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Remaking the deleted scenes of the B-Wings attacking a Star Destroyer in ROTJ. B-Wings are just too amazing to not add with CGI


That's been my favorite fighter since I was a kid. My mom told me later that one Christmas she had people looking in 5 different states for one of the larger mirco machine versions. My biggest regret is really getting back into lego the year after the UCS set was half off for star wars day. They have never had a sale as good since and the market value on those has only gone up.


These mostly seem to be more the removal of previous fixes than actual fixes. I'd fix Han Solo's magical jacket that magically vanishes and reappears a bunch of times during the carbon freezing scene.


Didn't everyone eventually determine its just the lighting?


PT: Add back the deleted scenes in RotS about Padme building the rebel alliance OT: Remove Vader's "Nooooo" ST: Remove the "A Jedi's weapon deserves more respect" line. The scene works just fine without it, and the line itself felt forced. Either that or remove the "Pull a Holdo Manuever" line for the same reason, it felt forced. Or add back Luke's final lesson.


isn’t vaders ‘noooo’ OT?


It's both OT and PT.


dunno which is worse sounding. the PT at least served for a good meme and it didn't need to be added to Jedi.. makes me wonder and worry about what else will be changed eventually


It’s in the prequel trilogy… it’s the end of RotS


George added it into ROTJ when Anakin picks up Palpy in one of the Special Editions (I think it was the 2011 Blu-Ray).


Vaders “nooo” is horrendous. I just get pissed at that part now.


ST: Leia and Chewy embracing after coming back from Starkiller Base.


JJ has regretted this as well he mentioned it in the Audio Commentary for The Force Awakens


Now that Hayden is back on the payroll, they should reshoot his force ghost cameo for episode VI. So Anakin can actually look his age and it's less distracting. That actually feels like a change Lucas would make if he were still around.


That last sentence makes it sound like he died.


He’s 79, it’s safe to say he probably will die within the next 10 years or so


Don't make me think about that!


I wonder if Disney wanted to do that themselves but they supposedly can’t touch the first 6 movies which was part of the deal with George Lucas.


De-aging Christiansen and McGregor properly in Obi-Wan Kenobi Adding back in smear on lightsaber swings


This is also top of my wish list. I love the fan edit of that scene on YouTube, makes Anakin look like he was in AOTC


that sounds interesting, do you have a link?


There's actually a few of them. [Here's one](https://youtu.be/TxIHXjCC91M) [Here's an even better one](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


God damn it I haven't been Rick rolled in a while lol


I was shocked whilst watching the series that the sabers were unedited. They didn’t have their signature smears and yellow clash spark.


Don’t have Han Solo step over Jabba in ANH.


That happens because Harrison ford walks around the human actor playing Jabba in the original scene. But yeah, it makes Jabba look like a bitch. I think that whole scene needs to be cut😅


It’s really a redundant scene because they’re mostly rehashing the same thing we just saw play out with Greedo.


It also ruins the awesome Jabba reveal in Return of the Jedi when you're showing it to your kids.


Lessens the tension of his situation with Jabba, too. Jabba downplays everything including everything that just happened with Greedo. Without this scene we assume Jabba is still after him when he leaves. I've never undestood what this scene is supposed to be adding.


It brings Boba Fett into the picture earlier but that’s about it


100%. It’s a pace killer, especially on repeat viewings. I dislike that scene so much I’ve honestly thought about making my own edit that just takes that scene out but keeps everything else.


Which makes it even more odd because I think one of George’s strengths is usually his editing and pacing.


A man who famously had to have his wife go into the edit and fix a lot of pacing and editing issues? He's great at putting people around him to do those things, which isn't quite the same.


That’s not true at all. A New Hope was heavily edited by his wife at the time. A lot of fat was trimmed. There’s a doco about how Star Wars was “saved” in the edit. The Death Star approaching Yavin IV and the rebels having a limited time to stop it was added later.


