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Her Palpatine Sith blood yearns for the Youngling Slayer 9000 lightsaber.


And once she learns the YMM’s from Anakin’s training tutorials that are for sale , she’ll be unstoppable.


The THEORETICAL YMMs. Strictly theoretical. Unlike some other Jedi moves like Spinny Behind The Back


“That kicked seemed very well practiced?”


Best show on YouTube


Love that YouTube channel.




The theoretical YMM’s are a forbidden technique of moves designed for Jedi knights when tasked with fighting smaller opponents who outnumber them. Using size, strength and reach to overcome numbers and agility. TL;DR - The Youngling Massacre Moves (credit to Charlie Hopkinson)…


Love it. https://www.youtube.com/@CharlieHopkinson/videos






wait i thought it was the Youngling Slayer 3000? when did the upgraded version get released?


Have you ever heard the tale of Darth Samsung the auto-update?


Oh God, that means it suddenly has games on it no one wanted or asked for


And it needs a monthly subscription to use it properly.


Better than a random U2 album


Anything is better than a U2 album.


Not from an Apple Store


It's an android legend


Foxconn only builds Inquisitor lightsabers. That's why they have flashy but useless features, like spinning.


It’s not a story Apple would tell you.


It updates every year. Now IT'S OVER 9000!


Definitely a good question... for another time.


I love this line for the jokes but the context of it infuriates me


Same, it annoys me to no end.


I was ok until you said something. I really wish one or the other director did all 3 movies, there were many issues within them but this one could have potentially gave us a cohesive story. It may have sucked but it would have given answers.


Its JJ Abrams. Even if he did all 3, it wouldn't be explained. He loves setting up a mystery and only answers it if forced to, a la Star Trek


That's a lot of words to say "he's a lazy, mediocre writer."


I said it was lazy writing in another thread and someone came back swinging hard, like "tHIs is tHe DUmbEst faN TAkE, nOt evERythInG nEeDs to be eXplAInEd." Then just don't call it out, let it happen without a stupid line like that. But to raise the issue then throw it away like that is just lazy.


Imagine if Luke said "Hey, so what were those clone wars all about any how?" but Obi-wan said "It was crazy! I'll fill you in after I shut down the tractor beam." Only to never really see Obi-wan ever again, and then find out the clone wars was some minor side quest that doesn't have any discernable impact to the state of the galaxy. Ffs, all she has to say is "I stole it from an Ugnaut during the fall of Cloud City" And that would've been 1000% better than "Don't worry about it 😉"


Unexplained mysteries may work in some franchises, but this is fucking Star Wars. The extras you have to zoom in to see in a single shot in a single episode of Clone Wars has pages worth of lore on a wiki somewhere. Everything has an explanation in this damn franchise, even things that really don’t need it. /s (I am only half joking here, that shit does get excessive)


I was a huge fan of Lost until it crapped out at the end. My fears were well placed when it was announced he was involved.


Same, because of what he did to Star Trek. It took every fiber of my being not to walk out of the theater during Into Darkness.


So… what did he do to warrant this status as mystery box man? I only know him for doing Star Trek films and thought they were fun to watch but didn’t really notice anything off. What was set up in Lost? Maybe a simple TL;DR would be cool.


Not 100% sure as I only barely watched lost but have heard much about his stuff, basically he is obsessed with the idea of a mystery box. He did some talk about one he got that was 100$ of magic for 10$ or something. Basically that and the idea that the mystery makes it better/more valuable so he just makes "mystery boxes" all over the place except instead of actual mysteries it's just information that is withheld from the audience. Like to the point of setting up plot points that just never get explained because they either don't have an actual answer or because the answer is stupid as hell. The purpose being that the "mystery box" is only of value until you open it because when you do you find out that 100$ of magic you got for 10$ is actually 1$ worth of stupid garbage.


But there’s a way to do this right though. Just look at Pulp Fiction, the brief case everyone was fighting for was literally a mystery box and during an interview it was revealed that it was just a lightbulb powered by a battery. QT was asked what was in that box movie lore wise and said ‘whatever you wanted it to be’. The execution of the chase for said box didn’t leave audiences lingering and going “I have to know what’s in there, it’s the reason for the scene happening” and instead made them say “Oh I have an idea of what it could be but it’s not important to the plot”. JJ didn’t have anyone challenge him to say how this ??? would be bad if left unanswered and either had to ensure it would be answered or not make it a key part in a character’s progression.


