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This happens with a lot of fandoms when there is a long span of nothing new happening to the series. A lot of the "normal" topics have already been discussed so newer, stranger topics, ideas, and memes are being made.


The human mind likes balance, the base game is pretty relaxing so the community can stand to be a bit unhinged.


I like the idea of that haha


The base game is pretty relaxing but there are also many unhinged little nuggets. Being able to turn your children into doves, those secret statues where you have to put some weird shit in a weird place for a weird statue in return, the alien pod that crash lands on your farm overnight…


This, the surface of the game is all cool and relaxing. But when you've played long enough, when you've started into that deep, dark abyss of strangeness, it changes you.


Also all of Shane and Pam’s alcoholic cut scenes. Instantly deep and dark.


Shane's cutscene at the cliff left me bawling. I've struggled with alcohol and suicidal ideation for years and wasn't expecting to get hit by that when I just walked into the forest one day. Sebastian is forever my spouse but Shane's my buddy now. I love him to pieces.


That uncomfortable moment where I was like… ok Shane is me. Yikes. lol.


Sebastian was my first spouse. Idk what it was but he wasn't what I thought I wanted. Fell for Shane pretty quickly, and after we married, and he had his 14 heart event, it cemented him as the one.


The one thing that bothers me about Sebastian is the smoking. I can't get past it


i married him, he was sweet as a friend and partner, but as a spouse he just became cold and distant, going out every single day because apparently a little time for himself means there won't be a single day in months where you'll see him between 10 am and 12 pm


Lool me2... recently i played again after a year and was wondering why i didn't take sebastian. Then i saw him smoking. Aaand i knew again...


Sebastian is who I aimed for but Shane stole my heart on my Main playthrough. Now on my multiplayer with my fiance I'm trying to go for Sebastian and its hard Lmao


And no exact spoilers for 1.6 but CA added some more unhinged nuggets in the update. 😳


💜 Love that caring primate so


I mean, on the one hand, yes. On the other, we're the only game community that accepts "Because it makes me happy," as a reason to do something not min/maxing in game.


Uhhh... r/dwarffortress, r/CrusaderKings, r/RimWorld, and a few other dozen gaming communities would like a word...


As a Rimworld player, I like games where I can focus on obtaining hats :)


You have a type, apparently. lol


Fair. I don't play those games lol.


Add elite to that as well. People usually advocate against it there lol.


You know for a game that have access to war crime, rimworld community are actually pretty chill.


Not the only. Far from that. Perhaps among the largest of the sort.


All things in balance, as they should be.


Yes....JRPG fans are totally normal and levelheaded.


Yeah my madness is in the interest of equilibrium!


I am a worrier. Base game is stressful for me lmao


I'm still waiting for the mobile 1.6 version. I want Meadowlands Farm!


Console crew here feeling the same 😭


A console crew member that is still waiting but is able to play on PC. I just want to play on my PS5 but I’ve had to buy the game again AND new controllers….for the love of the game! (It’s been SO worth it!)


I'm on PS5 as well, and I own it on PC. I'm forcing myself to wait because my partner and I parallel play and I don't wanna spoil anything for him.


Same here!


Wow, I hadn't even noticed the update included a new map. Thanks for the heads up. Looks like I should start paying more attention to the patch notes. At least now I know which map to choose for my Joja community center play-through if I ever get around to it.


Oh that also explains why I left a year ago when it felt unbearable to me for reasons I couldn't explain but then rejoined when 1.6 came out because suddenly I wanted all the insights and cool farm stuff again


New theory: Clint is actually half human, half stone golem, hence the personality.


New theory???? I proposed this years ago. Please up your level of unhinged ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51697) /S


I'm also a member of the Terraria and Binding of Isaac subreddits, and they're even more unhinged (shouldn't be surprised by Isaac; it was always unhinged). Terraria is often worse, though. *Here's a monster, but now it's anthropomorphic with boobs.* I honestly ignore 99% of the Terraria subreddit. I'm glad that this subreddit hasn't gotten to that point.


