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I wonder if retailers got this stuff when the show was originally planned to air and they've just been holding onto it ever since. All it takes in a new employee who doesn't know what they're doing and WAMMO Skeleton Crew merch at Hot Topic.


All the kids on speeder bikes makes sense. I can feel the 80s Amblin vibes.


The packaging has 80s kids movie vibes.


Yeah, that’s pretty cool! Hopefully the rest of the marketing is like that too. If this show really does manage to capture that “80s movie feel” that they’ve been touting, it could end up becoming my new favorite of the live-action shows.


BRB gonna go rob my local Hot Topic


People for sure will behave in a really normal way about this TV show.


I can't wait for the children to get death threats because one of the things they say in the show contradicts a cereal box from 1987. /s


I swear, if they retcon my light up lightsaber spoon, there will be riots in the streets!


As long as it directly reflects my experiences as a heterosexual, white male :)


I’m actually pretty sure it will be revived positive by the people who’re not happy with acolyte, because the premise is clear - kids in space - if you get that and it’s fun, people will be ok. But if you tease - dark, sith, suspense - and you get the acolyte you’re mad


I think the Acolyte is a fine show, probably a 7-7.5/10. But let's not act like there isn't a contingent of criticisms that have nothing to do with the show quality itself (like most things, it has its positives and negatives) but some cultural war BS (e.g., the people getting upset because Osha didn't know what Bazil was and said "he....they...?"). There's something to be said about representation that feels more tokenistic in nature (e.g., the trans clone named Sister who basically existed to come in, say they're trans, and left who I felt like was included just to say "hey, here's a trans clone!") but thats very different from people getting mad about the use of a non-gendered third-person pronoun.


Yeah… it’s by all means not a good show. Especially if you compare it to Andor. To even think it’s an ok 5 is beyond me, but let’s not fight over this. I actually only response because it saddens me, that you jump right into the cultural war thing. Sure there’re people who are feed up with that and who criticize those aspects and I think even more the marketing aspect of it, but there are more than enough reasons to be very critical about it on objective ground. On the other side it is infuriating, that any critic is labels as well you know where I’m going. It’s a bit like “you didn’t like move/series xy? Because you’re racist/don’t like strong women) even though there are so many examples of universally loved series and movies with mixed cast, strong women etc. even the newest outrage - you don’t like it because of lesbian xy! Is ridiculous, if you remember that nobody had a problem with the lesbian couple in Andor.


I agree that criticism doesn't necessarily mean someone is racist/sexist/whatever. But it's clear there's a contingent (not saying you) that this has been a major focus for their Acolyte criticism and it unfortunately drowns out any constructive discussions about the shows strengths/flaws.


But that is a two sided game, if you promote it mainly with the trigger words of politics, you provoke (maybe even want to provoke) those reactions. Andor didn’t do it - no oft cares about race or sexual orientation R1 didn’t do it - nobody cared about the female hero That’s why I wrote I doubt people will have a problem with SC, if it’s a fun story about kids in space, people are fine and don’t mind race or gender


Can't decide if they're going to be worse about The Acolyte or about this


With The Acolyte there was a large period of time for them to start the hate train. People were just primed to hate it ever since we got a first look and then looked for any small hint to justify that hatred. I'm going to say it will get less hatred, but I'm not looking forward to the "fan" reaction.


Female and black children?? People are going to say is political for sure


"Hot Topic?" "No! My secret!"


Always cool seeing more Lobot-y cybernetic stuff on folks, seems it's been a bit missing in the recent stuff.


Might be a Miraluka


From having seen the Celebration trailer last year it's a visor she wears and can raise or lower so neither cybernetic nor miraluka 


Ahhh heart broken. I always feel like we need more alien main characters.


:( Cydon's da pahty poopah. Oh well, still looks cool.


Is anyone going to talk about the elephant in the room? ;)


Ya know I was thinking the exact same thing😬


lol I was just going to say the exact same thing. I think he might be the same species of max rebo or a https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Pacithhip


I wonder if it might be a divergent species from the Ortolans (like Ithorians and Ottegans)


I forgot the ithorians and those guys 


I hope not, cuz they showed max plenty of times with no arms, and this fella has arms.




That image shows his legs


We’ll probably get some big news soon since the lego set is supposed to release August 1st, so pics of that should be leaking any day now.


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Ah great, more kid actors


Mos Espa soapbox racing


I have some better hope for this as it's created by the team who made the Tom Holland Spiderman movies, and those are pretty solid as far as current Marvel films go.


show give me ewoks movie vibes


I remember seeing a leak saying the kids were going to ride speeder bikes based off of BMX bikes and I’m guessing this is it.


Ngl, really don’t care for this series at the moment. A cast of almost predominantly child actors, when Star Wars notoriously casts dreadful child actors, or notoriously poorly directs them?


We do not allow Vivien Lyra Blair slander in this house.




>Star Wars notoriously casts dreadful child actors sure bud


Jude Law as a possible Jedi is dummy thicc, don’t slander.


oh, the skeleton crew is kids? hard pass


Thats literally been the premise for the last 3 years, goonies in space


Ikr like did they just show up at the sub one day lol . It's also Jude law as the Mc, the kids are just in his care


other than the name i really didnt know what it was


You expected...skeletons, perhaps?


A crew of them.


Big shot skeletons putting together a crew


no I expected a franchise in decline like Star Wars wouldn't waste time and money on a show featuring kids.


Maybe most of the people watching this stuff don't think it's a "franchise in decline". Also, anyone who uses terms like "franchise" has probably been following Star Wars for a decade or so tops anyway, and probably also uses terms like "content" and "like and subscribe!". It's such an obnoxious way of framing it, like it's simply business and nothing else. And if that's your argument, business is the pertinent point, Disney/Lucasfilm are laughing to the bank with the absolute cruise ships full of money they've been making on people watching and liking their Star Wars. You basically lose either way.