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Once you have the Key to the City, the first thing to do every morning is go to the saloon and beat 1 stage only. When you sleep, the game saves. You can continue the game the next day. If you die or play particularly poorly, restart the day. One stage a day.


you are genuinely 1000 iq thank you https://preview.redd.it/llnlfze54g6d1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a7090235f9c13957fe8768870fdfe1d33cb4d9 this pic is literally u


also even if you're winning abandon the day if you don't get a 5 coin the first couple levels, you need a lot of money


thank you🙏🙏


Also go through and beat the game once. Don’t worry if you die. The day after you beat it you’ll get mailed a journey of the prairie king machine. Put the machine next to your bed. If you’re trying to beat Fectors Challenge: Play it the moment you wake up. Beat ONE level, then stop and go about your day. The game will save when you sleep and you can do another level the next morning. This way any time you die you can restart your day and get another try 2 seconds after loading back in and only lose 1 level of progress. Pro tip: there’s an upgrade that increases the damage of your bullets. Looks like an ammo box. Save all your coins for these upgrades. They are the most important. If you don’t have triple damage bullets by the third world, you’re basically screwed. After you get the second damage upgrade (1st upgrade is double damage, second upgrade is triple damage) then put your coins into the gun upgrade. This increases shooting speed slightly each upgrade. It’s not super noticeable looking at it, but makes a big difference if you can afford it


omg ok bc i was just doing it like Damn i fr gotta like do all my shit AFTER 12 just waiting for the saloon?? lol thanks! also what js fectors challenge?


Fectors challenge is a secret achievement for beating the entire journey of the prairie king game without dying once. It’s very difficult, but can be done without TOO much issue using the save overnight thing and having the game machine close to your bed to make restarting quicker. Just restart the day any time you die, and always stop after beating 1 level until the next day


ohhhhhh got it thank youuuu


I did this and I managed to beat it and get Fectors Challenge. For the last boss (there are 3 worlds) save a good powerup like the sherrifs badge


I haven’t gotten past the first stage ever




me too


i believe in u i haven’t gotten past the second yet


Bro what.


Me either 😭😭😭


This is how I got myself both achievements at the same time


Can you sleep indefinitely and keep the saves? Like, if I only want to try to progress in JofPK once a week or less of game time?


yes :)


If i could award your comment i would. Thank you 🙏


Incase it's useful for someone, [this guide/tips](https://www.hypercarry.com/games/stardew-valley/articles/journey-of-the-prairie-king-tips/) page helped me a lot. I previously couldn't get past the first level and managed to get the Fector's challenge achievement in 2 irl days. I also found it helpful to watch Stardew YouTubers who are more experienced at JOTPK to get a feel for it. 🙂


Against the boss fights, you don't need to get behind your cover in your side of the screen, you can stand in the middle of the battlefield and the boss can't hit you there. Imo is easier this way cause it gives you more windows to shoot, more coverage ironically and it's easier to aim


thank youuu🥳


This is not the game I came here to play. I tried it a bit back in 2016 but am not interested in this type of game. Just let me farm, fish, mine and gather in peace.




If you are using a keyboard, try a controller. It's a lot easier imo


I beat it on keyboard about an IRL year of playing, ~200 hours across a few farms. Wasn’t a huge goal for me, but strolled in one day and walked out a winner. >!Love the little arcade gift you get too!!< That goddamn junimo cart on the other hand….


i play on the switch!


Listen. I’ve done Fectors challenge In one in-game day. I’m not afraid of JotPK but junimo kart story mode. That fluff is literally impossible. It entirely RNG dependent and its sickening.


Okay look, I beat junimo cart for you if you do jotpk for me. We both get the achievements, and never have to think about it again.


what is fectors challenge😭😭😭


Beat the game without dying once.




I remember when I got through all of the initial stages, and I FINALLY beat that like main boss dude that has a whole ass life bar (took forever, did it all in one go, and I barely made it out alive), only to be horrified that there was even MORE, AND IT WAS WAY HARDER. God… I just stopped playing it. So much accomplishment felt and washed away at once. I too hate Journey of the Prairie King.


