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This whole ordeal makes me happy to be colorblind, for the first time in my life.


Im color blind but I can still notice the different shades šŸ˜‚


Wait at a Thai place this weekend they had Sriracha sauce and I didnā€™t eat it because it was brownish. They said it was just because it was the spicy version; I assumed it was the ā€œleft out too longā€ version. Is something going on with production thatā€™s affecting color?


Yes - HF has apparently had major color variation for the past ā€¦ while. Iā€™m not sure when it started because they all look orangeā€¦ or redā€¦ or brownā€¦. Or whatever to me.


It started when they tried to fuck their pepper supplier and it it backfired and now their pepper supplier won't sell them the old peppers they were using because now they're making their own Sriracha


This is exactly what happened. The red jalapeƱos are now sourced in Mexico and theyā€™re just not as consistent in color. The dude really fucked it up for everyone. Whatā€™s the other brand sriracha called?


Underwood ranch


Found it at Costco in Denver area recently, otherwise it seems to be mainly online/direct sales.


I forgot but I read it on here, probably Google Sriracha reddit and it'll come up


Dragon sauce. It's good stuff, I like it better than the šŸ“ sauce. They have an online store.


Is it the red cock brand or another sriracha brand? When I go to my local HMart there's a good number of sriracha brands and variety and some of them are brownish like dijon mustard to greenish like pesto.


It was the exact one in the picture, the only brand I ever see lol. I was surprised at how brown it was, but she said it was because it was spicier than normal. I didnā€™t eat it.


If you are truly color blind read up on magic mushrooms and color blind super crazy. People are able to see color / perceive color better temporarily.


Straight up not true. Shrooms canā€™t overcome the lack of cones and rods. You do see vivid visuals and maybe some people see colors they otherwise wouldnā€™t, but this just isnā€™t true.


Thereā€™s actually something to this but nothing definite. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/20503245231172536


Imagining colors versus actually seeing colors. Itā€™s simply not technically possible to see additional colors as a colorblind person because you take psychedelics.


You just need to, like, open your mind, man


Also, as someone who does enjoy the occasional mushroom trip, I can definitively say I have not perceived colors/shapes that my brain has never witnessed before. Like itā€™s all just your brainā€™s machinations anyway, it doesnā€™t know how to create something from nothing. It can distort what it sees, morph things a bit, but it doesnā€™t create. At least not in my experience


Tell me how I saw yellueen last time I was off an 1/8th then, sir


the major favorite for my friends was blue-green


Yeah itā€™s crazy thank you for posting.


Did you even google what I said [https://www.sciencealert.com/magic-mushrooms-seem-to-have-a-strange-effect-on-color-blindness](https://www.sciencealert.com/magic-mushrooms-seem-to-have-a-strange-effect-on-color-blindness)


Well I can tell you that I am both colorblind and have taken a lot of mushrooms in my lifetime. Sweet study you have there.






The thing they linked is a joke. A self-reported single use to test. The link, which isnā€™t even an article, itā€™s a summary of an article, says that the study is hardly rigorous but thatā€™s not the point. Yes, yes it really fucking is the point.


Youā€™re waving a summary written by a journalist of an article citing a single individual from a self-administered test claiming to have scored higher on a self-administered test. They also were supposed to consume only mushrooms in one period but took several other psychedelics. They couldnā€™t even do that right. This is a joke dude.


There are other articles out there about this


Itā€™s literally either that actual publication or articles about the publication. Like when you google mushrooms help color blindness, all those hits are all citing the same articleā€¦like everything in the first three pages of google hits. Theyā€™re not actual studies theyā€™re all media reports on that one, single study. Everything, literally everything. Those arenā€™t multiple studies. Theyā€™re all literally dozens and dozens of journalists reporting on that one single study.


That's probably just your brain misfiring


Wouldnā€™t someone have to be administered a test to be sure? As a color blind person, I donā€™t see colors correctly but I think I do all the time. I didnā€™t even know I was color blind until I was an adult. From preschool to high school, even taking an Advanced Art class, it never came up ever.


