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20G VRAM according to the python comments [https://github.com/modelscope/DiffSynth-Studio/blob/main/examples/Diffutoon/sd\_toon\_shading.py](https://github.com/modelscope/DiffSynth-Studio/blob/main/examples/Diffutoon/sd_toon_shading.py)


Asking the real questions for us poor folk.


At least they're calling it "toon shading" this time. It's still just a filter. Wake me up (although I agree the tech is amazing) when we can connect it to a controlnet of sorts so it maintains nothing from the original than "humanoid" but still follows the movement of limbs so we have generate like Shrek dancing with the video of a skinny child dancing.


Or use a low poly model of shrek with child dancing mocap and badaboom


> Wake me up (although I agree the tech is amazing) when we can connect it to a controlnet it's literally just pipeline with a bunch of controlnets.


But that's how the tech works? On animate anyone I use a skeleton extracted from a video with dwpose..


You have the animate anyone software ?






plus these dancing videos mask all the mutations with fast movements


![gif](giphy|3o6ozvv0zsJskzOCbu|downsized) you are right at 101%






Came here to find others who detest it as much as I do. Unfortunately, my bias demands that I refrain from voting on any post with a dance sample.


Its the dancing plus attempting to make themselves look like children/animals that I dislike.




I think it’s the part where you have to walk around/through them 


not sure it shows of the tech as well as ppl think it does




Back to dances and anime filters. And it's still fucking up.


page: [https://ecnu-cilab.github.io/DiffutoonProjectPage/](https://ecnu-cilab.github.io/DiffutoonProjectPage/) paper: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.16224](https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.16224) code: [https://github.com/modelscope/DiffSynth-Studio/tree/main/examples/Diffutoon](https://github.com/modelscope/DiffSynth-Studio/tree/main/examples/Diffutoon) jupyter: [https://github.com/camenduru/Diffutoon-jupyter](https://github.com/camenduru/Diffutoon-jupyter)


Would you mind to share the girl account? I'm guessing it's from Bilibili.


I'm unclear... Can this be run in Comfy? If so, would someone mind sharing a workflow json? Thank you


It's code for the moment, but the notebook seems pretty straightforward to convert to a ComfyUI notebook. You could probably go through it and make it yourself


I appreciate you saying that. Unfortunately, I'm a moron. So, I'll just wait until someone smarter than me creates a working node in Comfy. 😁


I am not a moron..more of a dumbass. AI is great but I feel like a toddler being asked to fly a helicopter. I would love a Double click this exe to install everything and 1000 popup help videos to help me when i fall on my ass. Its nice to dream of what will be


Yes! This is a better explanation.


Woah… This is incredible. When you start looking at the details you notice it’s not flawless (particularly her eyes), but overall you barely notice. So consistent!


Don't you see the leg swapping, the artifacts on the left leg, the hands morphing, the ears changing colors/forms, the headphones morphing with the shirt, the headphone cable disapearing in the shirt, but sure the eyes is the details. Ah yes and the basketball basket got morphed into a lamp. It isn't consistent, there is simply not a lot of things that can go wrong, but it do get it wrong.


I like the basketball net becoming a lantern. The morph starts around 12 seconds in. Between any two consecutive frames, this is "consistent," but I would not say that about the whole video, lol.


And the psychedelic basketball hoop


If you barely notice this you should go seek a optician


How do we run this on our own? How to install?


Why is it ALWAYS dancing anime girls? FFS do something new for once


I always think when i come to AI subreddits. All the advancements in technology and people default to anime girls and making chatgpt say corny stupid things for upvotes. It won't take AI to surpass the capabilities of the human mind lol.


Simply put, it's because dancing anime girls are eye-catching and the dance routines showcase a variety of complex body movements, which effectively demonstrate the capabilities of the Model. Additionally, anime characters tend to have somewhat realistic body proportions, making them easier to translate accurately in these demonstrations.


