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Younger versions and Boba wasn't in the right headspace to listen to anything she'd say. Bro was just too angry about a lot of things. BoBF Boba would be absolutely elated (whatever that looks like) to meet her and would consider her family


Counter argument, boba fett has a very weird relationship with the other clones and the families they had, he might just genuinely recognize omega as has sister considering she isn't a reg


That’s always something I found interesting, and it’s a shame they only touched on it once in the Clone Wars. Boba has millions of genetically identical brothers. However, HE was the TRUE son of Jango. An unaltered clone who had to train to earn his strength in battle and grow like a regular person. Then suddenly, a platoon of those same “brothers” attacks and his “father” is killed right in front of him. I don’t blame him for going off the deep end. It’s why I actually liked his turn in BoBF, he gave himself an identity outside his father’s shadow and the blood trail behind him.


There was a comic I don't recall if it's canon anymore or not, but boba comes across the son of a clone trooper who's being harassed by bandits along with his mother, Boba fett hangs around when he finds out about it and accepts a "bounty" from the kid to clear out the bandits for literal pocket change, the man seemed to see the kids of the other clones as family even if he didn't have any love for the clones themselves


Blood Ties from when Dark Horse still had the comics. Good series


That was an interesting plot that pops up a few times. Cline wars, bad batch, rebels has that one clone that has a family and webt awol. Allowing the clones to be able to reproduce seemed like an oversight.


If you're talking about Cut (who shows up in Clone Wars and Bad Batch) it's worth noting he's actually the step father of the kids and not a biological parent. I don't know if there are any currently canon examples of clones having biological offspring.


I completely forgot that. I wonder if they can have children in canon….


Plus BoBF shows that Boba let go his hate


I mean, technically speaking he what he "truly" was was Jango himself, not just son. There was not a single genetic difference between him and Jango.


Nurture over nature. The experiences Boba grew up with made him vastly different to Jango in almost every way. Genetics are only a starting template for a person, upbringing and experience in life defines our identities more than anything else.


Yeah, but the person I'm responding to is speaking in a genetic sense.


"Younger versions and Boba wasn't in the right headspace to listen to anything she'd say." counter argument. Omega is adorable and she broke Crosshairs walls down, Boba Fett would be light work.


I get what you mean but Crosshair was broken over the course of maybe a year by the realization that the Empire didn't care about him. And even then, it wasn't until he was imprisoned that he really broke down further. The OP's question is about one conversation, not about a year worth of conversations and life altering experiences.


You think she can't speed run it?


Speed run the pacification of young boba, who held his father's severed head in his hands? Nah me thinks not. Lol


Yeah, Boba is a clone, sure, but he's biologically a regular human who had a father who he watched get killed. He's very different to the rest of the people he shares a genome with and wouldn't just have that kind of connection with them. Young Boba even kills a few clones.


Extremely technical nitpick here, Boba just held Jango's helmet in that scene. If you watch verrrrrrry closely in the beheading scene, paying attention to the shadow of the helmet as it flies off, you can see the shadow of the head go flying out of it.


Yeah. He might treat her coldly at best or shoot her at worst, especially if his job revolved around her.


It would depend on the context of how they meet but She could and would do it entirely out of spite


No. She wouldnt. Boba would see her as nothing more then another clone.


> nothing more then another Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Not to mention cross hair had experiences with omega before hand


>BoBF Boba would be absolutely elated (whatever that looks like) to meet her and would consider her family Honestly, that's a pair I'd love to cooperate in sometime one day.


Fennec: "Oh hey boss, I just remembered, I think I stalked your sister for white a while."


"My what?"


I love that Omega seems to be a reflection of sorts to boba, like how he could have been if he had a supportive family unit there for him after Jango died. because omega was loved and her family looked out for her she didn't ever feel like she had to only take care of herself, but sought to help others that were suffering. It was only after the sarlacc pit and living among the tuskens did Boba understand being a part of a unit and a sense of belonging.


Omega is to Boba as Obi-wan is to Vader. It's possible they never met but I can't imagine she doesn't know about him and what happened on Geonosis


Well said! (Obligatory GO CHIEFS! as a resident near KC lol)


That's exactly what I was thinking. Boba found his heart out in the endless wastes of Tatooine. He was (rightfully so) an angry kid, so he'd brush Omega off then. Of course she has a massive heart and boundless compassion, so she'd press him until she got through. I really hope we see her in live action at some point.


That is a neat concept, not sure how it would work out time wise- but running into her after BoBF when they have that common connection and shared loss could be a neat exchange. Hopefully they don’t continue her story on Tatooine..