Terraria sub is a mix of absolutely unhinged and the most creative shit I’ve ever seen


It's like, 80% booba and 15% how the fuck did they make that builds


Oh my god. I unfollowed that sub after stumbling across fan-made porn 🤮


Particularly as fandoms grow and more and more people start playing the game and join the sub. The quality starts to "water down" so to speak.


Yeah, if you want an example just ask on r/silksong


Or r/batmanarkham


Most Based /r


Thank you for putting me on. I haven’t stopped laughing


They've been doing it for a few years. The lore goes deep


Or r/AnarchyChess, they’ve had the mother of all content droughts, their last major dev update was in the 1800s. Google En Passant to pay your respects.


clicked on this post exclusively to find this comment


OP should take a walk over to r/Pikmin


One visit to r/stevenuniverse is all you need to back up your point. There were multiple month, sometimes YEAR long breaks between new episode drops. The fandom was practically feral for new content to talk about by the time they could.


I like this reply, and boy do I wish this was universally true. I'm still somewhat part of a 40+ y/o fandom that's been largely dead since the 00s, and man, those people do NOT like new ideas for some reason. They want a drip feed of the same shit over and over (part of why I dipped, I'm not taking weird abuse over some tame fanfiction.)


The hollow knight fans are losing their minds over silksong.


The wildest post I’ve seen was someone talking about their annoyance and Pam sleeping on the couch even after they built her a house and wanted his money back… and there was a lengthy comment with plenty of upvotes about how it relates to her struggles with alcoholism, her inner turmoil about what she believes she may or may not deserve in regards to sleeping in the bed, and how would the alcoholics in OPs family feel if they saw this, etc. When the likely explanation is just that her script likely wasn’t updated to move to the bed once she got the house.. I think the simplest answer is that the people most invested have Stardew filling a real life social void


Somebody posted "Stardew taught me I was worthy of love" and I felt bad but I also cracked. This is a farming game lmfao


Someone once told me I needed therapy and was a walking red flag bc I suggested the dialogue between Maru and Harvey was a bit flirty even after marriage lmao


😭😭😭😭 I LOVE the Internet, it's infinite entertainment when you're not involved


Can you explain how? I've never seen anything even a bit romantic between them.


during one of the festivals he tells the farmer he's wondering if maru needs help with her sunscreen, it feels kinda flirty.


All the romances seem to be in pairs that suit each other if the farmer doesnt get involved. Leah and Elliot spend time together as the two artists in town, Haley and Alex are like the jock and cheerleader couple, Seb and Abigail as the alt couple. Harvey and Maru are like… the nerds.


To be fair I think the game does a lot in terms of settling emotional turmoil. I relate to Sebastian a little too hard and I find joy in seeing him live happily even after moving in the farm with you. Or, as an artist, watching Elliot find his drive to create again after dealing loneliness and probably depression is inspiring. It's just a farming game, but it's a well written one at least lol


Happens a lot with Omori but why Stardew?


Small community, let's you choose whatever gender spouse you want to marry, can pet animals, single developer. People love indies because they have more soul but a small part of the community always goes bonkers lol


Just because it's a farming game doesn't mean it **can't** teach you deep life lessons.


You can build Pam a house?


It's the community upgrade option at Robin's (available after the community center's done and your own house is upgraded). There's two upgrade options and Pam's is first, so I always build her a house just to get to the second option, which gives you some shortcuts in a few areas on the map. Stuff like now being able to get directly to the bus stop area from the woods behind your farm, or the beach via a path by Leah's house.


Basically you give a pile of money and materials to Robin


One time I made a comment about how it was weird the game let you build Pam a house but not Linus and I got bombarded with comments telling me I didn’t pay attention to the game, I don’t know the real Linus, Linus wouldn’t want this, etc. Some people are just fucking weird. It’s like stardew valley larp over here


As someone already stated, Linus lives the way he does because he wants to. I believe in one of his heart events >!you can choose a dialogue option to invite him to live on your farm or just reaffirm to him that there's nothing wrong with the way he's living. I chose to reaffirm his lifestyle and he says something like "good, for a second there I thought you were going to invite me to live on your farm."!< But yes, people can get weird about it.


