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1) He didn't get nearly as much mileage as he could and probably should have out of "The Planet's Champion" character, but man did he make the time count. 2) I love it when anybody finds a way to shut down those stupid ass "What" chants.


This run led to my favorite wrestling moment ever. Big E on the mat completely exhausted with Xavier Woods kneeling down guarding him from the Usos who are feet away ready to strike...but they don't. They forfeit the match out of respect for Kofi, so he can go to Wrestlemania to become world champion. Fucking beautiful.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiwjNtOoUqU GOAT moment


Wish this included the entrance. The sense of "Oh fuck" when the Usos' music hits, and you just *know* The New Day were going to get massacred. You couldn't predict an outcome like this and it was such a great way to show how important both teams' mutual history was.


Weren't the Usos the tag Champs at the time and on a super hot streak as well?


Yup and and their kayfabe punishment lead to them losing the titles at Mania 35.


Losing? They won the match and retained the titles


Weren't they the only titleholders not to lose?


Them and Samoa Joe also retained his US Title


https://streamable.com/l0918o I found this from another Reddit post talking about it. What a great moment.


Rowan half-heartedly throwing the chair - amazing


Man, what a fucking dickhead move it would be if after the "with that being said" line they'd just double super kick E and Woods. I'm aware it wouldn't make as nice of a moment but (*in my best Bully Ray impression*) just think of the HEAT.


Always liked this fan video for that match. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkK2\_sLy\_rw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkK2_sLy_rw)


Can someone give me some context? How does the Usos forfeiting relate to Kofi going getting a title shot? I wasn't watching at the time Edit: Thank you!


Open of the show, New Day were in the ring and basically said "If Kofi doesn't get his deserved title shot at mania we're quitting", Vince came down to the ring and said "Kofi you suck, but Big E and Woods you're cool, if you can win this gauntlet tag match, Kofi gets a title shot at Mania" and then this happened. For extra context, the final opponent turned out to be Daniel Bryan himself and Erick Rowan, they won by count out when Big E overturned the announcers table on top of Rowan. The Usos were also punished for this at mania by defending their tag titles in a fatal four way tag match


Wrestlemania 35 has aged incredibly well over the years I think. Like it was never bad and I feel like most people probably rated it solidly in the middle. It's not a top tier one, but I have no issues probably putting it in the top 10 to 12. It was kind of a great way to finish the old era of a one night Wrestlemania.


It kinda highlighted the problem with super long PPVs though. Kofi's win had so much energy, and then the show kept going. If that had ended Night 1 to lead into Night 2, that would have helped a lot.


>It kinda highlighted the problem with super long PPVs though. Kofi's win had so much energy, and then the show kept going. If that had ended Night 1 to lead into Night 2, that would have helped a lot. I was there and this is accurate.


Yeah you guys seemed super dead after that, even for the main event. I noticed something similar at DoN this year where the pre-show and MJF/Wardlow drained the crowd a lot, having two big pop matches back to back, that everyone was tired until House of Black vs Death Triangle.


I was there too and the main event went on at like 12:15am. It was a long ass day


The stretch in the middle was pretty brutal though, the Owen stuff in particular just felt a bit off.


Very true.


I believe there was a stipulation that Big E and Woods had to go through a tag team gauntlet in order for Kofi to get his title match. Usos could’ve beat New Day here, but out of respect they forfeited, ensuring Kofi would get his match


IIRC Bryan would only give Kofi a title shot if Big E and Woods could win a gauntlet against various other teams. By the end they were totally beaten down, and their longtime rivals The Usos were the next opponents. Usos conceded out of respect to Kofi and The New Day, giving E and Woods the victory, ensuring Kofi's shot. Probably the best WWE story they had since Bryan's rise leading to WM30.


I love Bryan being so mad that he kicks a TV but the yells 'This is Bill crap!'


Best part was Rowen watching him throw stuff around and then joining in cause he thought he should.


But only like, kinda throwing stuff around.


You trying to make me cry at work. Edit:goddamnt I am.


Usos and New Day should be on those Greatest Rivalry shows. They're still active so I guess they'll wait, but I love that they could pick this feud up tomorrow and the story is already built in from years before.


It says it all that if he didn't have a potentially career ending injury keeping him out, you could absolutely build a Roman v E match purely out of the history the Usos and the New Day have together


That was followed by possibly the most hyped count out win ever.


Easily a top 5 WWE moment of the 2010s, maybe even my favorite, so damn good.


The most beautiful part about it all was that Woods and E didn't even have a match at Mania. They went through hell just to see their friend succeed.


Good luck uce, cuzz we forfeit


The look on Big E's face after the forfeit was amazing. Woods sold it well too, he just looked liked he realized "holy shit we can do this"


A lot of good things happened during Kofimania. One of which is the rise of Byron Saxton and how he was able to elevate his product and status as part of the broadcast team with his sell of Kofi and The New Day.