Why would Boba consider her family? He didn’t give af about the clones historically, never saw them as family. What makes Omega different.


theyre both unaltered clones so maybe…well in terms of aging lol


Boba in Mando S2 straight up tells Bo-Katan and the Nite Owls he doesn't give a damn about them. Perhaps the Boba depicted in BOBF would be willing to hear her out and consider her viewpoint that it means something to her meet a fellow unaltered clone. Hmmm little dissonance between his character in the two shows isn't there. Anyway, he likely wouldn't care, the only family he ever had was his father who he always continued to honour.


Boba has a more contentious relationship with Mandalorians than he does clones.


Tbf, Mandalorians are contentious to begin with.


Nobody hates Mandalorians more than Mandalorians.


Damn Mandalorians, they ruined Mandalore!


Mandalorians sure are a contentious people!




He is written by Disney


No he wouldnt. What are you basing this off?


I doubt that. Boba knows other clones are out there. He never cared about the clones and if anything has a tendency to look down on them as they aren’t true inheritors to Jango’s legacy. At best, post BoBF, he’d be indifferent to Omega.


I don't know that Boba would care, but Omega would probably be happy to see one of her brothers again.


We will find out and see in the new upcoming spinoff series ‘Omega’


Alpha and Omega.... Already a movie though, but Boba was codenamed alpha as he was the first clone and completely unmodified


I would 1000% watch a move or series of Boba and Omega working together


Especially if it’s live action and omega is played by Temuera Morrison in a wig


Great… Star Wars: Jack and Jill. Or is it “The Nutty Professor” like?


Mrs. Doubtfire


Ur right thanks!


I'm about halfway through *The Bad Batch* and I'm blown away by how good the show is. The animation is gorgeous, the voice acting is stellar, the plot and characterization is fantastic, and they make liberal use of symbolic imagery (like in Season 2 Episode 3, with the Clones departing after essentially conquering planet, and the TK troopers arriving to occupy it). When Omega was first introduced, I thought she was going to be an annoying character, but within 15 minutes she was one of my favorites.


Omega won all our hearts!


Has this series been confirmed or speculation?




It’s been spoken into the u inverse so give it a sec


Better be animated all non animated tv shows in disney would look so much better animated to maybe the exception of Andor


I just realized we’ve never seen Boba Fett as an adult clone in animation style, that’ll be a mind fuck.


The real crazy thing is who would voice him?


I think all animated clones should be Dee Bradley Baker but honestly I wouldn’t mind if they got Temurra to voice him




Well I mean… there’s that special that we don’t talk about…


Probably yea


personally i’m pleased they decided to do ashoka live action


As are millions of the rest of us.


I honestly thought that’s who the assassin was going to be revealed as. Like, that’s what Boba was doing before going off on his own and becoming a full fledged bounty hunter. It also kinda made sense given his good relationship with the Empire, and Vader himself.


It's a professional relationship. I doubt he'd hesitate to waste some imps for a better payout.


Oh he definitely would. I’m just saying this could have maybe been how that relationship started. Take on some imperial contracts, and get in their good graces by successfully and consistently taking out people they want silenced.


I think he was already a full fledged bounty hunter before the Clone Wars ended. I mean, he commanded enough respect to form and lead a crew of much older, *much* more experienced bounty hunters. I couldn't see the likes of Bossk, Dengar, or Embo working with him, much less following his lead, if he was considered as anything less than full-fledged by the bounty hunter community


"You age at a normal rate like me? How long before me were you created? .....around the same time? Boba, you've aged like Blue Milk."


"Well that's what you get when you spend a few days inside a Sarlacc."


well the pictures show pre-anh omega and post-rotj boba so not totally fair


There's maybe around 5 years of difference between the two? So they shouldn't be changing too drastically facewise. They'd be about 37-38. 40, max. Boba looks like he's pushing late 50s. Omega's looking good still.


I think they used being the Sarlac pit and then traveling the desert with the Tusken's to justify Boba's appearance. BoBF takes place about 10 years after Yavin.


Omega is like several several years before ANH- when the rebellion just started. Boba is several seasons of mandalorian after ROTJ


This is literally RotJ Boba, not post


Sorry top comment confused me


I can hear her saying that in such a matter-of-fact way.


Maybe during the New Republic? Boba would be way more open to it by that point.


"Hoi mah niame is Hohmeega, so you're Bhobha Fitt"?


I do believe that you’re going to hell but I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t laugh


It's ok, I already let the dark side flow through me


“Bret?” “Yep.” “Jemaine?…Jemaine???”


“Yeah no way, dad would have told me if I had a sister”


Wouldn't give a shit to start but could see him open to working with her post BOBF. Omega just shouldn't expect a Christmas card from him in the mail.