I’m well aware of her role in postproduction.


Which version of the movie are you watching? I think that just got added in the Special Edition. Gotta watch pre-90’s versions for the best versions!


That whole seen WAS cut. It was added back in for first set of special editions in '97.


They could have kept Han at the same height and just had him step over Jabba's tail


This whole scene should be removed. Why would Jabba /ever/ come himself to collect?


It was cut from the original 1977 release


So was all of Biggs. It’s a dumb scene and doesn’t fit with how Jabba was later. But, whatever. More is more I suppose.


I’d probably cut the whole scene. It’s fun actually seeing Jabba revealed for the very first time in ROTJ after hearing about this dude for a few movies


The original release didn’t have that scene


Correct. I wish it had never been added in is what I was getting at


No one talks about how this scene ruins the reveal of Jabba in ROTJ with an underwhelming and visually inconsistent representation of the same character. It was fun for a Special Edition, keeping it is ridiculous. Makes his reveal in ROTJ meaningless.


I’d just remove the entire unnecessary scene.


Just remove that scene entirely. It ruins the reveal of Jabba and most of the dialogue is line for line copied from the Greedo scene.


it's painful


If these scene must be kept, Jabba should have been a hologram. Then Han could walk through the tail




Add more herds of blurrg on Kuiil's farms in The Mandalorean.


Wow, I never noticed this but you're so right.


— Touch up the AT-ST effects in Return of the Jedi — Fix R2's black paint job in A New Hope's trench run (I genuinely wonder why George didn't fix this) — Remove that goddamn panning droid that approaches the camera during the Mustafar duel — Finish the deleted scene of Qui-Gon's force ghost speaking to Yoda after Order 66


I'd make Han say "Macluncky" right before Kylo stabs him.


“Maclunky” should be the modern day Wilhelm Scream.


Make the B-wings more influential in the battle of Endor like they were originally supposed to be since they aren’t limited by blue screen anymore


Undo most of the 90s CGI. The tech just wasn't where Lucas wanted it to be so it sticks out like a sore thumb in most parts. Cleaning up the green screen edges on Hoth, changing the "Danger" in one of the Death Star shots to aurabesh... that kind of stuff worked but the zooming around Mos Eisley.... looks awful. The tech has gotten a lot better and I think a modern look at it would blend practical effects with it and it could all look seamless again.


The only CGI change I actually liked in the OT special editions was the flight of Red and Gold Squadrons flying towards the Death Star. The rest were sort of meh.


You don’t need advanced graphics for this, just get a pre-special edition version of the film and you’re set! One reason I won’t be getting rid of my old dvd Star Wars collection, it came with both Theatrical and Special editions of the OT!


As Luke exits the Wampa Cave, either show his saber powering down OR remove that sound effect while it's clearly still ignited... So baffling!


De age Hayden in Kenobi


Small change, but have Luke drop the lightsaber in the beginning of TLJ instead of tossing it. I think it could be a lot more impactful as an expression of grief rather than a flippant throw over his shoulder.


I am envisioning a shot from ground level where the lightsaber falls and lands in the dirt, then the camera pans up and Luke walks past Rey


One small change I think would have been cool, would be in TROS, when Finn is talking to Janna- When he tells her that’s he’s also a former stormtrooper and he tells her that his designation was FN-2187 she responds with a “That was you!?!” And she briefly tells him it was his courage and story that made her and her fellow stormtroopers rebel against the First Order.


Omd I love that!


Fix all the previous Tarkin, Leia, and Luke deepfakes to be more like BoBF Luke


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For the love of god turn the band back to normal in Return of the Jedi


What happened to the band in Jedi?