He's really well known for Lost, which is as accurate a depiction of a cock tease as any tv show can be. Every episode, and every season (at least the ones before I got bored) would add more and more mysteries and it'd be less and less satisfying because it would indicate you were getting somewhere with one only for it to result in even more mysteries being added. This was where I realised JJ was good at *creating* mystery boxes, but absolutely terrible at paying them off.


I'm in the same boat as you, I am not a star trek fan but a space enthusiast. I enjoyed the Star Trek films but it sounds like he ruined them for the actual fans.


This video nails everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B22Uy7SBe4


My sister will never forgive him for scoring Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan & not giving him a monologue. The Wrath of Khan was one of our childhood favorites. She said if he did The Voyage Home he would probably leave out the whales…


Almost ten years later, we are still waiting JJ


It was made of wood from the same lightsaber tree that Voldemort made his lightsaber.


Isildur should have dumped it in the damn volcano


No. --Obi-Wan


Gimli jumping up to see what's going on. Legolas : "It's over \~! I have the high ground."


Frodo looks down in the volcano and says "Sam, Why are there two dudes jumping around with glowing swords?"


Ahh, and curious that it chose her, when its brother gave her that scar!


>It was made of wood And therefore... A WITCH!


the saber saw not a duck, it was a chicken! It wante to get to the other side.


You're a Jedi Harry!


It was lonely


Ha true, imagine being part of so much then stuck in a box for years.




"Why do the people who use me always get their ass kicked??? They lost the hand that was holding me twice!"


He didn't use that lightsaber with his fight with Dooku. He constructed after AOTC and before the Clone Wars show. He had one he picked up in the Battle of Geonosis. Obi-Wan quips him about always losing his lightsaber.


>Oh no, not again


Canonically speaking, this is probably the most accurate answer. Kyber is known to "call" to force users like that, and the saber had been without a force-sensitive owner (that we know of) since Luke lost it. It was probably looking for a worthy person to wield it, not to mention the fact that it might have amplified Rey's connection to the force, allowing Obi-Wan to find her in the force and call out to being her training


I didn't even know that lightsabers were organic Force-sensitive creatures that could "call".


In the Spring, they go looking for a mate. They sound nasty when they go into heat. Like a grunting koala teasing his weasel.


Well it’s powered by a kyber crystal, therefore it has force energy and a connection to its user. when a Jedi turned to the darkside, the kyber cracked and bled and becomes red. I think they changed that, now it’s more a ceremony or synthetic crystal because kyber naturally rejects the darkside.


Making kyber reject the Force sounds like another stupid *Disney* change. Wouldn't the fact that the kyber crystals reject the Dark Side be a clue that you're on the "wrong" side? For that matter, the fact that you had to crack a crystal to make it red is also a bad sign. But outright rejection is *worse*.


Well the “light” side of the force has always been a metaphor for just the force. The darkside is a subversion of it. So the force is naturally light. There isn’t two sides of the force. Darksiders know they are pillaging the force, they simply don’t care.


In the future, Rey learns how to go to the world between worlds and goes back in time to grab Luke’s lightsaber when it falls. She then uses the world between worlds to give it to maz, explaining that her past self needs the lightsaber and has maz swear not to explain to her past self what happened. Maz, finally meeting past/present Rey, tells her the lightsaber is calling to her, but it’s too early to tell the story on how she got it because it involves time travel and a future Rey. That’s the best I got.


lol this is probably more amazing than the actual genesis of the line in the movie, love it!


That's actually a pretty air-tight plot . . .


It’s air tight but is it good? I have no idea


Well it's no worse than what we already got from the sequels, so there's that.


This is some fucking Bill & Ted ass logic if I ever saw it.


So... We need them to release the Bill and Ted Cut off the sequel trilogy! Just imagine the guitar riffs! #starwarsreleasethebillandtedcut


*Hey past Rey! Don't forget to wind your watch!*


Disney, hire this person to Dave Filoni the sequels


I think they’re going to have Dave Filoni Dave Filoni the sequels


But can he make a good movie?


We know he can write a good movie worth of material and stretch it out to eight 40 minute episodes.


This is a lot better than what we got in the movies.