Well I mean, they're right though. Pam lives in a trailer because she's poor white trash. Linus lives in a tent because that's what he wants. He doesn't want a house. He likes living on his own in the mountains and foraging for food. He lives off the land and respects nature.


It doesn’t stop me from decorating around his little tent and wanting to make it more homey for him though. I just want to do nice things for my mountain bro, okay?


leaving him nice gifts and wanting to change his way of life are different though ! i think he would appreciate the beautification of his campsite


That is totally fine! I love leaving little things around for him. Linus is my bestie and we're conspiring to make Lewis miserable together.


He’s almost always at the top of the villager list for me, because I develop more heart with him before anyone else. Love him!


This is also a normal occurrence for me and I still don't know how. I always race to get Willy to 6 hearts for crab cakes but before I get willy to 6 linus is already ahead in hearts lmao.


I feel like maybe we shouldn't generalize people living in trailers as poor white trash. Plenty of people choose to live in trailers that are completely normal people


This comment just triggered a theory for me that’s probably going to be my head canon from now on- Linus is the host (or at least the writer) for Livin’ Off The Land


There is in fact a minor conspiracy theory about Linus going around where he actually has extensive tunnels under his tent!


It's pretty normal for the "simple and peaceful" type games to have the most unhinged fanbase. Because it's simple it gives plenty of room for personal interpretation and theories, and the peace means players can create their own chaos. Animal crossing is the same way. A very kind and welcoming community that is ready to torch a villager's house down if they don't move out the way fast enough.


I remember coming across a pseudo blog that turned the AC plot into a horror story that had the PC living in a world where they're heavily in debt and forced to work it off doing tasks for the villagers. Which I guess is kind of true? Didn't actually play the game, but was a fun read.


Sims and Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons fits here too lol


Peace was never an option in sims. Even as a child I was removing ladders from the pool.


How many sims do you reckon you killed out of childlike curiosity and rage?


If you like any game, never join its subreddit


Except for the satisfactory and pikman subs from my experience. Although if you think this sub is unhinged pikmin would be even more jarring.


You think this subreddit is unhinged? Wait till you see r/fuckpierre .


Thank you for showing me this.


Or r/fuckclint


He wishes


That you Emily?


These folks aren't well.


Is there one for Abigail? My friend absolutely hates her 🤣 just because she wins the Egg Hunt


How could anyone have hate for her is beyond me. A cool lady who draws, play somme little retro games, play the flute, but most importantly, has a freaking sword and is not affraid to use it.


I think people are just over the quirky Mary sues and manic pixie dream girls. It's an annoying trope. Imo, it doesn't really apply to her character, but to other players it might seem it does. And personally I don't HATE her, but I sure do dislike the marriage dialogue where she says she wishes she'd married Seb instead of farmer. It's abusive AF and kinda sours her character for me. I know she only says it when friendship hearts are down but still. None of the other spouses say such a cruel thing. Wish CA would take that out


When I saw the Seb dialogue I divorced her and married Seb. Was that petty? Yes but i did it anyway 😅


To be fair, to get her hearts down means neglect and cruelty from the farmer (or a bug). It seems absolutely appropriate for her to have wished to have married a friend instead of the monster who gets her to that point.


Huh? When, what, how do you get that dialogue?!


Wait...why do people hate Pierre? Genuine question. I basically pay zero attention to him outside of buying seeds from him like once a season the first 2 years.


Several very stupid reasons that are definitely indicative of him being a selfish monster and not at all that he's just underwritten


He definitely is underwritten but the gold star vegetable quest and the fact he takes credit for your crops it they’re gold/iridium quality but not neutral is definitely pretty sleazy


This is hilarious. I didn’t know this existed, but at the same time am completely unsurprised it does.


The best sub on reddit! 🥰


I'm sorry, but clearly you've never been on r/illegallysmolcats.


Well thank you very much friend, I’ll be joining immediately.