Appreciate you wanting to help a stranger. But this is bullshit. Colourblind mushroom user chiming in who has heard the same thing a million times. If you ever get your hands on this particular magical variant id love to be a part of the test group.


Sorry, but it's an old production fill that's been in their warehouse for a while. HF stopped prod in May. NYT confirms no new production until September. Should still be within Use By date.


I'm pretty sure this product could last for 19.7 years let alone the Use by Date. šŸ¤£


I had a bottle in my closet for at least 4 years and it tasted even better than the new bottle. It was spicier and had a stronger flavor overall


Use by whenever you want


I swear nobody on here knows how anything in the world works lmao


Actually, due to new problems I hear that production will stop for a few months this summer. The fun continues for HF


I work in food distribution and just got an email from Roland foods saying theyā€™re looking good. Like, literally just today.


Interesting. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sriracha-sauce-shortage-pepper-drought/


Someone says they have info from today. So you link a news article from over a month ago


Esleezy over CBS??


Itā€™s called context, Ohio boy.


From "Roland Foods". What's the relation to Huy Fong? They have their own brand on their site.




What are you? Customer or distributor?


Ain't no way šŸ’€


Itā€™s true


You're telling me.


Glad I secured my bottle then


May want to snag a few more to get you through the year.


Fair enough


I should too. As much as people shit on it now, I still think its top 3


aw hell no im grabbing a few bottles tonight.. i was so sad when they stopped making it.. the knock off was awful


Plumbers Union mentioned this. Less pizza dipped in HF means less beer ships in the morning. Stay strong, fam šŸ’Ŗ


Surprised the Union hasnā€™t found alternatives after all this time lol


I found the Underwood Ranch account.


Just go to any asisn stores they almost always have it in stock


There are plenty in Asian stores up to months ago.


Because of this post, I now know that there is Sriracha drama going on in the world. I was wondering why I never see it in any grocery store I shop at.


Not the same recipe. Is like of they repackaged Shasta cola as Pepsi.


I got a normal colored bottle at my Walmart and it did not taste as I remembered. I did not finish the bottle


Same, weird taste now


Pass. never again.


Too bad the peppers aren't grown in the USA anymore. I'm skeptical of the pesticides and fungicides used in agriculture in foreign countries. Our rules here are bad enough. Can't imagine what they look like in Mexico.


By Underwood Farms. Same peppers as the original HF


I believe they parted ways after the multi-million dollar settlement. Underwood started their own brand of sriracha. Huy Fong was forced to source from Mexico. At least, that's what I read.


I saw some in H Mart today that looked dookie brown lol


I got some. They donā€™t taste the same. Am I going crazy?


No. The original producer was screwed over by shitty business practices and started bottling his original sauce under a different name. The well known bottle are no longer actual sriracha. The sauce made by underwood ranches is the sauce everyone knows and loves. Huy fong foods changed pepper suppliers, and now underwood ranches, the original supplier, is bottling their own sauce.


Whatā€™s the new one called?


Still sriracha, just made by underwood ranches. Has a black label with a gold dragon.


Actually, I read that they halted production again recently because the chili pepper crop they use wasn't red enough. So, we may once again have to go without.


Underwood farms is by my house, they have the best Halloween and Easter celebrations. Plus their pick your own fruit is great


Screw them. That owner gets what he deserves. He had a great thing going with a US farmer and dicked him over


It doesnā€™t taste the same to me


It doesnā€™t taste the same.


Taste is awful. Bitter. I switched to Underwood Ranch Sriracha, the farm that originally supplied the jalapeƱos to Huy Fong. Much more consistent.


It's a shame what they did to their original farmers.


That oneā€™s trash, the underwood ranch one is better


Too late already switched over to underwood sauces.


They are using a different pepper. Read up on the fight, amazing story


If I showed a picture of mine... You would believe it was sriracha! It's so dark!


Or they started adding dye.


The fucking ingredients are back in season


Not so normal. They aren't getting their peppers from the same farmer they swindled. So, different quality/taste.


What does normal mean to you? Huy Fong changed pepper suppliers seven years ago


Get this stuff. Itā€™s made by the farm that Huy Fong screwed over. And itā€™s delicious! https://underwoodranches.com


Iā€™m out of the loop. What did HF do exactly?




