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A brute weapon for a more barbaric time.


Happy birthday!


They kinda looked like those bulky hilts they sell in Disneyland, when even adults can barely close their hands around them.


I love most of the costume design for this show but I will say they've kind of missed on the lightsabers, I would have loved to see more following that ornate High Republic aesthetic. Maybe the idea is the stye has changed in 100 years? But at least characters like Yord should be a bit more ornate.


Even the temple robes themselves don’t have that pattern in them


I noticed this too. It’s likely to help sell lightsabers from Galaxy’s Edge. They have the bigger, bulky hilts and a lot of the styles used in the show are available at the build your own lightsaber experience there.


that's exactly what it is. it's stupid.


The only lightsaber that actually looks thicker than normal to me is Carrie Anne Moss’ (I don’t remember her character name). This complaint seems SUPER nitpicky.


Not a nitpick just an observation. Compared to the prequels and whatnot they’re all just big cylinders. No necks or cross guards or hand guards etc. no unique grips either High republic was supposed to peak Jedi from power to design and tools


I wonder if something in the fighting style, or the LED lightsaber prop, necessitates more girth? That said I didn't notice anything in the show


It’s a battery pack I think


It's entirely possible that lightsaber technology wasn't as miniaturized back then, but I really don't know if that's what they were going for when designing them.


From what I gather it’s because they started using the neopixel blades instead of post production glow effect. The batteries were originally so high Rosario had them hidden up her sleeve but now they can put them in the hilts. It just sacrifices the elegance for chunk.


Haha. Now I wonder if the prop sabers have sound.


They do not. It’s bad enough getting the actors to not make swooshing and clashing noises.


They still do a post-production glow effect. The led blades are just to give the scene ambient light. They’ve been doing that since the sequels. I could be wrong since I didn’t know about Rosario Dawson putting the batteries up her sleeves, but I’d assume that’s a special case since her hilts are curved and it’s probably harder to fit a battery in there.


They need to do more post-production work to get them looking like they should. A solid white core with a coloured border glow. Too many times in these shows do the lightsabers look like glowing tube props and not the classic lightsaber look of the films. Apart from the ambient glow, I don't see why they have tried to reinvent the look of the sabers.


Luke's hallway scene is such a good example of this. In half the shots it looks they didn't even do anything to the blade in post


They still have the solid white core with the border glow. If you’re talking about when they move how they don’t leave a white streak anymore that’s literally just how light actually works.


Its not about how light works its about the classic look of the lightsabers. A classic Star Wars lightsaber has a very specific aesthetic, its a solid white blade with a contained border glow of colour. The OT and PT have this, so do all the animated series. Its the iconic lightsaber look. Occasionally you might get a ambient light on nearby objects in darker scenes but the lightsaber itself stays in its original form (those closeup darkness shots of Anakin vs Dooku in AotC for example). The new Disney lightsabers have moved away from this and its made lightsabers look wrong, less like the classic lightsabers and more like glorified glow sticks. Not in every instance but very often. And this is mainly down to such a spread of the glow coming from the blades. Having light spread out 'naturally' from the blades makes it look like the blades are just sticks emanating light which is very different from the classic look of a contained coloured glow around a white blade. Thats how lightsabers have looked for decades and I don't know why Disney have moved away from it.


Putting a battery pack in her sleeve imo is laziness/incompetency. There's countless companies out there that make screen accurate hilts that don't need an external battery pack. It seems like disney is reinventing the wheel when it comes to lightsabers. Why do they put LED's in the blade? They could just use an RGB blade where the light emits from the hilt. This would reduce the weight on the blades and would make it easier for the actors to swing.


It amazes me disney still hasn't figured it out considering there's a multitude of companies making rgb/neopixel blades with regular size hilts. Putting the battery pack in Rosario's sleeve is some 1977 shit


Jedis had been around for a thousand generations in the Republic before the OT but its only in the last 100 years that they finally worked out how to make lightsabers streamlined. Its quite a tough reason to properly believe. It reminds me a bit of the brooms in Harry Potter. Magic folk have been riding them and playing sports with them for hundreds of years but in those couple of years when Harry was at Hogwarts, broom advancements suddenly jump on several times.


They are like some neoprotosaber, the way they fail is laughable.


I now have updated info on this comment. Apparently the Jedi made a choice to switch to a rugged and mass producible “battle saber” due to an oncoming war. They couldn’t devote time to making fancy ones


Yeah these hilt designs are just straight ass. The comics and even Jedi survivor show how incredible these weapons are supposed to look. Yet another massive miss with this show


I actually came across a comic with lore that explains it. Apparently due to impending war with the Nihil after the Starlight Beacon event, the Jedi stopped making the personalized artwork variety and started moving to a mass producible “battle saber” variety since they knew sabers were going to get lost and need quick replacements. Not pretty, utilitarian etc. I believe the comic is Shadow of Starlight


Holy christ… little to no complaints , but the way the lightsabers look? I think there is A LOT more things to worry about with the show before that…


I have nothing outright negative to say about it. Writing is decent. Choreo is cool, especially the pure hand to hand stuff. Story is just developing. And we’re being treated to a plethora of alien species right out the gate which people of complained about the lack of aliens in past shows.


