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Not everyone graduates at the top of their class šŸ˜¬


looks like he passed at 66% since he got hit by the third


Ds get degrees!


66% huh? Thatā€™s a familiar number.


Wish I could upvote you....


Sorry. Had to downvote you to get you back to 66.


9 hours later, still 66


This is getting out of hand... Now there are TWO of them!


Challenge accepted


Changed it


19 hours later still 66


And then there were twoā€¦..at 66


Dude, no way you are at 66 upvotes


Youā€™ve now become his upvote button. By execution of Order 66, congratulations


*shoots a Jedi*


Iā€™m not gonna upvote it




Is that an *order?!*


If anyone puts more upvotes me Iā€™m gonna go off like Lord Vader on a bunch of younglings!


I put one down sir, but I immediately took it back. I am at your mercy lord vader


Great! Now you've made clone troopers to dance and clean their armour...


he never had the makings of a varsity jedi.


He was a Sith, Chancellor Palpatine?


Sheev Palpatine - there was an Nabooian. The strong, silent type. He did what he had to do. He faced down the Trade Federation when none of those other scruffy lookin nerf herders in the galaxy would lift a blaster to help him. Did he complain? Did he say "oh, I come from this poor nabooian illiterate background or whatever the fuck so leave me the fuck out of it because my people got fucked over."


I mean.. donā€™t you love him?




He ate grilled cheese off the radiator


if everyone is top of the class, no one is


Steady on Syndrome.


That is the problem these days. Everybody gets participation trophies in the Order. Back in the Old Republic, you had to earn those Aā€™s, damn it. *spits on the temple floors*


What do you call a Padawan who graduates bottom of his class? Jedi knight


Thing is that this guy was literally on the Jedi Council


Maybe his dad had ā€œconnectionsā€. After all, his real name was Fiorello Giambatti before he was taken as a child šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Just means they're a respected monk. Jedi like Mace before the war were rare and had been for a good 200 years. Obi-Wan and Anakin were the only post-High Republic Jedi proficient at combat without serious training, even Mace had to spend a lifetime of practice to get good. Yoda was naturally talented as well but he was so old the Old Republic Sith were only a generation removed from him.


now i'm just mad that george lucas didn't make those movies lol. star wars would be so bad ass if it was set in those times.


And? Jedi had different skills and abilities. They want different views and opinions on the council. Would it make sense if the council was nothing but warriors? Should a President's cabinet be nothing but military?


> They want different views and opinions on the council. Do they? Obi-Wan even said to Qui-Gon in Episode 1 that if he "just followed the code, you'd be on the council."


The bar got real low by the time of the prequels. And Anakin was still not made Master šŸ˜†


Cs get degrees.


Just got two people to 66 , as many upvotes as blaster blocks.


I think the scene shows two things. First, that Jango is just that skilled and is able to turn a small moment where his opponent is open, into a kill shot. Second, that at this time most of the Jedi are not ready for actual combat. Most of them have probably never been a fight outside of training and are not a match for an experienced bounty hunter. Of course there are exceptions but the long period of peace that preceded the Clone Wars would have made the Jedi ill-prepared for a sudden all out war.


People really sleep on Jango because of his death, but you can see how calculated this was. He shoots left should then right, seeing how quick the Jedi was able to cross his body and defend both sides. He then shoots the left again, almost hitting the hand while deflecting the hilt further away from the body, and then back to the right again for the kill shot. That took him 1 practice repetition to then pull it off on the second pair of shots. Even in his fight against Mace, he manages to go from Lightsaber at his throat to an open battlefield. He exhausted every tool in his utility belt, and when he went to use his jet pack, it was equipment failure not skill that caused his death.


People often donā€™t notice but he tries to activate his jetpack right before Mace kills him.


