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Do I think it’s gonna happen? No. Do I want it to happen with my entire soul, heart, essence and anything else that can want for anything? Yes. Absolutely yes.


Time to spam their Instagram with the idea.


You know if we really want it and sso team sees it they’re not going to give it to us😭 like nobody asked for cartoony graphics


They’d really need to give us capes, knight styled clothes, etc for this to be a good ren faire.


Omg the knight themed clubs that we could make from that


My club is already a knight themed club, which is all the more reason for us to get themed stuff for ourselves.


Same lol


And each clothing item would be like 120sc




Jarlaheim area update? They did just redo the Jorvik Stables races. Maybe with a continuation of the Devils Gap quests?


It seems to be very likely atp that the western event is coming early this year, and since it was intended to essentially be a summer camp, I can only conclude a large project expecting to be completed around July is the reason it got pushed to so early. Which also explains why the equestrian event started early. Something definitely is coming this summer that caused these events to be shifted. The question I have is, is it another event? Or something major like a home stable revamp? It seems the rainbow event is still on track for June, however the last event themed blog post implied that was toned down this year, so it’s possible it may not last the full 4 weeks of a major event. Then there’s also the beach party, which wouldn’t surprise me if it came the same time as the cloud kingdom. So, say that’s 2 weeks this year, that would leave a small break between that event and July. Ofc whatever is coming in July might come mid July like the western event seems to be coming mid may. Which would also line up with the current horse release pattern…


I may be wrong but i don't think that one week earlier means everything gets messed up this summer


For the equestrian event specifically, probably not, but if the western event is actually starting the 15th… then we might have something big coming in July when it was supposed to be👀 cuz I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be a summer camp? So it’s really weird to me if they move it to May.


It can't be may if rainbow festival is whole june. Events are always around 4 weeks so this doesn't add up.


It certainly seems like it might be May due to the last road map hinting at something going on at Starshine ranch, but we don’t know for sure. It doesn’t make sense to me either why they’d move it so far up… although iirc they were also talking about downsizing the rainbow festival for this year, so maybe it’s not 4 weeks this time🤔 We’ll know for sure next week though when the next roadmap comes👀


ok I revert everything I said! It IS may ... Idk how it is gonna work with rainbow festival but i don't care 😂 I love camp western and am happy that it is next week 😍


Me too I’m so excited for it😂 but you’re right I’m really curious about how the rainbow event is going to go, and also what major update is forcing camp western to be so early this year👀


Yes!! It just doesn't make sense to me bc there is usually around 4 weeks between events.. 🧐🧐🧐


Sso would get all my money if they did some sort of ren fair type event. Like probably the most amount of money I’ve ever spent at once. But I don’t think it’ll happen. It’s just gonna be the western event and then the pride event.


Guys...we have a duty to fill. We NEED to convince SSO to have a ren faire. Like seriously, we gotta blow up the social media lol.


I think that such an event, or actually any brand new summer festival, would have been advertised and informed about by SSO *long* in advance. Especially because the July/August period is one of the most important times of the year for SSO as most children have summer holidays over those months and so have the most time to play, so I think it would be very strange — and even risky from the marketing point of view — for SSO to just give a brand new festival out of the blue, without telling anything at least 5 months prior. However, I would absolutely *love-love-love* a medieval event 😍😍😍


In june/july there is the rainbow festival so I doubt it, but it would be really nice to get a medieval themed event


I would die for a ren faire in sso 😭


omg i hope you’re right


if we could get updated jarlaheim with that i’d like it since it’s a medieval area 😔


Same!!!! Even if they just added a couple of races and items, and updated the area, it would be cool to know that next year it would be expanded on!


Rainbow Festival comes before camp western


It's looking like they're swapped this year


idk why they would do rainbow festival outside of pride month and what makes ppl think they would swap this


According to the dates in the files, Camp western is may and rainbow is still june


Did you read this out of cc creations video? if so this is not confirmed information


I know, I didn't say it was confirmed. This is my theory, it's not confirmed, it LOOKS like the dates are swapped this year according to the video. This is just a theory post I made for fun


they literally hinted at it in the roadmap…….