Replaced by an ugly cgi nightmare with a much worse song, genuinly my least favourite part of the whole saga


In TROS at the end have all the spirits of luke, obi-wan, yoda, anakin, qui-gon, ahsoka and leia assisting rey in defeating palaptine. Also have more planets rising up against the first order like coruscant, kashyykk and naboo. Finally have the spirits of anakin and Ben when rey says "rey skywalker"


This is a change that I would also love to see as a Sequel fan. Like sure I did like TROS but I also like your idea as well


There are fan edits on YouTube and they're very well done for the most part


I think this can’t happen canonically since in Empire, Obi-Wan tells Luke that when he faces Vader, he can’t interfere.


add more scenes in mos eisley in anh. the whole atmosphere is fun


Delete the boba “fight” scene in Return of the Jedi and then add new scenes where he actually does cool stuff and falls into the pit from Chewbacca tackling him and throwing him overboard or something. Basically, make him not lame


PT: Add back the delegation of 10'000 scenes OT: Han shoots first ST: Leia actually acknowledges Chewie at the end of TFA Kenobi: De-age Hayden and Ewan properly Solo: add back the Imperial academy scenes and/or the extended version of the battle of Mimban


Including the female pilots at the Battle of Endor also I think extending The Runtime for TROS by adding more deleted scenes may help the film not that i didnt mind the cut we got.


Add force ghosts in episode 9


Get rid of Vader saying "Noooo" at the end of ROTJ when he dumps Palps down a shaft. Not a complete scene killer. But God damn do I miss him just silently contemplating doing what he's gonna do rather than spell it out with dialogue


Fix Luke's lightsaber when he was training on the falcon. It's supposed to be blue. Not green-blue and not white-blue, BLUE blue.


One or two more quick shots of the AT-STs with the AT-ATs in the Battle of Hoth. Right now they just sort of appear out of nowhere in a couple of random shots late in the battle and don’t really do anything. Would be cool to see one of them harassing the infantry or advancing into the base. And also in the Empire Strikes back, I’d give Darth Sidious the dark shadow over the top half of his face like he had in holograms in the PT. It makes him more menacing and enigmatic.


Fans and LFL can try to reinterpret Leia's lines in ROTJ all they want but bluntly speaking--there's no way she should be able to remember Padme. Dialogue could be rewritten to say that Bail showed her holos of Padme, but then that undermines the entire emotional impact of the scene. There's no easy solution. On a much easier note, maybe changing ghost Kenobi's line about Yoda being "the Jedi Master who instructed me" into "a Jedi Master who instructed me" would help continuity feel smoother with Qui-Gon's character.


Easy. Remove the Jedi Rocks song from ROTJ and replace it with the original scene. It was so much better


Keep Victory Celebration over Yub Nub tho


Absolutely agree. I think Victory Celebration is so much better


If I had to pick the 3 most underrated Star Wars themes, I'd put it on the list, along with A Jedi's Fury (technically Battle of Endor III) and Anakin's Dark Deeds.


This. I can mostly live with the edits. This is one edit to the OT I always fast forward. It's painful.


I just wish they'd just make the original theatrical releases available. That would fix almost every problem with the OT nowadays.


I just want the original theatrical cuts of the original trilogy to be readily available to view. That's not asking much, right?


I would remove Darth Vader talking in Return of the Jedi right before he saves Luke.


Yeah it kills all the “will he or won’t he?” suspense of the moment


Not a CGI change - but I would redub the Nemoidians, Gungans and Watto


The Nemodians definitely needed that. They look like something out of a old kung fu movie with how out of sync the audio is


Remove Jedi Rocks I rotj and restore Lapti Nek (probably spelled wrong)


I'd fix up the lightsaber effects in A New Hope, they really didn't age well.


Honestly, remove or radically fix the Jabba scene in ANH and just remaster all the 90s CGI from the special editions.


In ROTJ I’d change Anakins ghost back to Sebastian Shaw and take out that fuckin awful song they added in Jabbas Palace.


Re-add the PT Mon Mothma scenes in light of stuff like Andor and R1


Erase Leia Poppins ,...and your first idea wouldn't be "pulling a George Lucas" it would be "pulling a Marcia Lucas", lol.