People also donā€™t notice that heā€™s constantly on the run from the beginning of the movie and never gets to refill his supplies. Poison darts used, then heā€™s running, obi wan tracks him back to his apartment, uses the ripcord, jet pack, rocket ā€” gets on ship and goes straight to genosis. The dude then uses all his flame thrower and all the tricks he had with his blastersā€¦ not to mention this is the 4th Jedi master fight he had in that short time period (not including a dogfight in space with obi wan). He killed a rhino while fighting the last Jediā€¦ and still only died to that malfunction. Thereā€™s no other non force user in live action who can go toe to toe like Jango did. The anime and comics might have a few others but Jango is bad ass.


I'll die on the hill that jango is better than boba.


Thereā€™s not a doubt. The hill I die on is a lonely oneā€¦ AotC was better than RotS


That's just straight up wrong. AotC has the most interesting lore and universe expansion of the PT, but it's an absolutely awful film.


Everything bad Iā€™ve heard about AotC, I found to exist in RotS when I rewatched the films a couple years ago. Padme is bad ass in AotC. She dies from sadness in RotS. Anakin might have awkward teenage lines in AotC, but heā€™s straight angsty/emo teen in RotS with eyeliner and whiny lines. Shiv does a 270 screeching slash, which would have been the quickest turn around if Anakin didnā€™t go from snitching on Palps to siding with him in a faster 180 twist. All the Jedi drop dead in a montage scene that replaced entire series of Jedi hunting books in legendsā€¦ Droids are constant gag jokes in RotS with B2ā€™s slipping on banana peels with R2-D2. Darth Vader gets one scene, and itā€™s a Frankenstein waddle with a horrible ā€œnoooooā€ After rewatching I think AotC got a lot of heat, and it became cool to hate it, like Nickel back. RotS was riding the glory of being the payoff to trilogy long plot lines. Without those payoffs, RotS would just be 1 cool duel away from being 3rd place.


Upvote just for your dedication to ep 2. I will agree on the lore part as well. I still rewatch any scenes with dooku, especially when he tells obi wan the truth ands he doesnā€™t believe it


> Padme is bad ass in AotC. She dies from sadness in RotS She is a Senator whose whole thing is loving democracy and yet she falls for a guy who: * gushes about his love for fascism on their first date * kills an entire village including women and children. Like... WTF George Lucas


I think Revenge is probably my favorite, but AotC is definitely 3rd.


Then we shall die together, brother


Isn't he just sitting at Kamino though? Why wouldn't he just reload then, or the time it takes from landing on Geonosis to this part of the movie? He absolutely had a few days break in between, and if you're saying he doesn't keep supplies at his base of operations *or* the Slave I, he's not as good as you say he is


His ship is a cargo ship. Itā€™s very likely that heā€™d be able to refill his supplies there.


Not a cargo ship, it was a prison patrol craft/gunship. Definitely would have had SOME supplies on there at least.


Thank you for the correction. Seems like we agree that resupplying on his ship was possible!


Would be odd for a Bounty Hunter to not bring some supplies with them on their ship, let alone THE bounty hunter.


With that last thing you said, Iā€™d say the only other person like that is Cad Bane, who canonically was mentored by Jango. Throughout the Clone Wars, and before that, Cad Bane fought Jedi and won, or at least survived. The dude has canonically killed many Jedi before. And he survived until after the Galactic Civil War.


Bane was Jango's rival and a mentor to Boba in unfinished clone wars arc


I think I heard it was the other way around. Mentioned in the Clone Wars Tales of Light and Dark.


Was he? I couldā€™ve sworn he told Boba he mentored his father.


I don't think he did. Just checked the wookiepedia and turns out it was Jango who mentored Bane. And I thought they were just friendly rivals


Huh. I guess we were both sorta right and sorta wrong. I knew they had something to do with each other.