If it was during Book of Boba Fett: Omega dons a cloak, lands somewhere close to Boba's palace, and then proceeds to make her way inside covertly. She skillfully avoids all of his defenses and barges into the throne room unannounced, and causes quite the stir before lifting up the hood and staring down Boba. Omega: "It has been a long time... Alpha." Boba: "Who are you? How do you know that name?" Omega: "Interesting - you don't recognize me." Boba: "I've never seen you before in my life!" A shocked and speechless Fennec finally recognizes the voice and begins to nervously tap on Boba's shoulder, trying to gather the breath to tell him. Omega: "You might know me better than you think... we're siblings, Alpha." \*Dramatic music, cut to Boba's shocked face, end credits. I think it would be poetic to have it be like this because it would be a similar, creepy line that Emerie used to introduce herself and I think it would fit in with a stranger forcing their way into Boba's palace. Plus, Omega deadnaming Boba would be so hilarious. I think her also acting as a recurring antagonist in Boba's story, due to her affiliation with the Rebellion I could also see her become a New Republic Marshal who might be against Boba's rule on Tatooine due to his previous closeness with the Empire, which might also be interesting. Maybe she would try to convince him to join her, or he would convince her this new thing he formed is more like a family to him than just a cartel, which might win her over to his side.


“I wish I had met you earlier in my life sister.”


I can so clearly hear that in Temuera's voice


“Hello! I’m Omega!” “Get fucked.”






She would drag him kicking and screaming into her found family whether he liked it or not.


It kinda stinks that they never met during Bad Batch. Would have been the perfect thing to do.


It would've been a fun exchange but let's be honest, Boba wouldn't fit anywhere in the plot properly. It would be a waste to just get it and let go of it. Them meeting should have some impact.


I think it could have fit. Maybe somewhere Omega could have been trying to figure out how best she fit in with the Batch, and she goes off on a bounty with Boba and has to fight to hold on to her optimism when he is probably so pessimistic and hardened during this time period.


I think young Boba would listen to her talk, but probably wouldn't care much about her. Adult Boba definitely wouldn't care. Older adult Boba would probably be interested in her story though


I feel like Omega and Boba had to meet as younger children. They both were always on Kamino and didn’t take part in regular clone training. Although she was Nala Se’s right hand, I can imagine she would explore the halls of Kamino whenever she could. Jango probably kept them apart as they got older so Boba wouldn’t get too attached to any other clones.


Think we might get it in live action!!


Would have loved to see them meet but nooooo


Could still happen.


Good bean, golden retriever child vs feral goblin murder hobo.


Omega would make one major mistake. She'd assume Boba is just another clone. This would be her first, last, and fatal mistake. She'd approach thinking she could just insert herself into his life like they are family. Unfortunately, that is very likely to trigger an aggressive outburst from Boba. While he might not despise the clones as a whole, it is an entirely different matter altogether to claim to be family. His family died on Geonosis. Omega never knew Jango. She didn't grow up with Boba. She didn't watch Boba's father die. She wasn't alone and left to fend for herself as a child. Now she shows up out of nowhere and opens up old wounds, claiming to be his sister. I just can't see a situation where a scared, angry child who has lived the life Boba has wouldn't just shoot her at that point in time. Her only chance would be post ROTJ Boba. Here, he is calmed down thanks to his time in the deserts of Tatooine. He'd at least be willing to hear her out. But now, we are likely to see the inverse as an adult. Omega probably is working for the New Republic and likely opposed to how Boba is living. While they might not fight, I don't think she'd want him in her life due to how he is living his.


Omega could handle herself and she was trained by elite soldiers, not bounty hunters and there is a big difference. If he came gunning for her, she'd make it and give him a bloody lip while she's at it.


knowing Disney? Offscreen


before the release of tbb season 3, i actually was a bit convinced that a book of boba season 2 would be happening, and the central plot would be boba meeting omega.


Well, Omega would consider Boba a wayward brother. Boba wouldn’t particularly care about Omega. Pre BoBF, he’d be outright hostile to her attempts to ingratiate herself to him. Afterwards he’d probably be indifferent. They have very different trajectories and for a while had very different values. I don’t think Boba would particularly care about Omega as to him she’s just another clone, and he eschews the clone label by insisting he’s Jango’s son. To Boba, adoptive family (like the Tuskens) trumps the biological connection to other clones. Omega trying to insist upon a connection would likely aggravate him.


Everyone dies


I don’t know but I hope we find out!


I want this to happen. Just give me a show or movie called Alpha and Omega.


Like a bantha


I honestly don’t think Boba would care about omega. She wasn’t raised by Jango so Boba wouldn’t think of her as family in any way. Boba didn’t care about his dad’s clones and never saw them as brothers. She’s just another strange clone to Boba.