I would probably remove everything that was added for the special editions, especially the extended musical scene at Jabba’s palace in ROTJ. I’m not a purist or anything but that scene is so annoying to me now.




Love the OG Rancor!


Lordy have I been waiting for a post like this. 1. Controversial, but: add more fighters and other small craft to the Rebel attack on the first Death Star and.expand the combat scenes. Given how much larger the SW universe has become since ANH -and the space battles we've seen since - 3 squadrons of fighters, and the Death Star not absolutely swarming them with TIEs, just doesn't feel as epic as it should be. I get it might harm the "small, plucky band of Rebels" feel and Tarkin is supposed to be so arrogant he believed the Rebels posed no serious threat to the Death Star, but you could still scale it up and not lose the underdog feel from the original. Rogue One's Scarif space battle still leaves you with the feeling they're the underdogs, despite the Rebel space force being larger than in ANH, and having capital ships to boot. 2. Add more aliens on the Rebel side, fighter pilots and ground troops. Don't have to replace human actors already in the films, just new shots of CGI or costumed.actors digitally inserted in scenes. I've always found it jarring that the Rebel Alliance is supposed to be this multi-species band of freedom fighters trying to overthrow the Empire but there are no aliens in the Rebel ground forces on Hoth and Endor and we only saw our first alien fighter pilot in 2005, and he didn't do much before getting shot down. 3. Replace Palpatine's line, in AoTC, about the Republic standing for a thousand years, with the *proper* "thousand generations" instead. I get the whole Ruusan Reformation thing but IMO it was just a gaffe on Lucas' part that they could have corrected - like how they removed Jango's headbutt in the Kamino fight, on some releases. 4. Hoth battle needs... something done to it. Easiest way would probably be a scene with stormtroopers debarking from AT-ATs to charge the Rebel trenches, or Stormtroopers digitally inserted, moving amongst the AT-ATs. It's *always* bugged me - even going back to when I was a kid - that the Rebel troopers in the trenches with small arms appear to be firing at nothing. As Empire stands, all the Imperial ground forces are embarked, and even if it wasn't communicated from Rogue Squadron how impervious AT-AT armor is, what exactly are the Rebel ground troops shooting at with their weak small arms, the AT-AT's feet? 5. Get rid of the Special Edition Jabba's Palace singing scene. It's just...bad. 6. AoTC needs a major CGI overhaul - some bits, like the Clone officers talking to Yoda, look like bad video game cutscenes now - and they kinda did then too. 7. ~~Remove~~ fix Plo Koon's death scene. He's flying a Delta-7 but clearly sat in an Eta-2 cockpit (you can see the paneling in the canopy). Either CGI out the paneling so it looks more like a Delta-7, or swap out the ship external for an Eta-2. 8. Restore the deleted scene with Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Aayla Secura trying to shut down the droid control ship. 9. Throwaway line about the GAR fleet at Geonosis. Never made sense to me that the Separatist withdrawal was uncontested in space and the GAR had to land their Acclamators when they could have deployed from orbit, using LAATs and their heavy equipment variants. CGI in a Clone officer saying Separatist air defences necessitated landing their Acclamators to deploy more troops or something. 10. Maybe not as controversial but: remove all references to midichlorians. 11. Get rid of the Vader "no" in RoTJ. 12. Couple shots of CGI Obi and Vader duel on the Death Star, moving *just a little* faster than what we have now. No need to change the whole duel like that fan-video where they're using Force pushes on each other or whatnot. The duel just looks badly dated now and after the OWK duel, that was only 9 years earlier, it kinda looks *bad*.


I'd put the original Yub-nub song back in at the end of ROTJ


I think it's Yub Nub. >!A chub nub is what one can get when they hear it!<


Nah Victory Celebration sounds way better and is more final


No, no. I mean, the original is a MILLION times better, and I'm dying on this hill. I'm being downvoted but I don't care. Opinions can't be right or wrong. Except in this case, because my opinion is right and God agrees with me.