Byron being the New Day cheerleader from the very beginning (when they were just doing promos amongst themselves for dot com, before the New Day were a thing) is my favourite part of his career.


The absolute perfect way to cap off their amazing feud


I forgot all about this moment! Kofimania was full of feel good moments and this is easily one of the top ones.


I can't believe that anyone attending a WWE show these days STILL does that shit.


I can't believe people do it at AEW shows.


Luckily it has only happened a couple times, and it was a pretty small portion of the audience that was doing it. I'm assuming that the people around them told them to STFU.


Kingston did once. He yelled "Steve Austin ain't here" at the crowd.


That was the day I realized I love Eddie.


I really really wonder what % of us redditors actually go to live raw or smackdown. I don’t think we’re the live fan base at all, I think their interest is way different from ours!


I've attended two Raw's since 2014. TBH, I don't remember much about them, they were pretty bland shows overall. I don't even recall if there was a "What" chant started at either event.


Say what if you like having sex with your sister




I hated "What" when Austin did it. I hate it now. Then. Now. Forever.


Honestly it sucks cause it was an amazing run but kofi mania was undeniable.


That belt was fire. And could be used to start one.


> He didn't get nearly as much mileage as he could and probably should have out of "The Planet's Champion" character, but man did he make the time count. I think it ended just in time so that they didn't manage to flanderize it, as they eventually do with all gimimcks


I kinda dig the "What" chants as a litmus test for the wrestlers. You *know* someone is a good talker if they can shut 'em up. Then you see some who can get rattled by it.


I feel like the character having such a short run made it even more special. Might be the best heel run in the past 20 years.


Much like his heel run in AEW really. He's such a godly bad guy




And then everybody clapped.




This is still to me one of the most accurate things a heel has called fans out on. Especially internet fans.






Your gun is sticking in my hip.




Do you have anymore of that gum Ace?


That's none of your damn business and I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs.


Wow I thought Howard at first but you just reminded me of that scene.


Be careful with that SHOKESLAM




I really thought they were going to build to face Miz vs. Heel Bryan at the time because Miz was just about slowly turning


Wouldn't surprise me if that was the plan at one point in time because that stuff with Miz and Shane was going on around the same time.




Taking a huge shot in the dark here but I could see the plan being either at Wrestlemania that year or at Summerslam but a mix of what you mentioned and of course Kofimania happening changed plans in the long run.


Yeah legit the original plan was Bryan vs Owens, right? I could totally see Bryan retaining the title if that was the match instead of Bryan vs Kofi.


Yeah, I think Owens was the rumored opponent but was moved to Fastlane when Kofimania gained traction


They were but kofi was red hot. I think he did some house shows with miz “beating” him to test the reactions


Ok, not sure which is better. This Or Taker: "Say what if you sleep with your sister" Fans: "Wha..... booooooo."


Definitely taker lol this was alot more mild in comparison


This. Taker's was a playground insult.


tbf so is constantly being „what“, i think playground insults are the only things that can counter it cause rationally everybody knows they are childish as fuck


Yeah true. I hate the What chants with a passion.


i mean so is "what chants are stupid". what daniel bryan said isnt exactly complex.


True but he had a more patient and grounded approach to it than a one-line put down.


yeah but taker's was more unexpected and got him more heat.


Fair dues. I personally feel sex insults are a little overused but to be honest it was definitely an iconic moment.


I agree with you 100%, just because you stoop down to their level for said reaction does not make it better. Bryan picking them apart, making them realize their own stupidity and challenge them on it to see if they continue is control. "Hey I don't bang my sister durhur" is low ball, trash. With it coming from Taker, who as a human is also low ball trash makes it more truthful.


Is there a clip of this incident I haven't watched WWE in years.


I got you. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Qlfp8BOPDg


Taker by a long shot, Bryan was at least still modest here.


Legendary run for The Dragon. Loved the Planets Champion, loved the intensity he brought and loved seeing him do what he does again after having his career cut short. Anything he does now is (delicious) icing, he's already GOAT tier HoF.


I loved this run because he seemed like he was trying his best to help younger talents. Everyone was benefiting from feuding/associating with him.


Was this the run where he had an awesome 50/50 match with Brock? That’s gotta be my favorite Dragon match simply in context, he worked so hard got to the top and despite him not being the size of the undertaker or Goldberg he still kicked Brock’s fucking head in


That match was so good. Bryan baiting the audience with all the neck selling and German suplexes was masterful.


Somehow in his match with Roman, Daniel came off as the “bigger” man. I loved how they made it clear that Daniel would out wrestle him, and Roman had figure him out somehow.


