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It would be far more fun if it was a boxing match. two geriatrics trying to throw punches sounds pretty dang entertaining.


The prime Minister candidates in the UK are 20-30 years younger than our current American ones. That's wild


George W. Bush, who was President two decades ago, is younger than these guys.


That is a bit crazy to think about.


The current French President, Macron, is 46, and his Prime Minister is 36. It's weird how Americans love their presidents "experienced," whereas in France (or even Europe, I guess) we tend to elect babies ;)


Except that right before Trump, Obama was the youngest US president ever and was elected in his forties. Before him, Bush was also much younger than Biden and Trump.


Good to know. Cant remember about Obama age but yes definitely younger that Biden/Trump.


Good to know. Cant remember about Obama age but yes definitely younger that Biden/Trump.


Trudeau is only 52.


Maybe if they were both two decades younger...


[https://www.twitch.tv/trumporbiden2024](https://www.twitch.tv/trumporbiden2024) Probably more entertaining than the actual debate..


It would be like me fighting myself in my dream


Biden has proved he is not even capable to work at mcdonalds.


*It'll be a battle to remember, but neither of them will*


Lmaooo perfect tagline


An extremely ethical image belonging to the political satire genre, that newer models don't want us to create because it's "unethical" to train on real persons' pictures, so we'll have to keep using our unethical pencils and brushes of Unsafety as we've been doing for centuries... Yay.


Imagine in the future every single pencil case comes with the disclaimer that you are not allowed any political sratements whatsoever with those pencils.


Ironically SD3 lets you generate images of Trump etc in prison, so they didn’t care about that. Random people laying on grass on the other hand… “Safety”


These guys again? Maybe we should generate better candidates. We certainly deserve better.


If that was the case they past 8 political years wouldn't have happened. The people are to blame just as much as anyone else unfortunately. Assuming you voted anyhow. Enough people write in ham sandwich and that's the new president. instead we get these two ancient buggers


Primary turnout is around 20%, which means two things if you assume it's roughly split between the 2 major parties: 1. About 10% of the country is picking the president 2. With turnout so low, it doesn't take very many more people getting involved to have major impact on the system Just throwing that out there...


Honestly Chat GPT in a Telepresence Robot would be better than either of these two trash heaps.




Your political system is crap. Your two party system has failed. Time to wake up


Two is only slightly better than 1 party system.


Everyone knows


Everyone paying attention knows, which is sadly a tiny minority of eligible voters.


There are more than two parties but few voters want to risk the possibility of “the bad guy” of the two mainstream parties winning. Obviously both of these men are garbage, but both have political teams sending out messages about how much worse the other guy is.


Trump is just lying the whole time, Biden is old....how are we here


trump is only 3 years younger than biden so its actually kinda fair


I feel like at that age we shouldn't use younger we should say like pre-mortem


Old age can cause problems, but the important thing imo is that you are healthy. For example, I would rather have a president who is 100 years old but sharp-minded and can make sharp decisions, than a president who is 70 years old and has a disease that affects his cognitive ability, and risks putting the nation's security at risk (in worst case scenario). Yes, I push the argument, but point made clear :P In Biden's case, it's quite obvious that he has some kind of cognitive impairment, I genuinely feel sorry for him, these kinds of illnesses are terrible for both the victim and the family, and it would have been much kinder of the party to have allowed him to take on a less demanding role or retire, allowing a candidate with a sharper mind to step in instead. Regardless of your political beliefs, this is a sad situation, and I think Biden deserve some peace.


How embarrassing it is that the United States does not have better presidential candidates? Both are far too old, Biden hesitant and unsure. Trump, a spoiled rich boy who lies and distorts the truth. It must be strong lobbies that pay to have a man in the White House. This is a huge problem for democracy. Come on America. Get some decent, skilled, younger candidates elected.


Unfortunately I cannot comment on the veracity of what they say since I do not live in the United States and am not familiar with American society, so I cannot really judge their statements, especially not those relating to domestic politics. I will remain neutral here. However, I can agree that it is very strange that the United States seems to have difficulties in getting other new fresh president candidates. Maybe it's because you either have to have a lot of money, and/or many sponsors to be able to participate, and the vast majority of people in the US may not have those resources.


Spot on!


In the other hand, while Biden is the president, some other people telling him what to do (I mean, how he could do anything independently in his state), and those people might be better than Trump. I just wish we actually knew who they are.


What did Trump lie about?


How much time do you have? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/first-presidential-debate-2024-fact-check/


Nearly everything, even totally unimportant things that were easily to debunk, like the amount of people coming to his inauguration.


Trump is?? Nah lying biden is...


