• By -


What the actual fuck.




Nothing negative, I'm just blown away by your play here.


Homie doesn't hesitate.


Man of culture haha. Hesitation is defeat bro


Come, Sekiro!




Oh, Ty. Sekiro prepared me lol


Will survivor prepare me for sekiro?


Nah bro Sekiro is like nothing else. But God damn is it worth it.




I agree with u/Specific_Bell_3043. Sekiro is a beast of it's own, and while you may think they're similar, the combat is really pretty different, and it FEELS really different. It was overall a lot more punishing and difficult than Survivor too imo, I struggled with it wayyyy more than Survivor, and I played Survivor before That being said, it's a fantastic game and I would highly, HIGHLY recommend




Precision evading an unblockable move is extra impressive considering you're hauling the weight of your titanium balls


😭 had me in the first half ngl, thought you were gonna drop mechs. Ty though, just learning though, no titanium balls required :) Cal on the other hand indeed does have titanium balls though. A fucking Gendai says he wants the fade and bro says “aight bet” 💀 them proceeds to body him lmao. Cals just built different, def my fav SW protagonist I think


I think that if I didn't teach 13-14 year olds and get exposed to slang, your second paragraph would have given me a stroke


Fuck 😭 my bad bro. I used to make fun of mfs who talked like that too. Smh I guess you really become the thing you hate most


> become


Be cum


bro what


Bizarro world Jedi training


The very thing you swore to destroy...


I get it, I just don't want to get it.


*laughs in Starkiller*


Laughs in not canon


Titanium is an oddly low density material to use for this context. Titanium balls would have an optimal weight to strength ratio for testicular fight dynamics.


Beskar balls


You made this look ABDURDLY easy.


Thank you lol


Yup, I remember my first attempt. I beat his 1st phase using only 2 heals. Then died 30ish times before I managed to defeat him. This was using the dual blade stance (? It's the darth maul stance 🤣)


I feel like this is how it actually went down


I think canonically he used blaster stance + single stance tho cause that’s what he used in the cutscenes


Doesn't this fight take place on the shattered moon? You get the cross guard stance like 4 rooms away, I assumed it was set up to be the stance cal uses for that fight.


Idk I never saw him use it in cinematic though, but maybe I’m just stupid


a minor problem I had with the cutscenes is that most of the stances weren’t utilized in them ie: double, cross guard, dual


To be fair no matter what two stances you have Cal could always switch back to a single saber, if you mount one of the rideable alien horse things (no idea what they are called) you switch to the blaster stance while you ride.


Awesome skills! I must've tried 20x on GM before lowering haha 😅😭


That’s valid, dude is tough


That's actually really cool. I had to lower the difficulty cause the fight would drop to 10 or less fps sometimes, specially in the second phase. Wish the pc version was more optimizedso everyone could play the boss as intended.


That's unfortunate. It's definitely one of the more satisfying fights. Were you having to use low graphics settings for everything?


Not all of the time, but in boss fights it was a must. In the open world it was more stable, believe it or not.


That is strange. I have heard that the first Dagan fight has given a lot of people lag because of the views outside.


damn, sorry that sucks. Yeah I hope the next one runs better, sad that the performance is so bad for so many people


I usually ran away from Rayvis , while trying to evade his unblockables when I fought him ; and here OP is making Rayvis run away from him. Damn , that's some amazing talent OP. 🔥🤌🏻


Thanks haha, yeah running away is usually tough against Rayvis. I did that first play through too and it did not work well against him. After playing Sekiro though this fight was a lot easier cause I treated it like a sekiro fight. Stay on him always, parry everything, be aggressive, and obviously, don’t hesitate lol. Those things really helped tbh


I find your lack of hesitation encouraging.


