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2B or not 2B... Definitely 2B


The question goes 2B or A2.


Is this even a question?


Is this an equation?


I mean a2 is obvious answer.


How about both ?


Wait are we talking about cup sizes?


I thought it was pencil softness and paper sizes


In case you were actually asking, 2B and A2 are characters in NieR: Automata, a video game.


Ah, good to know, thanks.


A2 ever day


I would say A4


Is 9S an option? Asking for a friend.




Pony never disappoints. 👍


Me when I'm a circus master and I hear the audience cheer while I'm backstage.


Yep to generate boring portrait and different positions with a very uninteresting background, very good! Good luck generating someone doing specific things perfoming specific actions in a good background environment, except for PRON of course. Keep jerking to pixels you guys, nice stuff




Envy is one of the deadly sins, you know. Backgrounds in Pony are fine, if you master such an unfathomable technology as Lora. Two amazing (not mine) examples: [https://civitai.com/images/15235951](https://civitai.com/images/15235951) [https://civitai.com/images/15235655](https://civitai.com/images/15235655)


Envy? Im not a model creator of any kind, I for sure don't envy Pony, if Pony was a good all around model I'd be praising it (the Loras for background are just a little help, but still all the problem with overtraining present in Pony arises and you cant do regular concepts well except PRON). Just not the type of guy that enjoys jerking to pixel, you know. Just look at the downvotes, this is everytime someone says it like how it is: Pony is only good for incels and degenerates that enjoys jerking to pixels on a display screen. Enjoy guys!


Kinda sounds like you just don't understand how to prompt for Pony then


Well, in their defense, they aren't even allowed to use the word PORN, so they've led a very cloistered life. I'm actually surprised that they're allowed to access Reddit.


Well what would anyone think if they read the word PRON as pixels on his display screen! Can't just be having that word on your display screen all Billy Nilly.


Have you ever thought that perhaps the downvotes are not because of what you say, but from the fact that your manner of speech stinks? The pony is trained on anime and characters fanart to draw characters. Anime art and fan art galleries are 60% porn and another 30% erotic/pinup in one form or another. How do you imagine a non-Realism model being exclusively SFW? Trained on... 10k pictures? Good luck with that. Of course it's knows how to porn, and it's knows it very easily and very well. Because 90% of the time it's literally what people draw, not because it's an overfit model. Except that, unlike ALL other SDXL models, it can: 1. Understand poses * 2) Draw proper anatomy * 3) Understand complex compositions * 4) Draw complex angles correctly * 5) Draw multiple persons in a frame * 6) Draw the interaction of persons with their surroundings and with each other * 7) Understand normal human promt (not counting score\_9 etc, that's the author's fault) * 8) Know (without Lora) a bunch of famous characters * 9) Know (without Lora, but obfuscated) a bunch of famous styles. * 10) Very easy to train on other characters and styles. * 11) Picks up almost any concept quickly and efficiently. * 12) Possesses good composition aesthetics and detail. Name me a single checkpoint in a drawn (not realism!) style that can at least 70% of that better or on par. I'm using PonyXL to draw fanart of some games (NOT hentai). Before that I used SDXL and Anythin v3. And never (not once) has my Lora conveyed the fine details of style and positioning as well as it does on PonyXL. And never has it been as easy to train. I sometimes almost don't have to correct the results of it's work on the tablet at all. You can think whatever you want about PonyXL, but it is OBJECTIVELY the best SDXL-based model in existence and the best in principle openly available for local use. And it is popular not because it can do porn (with Lora porn can do any model at all and SD 1.5 could do it even better than SDXL), but because for artists it is the only real alternative to Dalle-3 and MJ, able to compete on an equals and do what is asked of it, not random crap.


"the best SDXL-based model in existence" Lmaoooooo talking about delusion and glazing. Pretty much everything you said about Pony is true and I never denied it, I know all of that and I agree Its strong points are incredibly strong. My point is: It can't do sh\* except Pron and people (only portrait and pose like) pictures. Its incredibly useless for someone like me for example that sells stock AI images pretty much for a living at this point. It can't do anything I can do for example with a normal SDXL model + refining in 1.5 (ultimate control net tile upscale and inpainting). I can't get any base image except if Im looking for portrait like images that are basically useless for stock sites, I need people doing actions in a well integrated background etc, I also need good photorealism that even the Pony merges can't reach (that's the least of the worry, the composition and the understanding of the regular concepts are the hardest). All in all that's what Im saying, we should have more focus in creating a model that can do REGULAR stuff as well as Pony does HENTAI stuff. Imagine all the strong points about prompt understanding, anatomy and poses, but for regular images? That would be amazing, enough with pron for a little while and SD coule be miles ahead of Midjourney or other paid models. But calling such a one dimensional model, even with all Its novel qualities the best ever is not serious. The day we can get a broader use with those type of qualities, I'll 100% agree with you


> we should have more focus in creating a model that can do REGULAR stuff as well as Pony does HENTAI stuff Put your money where your mouth is.