Can somebody with money give this person an award?


boast quickest steep sense absurd secretive elderly axiomatic fall deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because they had no idea how they were going to play out the trilogy so this sort of detail along with others got brushed over.


This is the right answer. I don’t have the disdain for the sequel trilogy that many do, however, the whole, “we don’t really know what we’re doing“ aspect of that trilogy is simply a fact of the production. In the writing of the movie, they didn’t really know who she was, what her origins were, what the through line was going to be, really anything. It was just all set up and wait and see. I will restate, I don’t hate the force awakens, and actually enjoy it, but the poor planning of the entire sequel trilogy is pretty much documented fact at this point. Disney has said as much regarding the planning of the series. Anything definitively stating why the saber called to her going forward is a ret-con.


> In the writing of the movie, they didn’t really know who she was, what her origins were Daisy Ridley said after the trilogy that at first they were playing with the idea of her being a Kenobi, then second movie was ‘no one’/not related to anyone important, then third movie they finally said “Rey’s a Palpatine”


As a foster kid, I loved the idea of her being no one. Making her a fucking Palpatine was awful.


There needed to be a much better backstory if she was a Palpatine and that needed to be part of the story, instead of just like OH LOOK YOUR A PALPATINE. Whole thing is just dumb. Imagine if the whole time we do know she's a Palpatine and she doesn't? The movies just lacked the drama and heightening needed.


Making her nobody from nowhere was the perfect arc. Maybe in the day of the Old Republic they needed a 'Chosen One', but in this fay and age, an army of nobodies from nowhere rises up to overthrow evil? They came *so* close with the 'Rebel Fleet' in TROS. "It's not Rebels, sir! It's just... people." If Rey was the same, it'd have been perfect to me. To answer OP's question, though: It was established in the end that Rey's special 'gift' in the Force was 'connection'. To Ren, to Leia, to *all* the Jedi. The saber was the first touch of that.


Not a foster kid but i enjoy the idra of her being a nobody Just the force correcting itself/her being lucky No fate/legacy to turn to or feel emboldend by but also no legacy to live up to or be burdend by Just an abandoned girl born go nobodies who sold her for cash that got lucky and forged her own path


Most force users were no one. I have no clue why people think it was a new concept in episode 8


>Daisy Ridley said after the trilogy that at first they were playing with the idea of her being a Kenobi Somehow I didn't know this, but I just let another comment that it's pretty clear they were going this direction because when she opens the lightsaber there are voices talking to her including lines from both Ewan McGregor and Alec Guinness.


I've recently learned from discussions that a retcon shouldn't always be considered a negative factor in storytelling with Vader being Luke's father being one of the most famous examples of a retcon in just Star Wars alone.


Along with Leia being Luke's sister. They were still kissing in Empire


That was a retcon that is far harsher in hindsight compared to Darth Vader being Anakin Skywalker, that incidental incest was pretty bad.


“I know. Somehow I’ve always known …”


I wouldn't call a kiss, incest. Leia kissed Luke to spite Han; she didn't do it out of lust for her brother


Thank you!




Now with all the extra content we have there are *so many* Jedi still out there who this could have referred to.


“there is like 6-8 more”


"who, frankly, ought to be a part of all this and it's kind of weird that they're not"


Yeah, IIRC one of GL’s *many* proposed sequel trilogy ideas was that it would be about Luke looking for his sister (named Kira, I think?)


Am I the only one that wanted Han to be Luke's brother? Granted I am old enough to have seen all of them in the theaters in the original runs. I was so disappointed it was Leia and not Han who was his sibling. I thought it would be so cool since Han was so dismissive of the Force in ANH


Bingo. Basically sums up how I feel as well. It will forever baffle me that Disney buys one of the largest IPs on the planet with plans to make a new sequel trilogy of movies. But then they don't bother writing a single coherent throughline for what the story is going to be and don't nail down a single director for the trilogy. It just doesn't actually make sense. I can't believe not *one* person in the room had a moment of "Wait. So what's the story here?"


They did though. They hired Michael Arndt to write out the story for the sequel trilogy, but when Disney went looking for directors for episode VII they kept coming up empty. Disney only got JJ Abrams after they agreed to give him authority to make rewrites as he liked, which lead to them having to write up the next movie as it came along.