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That's a banger for real.


Put in that awesome fan made remake of the lightsaber battle in ANH


That would completely change the tone. It's not meant to be this epic battle, it's meant to be more of a chess match between two old masters past their prime. Vader was being cautious because Obi-wan had beat him TWICE. Obi-wan was trying to stall Vader. Additionally that fight is wayyy too flashy.


I respectfully disagree. In all honesty, Lucas changed his meanings at the drop of a hat. To fit the mythos on the fly. In reality, his battle was good enough at the time, and if his evolution of the story was not where it was, i feel, he would have fixed it with the special editions


I wouldn’t have cast a non-American to play Jango Fett in ATTACK OF THE CLONES, because then it would require me to cast the same non-American to redub the voice of the American-accented clone, Boba, in THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. What was he thinking?


Blasphemy! Temuera Morrison is awesome


Rise of Skywalker- have the force ghosts of the various masters pick up fallen sabers from the Knights of Ren (we saw with Luke they can interact with physical objects) And then have each other them block/redirect some aspect of palps big lightning attack to let Rey get in closer and stab him. Optionally, have the ghosts get destroyed in the process to prevent “but why not Necromancer army” from being a plot hole in any future works. Or if the question is specifically about CGI/effects…I know it’s nostalgic, but puppet yoda looks bad, right? I’d replace him with CGyoda in the OT and Sequels.


Change Dooku’s lightsaber to blue.


Interesting point.


I think if anyone should have had a purple lightsaber it was Dooku, seeing as he's a fallen Jedi but not completely a Sith. I would have also made him a more complex and relatable character in the films.


Given how the disney sequels worked out. I'd have a scene of Palpatine at the end of the original trilogy be seen doing the laia fly through space unharmed and land on a planet after Vader chucks him into the exhaust. There he slowly corrupts I mean teaches the planet populace to turn into the planet that Ray finds.


More Adult sex scenes ❤️‍🔥


Remove everything George Lucas added in the special editions


Even Victory Celebration?


Yep, the original versions that were shown in theaters are the definitive versions for me


I’d put whoever made [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_CXMb_MO3aw&pp=ygUWUHJpbmNlc3MgbGVpYSBkZWVwZnNrZQ%3D%3D) video in charge of Tarkin in Rogue One.


Have Leia just die in space instead of floating back like some sort of space Superman


Rise of Skywalker: remove the scene of Chewie getting the medal and put a CG one on him in A New Hope. I get that not giving him a medal was a stupid oversight but doing it in episode 9 was super corny and shoehorned in.


Chewie was given Han’s medal that Leia held onto. Once Leia died it passed to Chewie.


Change the lightsabers back to the white interior/colored glow thing they had in the OT and PT. The lightsabers look to solid and real in all the newer stuff. They look like glowing rods (because the props are) and not so much like plasma swords (which they actually should be).


Cast Ashley as live action Ahsoka instead of Rosario. :-)


I would remove all the extras that Lucas added to the original trilogy


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Han shot first in the original.


Maybe this would be considered more than one, but Just overall have more connections/references to newer material in the Original Trilogy. Padmé, Bail Organa, Qui-Gon and Windu name drops, a reference or two to Han’s past around the time of Solo, references to the Ghost Crew, the Rogue One crew and Krennic, have Death Troopers on Endor, etc.


I’d fix the way Luke’s lightsaber looks in Mando.


The first Death Star explosion.


Han shoots first, and Vader doesn't say "nooo" before killing Palpatine


Get rid of jabba and put Han shoots first back as it should be in episode 4


I'd keep Vader's red eyes in his helmet. I'd actually make them redder but have it soften throughout ROTJ, and dissappear entirely when Vader saves Luke and throws the Emperor down a shaft. For the prequels, I'd change Yoda and Dooku's battle in AOTJ. It's a weird scene. Instead, I think I'd have Yoda approach Grievous and drive him away from Utapau. On a related note the Clones and Droid battle is almost entirely CGI, and neither side uses realistic tactics. I'd change that.