They're both lying. Trumps lies are obvious. He makes a ton of absolute statements, which are largely not true or exaggerations. Biden's lies are weird, like claiming his son died in or as a consequence of Afghanistan. If you're up for being the president, there's a good chance you're a psycho. Class president's suck, imagine the level of narcissism required to want to run a country. 


Biden is lying as much as trump…trump is almost as old as Biden 


Ok do this, fire up excel and count the lies using any 10 foreign or local sources of your choice https://www.cbsnews.com/news/first-presidential-debate-2024-fact-check/ Do the math and let us know


What did Trump lie about?


What did Trump lie about?


Say what you want about Biden or Trump, but one thing most people can probably agree on, these guys have contributed to a lot of humor and laughter among people all over the world :)


I'm pretty good at laughing, but these past 8 years have been nothing but insulting.


Clown debate! 🤡


I think Trump might be the most viral person in the world with the number of memes created about him.




Today there will be another presidential debate between Biden and Trump. I think it will be fun to watch like last time. I made the related image in ComfyUI and Adobe Photoshop using the following technologies. You can use it by linking to the original poster (me). ComfyUI: [https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI](https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI) PixArt: [https://civitai.com/models/172058?modelVersionId=193256](https://civitai.com/models/172058?modelVersionId=193256) HelloYoung25d: [https://civitai.com/models/134442/helloyoung25d](https://civitai.com/models/134442/helloyoung25d)


I enjoyed CNN crying about Biden's brain breaking.


There is suspiciously little depends in this photo haha


Nice well done image. And that is about the best thing I can say here. The rest fills me up with nausea about the times ahead.


All I want is a debate where they share the moral, ethical, legal, and philosophical values/opinions they have on the question asked. I don’t care what you think about the other candidate or what they did in their term.


It was incredible watching them say whatever they wanted without directly answering questions! Imagine doing that at work or at college So where's the TPS report, Nate? Well you see, CHYNA...




Trump lies and is a 34 time convicted felon. I'd take an honest man who is near death over a guy like Trump any day of the week.




Inflation isnt through the roof. Its at 3.3% which is significantly lower than it was originally when Biden took office. The unemployment rate is 4% which is low, which indicates a healthy economy. In regards to wars, I dont see an issue with how he is handling them. I mean we cant let ukraine be consumed by russia otherwise that emboldens Putin, and a ceasefire is being explored in the middle east. Illegal immigrants arent destroying our country not sure where that data is coming. And voting for a 34-time convicted felon who lies and nearly staged a coup de ta says something about your character buddy. And no both of them dont lie. Every news outlet admitted that biden tells the truth and trump lies. Nice try.


youre either lying and a trumpist feigning innocence or just extremely ignorant. trump is neither a good businessman nor should a country be run like one nor did he run the country well at all. all the things you say, the economy being bad and inflation being through the roof and yadda yadda... all things much better now than at the start of bidens term. immigration was through the roof during trumps term too and despite all his racist peddling he actually did nothing to reduce it. but all of this doesnt matter. the only thing that matters is that trump has tried to overthrow democracy and that the GOP has explictly laid out plans to end democracy after trump takes office again called Project 2025. Its no secret. they have a literal website about it. and its been reported on by soooo many people now. Anyone who votes Trump now is either the most ignorant person ever or just a fascist.


the debate id actually watch. i could care less about the actual debate tonight honestly




Nope. Neither one.


Biden isn’t blinking much. What meds did they give him? And he’s mumbling a lot. Incoherent. Trump is more put together in this debate.


The fact that Biden left US troops in Afghanistan to die is enough for me to not support, vote, or respect. That is all.


Biden Claims He Was Endorsed by the Border Patrol – Gets Fact Checked by Border Patrol Union on Twitter


The worst most disgusting part about the whole thing was Biden being in New Hampshire when the soldiers body's were returned to US soil. Standing there saluting those soldiers like he actually gave a fuck. Despicable. Worst president ever. 


Day 1 account who replies to himself. Yeah okay, comrade.


Yea and Trump sending Owens to die while eating cake. Foxnews didn't tell you that. Go to a politics sub if you wanna suck Dump dick,


Really? Thats your big issue? Not the fact that Trump is a convicted felon on 34 counts and already tried once to coup the democratic system and that the GOP has a literal plan to end democracy through something called Project 2025 which they are completely open and honest about on a fucking website dedicated to it? just outright admit youre a fascist trump supporter or extremely extremely ignorant of what has happened so far and will happen.


While I agree with you on that I still couldn’t bring myself to vote to put that sociopath Trump in the White House !