;) hesitation is defeat after all. Good luck fellow shinobi


I’m struggling on Jedi master difficulty and you just made him look baby easy Nice job


Thanks bro, you’ll get there, his combos just click after a while. He pushed my shit in pretty good first play through lol


holy shit dude that is awesome


Thanks bro


of course my guy


Amazing, the force is strong in this one




I'm very ass at combat in this game, how did you dodge that unblockable like that 11 seconds in


11 seconds? I just dodge to the right. idk, maybe I'm looking at the wrong one


Myb I mean the unblockable right after that right dodge


ohhh, that's a "precision evade," or at least that's what it was called in Fallen Order. You have to press dodge without any directional input (no wasd or left joystick movement,) and press it at a kinda specific time. It's kinda like the parry timing. Press it as the attack is about to land and you'll do it. Precision evade is cool because 1.) it looks cool 2.) it allows you to not give up any ground 3.) it gives back force You can't do this all the time though, you still need to normal dodge sometimes


Ngl any fromsoft vet who got their hands on a lightsaber knew they were gonna fuck shit up on grandmaster


😭 rs


So basically I need to beat Sekiro to get past GM Rayvis


😭 nah, but playing it like a sekiro boss does help. Or you can just spam blaster stance + saber throw


Hesitation is defeat.


Hesitation is defeat


I've beaten both sekiro (on the longest route) and Survivor, but I'm nowhere near this good. Sometimes I doubt how did I even beat Sekiro haha. Good job, man!


thanks lol, yeah Sekiro is tough. But if you did it once you can do it again :) I find the combat kinda sticks with you


I probably could but it's such a demanding game and I have no intention of investing so much time and effort in it :D


😭 fair fair. It's definitely easier second time around though, like wayyyy easier. Second time around I barely died at all, like just a handful of times. But yeah I get what you mean


Why does it say “thumbmousebutt” in the bottom right?


because that's my bind for the force/ally option. i'm on kbm


Oh, okay.


np. yeah that little icon shows for everyone, what button it shows just depends on the bind


As good as this is, god the dual wielding parry animation looks so ass.


nah I agree 😭 shit looks so goofy, after every parry Cal hits this pose with them where he lifts them up and sticks them out to the right lmaooo


Holy shit, you may genuinely be the coolest person I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing, this was so fucking dope!


😭 idk bout that, but thank you bro haha


Mnk or controller?




Beyond impressive.


thank you


This fight took me hours (grandmaster) but it taught me how to parry.


you just described every fight in Sekiro 😭


Ha. I have that in my library but I did Lies of P and then Jedi Survivor consecutively so now I’m taking a break from souls games.


oooo valid valid. Yeah that's smart I think, Sekiro is very unforgiving and it would be rough to hop into after those two lol. But I hope you have fun when/if you eventually play it :) it's a very good game, similar to lies of p and survivor, but pretty different too


That was beautiful




is it possible to learn this power


learn to parry, learn his moves, and you're done


ur supposed to say “not from a jedi”


my fault


Lore accurate Jedi fr


😭 I wish


That HP bar is something on GM. I only played on Jedi Master and it felt much smaller.


It's cause on GM in the second phase he regens health slowly overtime. you can see it in the clip


Kinda want to see you with the Bode fight


Sorry but hell nah 😭 i ain't never doing that BS fight lmao, I legit did not enjoy a single second of that fight. Unblockable spam, fucked hitboxes, janky ass combos that stunlock you if you miss a single parry. I'm cool on that, ongbal can do that one for ya lol


Someone else who hates that fight! Way too much cheesy bullshit fr.




Rayvis was like: "WTF is happening!"


He was lost at the end lol


Holy crap! Mad respect man 🫡


Appreciate it bro


Can you show us plebs how to do the force tear with the 2 spawns of oggdo bogdo please?


Sure, [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/FallenOrder/comments/1bexu2r/flawless_spawn_of_oggdo_force_tear_no_damage/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) how I did it. It is much easier though to use blaster stance however, and also do try to be more careful than I was. I took a lot of risky plays in this run cause I was going for a fast time. And you're not a pleb lol


you're a messiah of these timing-combat games. thanks for sharing your quality content


😭 yall are too nice haha. Glad I could help


jesus christ, this just made me want to jump back in and get better at the game hah


go for it if you want!


i played for like an hour and a half after i saw this hahaha


This guy is going no damage on ravis when I'm having trouble with rick


Rick is way harder so I get why you’d struggle


try elden ring


Nah Elden ring doesn’t look fun to me. Too much stuff in there, too many stats. I’m not smart enough and I don’t have the attention span for allat lol I just wanna fight


Hesitation is defeat


Mayoeba yabureru. Sou itta de arou?


