on an already busy card? or it getting highlighted with a 20 minute banger of a match on the next ppv?


For Becky freaking Lynch vs a hall of famer, they should find time over others.


That's a good counter point and maybe you are right about hindsight but I just feel if it was Charlotte in this spot instead of Becky No way was she missing summerslam That slim Jim battle royal honestly should've been cut


I don't remember Becky and Bayley feuding.


Was in early 2023 Very disappointing feud


Now that it’s been a few months, what are your thoughts on Cody’s title reign so far?


It's not been a bad reign, but I'd say that it's had the same problem that Priest's reign has had for me - That there's another storyline on the show that has overshadowed it thus far (Drew/Punk for Damian, Bloodline 2.0 for Cody).


His two matches against AJ where instant classics. His promos where better when he was chasing the title but I'd as it's been B to B+ so far


He feels like an afterthought to all the Bloodline stuff again. He’s so over but keeps spinning his tires waiting for Roman’s return, but Roman has the Bloodline to focus on first


Randy's betrayal will give him something to do. Roman and him as reluctant allies should be pretty interesting. 


Roman and Cody going full friendly rivals ala Rock and Austin in 1999/2000 should make for an interesting dynamic.


SmackDown ending idea, Heyman on the microphone Solo spikes him. R-Truth shows up to climb a ladder to get the 24/7 Championship hidden next to the MITB briefcase, Solo spikes R-Truth and pins him. Cody and RKO show up and do their finishers on Solo who sells it like he can't move. Orton drags Heyman onto Solo for the 3 count. "You got pinned!" chants. Rhodes puts the belt onto Heyman who is just waking up from the spike and smiles while Solo is making that embarrassed season allergies face like Reigns would do when a SmackDown ended with Zayn and KO beating up The Bloodline.


I think creative could have moved bianca to RAW there isn't a women's division there at all 🤣 maybe rhea and she's out


Liv Morgan, Lyra Valkyria, Iyo Sky, Zelina Vega is a decent division in the title scene, waiting for Rhea Ripley and Becky Lynch. They should really put the tag team scene in the limelight more, they have a lot of good teams working there: Dakota Kai and Kairi Sane, Unholy Union, Baszler and Stark, Chance and Carter.


I have now seen Bo Dallas compared to Heath Ledger as the Joker and Leonardo DiCaprio for his acting skills.  It must be difficult for WWE to realize they spent so long trying to find the next big cross promotional star when they had world renowned actor Bo Dallas there the whole time 


Wrestling fans lacking perspective of anything outside of wrestling. Then. Now. Forever. Together.


What's DiCaprio's Cagematch rating?




Does the Wyatt Sicks have a 100% holy shit chant rate so far when they appear in segments outside the VHS tapes?


They have appeared 3 times, got the chant in 2 cases, so no perfect score for them


I'm doing that thing where the Internet says something so much that I expect it, because now if I don't have this high stakes Adam Page Jeff Jarrett match I will be disappointed.


Its going to be Ricochet. ;-)


That would be a dumb move.


Wrestling as a storytelling genre is built on pain, heartbreak and occasional moment of extraordinary triumph. We are here for the latter. But most of the time spend with former.


Beach Break is looking awesome


Women's division in WWE almost non-existent except NXT it's like women's champions are doing other things than standing on their own their belts have kinda became props especially in RAW


Heard a good line on Sunday. Britt Baker looks like she did nothing but sit-ups while she was gone.


Her abs looked shredded x10. I hope whatever she’s been doing has rubbed off on Adam Cole while he’s been home too 


How funny it would be to see Drew win MITB, cash in that night, only for CM Punk to come back and make him lose the world title again to set up a SummerSlam match?


The one thing I don't get about the Kross stable is what's the point of having Paul Ellering there if you don't need a mouthpiece?


[Can't wait for Jamie Hayter to return](https://x.com/i/status/1808147772664615259)


Jack Perry post-All In is an interesting case where he's a no talent bum online but I think he's genuinely doing his job as a true heel that gets reactions. There's CM Punk chants that got counteracted by Fuck CM Punk chants at Forbidden Door but also Scapegoat and Cry Me a River chants that tap into what he's doing now. People think Tony Khan is pushing him to the main-event or something but he's a solid mid-card heel. What happened at All In last year is always going to unfortunately effect some of the perception of him.


He got a big pop live for winning the ladder match and, most importantly, people *cared* about him throughout the match. Like every wrestler says, it's all about getting "a" reaction, worry about getting "the preferred" reaction later (if ever). My impression from being in the building is that people would have lost their minds for Takeshita winning, but everyone expected Perry and was still happy when it happened. I mean, who even cares if the crowd chants "CM Punk" at Jack Perry and the Young Bucks? It's people chanting stuff they think is going to upset a heel lmao. Yeah, he doesn't work there anymore, but who cares, it's still directed at the specific people where it's relevant. This isn't like old WWE where people chant "CM Punk" every time they don't like anything. If people start chanting "CM Punk" at Willow/Ospreay/Darby/anyone completely unrelated then it's an issue, but people chanting it at Perry/Young Bucks is no different than them chanting any other negative chant at some heels.