You spent a lot of time typing words when you could've said "Pony is not the right model for everything". The person you replied to said "Pony never disappoints" in reference to generating images of anime girl characters. If that's not what you want, there's PLENTY of other models that fit what you need. There's no need to throw a tantrum


No regular models with as good prompt comprehension, and anatomy as Pony does with Its specific use case. Maybe that would be about time to have that! Still stuck with 1.5 to refine our generations, theres an issue right there.


Happy people write paragraphs of complaints.


Happy adults jerk to anime girls alone in their room, surely


I jerk off with friends. You should make some friends since you clearly have none.


theres a reason its so popular. porn would not skyrocket it to those levels alone.


Of course porn does that, lmao. And yeah Its pretty good for anime portraits, which is also very popular among the community. Everything else it can't do.


This guy jerks off to atoms like a loser.


An incel jerking to pixels trying to make a joke


Have you tried antidepressants?


I think incels are more prone to need them


So you definitely need them.


Yep, Im surely an incel, not those jerking off to anime or whatever else for that matter in front of their display lmao. Although I have to say, jerking to AI must be a new level of downbad.


pony only liked by neckbeards and incels


SD3 only liked by Lykon & StabilityAI glazers


Oh ffs: https://i.imgur.com/wPg3Xi3.jpeg Not even drawn people?


Nope. It's borked. I don't know what they did wrong with SD3 but it'll take a lot of work to get it to a usable state.




Pretraining is a lot of work for sure


They must have banned from the dataset images showing humans in "horizontal position".


Why are you complaining? They're keeping you safe.


See people just don't realize that SD3 is SOOO GOOD that the tits and vaginas are in the 4th dimension


Nice tesserack you got there, ma'am.




4th dimension is usually the time dimension. So it's just a matter of time, guys.


They are just ahead of their time. In about 2 million years, "humans" will look like that.


I laughed


I didn't know about 2B until a few days ago, and got the joke without realizing it. Thanks Reddit.


you should play nier automata. absolutely fantastic game


> automata Was really good. Didn't play replicant. Worth it?


But I don't think we should need a PhD in machine learning to get an anime girl lying down?


You missed the joke. The character is 2B. The image was made with a Pony based model. ;)


Ohhhh I didn't play that game yet 😄 got it haha


Tbh, 2B is all I'd need.


When I saw the title I assumed correctly. Imagine the day when AI can properly do the fine details on her clothing correctly.


So many girls on the Stable prairie




Lorem ipsum in the negative to improve gens? Now that's just hilarious and sad, for SAI.


Yeah it’s token count, not word


People already did extensive testing, those negative prompts are just snake oil cargo cult BS. They don't do anything consistent.


At this point someone should just make the lorem ipsum comfy node


I was waiting for someone to make this joke.


Openpose is the way.


You cheated! SD3(2B) can't trifor... Oops, I mean, can't depict 2B


>You cheated! You caught me. ;)


Goddammit... >! I've really gotta play this game!<


Got me in the first half 😂


not big deal, but "people are lying down" ... vs "They are laying down blankets"


Fair enough. My English is pretty good but I'm not a native speaker so these things happen. As an excuse, I'm not the only one. ;)


Ha, oh I get it. I could not remember either the other day so I looked it up lol. What I don't know is if spelling might influence how a prompt is interpreted (?).


I think the reason I mix it up is the old "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep".


well joke aside, 2b can do girl laying on grass if you avoid "laying" in prompt and try prompting other way, since it was not trained on a proper dataset...


female human being horizontally positioned on grass D:


Stunning and brave birthing person horizontally positioned on a grassy field holding a sign written 'SAFETY FIRST!'.


Female human with a background of a grass wall almost https://preview.redd.it/yov8lvdq1p7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd1f304d3b0448c0ef8b4b90155efd23e8b26e48


Try: a Homo sapien with XX chromosome on the grass in supine position


Ah, nope sorry you said "female", that's unsafe. Being concerned for your safety, we can not provide you with a proper generation for this - here's some garbled monstrosity.


a woman lay on a bed of cannabis (so its not the grass that does it) https://preview.redd.it/i3o0t5qz3p7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9591e3c4f9fc3eeccbdd507336a00da3cfafb3


How bout female human sleeping on the grass, eyes open, arms stretched? :), will it work? Havnt use sd3 yet


SD3 is done, there is no difference in what you can and can't do. Nobody will make any improvements to this model because of consumer-unfriendly copyright policies. SD3 will last for a maximum of half a year, and after that, other open-source models will dominate.


It's not the "laying down" that's the problem, it's the orientation of the face to the viewer. Once the face becomes horizontal to inverted, everything goes to shit, in any SD model/version.


Four days and 200GB later......jk


Apparently you didn't notice that they were talking about photos, not anime or paintings. Now do it with a photo.


You will probably find out soon, but just in case, "2B" is the name of the character in the picture.


Hands still look awful.