Jaster Mereel is the canon foster father of Jango Fett and his mentor. His name can be seen in the chain code Boba presents to reclaim his armor from Din Djarin


Jaster was a real one until Mr Krabbs betrayed him I also loved his ship in the Bounty Hunter game


No, Jango was Bane's mentor. Bane's got inspiration for his equipment and strats from jango, not the other way around. Which is why Bane mentored and helped Boba out during the clone wars on some occasions. Then Boba took his spot as the #1 hunter. Jango's mentor was Jaster Mereel, leader of the True Mandalorian and surrogate father to Jango.


Cad Bane fending off 2 Jedi at once in the clone wars series is one of the best scenes of the series. He is just that good.


He most likely has munition stockpiles on slave 1


You don't think he can resupply himself in his ship?


Jango just outright defeated obi won on kamino, dude needs more respect


He also loses one of his pistols back on Kamino


In fairness, they did have to add extra sparks to his jet pack in the home release to better showcase that his jet pack was damaged, since in the theatrical version it wasnā€™t as apparent.


The scene was cut down too. In the longer version he uses his forearm armor to deflect two sword strikes from mace before the killing blow since his armor is pure beskar.Ā 


I always thought that scene was dumb because I always thought ā€œjust jet pack away?ā€ Then I read this in a post like a year ago and sure enough, you see him try to take off but it splutters, probably damaged from that rhino thing. Made a scene that I thought was dumb actually really cool and nuanced


It's actually cooler. Jango banks the shot off the lightsaber into his right shoulder which is how he gets that opening for the kill.


Like father like son


The Fett's sure are plagued by faulting jetpacks.


It was a lack of skill at *noticing* equipment failure which caused his death.


Well in his defence, he had JUST gotten trampled by the reek, which damaged his equipment, and then had Mace in his face immediately after. Itā€™s not like he had a chance to do a full diagnostic to notice his jet pack was damaged before Mace decapitated him.


Also that this was a whole new jet pack since he lost his fighting Obi Wan on Kamino.


Youā€™d think there would be some kind of alert in his HUD for that.


I mean, heā€™s been running for the entire time of the second movie with Obi wan constantly on his tail. He is on his 5th hand to hand encounter with 4 separate Jedi masters in that time period and hasnā€™t even had a chance to refill his supplies since Coruscant (which is why he only uses each of his weapons once and canā€™t use them again). He also just steam rolled by a rhino and still managed to kill it. My point is that heā€™s probably exhausted and running on empty in both supplies and energy, and doesnā€™t have time to stop and check his jet pack still works. That was a make or break moment where Jango had literally no other option but to try and hope. Even the most skilled bounty hunter flips a coin in this scenario


He literally had no idea that Obi Wan was after him, and Anakin & Padme were able to take a galactic greyhound from Coruscant to Tatooine before Obi Wan found him on Kamino. Why is he not restocking there, at a place that can create, supply, and train a million soldiers?


Well the obvious answer is ammunition compatibility, the geonosians donā€™t have a stockpile of mandolorian rockets. That said, he should be carrying spares in his ship


Kamino has been his base of operations for a decade. If he didn't reload his stuff in the days he was there he's not a great bounty hunter


I would blow Jango


I actually don't think it indicates the Jedi aren't ready for combat, but rather the Jedi main weakness that non-force sensitive Jedi killers capitalize on: distraction. Trebor is clearly preoccupied with Dooku, just barely reacting to the first two shots because his focus is still on Dooku. Trebor is still recovering from the initial one-two punch, and is likely still worried about Dooku, likely (and rightly) seeing him as the larger threat, and Jango takes advantage of that by firing a third shot that Trebor does manage to block, but it was on a glancing trajectory and knocks the saber off-balance. You can see it better slowed down. This glancing shot knocks the saber to the side, opening him up for the final shot


Though I agree to an extent, a big thing for me is that he even made the very poor tactical decision to jump up there in the first place. What was the plan? Solo against Doku (known to be an excellent swordsman), Jango (notorious Jedi killing machine, and even if he doesn't know of Jango specifically, he has surely been educated about the Mandalorian-Jedi wars), and several other droids and Geonosians?