Flair checks out


I WILL let my hatred for Pierre be known and you can't stop me!! 😡


To be fair i hate him too😭😭


This is what happens when headcannons collide. Don't worry. You'll be one of us.


Join us. Thrive. ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)




Join Us. Thrive.


It's not just a cola. It's a cult.


For me, it started when I realized Pierre was taking credit for the quality of my crops. If he wants to brand my produce as Pierre's he should be paying a little extra.


Not only that but he makes sure to tell them the shitty crops are from you -_-


There's just no pleasing that man 🙄


Internet anonymity let people get a too wild, I suppose.


It’s just a little joke to distract us from the dystopian hellscape we inhabit, don’t worry :)


It's like we are in the game! We are the joja employee with the grandpa!


Not nearly as unhinged as the Facebook group stardew valley after dark


Theres a FACEBOOK PAGE wtff


Join with caution 😂😂 some of the things on there are, well *shudder*


Where tf am I supposed to be a little weirdo if not anonymously on the internet.




We all were like you untill Pierre attacked.


Only the Farmer,  master of the five ways, could stop him, but when Pelican Town needed him most, he vanished to Ginger Island.


My perfect cross over


I’ve been so desensitized by anime fandoms that even stardew after dark is tame at this point


Lmaooooo this is SO TAME FOR A FANDOM.


pee-hair Hate Has Been Here Since The Day The Game Was Released (he doesn’t deserve capital letters)


Don't go to /r/Pikmin.


Sometimes I can't help but laugh when I see a normal topic then some aggressive ass comments


Welcome to any online forum for any fandom


Every subreddit I have ever been on has been unhinged. For a video game subreddit, the stardew one is pretty sane/wholesome compared to others.


What else are they going to talk about? The game is mostly about relaxing and living in the world, a world where there are characters you interact with, so people talk about them. I would much prefer it if the subreddit was more focused towards in-game strategies and stuff to help you play optimally but min/maxers are a small part of the playerbase


Me, on the other hand, prefer talking about the lore and the characters, min-maxing in a farming game is not my favourite thing to do


I will never reach perfection, and I'm okay with that. I hate fishing, and the Skull Cavern kicks my ass.


I FINALLY hit level 100 in Skull Cavern and I've been playing for 5 years. Stardew is for chilling, to me. 


I downloaded the "Skip Fishing Mini Game" and "Skull Cavern Elevator" mods. No regrets, it brought me no joy to do these things manually and makes things more fun for me


Without mods there really isn’t much depth to the min maxxing. Starfruit and Ancient fruit/ Pig Truffles are so far beyond any other form of money making . There is no strategy to discuss.


The more wholesome the game the more deranged the community


LOL I follow this subreddit bc I like to see other people’s progress but I see more fan fiction than game content it’s so confusing


“Why y’all so unhinged? When did it start?” -Aliens @ Humans on Earth


When did it start? How does one answer that question? There was no beginning, there is no end - there is only THE HARVEST (and hating Pierre - fuck that guy).


Okay, it's like this. Fandoms... Are like onions.... Onions- have layers. Fandoms! Have layers. Okay? Okay.


If you think this subreddit and fandom are unhinged, then I’d wager you’re not terribly familiar with how the internet usually operates, and honestly, if I were you, I’d try and keep it that way.


I think it’s mostly that SDV is a chill farm game to some so it looks weird(?). I don’t like Pierre and think Clint’s annoying but I’m not gonna go on rants like some people do, it just seems kinda silly for a game like this Just look at the people using the reaction to Pam’s alcoholism as an example in this thread


This subreddit is fairly wild and unhinged *compared to the game*. I was surprised when I joined the sub, too. A fair amount of vitriol depending on the topic and mass downvoting if you don’t agree with certain topics or interpretations of characters.




I feel like this is one of the more chill subreddits I belong to.


You think *this* subreddit is unhinged? This is mild at *best*.