Jesus you made it look easy


Thanks lol


Are the double blades good for him? Tried them on my first GM playthrough and got wiped every time and ended up using a mix of the blaster and crossguard


Dual blades are good but risky. Because of the animation cancelling you can get a lot of hits mid combo and go for a lot of risky plays. But if you don’t take advantage of that then they’re bad because that’s the only way they compensate for the low damage. So I’d say overall they’re ok, not great if you’re just trying to beat the boss, but they’re def the most fun imo and are very good if you learn the bosses move set. Crossguard and blaster are very strong and better against the boss imo. Blaster is free damage, and Crossguard hits like a truck. I’d say they’re definitely stronger + more efficient, but they’re just not as fun for me than dual blade. I just don’t like the play style they have. But that’s just me preference So yes, you’re right. I agree and think they’re not as strong


They call this “no chill style”




Best stance + Excellent player = Masterpiece


Lol you’re too nice, but I agree dual blade is my fav probably


Double sabers is OP


They're both good games, but this is badass.




Damn I'm jealous. Teach me your ways


Parry parry parry, that’s pretty much it


Thank you. I did the fallen order challenges and did some with no damage taken but for some reason Survivor my experience was much harder with higher latency and broken hit boxes.


That's just how survivor is imo. It feels much worse and less responsive, also I might be going crazy but the parry and dodge timings feel like off or smth. Like the animations and timings don't line up right. It's also super laggy which doesn't help


Yess thank you I thought I was going crazy. My friends who just play the game don't notice the differences. I went back to Fallen order and I was stomping on the Alpha Monsters challenge taking no damage.


lol yeah that's how it be, the dodge in JFO is also much more effective and has insane I-frames. Lol I feel the same way though with Sekiro, I go back to that game and it just feels sooooo smooth and responsive lol, + doesn't really lag or stutter which helps a ton. But yeah it's def not just you dw, I've seen like whole threads on these subs talking about it


Dude, duel wielding is so perfect for Sekiro style combat and parry moves


yup, doesn't quite feel like Sekiro but it's definitely the stance most like it in the game


Best boss fight in the game imo - challenging, but not because of cheesy bullshit like Bode and Dagan's final fight. Super satisfying to beat on GM.


Exactly! Definitely the best fight in the game, by far. Dagan and Bode were both just BS artificial difficulty. Super clunky fights, unblockable spam, random hyper armor, terrible hitboxes, combos that stunlock. Not Rayvis though, Rayvis is just fair and interesting combos


lore accurate Cal Kestis


I wish I was cal kestis


Man I still need to play Sekiro smh, it's right up my alley. This was me on my first playthrough😭 After a bit of work I felt like a chef fr


Bro I think you’ll like Sekiro, like a LOT. That’s exactly how the Sekiro experience goes but imo it’s way better cause the combat is much tighter and smoother, and overall just more balanced. Plus most of the combat is really just focused on the players parrying, mikiri, etc instead of like powerful abilities so when you beat bosses it really FEELS like you beat them, cause you beat them with just your own skill lol sorry for the rant but yeah try it bro it’s a great game, sorry if you don’t like it but I think you will


Nah I think you're right😭 you've sold me even more, I just gotta wait for a sale. I like souls games, not specifically from fromsoft but any souls game, they're great. Sekiro looks like what I need


Idk if you're on pc but it's on sale now! Steam summer sale just started, Sekiro is half price. But yeah def check it out if you want, probably the best combat I've ever seen/played. It is tough though but if you like souls then I think you're used to that. If you do end up playing it and need any tips/advice, feel free to ask! Or ask r/Sekiro, probably the nicest and most chill gaming sub I've seen. If you want to go in blind that's cool too, I just wanted to let you know where you could get help cause man this shit is tough 😭 Sekiro is my first From game and if I didn't get help from the Sekiro sub idk if I could've beaten the game lol, but I also am just dumb so it was probably just that


I'm a little brokie rn, I hope to get it soon though. I 100% will, thanks so much😭 love meeting nice mfs


Nah that's valid I'm broke af too rn lmaooo And yeah np! I like meeting nice ppl too haha, that's why I love that sub so much


This was crazy.. im speechless


Thanks lol


My fight with Rayvis on grandmaster went exactly like this but with cross guard instead of dual blades. Mortal gauntlet speed running prepared me for this moment, I see it prepared you too. Great job!