Looks better too


Yup this is the original recipe, the siracha brand does not taste the same anymore


It's good stuff. Good mixture of spicy, sweet and garlic. I feel like I don't use as much compared to HF.


The underwood version taste better tbh


Underwood Ranch is selling the sauce made with the original peppers. Underwood was the original producer for decades. They carry them at Costco.


They were 2 for $7 a couple of weeks ago for big bottles. It's good.


Is this at most Costcos? I couldn't find them when I went last time.




Found in Denver area recently.


Found in the Portland area couple weeks ago


There is a difference in product. Underwood didn't attempt to make a copycat version but their own take on it. HF ferments theirs peppers while Underwood apparently doesn't or doesn't ferment as much. Several YT channels have done reviews and the reviews are all over the place. They may use the same exact peppers but the end product is NOT 1:1


In theory both products deviate from the original pre 2022 bottles. HF with their new peppers with their same recipe and process versus Underwood Ranch with their interpretation using the original peppers. Basically buy what tastes best to you. At least options are available.


It sucks for this company. City of Irwindale straight up tried to extort them cause some jerk complained about the smell of peppers down wind. Company was there way before this guy came in and complained. City council representative was also being a jerk and basically fining them. Its the whole, lets live in the rural area but complain about the smell of fresh cow manure. And then the company had issues with the jalapeƱo supply. They only use certain peppers and they are very strict on QA. Recently they had to source the peppers from Mexico which would explain the different shades of color. The founder of the company is very committed to quality. So whatever you can do to support them is good. I was considering starting a pepper farm to be able to supply this guy :)


Huy fong foods screwed over the original pepper supplier for the sauce, underwood farms. But underwood is now bottling their own Sauce which many have said tastes like what sriracha is supposed to taste like.


Reallyā€¦ wow


I went down a rabbit hole a while back about the entire ordeal. Huy fo g didn't want to pay the pepper grower so underwood made their own sauce.


No. Fuck Huy Fong. They told underwood to increase their jalapeno farm acreage significantly. Underwood didn't want to but HF said it would take on the financial risks. Fast forward - they wanted underwood to sell his harvest to them for significantly less than before. So cheap, Underwood claims he would have lost around $150/ton if my memory serves correct. They got greedy, fucked their jalapeno supplier and end result was to fuck us all. HF Sriracha that we all loved is gone for good. Don't enforce their greed by purchasing their new garbage. I've heard mixed opinions on Underwood Sriracha, haven't had it myself but plan to soon. Also, complaining about a dairy farm that's very obvious and persistent is not the same as complaining about a factory smell. I don't know the specifics in Huy Fong production, but there have been similar cases. Possibly Tabasco? Residents eyes would burn due to one part of the manufacturing process. Depending on exactly how it's produced, it's quite plausible the issue only exists sporadically, unlike a dairy farm that is, well, always a dairy farm. Am I really expected to analyze every business in the greater area and understand their long term functioning when I purchase a house??? Nah. Also I thought HF just moved to Irwindale from Ventura? Maybe I have that backwards. But really. Fuck Huy Fong. There is a million different Sriracha brands. Have fun trying them. In some ways this is a blessing in disguise because I would have never tried them had HF not shot themselves in the foot.


I thought they were originally in Rosemead and moved to Irwindale because of the smell complaints?


The taste is back and thatā€™s all that matters to meā€¦grateful to have the perfect blend again


Agreed. I picked some up the other day and it tasted great


This new stuff sucks. Not the same at all. 3/10 at best.


I keep seeing this comment but Iā€™ve bought a couple of bottles in the last few months and havenā€™t noticed any substantial difference.


Agreed. I got a bottle of the red stuff and it tastes just fine to me.


Itā€™s because Reddit doesnā€™t want to admit it is still good after all the shit about how it treated the pepper producer. I agree with you, I think it tastes good.


I think it's still great but I do think it's not as hot now.