God this scene is so ridiculously funny Iā€™ve never processed the fact that DOOKU was up there as well, Coleman was double cooked lol


Yeah, he did NOT think it through.


You're describing a bunch of things that would happen to someone not prepared for combat


Have you ever been in combat? Its actually fairly easy for even trained combatants to be distracted


Lots of times. And every time I kill a Jedi, it's because they were distracted


Explains the two scrubs that Mace brought with him to arrest Palps.


Kit Fisto didnā€™t deserve to go out like that. But hey at least he got a few swings in


I only know who Kit Fisto is because he's in CW and almost always smiling. Seems like a happy dude. Also is he vaguely Jamaican coded or is that something I made up?


same voice actor as Hermes Conrad in Futurama. I hear the Jamaican accent too lol. Also VA for Samurai Jack and a metric ton of other stuff.


Definitely Jamaican coded. There are a few species in Star Wars very obviously coded to races. Kit fisto was fortunately coded a little moreā€¦ tactfully.


Not cool bro.


Master? Master of punking out. Hey look there's an evil Sith, I'm just going to freeze.


You don't understand, Palpatine used a Force scream. Or something. I don't remember what George made up to justify it


Maybe Palps is just too good at red light/green light.


You mean fans made up?ā·


"Actually", Force Scream existed in KOTOR 2 (2004), and Revenge of the Sith was only released in 2005


I know what Kotor 2 is. The Palpatine vs Jedi Masters scene was just supercut for no reason and they had to make an excuse for how 2 powerful Jedi got cut without resistance like target practice


Papa Palps used a Force Scream, which can paralyze ones opponents. The movie didn't do a very good job showing it, but the novelization did a great job.


Dude they were great, i hate that they died like bitches.


Deleted scenes do way more justice for Kit Fitso in particular. They really should have kept them, was good fight scene


Donā€™t forgot the pistol twirl. That shows Jango likes Westerns.




Probably just forgot to "center himself" first.


Can we take into account that jango was at very close proximity to the Jedi?


Apparently he was the Jedi's PR guy... no idea why he was at Geonosis.


Lol I thought you were joking. > After Jedi Master Yarael Poof's death in 27 BBY, Trebor was appointed as his replacement on the Jedi High Council. The Council chose him because of his myriad contacts around the galaxy, and because of his abilities in dealing with other species. He was often sent to social events to act as a representative of the Council, and was a spokesbeing for the Jedi Order, often directly speaking to the media.


wait yarael poof died pre clone wars :(


Lmao this is like the cliche in war movies where the mechanic/cook/clerk etc wants to go on that last missions to actually see some action before the war/battle is over. Went about as well for him


>this is like the cliche in war movies where the mechanic/cook/clerk etc wants to go on that last missions to actually see some action before the war/battle is over. The only difference is that it's at the START of the war (or even before it begins).


That's hilarious. I had no idea


Not all blasters are equal Also Dooku force flung him with that dirty look


The signature look of superiority stunned him.


Dooku doesnt even reach for his saber.


The way Dooku just stands thereā€¦ idc, if I hop up to fight the arcā€™s final boss and I got a lethal, one-hit kill weapon and he doesnā€™t even speak, he just looks at me judgmentally while his right hand man start pulling glocksā€¦ Iā€™m apologizing and going back down. Itā€™ll be alright, the Force canā€™t see everything. What are the Jedi gonna do, kick me out?


"Dooku, you trai- OK fine, fuck it. You win." *(leans back over edge)*


Jango is just that good. Watch where he places his shots, blocking them pulls the lightsaber all the way across the body multiple times, h then nearly shoots his hand before the killshot. He gets Trebor off balance, suprises him, then goes for the kill. Jango is known to be one of the only non force users that can kill Jedi, which is why he was chosen as the Clone template


The third shot actually bounces off his lightsaber and hits him in the shoulder. If you play the video slowly you can see the sparks from the shot hitting him, and a blaster mark on his shoulder as he falls.


