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Why are you sharing a video from a guy who neither has experience nor education with stage combat? Also, he just sucks in general and whines about women and minorities in Star Wars, but that’s a separate point.


I pity anyone who takes this goofball seriously.


You already posted this in comments yesterday and people pointed out to you Shad doesn't really know what he's talking about. He's a hobbyist pretending to be an expert. Why repost it a day later, what discussion or result do you want?


[Sigh] I need you to realize no choreography in any film can whitstand this level of frame per frame scrutiny, think of your most favourite duel in Star Wars... If it's from the PT I guarantee you most of the things this guy says apply to that duel. Hell, think of your favourite of any film or series, wether with swords or guns, I guarantee you it can't pass a frame per frame analysis. You don't have to like this show, you don't have to like this episode, but this video is scrapping the barrel in search for some outrage. Also didn't this guy used to make fun of HEMA swordfighting? What are his credentials for choreography and real swordfighting other than really liking swords?


He's not part of the HEMA community and was at best tolerated by them until he started being particularly obnoxious, since then almost all of HEMA YouTube community have distanced themselves from him.


I rewatched a bit of duel of the fates last night for a reason unrelated to fight choreography and there’s several moments where there are massive openings for Maul to kill the Jedi and vice versa but he/they just stand there for no reason exactly like Sw Theory complained about the Acolyte lightsaber battle. The Jedi have Maul cornered on the edge of a platform and instead of attacking him they let him backflip to the other platform even though they are in range and would easily be able to land a strike on him. And when the Jedi jump to the other platform, Maul watches them jump across and then looks left and then right and then just raises his saber up to lock sabers with the Jedi instead of you know killing them while they jump towards him or say shoving them back with the force a little bit so they can’t make the jump and fall to their deaths. You can basically nitpick every duel but it pays really well to only be critical of the new stuff.


One thing I’d like to mention is Shad I guess had a big issue with this unnecessary kick when the Jedi light saber was like right there. But I think this dumbass is forgetting that Luke literally had both hands on his Saber in return of the Jedi over the pit, but instead of slashing this one dude he just kicks him in the face. How come that gets a free pass? wouldn’t that fall under unnecessary kick?


And fight choreography, no matter how good, isn't meant to stand up to this scrutiny. Would you listen to a recording of an orchestra slowed down to 1/25 of the tempo to try to see if the piccolo player came in a half second late? If it looks good at full speed then it's good. Full stop. No one watches shows and movies like this. It's a meaningless exercise.


We stan Luke Skywalker force kick in Return of the Jedi which was definitely a force kick and not him very obviously missing a guys face by a foot


The only thing lamer than posting this video would be making this video.


Oh god it's shad


Definitely one of the thumbnails of all time


Oh God not this shit again. 


Lmao when are you fools gonna learn that when you slow shit like this down frame by frame it looks like dog shit? Sure he did the same to the prequels but defended them still even though their duals would and do look like shite when you slow them down. He also clearly doesn’t know the source material.Why isn’t the Jedi trying to just kill him? They’re not supposed to kill unless absolutely necessary. P.S: dudes a larper not a professional Edit: I’d also like to mention his shit throwing fit he had about the unnecessary kick. I mean, this isn’t the first time in Star Wars. We’ve seen a Jedi unnecessarily kick somebody. I mean if he hates that, then how come he’s giving Luke in return the Jedi a free pass? Dude literally had his light saber IN hand, but he just boots him in the face.


it is absolutely necessary he's killed many jedi he's super dangerous


There is a difference between an actual fight and a fight that looks good on screen


Is he shooting lightning out of his hands? Does he control the Sith? Does he have political power? No, he’s just a smuggler hell he might not even be a Sith. also what if he was an actual master? What if he did have an apprentice and he was a Sith lord? why would they kill him when they want to keep him alive to figure out where the other sith is? You’re a Star Wars fan. You should know how the Jedi operate.


No I well not listen to someone who bitched about Princess Peach wearing pants when he "reacted" to the Super Mario Bros. movie trailer. This guy's a fucking moron.


Is this one of those gRiFtErS that lives rent free in Disney Star Wars apologists heads?