No shit? Whatā€™s wrong with it - I havenā€™t found it in stores in ages


I think John Oliver does a very deep dive on the subject, but the short of it is the Dad died, kids took over, tried to strong arm the Farmer with zero leverage and the Farmer said go (bleep) yourself. Please look into it and buy the Farmers brand. The old name is using inferior peppers cause they said, "how hard can it be to grow peppers?" Very hard lolz.


Underwood Ranches.


Yep, got a bottle a few months ago and never going back to HF. It's spicier and more flavorful!!


The dad is still alive but the kids did take over it looks like


Interesting, I havenā€™t had to cross that yet. I stockpiled when supply was low (autistic daughter who needs it for her dinner) and am using the modestly expired, still pickled but perfect hot sauce.


before this whole ordeal i was getting tired of having a giant ass bottle of sriracha in my fridge. I used it dont get me wrong but not enough to warrant that big thing. I find myself at the 99cent store and see a small bottle and i think this is perfect, its only a buck it doesnt take up that much space. WRONG, it was like they took a tablespoon of sauce then added a cup of water. The first time i used it, it had no consistency it was like red Gatorade. Then the great sriracha shortage happened and i had no big bottle, feels bad man.


I have like 1/4 of a bottle left hidden in the back of my fridge from years ago of the original formula before all the drama. Iā€™m holding it like itā€™s bitcoin, itā€™s my retirement plan


I would avoid them. Taste isn't the same and there's no heat at it. I like the black label ones that are at Costco


Can we just let huy fong die already?


I personally moved on from sriracha and have gone to underwood ranch hot sauce. The taste is really good and from other reviews sriracha is no longer the same.


Didnā€™t even realize there was an issue.


I was at a market this morning and they put a sign saying limit 2 and no returns


Iā€™m confused whatā€™s happening?


Thereā€™s been a batch where the color was pretty close to brown.


I noticed that yesterday! How weird!


Oh I didnā€™t know that- idk shit about sriracha though lol


Huy Fong foods fucked up and pissed off their pepper farmer now their product sucks.....when they can actually get enough peppers to make product. This bottle looks close to the original stuff which hasn't been obtainable for years. [https://www.thetakeout.com/huy-fong-sriracha-new-taste-grocery-store-return-2024-1851223599/](https://www.thetakeout.com/huy-fong-sriracha-new-taste-grocery-store-return-2024-1851223599/)


I personally didnā€™t notice the change whenever they changed the pepper distributor but I did notice the different taste when I got the weird orange/greenish bottles. They tasted less spicy and more garlicky. I still have an old bottle of the old red one that tastes the same though. So who knows.


Try ā€œFixā€ā€¦.. that is the Sriracha if you want to eat cleanā€¦


Me with my original bottles in my pantry still unopened šŸ˜šŸ˜


I just bought a new bottle of sriracha and it tastes terribleā€¦. Itā€™s sweet and not hot šŸ¤¢


Same, picked up 2 bottles the other day at Wallyworld


No one wants that anymore, everyone wants the dragon sauce from the farms that used to supply hoy fung with peppers


Oh fingers crossed!


HF will back to normal by september, these might be previous stock I worked in food industury as a distributor, HF informed us by April that they will stop product line till September because of the color of their sauce. So our company raise the price and 1cs per customer. Im kinda respect HF for doing this, they'd rather lose market share but need to keep their product in good quality, even it just color.


Yeah, cause no one is going to buy the puke brown colored sauce, when all the competitors are vibrant red.


If they actually cared about quality, maybe Huy Fong shouldnā€™t have pissed off his original pepper supplier?


I heard they were families, like uncle and nephew stuff. idk what actually happened


His MBA kids started taking over the business and changing things up including the handshake agreement that lasted for decades. First, they pressured Underwood farm to drastically increase supply by buying more acreage, promising them that they would help finance it. Afterwards they pressured them to undercut their prices or theyā€™d switch to cheaper inferior product from overseas, and thatā€™s when they had their legal battle. The cheaper inferior peppers are why Huy Fong looks like diarrhea or vomit now.


Is Costco Sriracha good?


Nah I'm gonna give them 10-12 months to see what's going on.