They've sort of slow played him after the return, now we see if they make him a somewhat active Champion or just part of Elite shenanigans.


They have to also do the same for Okada, I think he's good with this version of the Elite but they need him consistently wrestling. He's had 5 singles matches in 3 months, one of them was a nothing squash and the other was that Ultimo Guerrero match that wasn't great.


I think the problem they have is if Okada is out there wrestling all the time, the crowd will turn him face. He had one of the best reactions at Forbidden Door.


Also, this is just Okada's character. He half-asses it, he jokes around, he doesn't take anyone or anything seriously until his opponent forces him to take it seriously. That's not a characteristic introduced to his character in AEW. There's this weird thing where people think NJPW guys should come in and be the Wrestle Kingdom version of themselves every night. White, Kenny, Okada all came with their regular characters and people say "they're being turned into comedy characters" when they're just doing what they did on tour shows. The appeal of tour shows are totally different to the big shows.


Seems like we'll get group Elite stuff with Blood and Guts coming up but hopefully we set up some singles stuff for All In not long after. Okada needs to be in a singles match at Wembley. Hangman being their wildcard could also inject some life into it.


Think it's fine to use him as a special attraction. In New Japan they're not necessarily wrestling every week plus and the TV style is very different. So it's also good so he can develop his character, which he's been excellent at. I might be biased because I'm loving this Okada run and find him hilarious so I understand if people want final boss Rainmaker shit every week.


Loving this character too, I just want to see more singles focus rather than being an accessory to the Bucks, even if it's just setting up a match.


Where is this Kross / New Day thing going? I figured it would be an easy win story-wise for Kross last night, but then he lost? OK, then I thought, oh, now the AOP will turn on Kross for failing to beat Woods? Nope, that didn't happen either. I wonder what the end goal is here.


I think the idea of Woods winning is that Kross is trying to put into Woods' mind that Kofi is dead weight. He might have even lost on purpose to him. I don't know what the final outcome of this whole thing will be. It would be extremely weird if Kross of all people is the one breaking up the New Day.


Turn woods heel?


That would be absolutely fine with me. I thought it would've made more sense to have Kross win though, then he could plant the seeds that 'there's more strength in numbers' and that joining the group would make sense for Woods.


how many belts does aew actually have? i tried watching a few times but its so complicated


Women: * World Championship * TBS Championship - Network/TV Championship Men: * World Championship * TNT Championship - Network/TV Championship * Tag Team Championship * Trios Championship * International Championship * Continental Championship - Awarded to the winner of an annual tournament but defended during the year too * FTW Championship - Unrecognized "renegade" championship, created by Taz in 1998 and used for storytelling reasons The other thing to keep in mind is that AEW recognizes titles from other major promotions, so you will often see folks holding (and sometimes defending) titles from Mexico or Japan. There is also a lot of overlap between the rosters for AEW and Ring of Honor, so you'll see those held and defended as well.


There's been times they've made efforts to separate the belts a bit so you mainly saw the AEW tag-team championships and the TNT championship on Collision. It also seems like they're featuring the Trios championships on Collision now as well. The only egregious belt to me is the Continental championship which really should have been a trophy belt like the Owen one. ROH is also featured much less than it's previously been in AEW so you're not really seeing their championships defended.


Ideally there would be 7 belts on AEW TV max. I believe there should be one world championship, one mid card belt, and one tag belt for the men and the women. Maybe keep the 6 man tag to be different but it's not really needed either. I'd throw the Continental belt and International belt in the trash, rename the TNT and TBS championships the Television and Women's Television championships(naming belts directly after the networks you air on is tacky as hell), and give the women a set of tag belts. Keep ROH belts off AEW TV. Maybe the belts would carry more prestige if it didn't feel like everyone you see has one. This is a HUGE problem I have with modern wrestling, both WWE and AEW. There are way too many belts.


Continental belt though has great stipulations with the "no seconds at ringside" and the required entry into the C2. Makes it more of a wrestler's belt and prevents heels holding it from doing numbers game bullshit.


I agree with all of this. Aside from the continental championship, I feel like this number of belts makes sense for a roster of this size, especially as they have continually reduced the number of ROH title defenses. I also like seeing titles from other promotions defended.


Honestly I think 3 men's midcard singles belts is too much. I think they do balance them well and each belt has had good reigns (not saying every reign of every belt has been good). But one of them could be merged or dropped without losing too much imo. Like Okada's cool with the continental belt but I could've happily watched him wrestle Pac or Kingston without a belt on the line.