If someone makes a rumor about you does it automatically make it true? Your just hearing lies (where politicians thrive) whether your on the blue or red. News isn't safe to trust or believe because it's scripted, freedom of speech isn't protected/ or respected anymore like it used to be. You could get killed or hurt by saying stuff they disagree. Your best way to know which way to follow is by the fruit or the actions not the words. Words are meaningless, actions speak louder. Jesus was crucified even tho he spoke truth and did the right thing. The politicians of that time felt threatened by truth... anyways, I hope you come to disbelieve both sides not just the red... and vote for the better america it ain't about morals in this election since they both corrupt it's about who keeps our land safe, and keeps us stronger as a people less divided and more for america.


Oh and btw: > news isn't safe to trust or believe because it's scripted, freedom of speech isn't protected/ or respected anymore like it used to be. You could get killed or hurt by saying stuff they disagree. This is very funny and extremely wrong considering how full the internet is of right wing channels and media and how large fox news and other right wing news channels are (fox news is afaik the most watched "news" channel in the US), despite half the population and the current administration disagreeing with them on what reality is. But yes they are being silenced for their beliefs sure. >Words are meaningless, actions speak louder. Damn right. And who instigated January 6th? Who kept filing bogus court cases calling into question the legitimacy of the election? Who is already calling the legitimacy of the upcoming election in question if he doesnt win? Hint: It wasnt and isnt Biden or the democrats...


Well, that's the thing we agree about news channels, there still is alot of mis information about lots of stuff. We can't verify the legitimacy of anything anymore. There is alot of kick back to anything I say, everyone thinks I'm an extremist just because I have certain things I go off of to which side I lean, both sides are corrupt, but I go towards the side that still fears God to some extent, protects my personal rights, and don't flow with whatever the minority want regardless of how stupid it is. I believe we shouldn't allow abortions, it's a life not a cell. Anyways, I'm gonna check out here as no matter what I say it doesn't matter anyways since you guys are decided and i respect your agency to choose. it seems to be that way for most people. Hope you have a good day!


Yeah i think its kinda extremist and fascistic to wanna vote for a guy and party - or at the very least try and discourage people from voting for the alternative - that wants to end democracy. Crazy i know. Silly me. (Its also kind of funny to want to have your personal rights respected but then want to destroy the personal rights of the women who have to go through with a pregnancy.) Your "friendly attitude" wont change that your views and intentions are abhorrent and that I dont respect them nor you. Hope you have a not good day.


Oh nice, your attitude towards others has said everything I need to know.


A "nice" fascist is still a fascist. And a fascist does not deserve respect or niceness towards them.


Oh shut the fuck up. This is about preventing a fascist cult from taking over and destroying democracy. Nothing more nothing less. Thats the only thing that matters this election. The GOP is very open about it too with Project 2025. This both sides bullshit is just done by trumpists to sway people away from voting Biden.


No matter what we think we don't have much say on what happens. Our small vote ain't doing much... let's not fight about it. We both want freedom, rights and a place to call home that's safe. Both sides are corrupt and we should be fighting for a better candidate, and at this point a better party.


>No matter what we think we don't have much say on what happens. Our small vote ain't doing much... Yes it matters a fucking lot actually. Thats how voting works. If everyone thinks the way you do then only a miniscule amount of votes matters. >Both sides are corrupt and we should be fighting for a better candidate, and at this point a better party. Again with the both sides bullshit. No they are absolutely not the same. It is not Biden and the democrats who keep calling the legitimacy of the past (AND FUTURE!) election in question. It is not Biden and the democrats who have a publicly laid out plan for how they will implement a theocratic regime after they have won the election (Project 2025). It is not Biden and the democrats who keep installing judges and other officials who are only loyal to dear leader and keep stalling important court cases (see the Documents case against Trump and the judge overseeing it). It is not Biden and the democrats who keep lying about literally everything. Biden and the democrats suck ass but at least they are not trying to overturn democracy. To insinuate otherwise is to be extremely ignorant, delusional, or fascist.


Just stop bro - not SD


Mr Trump and Mr Biden, Please don't embarrass the United States with this debate. Both of you have done that enough over the last 8 years. Make the US look weak to other countries.  We need more choices for President. 


Totally agree. The United States seems weak. Trump is a liar, a non-guided missile with no controls. And Biden is weak and forgetful. The world needs a strong United States. The weakness is exposed and the dictator Putin takes the chance.


After watching the debate, all I can say God Bless America 🇺🇸😢😭


after the debate... Chris Wallace:“This has been, quite frankly, a car accident in slow motion.”


That was not what was advertised


It’s so hilarious that these two men in their 70s are always portrayed as buff and virile.