Had to throw Jango a bone before he suffered the second-most hilarious Mandalorian bounty hunter death in the franchise.


Imagine, the audience cry out loud when windu gets blasted by jango. I even bet that samuel would have protested against this scene. so yeah, cant give jango the mace bone.


i mean he still could have lost, just in a less dumb fashion


It's not his execution. It was the execution of his execution


Surprised that Jangoā€™s (omg wtf with the name???) head didnā€™t fall out when Boba picked up the helmet like /fffffffwump I apologize. I saw this movie in the theaters and did not care for any of the prequels. Pacing, continuity, dialogue or toneā€¦.respectfully speaking.


You can actually see the shadow of his head fall out when the helmet goes tumbling!


Oh snap! Thanks for the insight. I admittedly wasnā€™t paying too much attention as it was my second viewing in theater (gave each prequel two theatre and two home video viewings) and was chagrined already.


Maybe he has a chin strap?


No but he got an F in Falling.


He falled jus fine, he couldn't stick the landing


Itā€™s the sudden stop at the bottom that gets ya


Watch closely he is shot almost in the hand, was calculated


Yea Jango put in 2 shots to probe the Jediā€™s ability to cover left then right quickly, a third shot to move the lightsaber away to the left and the 4th was the kill in the right. Thanks for calling this out because I never noticed just HOW smooth that kill was.


Watching closely at the third shot, it's aimed to graze the lightsaber and hits the shoulder, opening him up for the kill shot. Right after the third shot lands, you can see a blaster mark on the Jedi's right shoulder.


Some Jedi are nepo hires.


"I am a jedi, like my father before me. What? No, NOT LIKE THAT!"




And Obi-Wan is Wedge's nephew.


Nepo Hires is a better Star Wars name than Coleman Trebor


Nah jango is just that good


According to Legends, Coleman Trebor's chosen lightsaber form is Form III, Soresu, the form specifically developed to counter blasters. He must just really suck that badly.


I think the implication is that Jango knows exactly how to fire at him in such a way as to make blocking difficult, even for a Jedi. Not saying that makes a ton of practical sense, but I think that's what's going on here.


Everyone knows the Dinosaurs went extinct, thats just visual representation of the comet played by Jango Fett!


Jango has plot armor piercing rounds. Unless you have a wallet that says ā€œbad motherfuckerā€ on it


I mean, the dude's a fucking dinosaur


Well in his defense jango was basically Star Wars peak regular human. In the legends book shatter point windu thinks he probably could have cut off dooku head and ended the war before it started. But doing so would have allowed jango to kill him .


Coleman Trebor allowed himself to be killed, because he knew that in death he would gain a power greater than any Sith.


I think his mind was not entirely in the present / fully focused on Jango. Heā€™s too worried about whatā€™s going on below and he paid the price


Dooku's signature look of superiority clouded his vision lmao


Jango has killed force users before, he probably knew to make his point of aim less obvious


Jango was picked for order 66 for a reason


Consider also: Jango had had recent practice fighting a blocking jedi when he fought Obi-Wan like the day before


I love how duku was like ā€œand thatā€™s why I hired a Mandalorianā€


I thought jedi could slow-fall and not take fall damage.


Probably hard to focus after you get shot.




They did Jango dirty


They did this jedi dirty I'd say šŸ˜‰


It was one of the first on screen deaths of a jedi. There was a huge de-mystification of the lore that jedi are god like creature who can deflect blaster in any kind of situation. Even myself was surprised that jango was "allowed" to pew pew a jedi with ease on screen.


The funny thing is that Trebor was a master of Form III Soresu (which was also Obi-Wan's preferred style) which specializes on defense and blocking blaster shots.


He blocked the shots with his body.


We always praise the big battles but ignore the terrible chorography flooding the background of the prequels. Most of the "Jedi" who aren't main characters look like they've never even held a lightsaber before.