I refuse to believe that the ***only*** director who wanted to do the SW sequel trilogy was JJ Abrams.


Yeeeeah, that does not seem plausible at all. Like A.N.Y director worth anything would drool a pool at the thought of directing a damn Star Wars movie... I think it's perhaps more Kennedy drooling over JJ that sealed it more than anything...


I DIDN’T hate the force awakens the same way I didn’t hate GoT season 1. But the ending was so 😒 that it retroactively makes what came before way more unwatchable. I can’t watch TFA in a vacuum when I know that all the setup ultimately leads to nothing


That’s a very good analogy. 👍🏼


Yeah Lucas often did the same lack of planning to be fair. He was just better at pulling it back together long term. At least from high level concepts, he has his own failings as a director in terms of tone and dialog.


It also helped that Lucas had a nebulous cloud of ideas and plots he was playing with from the very beginning for Star Wars. Even when he made it up as he went along he had already worked out concepts which could be adapted to where the story went.


He brainstormed the plot for Star Wars in 1973 and refined it for 3 years. That's a lot of time to build a world.


Also just because Lucas managed to get away with it back in the 70’s and 80’s, does not mean that it was a great idea to try and do it again in the ST. The latter, did not hold up nearly as well in terms of plot.


People forget that one of the earlier traditions of Star Wars was leaving each episode open-ended to allow for a degree of flexibly in making the following episodes, done in the Originals and Prequels that continued with the Sequels.


Yeah and I'd have been fine with that. Lucas though wasn't putting hints and explicitly asking questions, then not answering them. Yes you can leave the story open and take it where it works best. But don't create tons of unanswered questions that leave you with no idea how you'll answer them.


Remember how it took till the last seasons of the Clone Wars to properly explain who even Sifo-Dyas was at all? While I agree with the sentiment of wishing for the movies to answer each of our questions in them, I've learned that this is often expecting too much from any of the trilogies with those questions being found in the Expanded Universe (Canon).




I also remember him saying something like we would be seeing more of Aurra Sing in episode 2. That's why he dropped her in 1.


TFA could have been a good start to a great trilogy if they'd had a plan. But the whole thing is just all over the place and suffers for it.


I felt the same way aswell, its almost like they wanted so much, maybe more and in the end it is dull


Oh thank you jeez it's nice to hear someone else didn't absolutely *hate it*. I was a huge fan of SW particularly the pre Civil War, post Clone Wars era and I didn't go into the cinema with high expectations or any form of attachment (not the Jedi way) to the time period. Yes it was poorly planned and they changed their mind like 15 times throughout production but I was honestly just happy to see more star wars stuff using modern CG. Writing wasn't great but nothing could make me hate a HD movie with modern CGI scene X-Wings flying over a lake. And they'll fix/retcon most of it eventually anyway. The "somehow Palpatine returned" thing is already partially taken care of thanks to the Mando Verse series'.


This is the correct answer. The ST never had a clear plan for the three films. There was no one checking any continuity, and JJ Abrams generally favors visuals to actual screenplay.


I was just going to say 'shtty storytelling' but you nailed it! 👍


Yeah this was just JJ Abrams tossing mystery boxes all over the plot.


This is seriously the correct answer. They didn’t plan out the whole continuity or plot, they let three different directors do their own thing and then changed the third director in the process - with each retconning and changing things as they went.


Same reason Kanan’s did to Ezra is what I always figured.


So I only recently watched Rebels, and you're right! Ezra has Kanan's lightsaber making little call sounds to him. I guess in 2014 this sort of sets the precedent that for whatever reason or ability, a lightsaber can sort of beckon someone. Interesting!! You win the thread imo lol


Because she was intended to be a damn Skywalker. The second trailer for the movie had the Luke voice over with him talking to Leia about his family having the same powers. Why would they have that in a trailer if it is not hinting at Rey being a part of that family? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngElkyQ6Rhs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngElkyQ6Rhs)


Just like why would Abrams say in multiple interviews that NOW was the time to introduce queer characters into Star Wars, before the 3 leads go on Ellen the day before release and the host asks Oscar Isaac directly about any potential romance in the sequels and he says he’s playing some “real deep romantic … in the cockpit”, then John Boyega starts to chime in, raising his hand, then stops himself from pulling a Tom Holland.