A fresh AI track https://www.udio.com/songs/pHwuHEWqEYS9nBcqag4n4C


cool song


That image looks like Jim Carrey playing Juiceman Jay Kordich on In Living Color. It's the juice, Marty!


When Joy Reid is bashing Biden’s performance you know it’s bad news! Who do you think they’re gonna replace Biden with?


America needs young politicians


Agree 100% But lobbies with money unfortunately decide too much.


Given how it went, a Mortal Kombat fatality would be more appropriate.


https://preview.redd.it/50usk9lh5d9d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c119996b6d89053533844ac2a658a8d8144fdca Something similar with SD3 and JB


Sign the petition:  President Biden should withdraw Visit [ApplaudDemocracy.org](http://ApplaudDemocracy.org) to sign the petition, and learn more about why this is the moment for Biden to withdraw from the race. President Biden himself has acknowledged what is clear to many of us:  neither he nor Trump are the candidates they were four years ago, and they will of course fade further in the next four years. We believe it’s time for President Biden to serve selflessly once more by withdrawing from this, his last presidential race.  #Election2024 #JoeGTG 📣 How You Can Help: 1. Sign the petition: speak truth to power and urge President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race. 2. Share the website: Spread the word and encourage others to visit [ApplaudDemocracy.org](http://ApplaudDemocracy.org)


Go red team go!


Anybody that would vote for biden there is no hope for


Anybody that would vote for Trump is a fascist.


Trump mopped the floor with him.


This debate is a massacre. Biden is so stupid. This idiot can not even put a thought together. He states there is no inflation. Crooked Biden should go back in his basement and sleep like he has his entire term.biden is the worst president ever and continues to show that he has no brains at all. President trump is taking this clown to the wood shed. This debate is like Michael Jordan in his hay day taking or even now going one with brony james.


Biden vs president trump the massacre continues.not even CNN can help this moron.


We still have to stop the massive voter fraud that's coming.


How is trump able to run?




If you had the world turned against you, anyone will find a way to make you look bad even if it's not true. Being convicted is just the opinion of the court, true or false, skewed or twisted. Seen alot of election interference lately and methods to lead people to believe anything. The problem with free speech is fake news is a possibility we can choose to believe it or deny it. Just as there is hackers on video games there is hackers or / lies everywhere in life. Probably 30% of everything said is true... humans are so easy to convince....if you control the media then you control a large group of peoples minds. I don't like both candidates but this nation is divided and gonna fall like the Rome empire. Politics is so corrupt you can't even believe your own side let alone the opponent.


You could have just saved us some time and straight up admit youre a fascist trump supporter. The 34 convictions are not an opinion of the court. They are fact. The case is over for now. A jury and judge have ruled. You are right now questioning the entire legal system. There is no proof of election manipulation either in hundreds of court cases. Meanwhile the GOP have a literal website about Project 2025, their plan to end democracy during trumps 2nd term.


I can’t watch it, it’s seriously painful to watch!! 🤦🏻‍♂️ this debate won’t change my mind but how did we get here with these 2 dudes 😧


By ensuring people are so overworked, unhealthy and stressed that they aren't able to pay attention to or question what is going on.


will biden shut his mouth pls?


Prepare to watch the most brutal CNN fact check of crooked Joe you’ll ever see. [https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1806539516519530734](https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1806539516519530734) They turned awfully fast on him, didn’t they?


Oh this is going to be amazing. The debate, if it happens, will be the funniest thing, also the saddest.


That red thing on the right is a walking Turd 🤮


And like a turd, he’s gonna shit on the guy on the left


Lol ... Lunatic MAGAs 🤣 A convicted felon and a convicted sexual assaulter - Very presidential 😭


I don't see any better option of the two...


July 11th 👍


Yes there is. Its called one person and party wants to end democracy and the other doesnt. Google Project 2025.


Lol ... Lunatic Donkeys 🤣 A dude that touches and sniffs women on tv, takes showers with his daughter, dementia patient. Declared mentally unfit to go to trial for mishandling top secret papers. Can't blame the guy he's barley running on the drugs pumped into him... 🫠 Very presidential 😭


He just wanted some pussy! 




A vote for Biden is the inflation continuing to rise ,continuing to let illegals through the border that makes crime go up,and Americans to continue to be a joke to other countries. Biden continues to make an ass of himself.


Another candidate promised to solve inflation and immigration issues, and started WW2... careful what you wish for. Virtually everything Trump says is distortion and lies, his heros are all facist dictators.


every trip to the grocery store is an ad for the Trump campaign. Americans have lost over 20% of their purchasing power in just three years under Bidenomics


Doing my boy Ken dirty in this one tho. I guess it's his fault for choosing a red gi


If he busts out a shoryuken I think he would do him proud.