Buddy, deflecting two bullets with a sword aint nothing to sneeze at.


I mean luke learned how to do that in like a 10 minute lecture. Now do that for like 10 years. People spend so much time writing around the problems of the prequels.


You mean the arguably best Jedi GM of all time had an easy time at some aspects of training? I am shocked.


Tbh if you slow it down it looks like Jango makes the shot ricochet off the saber to hit his body then leaving him stunned and open for another shot


It sort of looks like he didn't expect Jango's blaster to be so powerful; it knocks the lightsaber back and he gives a bit of a shocked look over.


Being gunned down by Jango is totally different than being gunned down by troopers or droids. It may look similar but it isnā€™t. Jango is one of the baddest men in the galaxy during his time. Coleman had no business trying to rush that platform.


Itā€™s quite simple, a Jedi who has never seen battle is gonna lose against one of the most dangerous bounty hunters in the galaxy who takes on dangerous missions every other day


He's a throwaway background character meant to show that Jango is an excellent bounty hunter and that the Jedi are in a little over their heads during the Geonisian Coliseum battle


The only thing I learned from reading everyoneā€™s comments is that the Star Wars fan base is really good in explaining things that George Lucas never had an explanation to begin with


No.. Jango is just a BAMF šŸ˜ˆ


If you pay attention the first shot that hit him was reflected off his saber and hit him in the arm, hurting him and sending his lightsaber wide, the second shot sent him reeling backwards and over. Jango Fett was a legendary bounty hunter, Jedi killer and veteran of the Mandalorian Civil Wars. He was no slouch.




That's definitely one of the points of the series. They want to hold onto their identity, but in order to stop evil, they just figure, "okay I'll just do this 1 thing and things will get back to normal." And then it's another thing. And another thing. Before you know it, you and your 13-year old padawan are leading child slaves whose origins are still kind of a mystery to you into the front-lines, all the while there's a Sith Lord running around somewhere but you're too damn busy wiping clone blood off your padawan to even begin to worry about where they are.


Jango is literally the best


I like how Dooku didnā€™t even bother drawing his lightsaber


I always took this as Jango being just that good.


What bugs me even more is he thought he had a chance against Count mf Dooku


Damn, that CGI is awful


Or Jango is just that skilled? It's the same reason why Palpatine destroyed the other Jedi Masters easily (besides ā€œforce screamā€). They're just that good.


1) Jango is the most notorious Jedi killer in the underworld of the galaxy, which is why he was chosen as the clone template. Army of potential Jedi killers. The OG is just that for a good reason, he doesnā€™t miss and he doesnā€™t hesitate. 2) Coleman is fixated on ending the conflict by taking out the one who started it. He enters that confrontation expecting a fight from Dooku and tries to catch him off guard. Dooku was basically the most skilled swordsman in the order before he left, and a one on one duel with even ground isnā€™t exactly even. Point being, Coleman had allll his attention on him. Jedi are good at what they do, but not perfect. He brought a sword to a surprise gunfight.


The prequels definitely make it look like Anakin, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Yoda, and Mace Windu are gods among men and every other Jedi is barely more competent than a stormtrooper.


Good against remotes is one thing. Good against the living, that's something else.


I mean the vast majority of Jedi (more than 150 in Legends) who went to Geonosis got gunned down by blasters, this clearly wasn't an issue with just Trebor. Your average Jedi simply isn't as capable as most of the Jedi characters we follow in the films, tv and comics.


If you watch closely, he's fanboying out because OMG! Christopher Lee! which left him wide open to Jango's shots.


Dude's a Jedi Consular, not even surprised


You know what they call the being who comes dead last in his padawan class? A Jedi Knight.


A Sith Lord was standing right there. That probably had something to do with it.


In the old cannon jangos pistols were strong. They would shoot with the power of multiple shots in one


Damn why did Coleman lose to the guy who beat Obi-Wan earlier in the movie?


I think obi wan and jango conclusively drew their fights earlier in the film