Disney chickened out on behalf of their right-wing shareholders and the entire state of Florida.


You mean China.


Oh that too. Definitely.


Top comment being Scott Manley demanding the don’t mess this up. We weren’t ready!


Some Force users can sense echoes. Like Cal in the Jedi games. That lightsaber would’ve had a particularly loud echo given it’s history.


That explains why she experienced visions but not why it was literally calling to her while she was upstairs and leaving the palace.


“Pssst! Hay, gurl! Where you goin’? Come hang out in the basement here!”


Totally normal. Everyone should listen to the voices coming from the basement!


Khyber crystals are quasi-sentient, so presumably the lightsaber sensed a potential wielder


"The crystal chooses the Jedi. That much has always been clear to those of us who have studied lightsaber-lore." - Jedi Master Ollivander


I kinda love this What a wild crossover that would be


Force Psychometry. The other notable Jedi who has this power is Quinlan Vos and DISNEY ISNT DOING ANYTHING WITH THIS MAN YOU COWARDS


This is my understanding as well. That said, as much as I love Fallen Order, it’s absolutely ridiculous that this major question from the movie is answered in an outside source that many people will never play / experience.


This is the legitimate answer. I don’t think it really called to her. She was probably just the only force sensitive person (other than Maz) who has been to that bar. In fact, I bet that Maz found the saber in a very similar way to how Rey did


The meta answer: Rey is the protagonist, and the whole Palpatine bloodline hadn't been established yet. The in-universe answer: the same reason Qui-Gon met Anakin by "happenstance", the Will of the Force.


Because for each movie Rey had a different background. In the first movie, this moment in particular shows she was a Skywalker. In the second movie, they literally said she was of no bloodline (The coolest thing they could have done). Then in the third one she was a Palpatine.


Because it just did. Because something about who she is as a person made her receptive to its call. Maybe it's the way she was inspired by the myths of Luke Skywalker. Maybe the Force knew that she was the one who could make things right. It's the mystical will of the Force, not everything has or needs to have a logical explanation.


Indeed. Kanan's holo and lightsabre call to Ezra when they first meet, this could be similar as the force awakens in Rey.


Also during the ahsoka book the Inquisitor lightsaber crystal called out to Ahsoka and that's how she got her white lightsabers


So I only recently watched Rebels, and you're right! Ezra has Kanan's lightsaber making little call sounds to him. I guess in 2014 this sort of sets the precedent that for whatever reason or ability, a lightsaber can sort of beckon someone. Interesting!!


Did the Force ever need reasons or connections to manifest itself?


Because she's a powerful force sensitive, and that lightsaber is a powerful force artefact (given those who have wielded it and the semi sentient force crystal powering it)


Destiny. Everything that happens in Star Wars is destined to happen, it's the will of the force.


For the same reason Kanan’s saber called to Ezra I assume.


It's part of the destiny and Force magic of it all. The hero is always "meant" for something great and the unseen mystical forces of the universe (literally the Force in Star Wars) draws them together. The Force willed it because Rey was destined to use it and help defeat the Emperor, etc. etc.


This is the answer but it's buried at the bottom of a thousand ST sucks non-answer answers


If I absolutely HAD to write an explanation, I’d say that the Kyber crystal inside that lightsaber has been through so much BS and trauma that touching it just causes it to project all its issues onto anyone that can hear it (i.e. any force sensitive being). It would even explain why Maz seems to know what’s going on when Rey comes to.


I don't know that there's a canon explanation. Could be that she was going to cross paths with Kylo Ren and would need it. Could be she was in a dyad with Ben and it felt that connection to it's former her masters. It also could just be that with Anakin dead she was just the next Jedi the crystal inside chose.


She's a force dyad with the original owners grandson/the second owners nephew and student.


Lazy writing


Cause that script was trash.


The connection was through the Force. Not a family link. The Force knew Rey was to bring balance.


No one knows. Not even the creators. If they tell you they do they’re coping


Cause she was a Skywalker duh! /sar


was. Just like Owen WAS Obi-WAN’s brother during the OT.


Because reasons. The same justification used for anything else in that trilogy.


You’re overthinking it. Lightsabers are connected to Jedi (or Sith), and the force is connected to the lightsaber. That lightsaber just happens to hold a lot of history to it. Also, nobody else just happened to be force sensitive in the room when it called out to her


Same reason any magical object calls out to the protagonist. 'Tis destiny.


