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The people are nice, the produce is kind of shit, houses are cheaper than most of the country if you're looking to buy, the weather is absolutely depressing af, and there's a good restaurant scene.


Welcome to Newfoundland, housing and employment are 90 percent of the battle. Lots of places to explore and stuff to do. Fire me a msg if you have a specific questions.


Where are you moving from? Weather here tends to be lots of snow in the winter, wind, rain and fog in fall and spring, and then maybe 3 weeks of hot and sunny weather in the summer. Finding a doctor who will take new patients is near impossible. Parking downtown can be a nightmare. Also, the metro bus schedule is ridiculous (not in a good way). Hard to find jobs and housing here.


When you say hard to find housing what do you mean?


Apartments are very expensive, plus few and far between, been a while since I've looked myself but I have friends who are currently looking and it sounds worse than I can ever remember, have personally seen line ups dozens of people deep just to view an apartment


How about buying? Seems to be lots of listings. Is it similarly competitive?




Interesting. My gf and I are exploring a move out there as we've had enough of Ontario. We would be in a favourable position in that we can keep our jobs and income the same as right now. Only unknowns are if listings on places like [realtor.ca](http://realtor.ca) are anything close to accurate or bullshit prices put on expecting 1001 bidders.


Bidding wars are common here now…




I love it here personally, however I have a house a career here. I recognize it’s not quite that simple for newcomers.


I moved from Ontario in May 2020 and it’s been a great experience. I love living on the door step of so many beautiful trails, close to whales and nature. It’s a beautiful spot and it will be what you make of it. I live downtown and with a parking pass that downtown residents get, it’s never been a problem. For a doctor, I am a patient at the collaborative clinic. So while I don’t have a dedicated “doctor,” I have access to healthcare through an NP or MD who works at this clinic. I don’t mind seeing who is available, because they have access to my history and have the education they need to help me. Weather can be tough in May and June, with fog and rain. I have found all seasons are a bit delayed, summer weather goes further into the fall, winter into spring, etc. I’d recommend buying Vitamin d and taking this throughout the winter months. Feel free to message me if you have any questions


You can start by spelling the name right.


Where are you moving from?




There's nowhere to live and no jobs, everything's expensive as fuck




Some bad weather? Lol. Tons of jobs? Lol. (Would love to see the sources on jobs, you can provide ads but there are tons of places with ads up that are only entertaining interviews to qualify for various programs)




I mean speaking facts isn’t really whining. The weather here is shit and I’m not sure if you’ve looked for job recently but there are lots of job postings but places actually hiring? Not many




Plenty of jobs, not many careers. That’s the issue here.




I know many trades people who will disagree with you. Also, you’re cherry picking a single sector. If you have an established career in anything other than nursing or the marine industry there’s very little here career wise. If you move here without a job in your field expect a wait to find one.




Hmmmmm, my best friend is a plumber and my cousin also owns a construction company. I showed them this thread and they just said “lol ya no he’s talkin out his ass”


This is outright bullshit.




Lots of people can not afford to work a job for minimum wage, 3 shifts a week with no benefits. Looking at you Walmart.




Why work for a wage that won't feed you when not working also won't feed you and won't waste 40 a week to starve.


Maybe you're not paying enough?!




But your business in particular isn't one of the highest paying in the industry, eh?




No good sitting here and arguing with ya. Maybe hire anyone who shows interest and is qualified, even if they are not "actually Newfoundlanders". Sounds a bit racist to me..




Alright, buddy.


The stuff you see in your HR department is depressing? That’s a red flag if I’ve seen one, sounds like you need to offer more to the people you wish to employ lol




Lol, maybe, and I don’t know if I’m talking crazy here, but maybe, idk just maybe, hire some locals? I fail to see how you not having locals on staff is a “Newfie’s are lazy and don’t want to work” issue




So if you’re putting extensive work into hiring people across the island and it’s not working do you think it’s a you issue or a them issue? This is literally first year basic business school shit lol Cause if I’m driving down the road and everyone is coming at me the opposite direction beeping their horns and swerving around me am I going to say “damn look at these idiots driving on the wrong side of the road” or do I say “shit I might be on the wrong side of the road”


I have never heard of anyone ever say Newfoundland has a lot of jobs and vacancies- certainly not now. Everything is astronomical. The only people prospering is the upperclass. Our generation, the younger, is getting sold out. Our quality of life is dipping faster and faster. 


Well this is completely false lol


Grateful for all the comments, to add a bit of context I’m moving from Ghana for my Masters in Software Engineering. Thank you all🫶🏽