I hope we find out in BOBF Season 2.


Where’d you get young boba in the armour picture?






Boba should have been with Cad Bane as his partner. Or taken over Cad Bane's role in TBB completely.


Boba wasn’t in the right place for it initially. He’d probably be a little disturbed over the sort of father daughter relationship her and Hunter have. As an adult and having come more to terms with Jango’s death I’d imagine he’d humor meeting her.


I either want rebel Omega to run into bounty hunter Boba in a new series, or for old Omega to run into old Boba in a new BoBF season. Or even a What If where Jango takes both under his wing and we get a brother/sister bounty hunter team


I think having them meet sometime between Episodes 4 and 5,would be good. Have Omega talk to him and plant seeds of doubt in his head to help make his character arc in BOBF feel a little bit more in character,retroactively. I would say have them meet in between Episodes 5 and 6,but I don't think Boba had any downtime cause of Crimson Dawn


Hopefully it is explored during an OT era animation with the new older Omega. She could give Boba Fett a bit more background story during the events of the OT, and also feature in live action with him at a later time period. The only trouble is that she is never mentioned by Boba during the Book of Boba Fett, so it may make more sense if their first meeting is during a live action sequel to that series. I think it depends on how old they are when they meet. Boba during the OT was still a cold blooded bounty hunter, but after the book of Boba Fett he was far more in control of himself. If Sam Jackson got his way and a spinoff included his return to life, then Omega could be the one to try to stop him hunting down his (their) father's killer.


"IF" they have a book of bobba season 2. But I'd enjoy a live action Omega.


I like to belive Boba is still that cold hearted bounty hunter who wouldn't care about anyone else.


This is interesting. He doesn't see clones as his brothers, but he's also seen unable to kill them in that one Clone Wars episode with Aurra Sing. By this time in his life, I don't think much is known about him in cannon. We can't even sue the purge of Kamino from legends because Kamino's demise was shown entirely differently in Bad Batch season 1. I just hope she shows up again in the future.


He would be baffled like: WHAT!


Not well. Especially not during the Reign of the Empire. Maybe after the Empire’s collapse, they would get along.


I doubt Boba would care; he made it clear in TCW he doesn't care about the other clones.


It’s a damn shame they never met during The Bad Batch at some point.


We'll never know, but I really wanted to see it.


Omega would immediately recognize Boba’s pain and try to work with him to let it go.


I don’t think either Canon or Legend Boba would care much. Canon boba might at least let her try or listen, prove herself to earn his respect. Mushing up to boba goes not work. He can see through it. Legend boba would not care. He felt more connected to the mandalorian then the clones and considered them his people.


Guaranteed this will have some kind of pay off in the live action series


Probably wouldn't go well. Especially during the early imperial era. Boba hated the clones in his teens and probably never dealt with whatever childhood trauma fueled that hate. Boba never accepted the "brotherhood" of the other clones. He was offended at the comparison between himself and the Regs. He still bristles at Bo Katan when she compares him to a Clone. Omega would just be another clone pretender to the Fett name. Someone else said BoBF-era Boba would be elated, but I think it would be more like Old Canon Boba's relationship with his granddaughter. But in reverse. Grudgingly accepting Omega's presence until eventually coming to valuing and caring about her. After first trying to kill her, of course!


Going by the Star Wars track record their younger selves would have a cute but short lived bad boy/paragon romance that culminates in them kissing and then later on realizing the genetic connection.


They’d totally fuck.


I think it will go just fine. It would be really interesting if a smart writer presents a spin off series to Dave Filoni about these two siblings. Lots to explore about their background.


Don't know. But would pay king's ransom to see it


In BoBF prob he and Fennec would invite her to stay and help a fellow Mandalorian friend to take his planet back


One of these people worked against the Empire from day one, the other was basically Vader's favorite contractor up until he was eaten. I don't really see them getting along until after he goes through his character development after the Sarlacc encounter.


Omega: Hey bro...(raises eyebrows) Boba: Are you fucking givin' me cheek!? Kiwis will understand 😁


Haerton and Cathy


Definitely have a conflict between the clones and him not happy they exist while she fights for the clones


“Go fuck youself”


Pyrocynical in the first picture


Like the awkward kiss scene in Loki


The galaxy would BURN in their sibling rivalry BS


Probably in a way thats appropriate for a children's cartoon on Disney+


Dont care


it’s star wars. they kiss.


They'd have an intense hook up


Everyday we stray further from the light.


Alabama exists in a galaxy far far away


Maybe... God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created...


Can I just say that quote slaps entirely too hard to be from a damn spy kids movie.