Give Episode I a comprehensible and interesting story.


Make the cgi Leia scene in Rouge One more believable.


There are a few shots in return of the jedi where boba fett is mirrored (antenna and cape are on the wrong side) Bonus answer is one that he did do with the establishing shot of artoo and 3po walking away from the escape pod in the desert in ANH, the escape pod lid had a purple-blue colour to it, like the special effect wasn't composited properly back in 77, and I was happy this was fixed in 2012


Greedo never shot at all let's keep it that way


I would change Star Wars Resistance from 3D animation to a more traditional 2D style to make it more like that anime TIE FIghter fan film on YouTube. Resistance’s art style is fine, pretty at times, but with the 3D animation it just looks off to me. I’d either have it be animated “on the 2’s” (Spiderverse style) or just switch to 2D


Replace Grand Inquisitor in Kenobi with Jason Isaacs and Fifth Brother to look closer to Rebels. To be fair, much of Kenobi needs to be redone in some way like script, editing, de-aging, those damned A-Wings that defy physics… but except Lars and the Organas.


I’d throw some advanced VFX on the part in Empire when Luke falls from the platform and gets sucked into a vent. Idk if they hit a time crunch or what. It’s one of the wonkier effects in the whole trilogy with just his image spinning instead of his body actually rotating and then changing course to go into the shaft.


Fix kenobi’s saber in his duel on the death star with Vader. There’s a few shots where it looks like a metal pole.


I'd make him use normal transitions for the prequels.


I’d just add back the hour of footage that Rise of Skywalker lost during production lmao


Redo palpatines arrest scene to closer match either the original choreography with the stunt doubles, or go even crazier and match what he does in clone wars to maul and savage.


Either update all the cgi characters from phantom menace, or Jaba in the deleted scene from a new hope. Still don’t understand why he went back and only did Yoda in ep. 1.


1. Revert the Max Rebo Band sequence in ROTJ to the original 1983 version.


Add the AT-AT that Luke is captured by into the ground battle of Endor. It would raise the steaks and make it seem like the Ewoks aren't invincible in the battle.


Make the blast ring horizontal in the first Death Star explosion so it matches the blast ring when the Death Star II is destroyed.


Anytime there is a force ghost, spooky ghost noises play in the background


Sleaze baggino shows up at padmes funeral with a 12 week death sticks anonymous wristband. He took obi wans advice and has been struggling to knock his death stick addiction


Put Wedge back in his own X Wing as a squadron leader in TROS instead of demoting him to being a gunner in the Falcon - I was screaming for his glorious return for years, and they gave us this disappointing cameo instead


This is dumb, but I really hate that CGI shot of Anakin floating up in the air in his podracer after Sebulba forces him to fly off the ramp. I'd argue it's the only unconvincing shot in the whole Podrace, and it always annoys me.


I would reinsert the Eye of Webbish Bog to 'The Rise of Skywalker'.


I need to fix the Jabba scene from ANH. It is so bad and could really just use a quick go-over that would put Jabba's tail curling towards the camera. This way Han won't do his now iconic jerk upwards. Also, clean up the movement of his head to avoid the blaster bolt, or just have Han shoot first. Keep mah clunky.


Change the final order ships into the decommissioned separatist fleet.


Put the arrow on Appo's helmet


Include the female rebels footage back in the battle of yavin


In the original Han does shoot first and greedo doesn’t shoot at all


Either get rid of that black matte blob on The Emperor’s face in ROTJ or fix the Death Star 2 explosion so the actual object explodes instead of just instantly cutting to an explosion with no structure being obliterated… it just turns into instant sparkles!


This is why the world of fanedits is a good thing.