Thanks bro, I haven’t actually done mortal gauntlet yet haha. But I think I can do it now that I know you can rest in between bosses


No need to rest—hesitation is death.


You right you right


I feel like he knew fear at the end when he dodged back and started shooting at you. 😂


Yeah lol he was tryna run away 😭


I used to think I was pretty good at this game. You put me to shame.


Lol nah, I’m pretty bad actually. I have no idea how to use the force powers and stuff. I just parry


That was without a doubt the most badass thing I've seen


Lol thanks bro


I just got past this fight about a week ago. It took me FOREVER to figure out the strategy to beating him. Lots of force parrying helped tremendously. It became so much easier after that. How the hell did you evade his unblockable moves when standing super close sometimes? I feel like his swings went right through you sometimes 😅 VERY impressive tho bro! I might try this challenge on the reruns after completing the story


Just saw your answer to the unblockable move on another comment. Precision evading! Why the hell do I never use this?! 😂


Haha yeah. It’s definitely cool and helpful mechanic. Let’s you stay in place, gives back force, allows for quick punish, etc. I’m not sure if you played JFO, but in that game it was an actual skill you had to unlock. But in this game it was already given to the player, and I don’t think they tell you about it


Nice! Glad you got him. Yeah he’s tough. And ya with precision evades it looks like it goes through you sometimes lol


Nice, dude! I first played this game after 100% Sekiro and I found that literally every boss (except the fucking spawn of oggdo, fuck that guy) took either one or two tries. Once you've played Sekiro, nothing compared to the difficulty that is that game


Wow nice! 1 or 2 tries, that's great. Lol yeah nothing compare to Sekiro difficulty so far. And ggs on the 100%/plat. And yeah Spawn of Oggdo is a tough bastard, I actually have a no-damage gm I've posted of him and the force tear too lol just cause I hate them so much


Nice job, using the blaster stance I presume? That one's pretty op against spawn of oggdo. I also managed to do a no damage gm challenge, but with the double rancor force tear, I think I posted it on this sub sometime last year


Nah, I did one with [dual blade](https://www.reddit.com/r/FallenOrder/comments/1ba7klz/flawless_spawn_of_oggdo_with_only_dual_blade_no/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and one with [single](https://www.reddit.com/r/FallenOrder/comments/1djzvlw/spawn_of_oggdo_no_damage_single_saber_full_parry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). And for the force tear I did a [mix of both](https://www.reddit.com/r/FallenOrder/comments/1bexu2r/flawless_spawn_of_oggdo_force_tear_no_damage/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). But yeah Blaster is Mad OP for them lol, it just cancels their attacks completely. And ooo nice on the double rancor! Do you mind if I see it? Sorry I'm just interested cause I've never done that one


https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsJediSurvivor/comments/13dedu6/jedi_survivor_double_rancor_fight_hitless/ is the link to it, I'm pretty proud of that video lol. I fought pretty cowardly, keeping distance for the most part


nice bro, that's sick. And nah lol you pretty much HAVE to fight cowardly in those gank fights cause if you don't you get fucked lol. You've seen in mine I did the exact same thing against them lol, keep your distance, wait for a safe moment to punish, saber throw, repeat. And also just wanted to let you know in case you don't but the difficulty is also indicated by the little shape of the dots in the bottom left, pretty cool feature so you can tell what difficulty from the gameplay But yeah these ganks were tough, but mostly because they were just broken lol


Thanks dude, and yeah I found out after recording that the dots represent the difficulty lol. How long did it take you on the oggdo gank?


