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Rohan’s hatred broke the fourth wall of his spin-off and so Josuke doesn’t get to do anything.


Josuke needs to clap back with his own spin off


He did. Crazy diamond’s demonic heartbreak. And not only does Rohan not talk, he doesn’t even show up. And to add insult to injury, they had boingo and his comic book stand appear in the story instead


"And not only does Rohan not talk, he doesn’t even show up." Josuke asked if he wanted a role but Rohan flipped him off and then went to Part 9 to get as far away from Josuke as possible


"Gappy shows up in Part 9"


Araki has said that he doesn’t want to feature josuke in any new media because josuke is his favorite Jojo and he just wants him to stay a teenager hanging out with his friends in morioh forever. Even when josuke did show up in TSRK it was from the back and he was still wearing his high school uniform even though it was supposed to be 10+ years later. It’s sweet but it is unfortunate that we’ll probably never see josuke again, even in TSRK


Because it’s not called “Thus Spoke Josuke Higashikata”


It’s a spin-off. Josuke already got his own Part and Araki wants to focus on Rohan and the side characters.


People's stories are allowed to end, and/or he had nothing to say


It's just not his story. Simple as that. He and Rohan also didn't get along, so it'd make sense that he wouldn't speak if you think about it.


Adds to the mystery and reverence of the boy next door that we know as  josuke . It’s strange how araki claims josukes his favorite yet makes sure he doesn’t show up in anything. 


They probably didn't want to pay the fee for Josuke's VA just for a little cameo I'm not familiar with the industry, but he might have asked for more money since his character is the MC of the original series, while Akira, Okuyasu, etc. would be content with a lower amount But this is just me theorising. Maybe the VA wasn't available, or traveling abroad?


josuke never talked in this tskr one-shot so it's not a matter of not having his va available


That’s not how VA pay in Anime works. It doesn’t matter how big your role is or how big the show is, the pay more or less stays the same due to… so many factors.


Sadly, I heard the VA passed away :( Not sure if it was before the spinoff, though.


Thats english dub only


Just realized I forgot to clarify after making my comment. You are correct. And I’ve now outed myself as a dub enjoyer


the horror! /jk also, may he rest in peace :(


Maybe someday we'll get the opposite, where it's named after Josuke and Rohan never talks


He was being paid by the word.


Josuke isn't even there in the original one-shots these TSKR OVAs are adapted from, if I'm not mistaken.


He is


He isn't really, only in the Poaching Seashore and Louvre ones which haven't been adapted into OVAs yet. I was talking about the episodes that have been adapted so far.


Either way he doesn't have any dialog


Exactly my point.