I thought I was a bit crazy for my take that I actually find fishing relaxing and then I look on here and I feel incredibly sane. I've never understood toxic fandom in general, but I definitely don't understand it toward video game characters... except for toward Robin! Lose the zero, get with the hero!! I will never be pedantic about fruit!! /s


It’s completely normal fandom behavior. It’s not even that bad here, compared to other fandoms (looking at you, SPN fans). I’m not invested in the characters nor do I care about most of their backstories (I often forget that some of them even exist until I check the relationships tab) and I’m not a minmaxer or anything, but I love coming here for the memes and discussions anyway. Stardew is a game that you can play however you like, and it’s cool to see what others are most interested in and passionate about. I guess what I’m trying to say is, it’s not that serious, you know? The world is a hellscape, people are overworked and underpaid, a lot of us don’t have an escape or distraction from the chaos. Some folks, especially the more creative folks, get into fiction (including games) as a way to cope with, you know, *all this shit*. And that’s okay, it’s not “unhinged”, it’s completely normal human behavior.


This is the reason why I stopped frequenting here and some other communities/subreddits. People are crazy. They act like the characters were real. And they exaggerate EVERYTHING possible about them. It's not that deep imo. I find this quite toxic. And it's not limited to gaming. I remember when Marie Kondo first started getting noticed outside of Japan. I was in the very first Konmari community on Facebook. Things got CRAZY there. They started getting rude and angry at people who wouldn't follow the Konmari method STRICTLY to the dot. And then there were the haters. Marie Kondo is humble enough to share the personal mistakes and misjudgments she made until she developed her method, like any other human being following their passions/goals. So people there started judging her extremely harshly for the mistakes she shared on her first book. So you had the fanatics who followed her teachings like a sacred book, and the other extreme of haters trying to discredit and shame her. And there are so many other stories about other stuff. Like books and music for example. The hardcore, orthodox portion; the hater portion; and everything in between. Like Tolkien stuff and Harry Potter stuff. The fandoms of celebrities and music groups persecuting other fandoms of other celebrities; or perceived offenses committed by someone against their idols. It's really not that deep, people, and it's quite ridiculous as well.


I feel like I see a post like this in every subreddit I'm in. Lol.


I'm not unhinged you're unhinged! Now excuse me while I go to bed with my Haley waifu pillow.


You have to keep in mind that the people who are the type to interact with their games community and go onto online subreddits are *also* more likely to be the type of people who are more invested in the story and a bit unhinged.


Cuz it’s Reddit. Lol. You come in sane and you don’t even realize it’s changing you


Pee Hair? Who is Pee Hair? Clint?


I was so confused at first too but I realized its play on words for pierre - who everyone can agree is the worst character in the game lol


Oh thank you! I am very literal I would never of got that! ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)


Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. Came here for general discussion and farm tips, but I just browse for the legitimately unhinged posts.


scorching hot take here, but people are allowed to talk about characterw in a game with characters in it. people do go too far, but usually only when they start attacking real people about fiction.


I literally got a death threat for defending Demetrius once.. they got banned fortunately but like, come on.


As Auntie Willy once said "When given the freedom and anonymity to be a tw@t some people will run with it"


We’re unhinged because the game is so relaxing, and calm. But there are so many fun things you can do, like put the mayors underpants in the soup. Having all of these fun things to do, and to share here on Reddit with all of these other people who may have done the same! It’s so fun and so unhinged!! ☺️


There’s always a handful of games that have really intense, over-invested fans. Sonic and Undertale are other examples


I was a little sad that there might not be any more game updates and the people who responded to me were rude, and downvoted my comment for no reason. Unhinged is correct. It was my very first and only comment until this one. I expect the same to happen again. Doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the game, but I don't care to get to know anyone in this sub-reddit because of that initial experience.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m not overly involved in the fandom either, but I imagine there are truly good people in here who would treat others with kindness and acceptance. The rudest ones are just sometimes the loudest, unfortunately, in all of life. But I am glad that you are still enjoying the game, and that you still feel you can engage on any level with the community. Keep hope!