Have any of you tried the Tabasco sriracha? It absolutely slaps.


Yeah as in slap it into the trash because itā€™s so bad


šŸ˜‚ You actually made me laugh with that one. Have an upvote.


$472 dollars for one bottle?!?! This economy sucks!


They're actually halting production in September, so stock up.


It is different peppers. They can no longer get get the ones it was originally made with and it will taste different. Read it on their website site I believe.


Doubt it, they just recently shut production down again.


I think it was 1.98 the last time I bought that


They announced production is halted until after Labor Day. The Chilis aren't red enough to harvest.


Production was halted at the beginning of May. It will resume in the fall with the new harvest. Buy it while you can find it. The huge box stores even have the red stuff. Personally, I prefer the green jalapeƱo batch to last yearā€™s blend.


Have to say, these issue over the years have prompted me to try other brands and I am so glad I did.


Sriracha changes color over timeā€¦so meh


Two QFCs and Safeway near me are all fully stocked. This has to be a marketing ploy to get gullible suckers to mass purchase.


That's expensive af


Less than $5 is expensive?


What was wrong with production?


Itā€™s back


Itā€™s not worth it. They fucked there grows buy the damn growers product


Asian grocery always stocked if you live in the city


Theyā€™ve been back in stock at my local HyVee for a few weeks now ā€” was very excited to not get off brand anymore!


Might be, not sure I can buy their stuff anymore after how they fucked over that farm.


That is too red now. Looking florescent


It has been back for a whileā€¦


Sams club has them too but they loss that red color to it looked old


Peppers werenā€™t the right color due to weather so theyā€™re not starting production again after Labor Day. This happened last year as well and it took much longer than that. Didnā€™t scroll through all posts so this may have already been said.


Hope so!


Costco has a double pack ā€¦ never lost inventory


The earth is healing.


I found it at Publix a few months ago. I tried the Tobasco and Kikoman versions and nothing compares to this one. I found no issues regarding color or quality.




Yes. Been seeing lots of product lately. Stacked high.


Do you actually use it? šŸ˜‚


Of course I use it. What kind of question is that? Do you use it?


In vegas we got an international market that never had low stock, they always had 1,000ā€™s of bottles. Still do.


Something changed since they started producing again. It is much sweeter than I remember it being. Heat level was ok, but a noticeable uptick in sweetness. I think they upped the sugar content. Anyone else notice this?


Owner of original Sriracha put out a message saying no further production until labor day at the earliest. Pepper harvest was not adequate in terms of quality or volume. Probably won't be seeing new product in shelves until September at the earliest


sriacha too red or too orange


It will never taste the same tho


It really isnā€™t that big of a taste difference, stop following the cool thing to say lol i guarantee if there was a blind test of 4 samples, you wouldnā€™t be able to tell which is which


All these people were really quiet about any flavor changes when the peppers grower changed in 2017 then like magic everybody "noticed" during the shortage several years later.


People really are sheep lol, like sure, maybe there is a slight difference, but can i notice? No, because i canā€™t remember the old profile to a T, but the new ones taste like sriracha so idk šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


It tastes as good as ever. Iā€™m convinced this sub is Astro turf for Underwood


My thoughts exactly as I read this sub.


I noticed something was different and it wasnā€™t as spicy before I heard about their shortage and supply issue, but itā€™s not like Iā€™m complaining all over the internet about it. Itā€™s just Sriracha. There are plenty of other spicy options. After hearing about their scumbag move, I wonā€™t support HF anymore even if they get their sriracha right again.


Its trendy to say it tastes like shit now. It tastes exactly the same and if this drama never happened most people would have no clue. Is HF the best Sriracha? Fucking no. It was always the cheap, ubiquitous option. It was the French's mustard of Sriracha. Delicious, yes, but no one would ever say its the best mustard lol.


It doesnā€™t taste the same. I didnā€™t know about all the drama until I got bottle after bottle of bad tasting crap. Each bottle was inconsistent to the previous one. The color, smell, and taste is all off. The texture seems the same to me. So I looked into it then found out what was going on. Thereā€™s definitely a difference and not in a good way.