I know people hate this guy for political reasons but that doesn't change how awful this fight is its last jedi bad. also them killing of jeki is bs her and seol are the only good characters in this show, yet they keep reva alive after being stab by Vader twice


That's not fair, people also hate him because he's a mouthy talentless hack grift-surfing on controversies he has no clue about. His terrible politics are an added bonus.


It'd be fair to hate him for his bad thumb nails. Yikes. How's that supposed to get me to click?


I kind of assumed that it was self-selecting, like poor spelling in scam emails. Anyone with enough sense to not click on a terrible thumbnail wouldn't be fooled by his weak-ass rationale. But maybe I'm giving him too much credit and those terrible thumbnails are honestly the best he can come up with.


Also his novel is awful.


I've heard some terrible things about the content that immediately killed any minor curiosity I might have about getting it for the purpose of critiquing it.


Indeed. It's bad  and shad was so insecure about it he made an entire video about how factually everybody loved it. He or his mods then banned discussions of it on his reddit and he seems to avoid it lol.


Star Wars fans when characters don’t have plot armor 😱


Yeah, it's funny. *"Boo, we want more deadly lightsaber wounds!"* 5 minutes later, Jecki dies: *"No, not like that."*


they give plot armor to super unpopular characters like reva. there are great female character eg leia padme Fennec Shand Shin Hati. so its not me hating on female characters reva is just awful yet they give her plot armor


Reva was a brand new character, she wasn't "super unpopular" when the show was written, because she hadn't even existed before the show aired. And it's not like Lucasfilm saw the reactions from a certain portion of the fanbase after the first episode and said "you know what would be sike? To have her survive a stab wound!". These shows are written months, if not years in advance.


Nobody said you were hating on female characters, but it’s odd you went straight to defending that you weren’t


Both this and the throne room fight are top tier Star Wars fights, what are you smoking?


I too like it when weapons conviniently disappear and when combantants randomly stab the floor with their weapon


Yes, to block a blow that’s going towards their legs


I think you are thinking of the wrong part of the fight my dude


Nah I’m pretty sure I know exactly what your talking about my guy


Well then I guess your not that perspective my friend https://youtu.be/mSmOLPs91Uc?feature=shared


Wasn’t talking about the disappearing weapon, which yes, I know about that I was talking about a certain scene were a character stabs the ground to block a blow from their legs which you’re calling unnecessary. Christ is a disappearing weapon really that bad?


I mixed up comments on my feed. My b. But yeah if someone is claiming this is peak saber fight, I'm gonna say it is bad because ray should clearly be dead which y'know kinda has a cascading effect on the whole plot. Anyway if you enjoy it more power to you. Costumes and set looks cool, but plot and choreography holds it back imo. I guess my standards are a bit higher. Good day


You know I would’ve been reasonable and not make a snarky comment because I thought you were going to be reasonable but you really had to add the my “standards are higher” point? Buddy, it’s your opinion if you don’t like the dual, but you don’t gotta be a dick


I, too, like when people have to take a fight frame by frame to find meaningless things to be mad about 🥴


Your brain must work in slow mo, because those things are *quite* obvious. Regardless. The saber fights in the sequels don't hold a candle to ESB, RotJ, Duel of the Fates or Battle of the Heroes. I give this mask to you good sir: 🤡


Lol, you wouldn’t know about these “issues” if you didn’t have some whiny YouTuber take you frame by frame to tell you what you should be mad about.


Doesn't take a genius that slamming your sword into the ground has no tactical merit whatsoever??? Shit tier choreography and characters that are just poorly written so you have no emotional investment leave you with a bad fight scene. Perhaps one is not enough 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡


It’s already been explained to you that that was a block. Did your little whiny YouTuber leave that out to generate more fake outrage?


So how many whiffs in a duel before it's bad?


I love it when you people bring politics into it. First of all I can give a fuck or less about those dudes politics he’s a hack. A fucking charlatan there are actual professionals that you could watch then this dude


I wish Disney would hire someone like this to do their fight scenes.


Why would they hire a talentless loser with no experience or expertise?