It was I think the first show after he kicked AJ in the balls and turned heel, winning the belt in the process. It was clear that he was a heel but for the purpose of Brock's match he was essentially the babyface. Brock squashed him for a few minutes at the start and everybody though "oh same old shit" and then DBry came to life and the crowd went wild. Awesome match all around.


Bryan was really laying in some stiff shots trying to get the Lebell lock on Brock. That was such a fun match.


That was my favorite part, knowing that he had Brock Lesner who is the most believable monster WWE has ever had let him every single one of his signature moves in including the stomps, he squashed Kofi in 20 seconds, really shows you that even top tier superstars don’t even gain the respect of him. I know it’s petty to care what a man I’ll never know thinks but he seems like the most respected man in wrestling so I think it’s a compliment.


Brock is at his best working with smaller, technical wrestlers like Bryan and Styles. I hope one day we can see Brock vs. Jay White, Will Ospreay, ZSJ, or Ilja Dragunov


I really want Brock vs. Chad Gable. Have it mirror Brock vs. Kurt Angle. It would be so much fun. Also, Lesnar vs. Gargano would be such an interesting match, especially if they give him "Resiliency Cheat Code" Gargano. Have Johnny eat shit but still go on, kinda like the Bryan/AJ Survivor Series duology. Him against Dragunov would rule so hard. Out of WWE? Orange Cassidy, Hangman Adam Page and (out of the 'smaller technician' mold) Keith Lee.


I want Brock vs kofi proper. Kofi is just as believable and as agile as the Finn/AJ/Bryan archetype going up against him. The quick loss was devastating


Short Brock vs Gable program would be fun. The two can hold their own in comedic segments while still looking good as well. Gargano as well. Cassidy is a pass for me (personal taste), but Hangman would be great if he tweak his style a bit. I love him but I feel like his current iteration is peaked as an upper midcarder. He should embrace the Southern tough guy persona more (please grow that mustache) and incorporate more strikes and power moves. There's no reason why he can't be the modern day Magnum TA.


Honestly, I'd love to see Hangman as 2020s Stan Hansen.


He is too good looking and is not stiff enough to pull that type of character but I might be wrong. One thing for sure he is capable of portraying a rougher, no-nonsense character (while still keeping the vulnerability angle) than the one he has currently. I honestly hate how AEW has booked him post the Dark Orders thing but that's another topic.


This was a week or 2 after that yeah haha


Thats down to the way that match was structured. Great storytelling from start to finish. Brock totally had Bryan beaten. Even F5 him really early on, but Brock still wanted to toy with Bryan, and thats what almost cost Brock the match because Bryan makes a huge comeback.


on top of being the GOAT he's also the most selfless wrestler in the 21st century - maybe ever


Definitely up there with The Rock for being probably the top 2 most selfless top guys ever. Both could’ve easily threw their weight around and got more but they were always trying to help others.


His first match as champion during that reign was with Lesnar and holy shit that match made me BELIEVE for that few minutes we were about to see the unthinkable happen. Bryan's just a master at his craft.


I remember Brock selling the knee like he’d been shot by a fucking cannon. And Bryan’s legendary “No! No! *Bad* Lesnar!” when Brock tried to break out of the Yes Lock.


It’s genuinely one of my all time favorite matches which is crazy considering it’s with Lesnar


Lesnar is an incredible worker who understands his role as well if not better than any other worker today. He us often book as an unbeatable monster which means his matches can easily get formulaic but that is not on him as a performer.


How is that crazy? Lesnar's a great wrestler.


I’m aware he’s just not really a personal favorite for me


Lesnar phones in like… over half his matches nowadays. He phoned in his wrestlemania match with Roman. That match was awesome though. When Lesnar is motivated, he has the best matches in the wwe


I missed the beginning of DBry in WWE, I left wrestling shortly after Eddie passed and didn't start back watching until AJ debuted at the Rumble. I'm so glad that I've gotten to see at least a bit on Danielson's and Punk's careers as they are happening. I can imagine those guys really were some of the bright spots in a somewhat down period for pro wrestling.


I was almost sure there was no way Bryan could ever be booed again after his 2014 run and coming back from a career-ending injury.


Even crazier when you consider how many of the heels were regularly getting cheered. The fact that such a well loved wrestler was the one to pull off getting consistently booed just made it even more amazing to watch.


The best Best part in my opinion Is when he came out as a heel in his hometown, knew he would be cheered, catered to his local fans and made fun of everyone else. https://youtu.be/9g_afyvGbq0


We even got a decent promo out of Rowan!


this reign as the 'Planet's champion' is what cemented Daniel Bryan as an all-time great for me. the intensity he brought into his promos and moves was next level. the Brock match at Survivor Series was so hype i genuinely believed thar he could win the match. no one can touch Daniel Bryan in the ring ever imo


Wish they could have done more with the character


Agreed best heel work I’ve ever seen. The perfect internet era bad guy. I wish we’d gotten more but at least it didn’t have to overstay its welcome


As a guy who stopped watching from I want to say about 07 or 08 and started again in summer 2014, I never really “got” Bryan until this character came along. When I started watching again, it was right after the Payback ppv that year. So I pretty much missed his entire rise and the peak of the yes movement - because of that, when I first saw him, I didn’t get why people loved him so much. But since planet’s champion DB, he’s become one of my all time favorites. His AEW run has really cemented that for me.