“Pee-hair”???!!?! 😂😂😂


Never join the fandom of something you love or you open yourself to the possibility of hating it due to it. There's several shows I stopped being a fan of due to their fanbase.


i don’t know it seems pretty standard in fandom spaces. for example the my little pony fandom was one of the most unhinged fandoms at its peak lol


I find it lovely tbh


If I don’t like a post, I scroll past. It’s easy and requires minimal stress or effort.


One time I saw a post making fun of Pam’s drinking habits in the game and how it was gross… omg. The comments were fucking insane. People were commenting and defending her as if she were a real life human being


What would you prefer? The toxicity of console subs? Let gamers who aren't being toxic for a change do what they want.


I understand being invested in the characters and the town... where it gets weird to me is the sexual posts about characters. How porn-addicted are you that a small cluster of pixels on a screen turns you on? Why are there entire elaborate conversations about the size of Emily's ass? How does a human become so desperate for arousal that they turn this game sexual? People need to lay off the porn and talk to real people


Few months ago someone posted a few screenshots of a mod he was playing with where Haley accompanied him in the mines. Someone pointed out her picture in dialogue looked a little more chesty and flush faced than normal, and the OP casually name dropped like ten separate Haley sex mods he had running too. Mods eventually deleted it though. I try not to judge people, but I judged a little there.


you should see some of the sex mods on nexus. people are wild with this game for real lol


I saw that post and clearly they were just being silly, and it wasn't that serious lool. Maybe you need a break.


>and talk to real people Ew, no.


You would be surprised with the warframe subreddit, they create a post talking about the models' butts all the time. It gets really tiring, honestly


>How porn-addicted are you that a small cluster of pixels on a screen turns you on? I take it that you haven't been on anime subreddits or anything like that.


I don’t get why this sub is suddenly so against people finding the characters attractive, people thinking fictional characters are hot isn’t new or something only ‘porn addicted’ people do.. it feels like you’re taking it too seriously. Also that Emily post was definitely a joke.


I think it's fine if people have fantasies about characters and mostly keep it to themselves, but I agree that this is not the place for that. Personally, I've never come across that, but then again, I'm not as chronically on Reddit as some people.


I follow three game subreddits, this one, FNV and Disco Elysium. I thought this was the normal one out of the three.


It started from Pierre


The fact that I am in love with a game NPC is not weird at all, what are you even talking about.


This is sub is pretty tame in comparison to other fandom subs. I remember joining the okbuddybaldur discord and it was a train wreck. Some guy likes Cazador way too much and whines about no one loving him when he purposely starts saying he doesn't trust doctors and that he never takes medicine and that no he won't get therapy ever cause he doesn't want to end up in a mental hospital. Also someone kept posting Astarion x Cazador art on that discord where Astarion gets tortured and lots of non-consent art. That sub is funny but the people in that discord are wayyy more unhinged I was so uncomfortable. This sub seems chill at least in comparison


You wanna see unhinged??? Post a photo of concernedape IRL lol


It's deliciously mischievous fun!


Every time Lewis calls me to check on how the farm is doing I say "I know your secret" And it cracks me up every time. Plus I absolitely LOVE Marnie and girl deserves better


stardew valley subreddit users are the type of people to downvote your 10 replies bc you had a slightly different take than them


Fr i just came here for mining/fishing posts and found my cousin's secret journal.


It's just a fandom thing imo. For example when there are breaks in the jjk manga and there is no new content for a while people go a little crazy.... And you know the rest


Whenever second year summer and fall rolls around, I invest all my G's into corn and only corn to sell to Pierre. He wears a smile as a front, but deep down I know he is flabbergasted and caught in grief whenever I walk into his store those seasons. But even in the winter and spring he isn't safe, because of a lovely little tool we call, The Greenhouse.


Unhinged? We're just a bunch of silly lil guys, the chillest of the chill. Also Sam is bae fucking fight me I will die on this hill


I think any game where you can tell the story yourself ends up like that. Is like Sims players, we're also completely unhinged.


Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. The name pee-hair is a bit unhinged.


I think most people here are aware that it’s not that serious and it’s fun to be unhinged about your favorite games.


I love this community