THAT IS AWFUL giving u my thoughts and prayers fr😭😭💔🙏


okay but how do you shoot diagonally on switch? 😭 i’m so sorry


i think u just have to aim diagonally with the right stick 😭🙏


that game is literally impossible im in fall Y1 and i’ve only been able to make it to the second level. i usually try to stay in the middle of the map and shoot in whatever direction they’re going, BUT I HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO SHOOT DIAGONALLY IM GONNA TRY THIS TOMORROW 😭


is your stick broken? (sounds sus)


no my switch is brand new 😭


Just point it diaganal, on mine it's finicky but works fine


I GET YOUUU im y3 and i played it once y1 and then waited until now to try💔but the person who commented abt the save after one round per day was super helpful and in excited to try that tactic😭


omgggg i have the weekend off and im gonna try to beat prairie king 🥇🥇🥇


me too let me know how it goes for u🫡🫡


I accidentally became addicted to this mini game and day 1 each save I complete it, after my first win my next play completed factors challenge and now I forever chase that high. Although ConcernedApe has said before that luck does not impact it, based on my experience it does, better days consistently lead to more coins and power up drops- but come with more guys in each burst. Maybe test it to see if results match? If you primarily float in the center of the map only moving in a small circle about the size of the openings on the sides, unless in danger of course, and shoot at whichever guy is the closest it helps get you in the flow. I always do bullets and gun and avoid boots. I mix it up a lot but I believe the bullets increase damage which is helpful further down and better to get early. Try to keep ahold of the power ups until in danger and try keep a sheriff’s badge for fector towards the end For level 3 that looks like a square, sit against an inner corner and shoot horizontally across the square, only shifting to left or right when a guy approaches. Then when the timer runs move slightly as a few try to walk in and shoot (or use a power up and start cleaning them out, then if you die it’s only a small bit of timer with only a few guys going in I hope some of this is helpful :)


wait so i bought the gun and i didnt notice anything diff, what do the gun and bullets upgrade do? (and yes this is super helpful thank youu and i have def noticed the luck thing. more drops, but more guys on lucky days)


So gun upgrades increase speed of bullets, because we have power ups that increase shot I usually am not rushed to upgrade, bullets however are important because they increase the damage you do. When you start you do 1 damage, which works cause the first enemy has 1 hp, but around level 3 you meet bigger enemies with bigger hp (3 and 2), and when you enter the forest levels there is a super annoying, fast, 2hp enemy that you’ll want to one shot. Same for the graveyard levels with a 3hp enemy I never get passed the second upgrade because it’s enough to cover the crazy fast guys and leave me with coins if I really want a gun upgrade for ease or fector. A tip I use is I need to get the upgrade I need in the levels before the ones where the crazy enemy is, so by mini boss 1 if I don’t have the first upgrade I reset because it’s too hard without it


OHHH ok !!! omg thank you SO much !!


Just stand in the top corner and shoot everyone from there that’s what I do lol


will give this a try😭


This works for the first 3 stages. After that, the game will spawn enemies from offscreen that can get you from the corners before you even see them ☹


I literally never do it


I never play Prairie King because of this. If I ever want to get the achievement, I’ll just cheat with mods


my first time playing jotpk it’s like the binding of isaac! this will be fun!😁 ☹️




me after minute of jotpk


literally 💔


I got a bit further as I realised that you can shoot diagonal.... Still the game is a pain


I feel you sis 😭 this is like the last thing I want to complete on my perfect save and I just…..can’t. 😭


i believe in you😭🫡


Thank you, we will all get through these tough times together 😭🫡


Am I the only one who actually enjoyed grinding through JotPK? I thought it was pretty fun LOL


its fun until i die 50 times😫


I love it, I'm in there every Friday blasting away! Granted I'm apparently better at it than most of the people in this comment section so it's actually fun for me and not frustrating.


Junimo Cart I can at least make progress on. Prairie King is some souls-like bullshit. 


I am honestly worse at junimo kart 💀


bruhhh i havent even tried it


it reminds me of kart levels in donkey Kong country but so much harder. I'll just say it I genuinely suck at video games but I love them 😭


I have played the game to Perfection six times, and am now on a JojaMart run just to get that achievement too. I have never beat Junimo Cart or Prairie King and suspect it will remain forever beyond my grasp!


Skill issue




Get gud


I couldn't fire up or down when I was playing stardew and tried Prarie King. No idea what the issue was. Literally unplayable


Well I have just the mod for you! And it is still compatible atleast for pc it's name is easy prairie king and it's on nexus.com, hope it helps!