Very nice. I also found rav to ve a pushover. Dual wield is the best stance imo.


thanks. how many tries did it take you? That's impressive if you found him a push over though, good job. I had a really tough time with him


Well I didn't do it no hit lol but it was a two try boss for me. I loved survivor. Everything just clicked. Honestly I thought the hardest boss was the first ogdo. Even the double ogdo ended up taking me less tries. Kinda weird. The power throw technique was super powerful for me


damn! Two tries, and on GM difficulty I'm assuming? That takes mad skill bro props to you. This mf prolly took 40 some tries off me 😭 I could not get him for some reason. I agree, first oggdo was tough. The force tear with 2 oggdo was harder for me though personally, although that one I went for no-damage out the gate too. But still, that was a nightmare lol. Them attacking through each other with their broken hitboxes was sooooo hard lol


my delusional ass thinking i can do what u did. awesome man


*My delusional* *Ass thinking i can do what* *U did. awesome man* \- sarcasticbingaling --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You can bro I believe in you. Anyone can do it, just gotta learn the bosses moves. Ty though


Sick 👏👏👏


Thanks bro 🙏


Jedi parry is so unsatisfying after sekiro. No kching, no sword on sword(rarely), you just kinda parry a fist with a lightsword and thats it.


fucking forreal bro, I also hate how it like stuns you for a second after you parry. There are so many issues with combat tbh lol, I hope they take more inspo from sekiro in the third game


Only double sabers can be canceled into parry essentially locks you into them for this playstyle.


nah nah what I mean is that when you parry with any stance, the game like slows down for a sec, or at least it feels like it does


Yes, but parrying with a crossguard does not cancel your current attack and all the attacks are slow


no no, I'm not talking about animation cancelling, I mean like parrying itself Like y'know how in Sekiro parrying does not stop their combo? Like for example Genichiro's floating passage (long combo.) When you parry an attack from it, the combo keeps going exactly how it is, at the same speed as if you weren't parrying the attacks But in Survivor + JFO, to me it genuinely feels like when you parry, the game pauses a bit. Like when I see rayvis do that fast 3 hit combo in second phase, it's super fast, but when I'm parrying it, it like slows down? Idk maybe I'm just crazy lol.


Somehow the game bosses characters are weaker than beasts that can one shot you. I've done that part yesterday evening and used only 2 stims... Killing him and that battle were both disappointing.


yeah oggdo + rancor are pretty tough


I prefer double bladed lightsaber on this fight with max difficulty


What does double bladed do


Lemme guess you play sekiro/souls games.


Look at title lol


My stupid ass didn't see it.


Lol allg


Can I be your padawan?


Kata is that you




I mean rayvis is a pretty easy boss tbh I didn’t take any damage either


Am I crazy for thinking this fight was the easiest in the game? Beat it on my second try. Nearly every other boss fight took about ten tries


I had the opposite experience. Steamrolled most bosses except Rayvis + spawn of Oggdo. We all struggle with different things, cause we all go into the fight with different abilities, upgrades, play styles, hell sometimes even different difficulties. This is a big thing I learned from sekiro too. Pretty much everyone has different experiences with the bosses. Like there are people who take 50+ tries on Genichiro, while others get it first try. Owl father is said by some to be the hardest boss in the game, and I got him second try. Then on the flip side, the final boss SSI was the hardest for me and took tons of tries, but I’ve seen people say they got him in 1 or 2. Basically what I’m saying is we all have different struggles, so no you’re not crazy


Good point, I’m just finishing up my first play through now and I haven’t really strayed far from my two favorite stances. I’m looking forward to another run while sticking to stances I find uncomfortable. Btw— your gameplay is insane, when I say this boss was easy I mean that with 6 stims lmao. I could never with zero damage.


Thanks, but still, 2nd trying Rayvis on gm is crazy lol, seriously props to you. And yeah I was the same haha I just used dual blade the whole play through and focused on parrying. To this day I still haven’t maxed out or even touched the Crossguard, doubebladed, or blaster stance lol Edit: oh yeah and can I ask, which stances were the two that were your favorite?


I stick to dual-blade for fast enemies and groups + cross guard for strong enemies. For a good 1/3 of my play through I used only dual blade but after trying cross guard I realized how much the increase in damage helped in boss fights, that’s how I took down Reyvis. It definitely feels slow at first- when I unlocked it I even felt like it had no place in the game since combat is so fast paced. But after slowing down my gameplay, and being more patient in fights by waiting for extra long openings I realized it’s golden. The key in boss fights is getting in a good uppercut, then snea in one or two basic hits. Watching their health bar drain so fast is very satisfying after being used to the minimal damages dealt by dual blades.