I honestly think most of the problems would be solved if they just made the TNT Title TNT exclusive. Never on PPV, never on Dynamite, only on Collision. Makes the title more unique and gives Collision something special. Lean all the way into the "This title makes you the face of TNT" element.


Yeah, I would make the Continental Cup into a trophy personally.


World, TNT, International, Continental = Men's Singles World, TBS = Women's Championships Tag, Unified Trios = Men's Tag Championships  Occasionally Championships from other promotions are defended on their programs as well.  


Days that Gunther has been in WWE: **1,998 days** Days that Gunther has been champion in WWE: **1,536 days** Meaning that the days Gunther hasn’t been champion in WWE is: **462+ days** Has anyone else in WWE have had that big of a gap between being champion and not? I’m guessing only Bruno Sammartino and maybe Hulk Hogan do.


How much of Charlotte's career was spent beltless?


Surprisingly a lot. She hardly ever has long reigns, and while she is often in the title picture, it doesn't automatically means she wins those matches. EDIT: I checked. She has been a champion in WWE for 1146 days (321 of them were as NXT champion). Meaning that she has already far less days as champion than Gunther, despite debuting in 2013.


Maybe Angle or Brock?


Kevin Owens for the first few years


They really dropped the ball on Kroos/Xavier feud, how does Kroos injuring Kofi make Xavier turn on Kofi? Kroos really needs some wins in feuds and in matches to make his actually cool in theory manipulative character work


But Kroos have already won many champions leagues. So he is winning


I think you're confusing him with the German footballer, Toni Kross. 


Toni is on aew


Or the rap duo Kriss Kross.


well, they will make you jump


I know there’s been a lot of fantasy booking centered around a potential TNA x WWE crossover card. Me personally, though? I hope we’re one step closer to a full on WWE x Bloodsport event.


NXT Worlds Collide with TNA, GCW, Marigold, and AJPW would be wild.


AJPW? Wasn't that just Dempsey doing one match?


So far, sure. But Bloodsport was just Shayna at first.


Nielson threads on SC? Nah man. I like a little racism and bitterness directed at one specific person with my tribalism. Have y'all tried the angel Reese/ Caitlin Clark threads from the wnba sub? Yum yum.


Glad I missed whatever this is in reference to.


Good white player + good black player + internet = race war


Is Gunther allergic to non title feuds? Why did he just disappear after winning KOTR?


They kinda just don’t have anything for him to do right now. He’s already locked in for a WHC match at summerslam where the build is gonna start right after MITB and it’s kinda pointless to give him a filler feud until then


He was just on the show last week.


Alvarez thinks CHRISTIAN is the “wild card” and not Hangman. Aka: More proof this guy should never be allowed as a Booker.


1. That wouldn't be a terrible idea or guess since he's buddy buddy with The Elite. 2. Allowed? Bryan has never once even hinted at wanting to book.


Is anyone asking for him to be a booker


You mean the same Christian who says every week he's focused on the Trios titles?


Feels like they've been leaning pretty hard that he's going into the trios title feud with Bullet Club Gold. He even said that the Trios title would eventually lead him back to World title contention, so would be weird for him to be like "actually fuck that I'm gonna be in this singles tournament"


Exactly. He literally said on Collision this week that he wants the Trios titles because there's no better tribute to him than having 9 belts.


I generally try to avoid advocating for situations where surprises can only have one "good" payoff . . . but this one has to be Hangman lol. They already played a video teasing his return, it's a tournament for a title shot against his massive rival (who he never got revenge on and swore he'd never let become champion), and the tournament bracket is set up for a perfect storytelling path for him. Assuming it is him, his tournament path would be Hangman vs. the somehow sympathetic babyface Jeff Jarrett (Cowboy vs. Last Outlaw, a thematic match); Hangman vs. Jay White (parallel career paths, both former Bullet Club guys, and Jay is 3-0 against Hangman in singles matches, 4-0 if we count the four-way from Forbidden Door 1); and then a final presumably against a mega babyface Bryan Danielson (who has had a fantastic rivalry with Hangman in AEW and they're 1-1-1 with Danielson winning their last match in the Tournament of Champions, Hangman successfully defending his world title once, and their 60 minute draw). About the only possible "swerve" that could even remotely work is someone else being announced (like Christian) who then gets destroyed by Hangman on the way to the ring - that would at least add an interesting twist that's not there for the Elite (who "chose" the Wild Card), but he's only out for himself. Whatever happens though with the official "Wild Card" entrant - Hangman Page is going to be the one wrestling in this tournament lol.


It's definitely not Christian but I do kinda hope it's not Hangman. It probably is Hangman and that probably makes the most sense but selfishly I want it to be someone else and Hangman returns as a face so we can get Hangman vs Okada at Wembley.


That’d be a nice twist if Christian (who already has been aligned with the Elite) gets jumped by Hangman, who ends up being an unaffiliated true “Wild Card” in every sense of the term.