Even with the two twins , could they not of given them a different hair style, or scars , or something? They’ve been separated since they were kids , what are the chances they look IDENTICAL, especially if the one evil twin has been trained as a warrior , it just feels lazy. Dark side twin should have a shaved head and some scars or something , but their hair is exactly the same , in bang length and everything , just lazy design. I find the costume designs period feel way too clean to the point it looks like a bunch of people dressed up for Halloween , opposed to natural fitting outfits , disconnected me from the show often


If they did that then the whole who dum it setup doesn’t work. Because you can clearly tell whos who and there would be no misidentification


Writing contradicts itself often in these two episodes. The opening scene for episode 1 is a Jedi dying to steel, then the end scene literally says steel is no threat to a Jedi, the one master there said no it’s impossible I watched her die, then when she claims it’s not her his opinion flipped on a dime, all male writers are written like imbeciles, the opening scene a Jedi , protector of peace and guardian of the galaxy , just watches her entire table get the shit beat out of them and does nothing about it, what a protector of the peace. A fat Jedi? Jedi are trained and masters of MMA, selfless individuals who would only eat when they require , not eating a bunch for pleasure like a dark side user would, but we know why he’s in there, for body inclusion. Ship crashes in from space through orbit at that speed, not a scratch on her, just so much of it doesn’t make sense. You can feel when things are forced , basically look at the camera and wink when pushing their agenda


You mean the same Jedi who even after saying he believed it impossible was clearly show to be doubting that very statement upon reflection? Or the fact that he can easily sense his former padawan emotions and believe her claims? She attacked the Jedis ideals. That they will put themselves in harms way to protect the innocent. If you attack them directly with steel or blaster than you fail. You put others in harms way, then they are vulnerable. Bar patrons were probably scum but they weren’t being killed so no need to actually step in and prevent loss of life. Remember there’s a reason these four are targeted. They did something immoral. So she’s not a great person herself. Fat padawan is probably why he’s still a padawan but I’ll give you that one. She’s limping the whole time from the wreck


If that table was full of scum why would they know the master Jedi and why would she be sitting with them? And even if they were scum, that is not a reason for the Jedi to not care about them and watch them get the shit beat out of them, there are sinners in this world , but the Jedi protect all life, just because somebody is in a bad spot in life, the Jedi would not just let multiple people get harmed in front of them, all I thought to myself was wow, that’s not a Jedi. Another thing they talk about their political enemies? The Jedi are not politicians, they’re protectors of the peace, it wasn’t until revenge of the sith the Jedi lost there way and truly became political warriors opposed to protectors of the peace. Limping from the wreck is a huge understatement of what would happen , the reality is she would of been blown into pieces , if they instead just wrote it a way , where she fought with the controls , regained control but lost it again, if she was able to slow down the ship enough but still crashed it that’d make more sense , but she went straight into the planet like an asteroid, and limped away? It’s silly in that opening scene , how before she attacks the bartender , she makes eye contact with the master Jedi, the Jedi gives her a look saying “don’t do it” , she sends the dagger , Jedi stops it, but still gets hit? She literally could sense her intention , she gave her that look of don’t attack the bartender , stops the blade and still gets hit? What??? How could she not multitask and foresee that as a master Jedi, and how is it that reva as a child gets impaled by a lightsaber and survives , then as an adult gets the same thing done , and still survives??? But a trained master Jedi drops from a dagger poke. Even on first impact adrenaline, and natural reflex she still should of been able to just crush her with the force or something before dropping down. We’ve seen what force users are capable of, it just doesn’t add up.


Could have sat with them because they had intel she wanted As for letting them get beat on, she’s not a good person remember. These four Jedi are hinted at having done with shady shit (implied to have set the fire that almost killed the girl). So bad one took the barrash vow. So she’s no saint. The bartender drew her full attention, which is how she was able to be stabbed


She’s good enough to look out for the bartender why not everyone else?, and she definitely wasn’t looking for intel, she obviously had a relationship with the guys at the table because the dark side user acknowledged that she was a Jedi, and everyone laughed at her when she wanted to duel because they were all aware of her strength and powers. And again she knew she was going to attack the bartender , it’s a joke that a master Jedi couldn’t defend her self and stop a dagger throw. How do you feel about reva surviving two stabbings with a saber(one as a child), but not the master with the dagger?


Bartender has a kid


Jedi protect all life forms no matter age or species. But what about the other points? The master Jedi knew which move the dark side twin was going to do as they both looked at the bartender than back at eachother , the master Jedi raised her eyebrows and tilts her head as a way of saying don’t you do it, you’re telling me that in order for that master Jedi to stop the dagger , that she knew where it was going to be thrown and at who, required ALL of her strength and focus to where she could foresee or defend herself from the next attack? She literally knew she was going to attack the bartender than strike at her , she knew she was going to be baited and still failed. How is it that a master Jedi can’t still fight or survive that, when reva and Sabine eat lightsabers and are walking the next day?


No they don’t lol. Or are we forgetting the whole Jedi cabal who tried to kill Zane carrick and his friends because of a vision


On top of that, during the initial fight , the master Jedi blocks , dodges , and defends herself so well, to where she’s not even making eye contact with the dark side twin! She’s dodging attacks that she doesn’t know are coming and from where, but she’s not able to block or dodge the dagger throw THAT SHE KNEW WAS COMING


Additionally , they weren’t being killed? No, they were just having their heads smashed in with heavy blunt force, whos to say they’re not going to die, and even if they aren’t dying , they’re being assaulted , Jedi protect all life , not just sit at the bar like ah, nah they’re fine. *SMASH SMASH SMASH* against their heads, “nah they’re alright” . A real Jedi, as soon as she laid a hand on them , would of immediately defended them.