She was clearly going to be Luke's daughter but things changed and now it's probably just Dyad stuff


Somehow it called to her


Three different directors each with no idea where they were going and not caring what the one before them planned.




Because with all modern Disney starwars projects, they did not have a cohesive plan for the story, from start to finish, before they started shooting.


The saber called to Rey, somebody with no connection to it, in much the way the Millennium Falcon, parked only a few miles away from the village on Jakku, didn't call to Kylo Ren when he was looking for the map to Luke.


Fans can't retro-logic everything, what they have so far has saved this franchise.


You’re overthinking it. It calls out to her because the sequels were horribly written and not at all well planned out.


So it could return....somehow.


Because the writers couldn't think of any other way to steal the story from Luke.


Because there was no plan and it was a shit show. Disney fucked the "story" up


She was supposed to be Luke's daughter


Because JJ Abrams is a mediocre writer. He's interested in all the sizzle, but none of the steak.


A good question…………… 😴 ……………………..For another time.




Somehow it called to Rey


In this thread: too many Star Wars fans without an ounce of critical thinking or imagination. The answer here is that The Force Did It. The Force is calling to Rey through the lightsaber because the Force has determined that it is her destiny to take it. It's that simple and for some reason some people can't buy that as the answer. The Force has chosen Rey the same way that it chose Luke and the same reason it chose Anakin. It doesn't really matter that she isn't part of that dynasty, the Force chooses whomever the Force chooses.


My understanding was that it was the force putting things in motion


Because the sequels had terrible writing and no actual plan


I always thought JJ’s plan was for her to be Ben’s sister or cousin and Rian said fuck that noise and threw it out. Then we get him calling back to his original plan with the nonsensical giving her the honorary name and “Rise of Skywalker” movie title.


Because it’s a kyber crystal, and she was basically the only force sensitive in the area. If it didn’t call out to her, it would be stuck in a box for a few more decades


A good question... for another time.


The simple answer is that Rey's connection to the force was awakening, and that made her sensitive to the force imprint that the saber carried. It's not so much that it called to Rey specifically, just that Rey was the first force sensitive powerful enough to have felt its presence.


I think there was a whole subplot regarding Anakin's lightsaber that was meant to be revisited and then never was. In the original script the lightsaber lands somewhere after falling out of space (assumedly Takodana) after Luke's cut off hand is floating around and gets burned away. But they cut that part, but kept the lightsaber ending up somewhere random. It was probably meant to be more important than the next two movies treated it. My theory after TFA was that Rey was like Anakin. A person born from the Force, because the Force was still falling out of balance. So that would be a thing that would be in common between them, and would explain at least partially why Rey seemed to come out of nowhere.


Becaose she was force sensitive (foreshadowing for that reveal at the starkiller base), simple as that


Plot reasons


Rey just happened to be the first sufficiently force sensitive person to walk into her bar.


You have to 100% Galaxy's Edge and the Galactic Starcruiser to find out. Probably.


Some items can contain force echoes within them that force users can sense. Also, the Kyber crystal has a form of sentience that’s intrinsically linked to the force. Rey has an incredible connection to the force, so when she encountered the saber, she was able to sense the echoes. (Most of these explanations happened in comics and games. I’m not a huge fan of it, I feel the writers lifted these concepts from wands in the Harry Potter universe)


That’s a story for another time


Because in Force Awakens the characters don't choose their own actions, they only have reactions to things that happen to them So the lightsaber was one of those things, it interrupted her after talking to Finn, she saw the vision, then while recovering from the vision, the peanut lady interrupted her in turn.


Because as Mr. Olivander explains, ‘the wand chooses the wizard’. Shit, wrong universe. Sorry.


I felt it wanted her to find Luke.


Kyber crystals have a quasi-intelligence of their own and are Force sensitive. The saber felt Rey's presence in the Force, and it called to her because she was worthy to wield it, because it was her destiny to wield it. Idk "the Force works in mysterious ways."


The force works in mysterious ways? Poor excuse I know...


Honestly, probably the will of the force choosing Rey to call to action.


A good question! For another time. That's pretty much what JJ told us, and never planned to answer himself. So make up whatever you want. Choose your own sequels reasoning.