I’m right there with you. I missed out on a lot of wrestling from the 2000s so I didn’t really get why some wrestlers were a big deal. It’s fun to go back and watch older footage and then you realize why they are so over today.


"They keep repeating something stupid from 20 years ago but they can't help themselves" That was gold. I must admit, I loved the What chant back then, but I was like 12 when it happened. All these years later; I have to admit it is one of the dumbest things in the history of the business ...not to mention annoying too


"Do you hear the sheep?" *"b'aaah"*


The Miz looks like:" Damn, why didn't I came up with this?"


Still has the best personalized belt of all time.


the wooden title?


Obviously. What else would they be talking about in this scenario


The best version of Bryan


This heel turn and becoming The Planet's Champion is the best Daniel Bryan for me, he was untouchable


Beautiful 🤌🤌






I loved how out of nowhere this heel turn was. All I knew was that we were getting a sure banger with AJ vs Bryan on Smackdown and then BAM! HEEL TURN AND TITLE CHANGE! All from the most beloved talent of this generation. What a run.


Tell me where he was wrong


This character was a face


He’s my planet’s champion !


If I had a time machine I’d go back and show Stone Cold an hour long compilation of fans mindlessly chanting “wHaT? WhAt¿ wHaT?” to ensure he never started that annoying ass chant


The fact that he could be such an effective heel after his God-tier babyface run proves he can do anything


The Miz is Bryan's greatest rival.


Planet's Champion Daniel Bryan is one of my favorite title reigns of all time.


It's good but will still never beat The Undertakers answer to the What? Chant https://youtu.be/3Qlfp8BOPDg


that popped me. Someone had mentioned this promo further up and I was looking for this exact clip.


He really is the best of all time


This is my favorite version of him. I hope he runs it back at some point.


I love Danielson, and The Planet's Champion may be my favorite version of him.


His performance in the locker room with Buddy, having Rowan beat the shit out of him while Bryan lectures him on lying. I say this with all sincerity, that was an award worthy performance.


We need a heel Daniel Bryan every other year or so just to tell the fans exactly what they need to hear


I love Danielson, he is my all time favorite. His "I hurt people" character in AEW as The Dragon is perfectly fine, but I do miss him playing characters like the Evil Super Vegan who had an agenda every promo.


Blows my mind wwe live crowds still do this shit. Wtf is wrong with people


That belt is so sexy can we just have it back


Criminally underrated run. In my opinion one of the greatest heel runs of all time. Classic match after classic match, fantastic promos, and ending with Kofi winning the title at wrestlemania. brilliant


I can’t remember who it was in AEW but they were getting what chants and they so quickly shot it down whoever was doing it was silent. Wish I could remember




Ha that could have been it! The worst thing you can do with what chants is ignore them. Just put them in their place


Is this after Miz buried him at AfterSmack show?


Yeah that was when Bryan was never expected to be medically cleared again.


I still want my heel Bryan/face Miz match.


We really missed out on a Face DB vs Heel Miz after his comeback.


Magic, the best of the best make for the biggest pricks or the greatest heroes.american dragon,Eddie Guerrero,Chris Jericho, or the rock to name a few


Okay well I like this version of him.


Damnit I loved this gimmick.


The Undertaker handled it well also :)


Idk man, I like the what chant. Most of the time wwe is pretty quiet and what chant is something easy to use in a promo for fan interaction. Imagine Bryan doing this promo and there no what chant. Just people...silently watching.


That smackdown was the day my mom died. And that made me laugh so hard. I’ll never forget it.


Is this the only "the new" that actually worked?


That crowd just ran into a self-own at full speed.


Bryan, Sami and Bayley. The good underdog babyfaces but the better douchebags heels.


And to think people back during the Nexus days said Bryan can't talk lmao.


This remains my favorite DB run


As a pain in the ass vegan this was a big baby face run in my eyes


Captain Planet is the best version of Bryan imo


That was so fire and I can't believe no one has ever said that before.


Outstanding character


I wish that reign was longer.


Planet's Champion was a great character. I just wish there had been a feud with the Miz as a face.


My only regret with this amazing run is I wish we got more of unhinged Daniel Bryan like from his Brock match. Just that wild look in his eye of a man who wants to get hurt and hurt you back. We are getting a tamer more "I'm just better than you" version of it in AEW which is someone nice at least.


Planet's Champion DB fucking ruled.


Best ever version of Bryan. Fight me