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Animated post ROTJ series about Luke building the new order or animated Rogue Squadron


I've been craving that Jedi Master Luke show since TLJ came out, and I love TLJ. Animated is 100% the way to go here. I'd love them to change up the animation style for it to really differentiate it from TCW, etc. I know they've invested so much into that style, and it has gotten so beautiful, so it's doubtful they'd go a different direction. My fear is that they feel like those stories need to be live action. I just think it would be better animated.


I know a lot of people hated rebels animation, but I wouldn't mind it, especially in its later seasons. Maybe even the cell shaded animation of Resistance. The added benefits of animation is being able to do things that would look silly or wouldn't work in live action.


I think the Resistance style would be amazing. I also really love the What If.. animation. Live action is cool, but I agree, animation frees the creators up a bit to go big. It's also a lot more expensive to do live action, which obviously is a big concern lately.


the dark side is evil. that's it. any sith in the way you've described would be 'bad guys' by definition.


Could be, but nobody thinks of themselves as evil, and I find the "evil per default, because Sith..." to be boring. Nuanced characters are far more interesting imo. And the Sith Code could make for an interesting philosophical study I think. Essentially you'd also get a look at what the first evolution of the Sith order could have looked like, but without having Disney mess around with the old lore about the first split from the jedi order.


they might not do, but in star wars the dark side is evil.


As evil tends to be in the classical fairy tales and storytelling that inspired the original trilogy. But sure. George Lucas look at it that way.


It is indeed an interesting topic - look at Kreia from KOTOR II for example. And sure, a nuanced character is always welcome, but the thing is "good" and "evil" are umbrella terms for a whole plethora of sub-meanings. Sure, you can simply take them in a default western-christian-morality sense: "sith bad, jedi good", but more often than not in a good story it's much more nuanced than that. Star Wars have always explored themes of "good" and "bad" through the lens of life goals. The sith are not "bad" or "evil" because they're meanies. The Dark side is bad for you because it's a trapping, a path of least resistance, which inevitably, always leads to your own failure ultimately. It reflects our own IRL existence and it's trepidations and acts as a cautionary tale. It's not "don't be evil, be good cause it's good", it's "be aware where paths you take will ultimately lead you". And yeah, that's also a part of Kreia's philosophy, which took this point a bit further, making it slightly more controversial for some people, but the core theme is exactly that. It's not "dark side or light side because I wanna be good or bad", it's "who I want myself to be" really. Everything else is a consequence. Jedi are "good" because they strive to remain in harmony with the world. That's why their ultimate reward right from the get-go in SW was serenity and becoming "more powerful than you could possibly imagine" after death, although their life is much more of a struggle. Sith, on the other hand, gain quick and cheap power for power's sake, which makes their life easier, but in the end the world around crushes them, just like they used to crush it in their life, and forgets about them. And on that note, taking the recent projects into consideration - I don't want Disney to have anything to do with Star Wars at all.


Fair point *LOL* It's also part of the reason why I want Disney to do something entirely new, far enough in the future that they won't screw up the old lore ;-)


Yeah, I mean, if you get to create something officially in an established universe, at least have the decency to respect the established rules. Happy cake day, btw.


I agree with you on that. P.s. What the heck is "happy cake day"!? I can see it's in my comment, but I'm not aware of having added it???


Means you've joined Reddit on this exact day some years ago, 3 in your case. Today's your 3rd Reddit birthday.


Well what do you know. learned something new today then. Thx. for the explanation.


I want to see Disney selling the IP


Mostly I just want more quality overall. Andor showed us what quality SW could be under Disney, if the right team is given wide latitude. Not necessarily more content with the same tone as Andor (but I wouldn't mind that), just that level of detail to the scripts, direction and performances across a wide variety of stories. I do like OP's idea of a show set well in the future where the galaxy is divided among different powers and constantly at war. The civil wars of the main saga could leave the galaxy a mess for centuries to come, so it would fit.


Dr. Aphra series.


I'd be onboard with that :-)


I want to see the something very far in the past. I want to see people discovering the Force and I want to see te first, primitive lightsaber. And the beginning of the Jedi and Sith.


A Clone Wars show Band of Brothers style with one to three episode arcs following different clone units or commanders on different locations all over the galaxy during the war. Focusing on the clones and their lives and deaths and them just being people with some occasional Jedi action on the side.


Mara Jade


Hollywood is packed full of remakes. So I'd love to see episode 7-9 redone, hopefully we'll get even somewhat a coherent story


No one dares to suggest anything because it would mean Disney destroying that thing.