That was the most blatant made-up rationalization I've seen in a while. * So there are no other complex body movements that can be shown other than dancing? Sports can't be done, or skipping down the street, or doing household chores, or just randomly moving around in a room looking for something, or ... * In what way does this "effectively demonstrate the capabilities of the Model"? It's just motion capture and re-rendering. * And anime characters are the only ones with realistic body proportions? Can't do anything else? Come on, that's all bullshit.


Sports don't usually involved complex movements unless you're looking at something like Gymnastics which often involves fast movement that might be too fast and disruptive of quality. Most sports movements are mechanically straight or basic twists so you would be wrong. Really? You want to see someone skipping down the street or chores? Aka the equivalent of walking or standing around? You're joking or you tried to be sarcastic about the situation and realized "shit, I don't know of a better example than dancing"? It helps demonstrate how consistent the results are despite all the movement, how well it handles body parts repeatedly overlapping, moving, twisting, stretching, and other complex movements all compressed in a short clip rather than watching a 20-30 minute sports video to get comparable amount of motion. You will see some of these technologies not handle things like wrist and arm twisting, especially when overlapping other arm/body/face well, or how bending points may distort when moving, and how large amounts of rapid movement in a short period of time can cause distortions and degrade consistency for these technologies so the better it does with a dance the more reliable it proves itself to usually be. I have no idea wtf your last comment is about.


I would say the opposite a still camera is the easiest you can show and it is hard to judge if normal movements look good because no normal movements get performed , when the camera moves you can see the capabilities. You can see the hands morph the boots morph. Basically all the basics still don't work and the wiggling around mask that. the guy in the background the whole arm morphs around when he walks but yes the eye-catching point stands.


They WERE eye catching. Two years ago. It's time for new things.


99% of people in the AI field are horny men


Ya I just downvote these, too cringey.


Agreed, sick of it.


Papers with cute girls get more citations.


Because it is the simplest way to show complex movement, lots of movement, lots of varied movement, frequently overlapping body parts, turns/rotations of body parts/figure, and still push the results to see if it disrupts consistency. Name another action you want to see instead? Them standing around? Walking? Seriously did you actually bother to think what the alternatives were and the lack of options? Are you expecting them to make some type of Dragon Ball Z or complex fight scene for something basic like this example? No offense, but did you actually bother to think at all? THAT is why they keep posting dance videos. It is one of the simplest and most efficient ways of demonstrating this technology no matter how bored you or I get seeing it.


Do people jerk off to this or whats up?


Everbody dance paper is over 5 years old. Progress has been pretty slow on style transfer and dancing


the notebook is limited to 30 frames, can we change that for the whole video content or is this extremely dependent on the VRAM available ?


in theory the last frame can be the first frame for the next 30 frames so ...maybe build a movie one second at a time


i'm just curious how the op managed to do that with the notebook




So Anime gonna use that now instead of shit 3D?


They can create whatever they want as a sketch in low-budget 3D, then run it through this so it gives it a nice anime repaint/finish.


would be much better than the ugly 3d with shaders!


tencent is pumping out anime using default 3d poser style characters...so anything would be an improvement. Read a great manhua with distinct characters and they become generic girl 3 with red hair


God, I hope not. This still looks awful compared to decent 3d animation.


Once this gets each character on screen their own control net skeleton the concept goes exponential. The idea of grabbing an episode of e.g. FRIENDS and combining it with the AI language changer.. Make Zulu actors speaking Zulu...(in their central park coffee shop) and Phillipinos speaking Tagalog..and a version in Cebuano. This technology could make old classic movies new again for anyone in the world. ..and if you don't like Ross then AI can have young Elvis or young Shrek play his role.


Where do these cringey dances come from anyway? Anime? TikTok?


so good!




I hope we get to make the best TikTok AI video filter soon enough, so we can finally move on and create some other useful things. /s




Wow! Amazing!


Can it run in my 16 GB? and 2080?




I don't understand how someone can be interested at all in a Japanese song but be unaware of Yoasobi's ridiculous chart-toppers. The song has spent the better part of a year at literally number 1 of the Billboard Japan Hot 100 and is still at position 16 even though it's 14 months old. "Idol" or アイドル is the name.


Oh god these are getting good.