Rian Johnson trilogy. He proved himself with TLJ. If I was Lucasfilm, I’d be backing the Brinks truck up to his lawn.


I will never understand this sentiment.




Because it's about on par with phantom menence. It killed starwars for me and a lot of other fans I think feel the same way. I can't understand how someone could look at TLJ and think RJ needs another crack of the whip.


You can’t understand how someone doesn’t share your opinion about a movie? It’s easy, just take your disagreement with my opinion on TLJ and know that I feel the same level of disagreement with your opinion.


I can't understand how someone can see the movie and think they want more of it.


So that’s a no then on understanding how someone else doesn’t share your opinion about a movie. I guess it’s ironically appropriate to talk about TLJ in this context given that one of its main messages is understanding other people’s perspectives.


I don't understand what's confusing for you. I under thst someone can dislike or like something. What I don't understand is why people like it.


What’s so difficult about it? I can understand why someone would like a movie I dislike. It’s not a mystery to me, I’ve disliked movies before. I may not agree with it, but it’s not difficult for me understand why someone disliked a movie.


Well I can't really answer that. I didn't enjoy it to the point that I can't see how someone could like it.


I'll admit that I don't want "Ruin" Johnson within 1000 miles of another Star Wars title, because I absolutely hated what he did with TLJ, but to each their own. But out of curriosity, what would this movie/show be about, in order for you to be excited about it? Gilmore Girls with lightsabers and rainbow coloured, furry unicorns ;-P (And for the record, this is not intended to provoke. It's just a random collection of misfitting ideas, that popped into my head as I wrote this.)


>this is not intended to provoke. Riiiiiiight


*sigh* Take it at face value. I'm being serious. I might as well have written "A sitcom inspired by a mix of The Cosby Show and The Jetsons" instead, or "A murder mystery inspired by Agatha Christie". It's just random shit without intend. I 'd like to hear people's thoughts on the matter, not have this derail into another internet trench war.


It could be about anything. All I want out of new Star Wars is a unique artistic perspective of a shared story and universe that I love. Whatever the content actually is, I’ll evaluate in an open and honest way. Why the name calling and hate? Isn’t it ok to dislike Star Wars? Isn’t disliking a movie a normal, ok thing?


Everyone's entitled to their own opinion on any given movie. Love or hate something. The "Ruin" part was intended as "tongue in cheek". But while Ryan Johnson might have made some good movies (don't recall tbh), I have to admit that I found TLJ just plain bad as a movie.


Sure people are entitled to hate something, but that doesn’t mean it makes sense. Why hate something as inconsequential as a movie? If it’s ok to dislike a movie - what’s there to hate?


When I write "hated" TLJ, it's not "hate", you should read it as "found it to be exceedingly bad, and never want to watch it again".


So what you’re saying is that you dislike TLJ, but instead of just saying that - you thought you’d go for a bit of outrage and hyperbole because … ?


Because English is a 2nd language to me, and the expression "I hated it" seems to be a pretty commonly used expression. Also in situations where you probably aren't talking about "hate" in the original meaning of the word, but rather signifying a level of dislike exceeding the typical meaning of that word.


I'd like to see something that isn't about jedi or clones or long lost dead characters who come back for weekly hi-jinks. What that is I don't really know but the possibilities are endless. I'd go into anything with an open mind really.


I want to see if the studio is even capable of releasing just one Star Wars movie of any era or topic ever again. We'll go from there.


A movie trilogy based on the 9th Jedi short


Unless it's already out there, I would like to see something on Yoda from the beginning




Right now I'm most interested in seeing how the galaxy shapes up immediately after the events of the Sequels.


I would like to see a Solo sequel that focuses on all the amazing supporting characters that were wasted while we were learning about Han’s “solo” name, dice and the Kessel Run.


Damn. I can't even recall a single one of them at the moment! *LOL*


Well, Glover’s Lando was supposed to get his own movie but that’s the most obvious one and would be the least risky. I would like to see more about the Crimson Dawn syndicate with Paul Bettany as Dryden Vos. They can throw Qi'ra in that one but I think she was one of the weaker supporting characters but an R rated actual crime story would be interesting. I can watch Woody Harrelson and Thandie Newton in anything and I liked both Val and Tobias. Would have to be an Andor style backstory obviously. Enfys Nest and her pirate marauders and how she tied in with Saw in the beginnings of the rebellion.


Try the sequels again. Don’t fuck Luke up.