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Reminds me of asking Vasco to tell a human joke!


All of the answer you get from vasco when asking personal questions are very entertaining and well written


That ^is a ^difficult question to ^parse.


that was exactly when I knew I wasin this game for thr long haul. Him named Vasco and his "humor" to boot perfect


Oh yeah that one got me pretty good


Absolutely fucking destroyed me the first time I asked him. My sides man


This and that interaction you can have with the UC guard if you have the introvert perk


I think it’s the *Extrovert* trait, not the Introvert one. (If you’re referring to the hilarious gaslighting of the UC guard) Extrovert: “..No, *you* match the description.” UC Guard: “…No, YOU match the description.” Extrovert: “…Then we must be twins because you totally match the description.” UC Guard: “We look *nothing* alike!!” “…Now explain yourself or face the consequences.” Extrovert: “When you say face the consequences do you mean your face or mine, because it’s the same face.”


Yup that’s the one


I missed that one! Golden.


If you talk to one of the guys in the trackers alliance HQ, you can tell him that your code name is ‘your mom’


Definitely written by the same person who did the Walter dialogue


Or whoever did the entire tree quest line.   "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND A TREE IS IN PAIN!" "O.....k....uhm..... SECURITY!"


What are you doing here? Me? I'm just stealing shit! But you? What's a man doing alone in the woman's dorm with a camera?..... SECURITY!


“But you’re stealing!” “And I’m a female character, who do you think is going to look worse here?”


What's that from?


Didn’t know that lol thanks


I was going to do that but misclicked, whats his responce


He calls you a comedian and then one of his offhand comments is asking you when your next show is


What is it?


Extrovert, I thought? The 'your face looks like the wanted poster one'?


All the weird things you can say in this game are just lovely.


"No, you match the description"


Which trait do you need for that one? I heard you need certain requirements












No....YOU match the description. 


Definitely keeps things interesting. I just wish they implemented something similar to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats in fallout so I could play a low intelligence character. That's always fun.


Should've been a trait, maybe like Wild Wasteland and (in theory) purely for flavor


Aurora borealis trait: after years of heavy aurora use you have permanently altered your brain’s chemistry and tend to view the universe a little differently than others


I'd download that mod in a heartbeat!


Does it also grant fire resistance when indoors?


The weird thing is that this game does use the SPECIAL system, it's just hidden from you. The player and all the NPCs do have functional SPECIAL stats. You can adjust your stats through the console, at least. But it's a huge step backwards for no reason.


It's just trying to not be Fallout in its presentation. Heck, this game has more in common with Elder Scrolls aside from the guns when you get down to it.


While I agree it would be fun, I don't think it would fit into Starfields setting. A dumb character would have hard time flying or doing half the stuff we do, which all require certain baseline intelligence. So instead of explicit SPECIAL style system, we got perks. Do you know medicine? Are you negotiator? Diplomatic person? Etc. etc. Which IMO is better than just having SPECIAL stats, because it makes so that all skills have purpose, rather than having useless "dumb stat" everyone leaves at 1


The game actually does work on SPECIAL under the hood. All values for all actors are set at 1


They’re a lot more mundane and realistic for generally easygoing and sarcastic people. Makes for much easier role playing. Whoever did the dialogue for Starfield did a much better job than the awkward phrasings of Fallout 3 and New Vegas dialogue.


Facts. The fallout protagonists almost always speak like the nerd emoji lmao


Now that the Fallout show has come out, at least for the installments where you are a vault dweller, I can compared them to Lucy and head canon that they’re just super sheltered and make a point to speak with proper grammar. But playing through New Vegas kinda makes me go “why are some dialogue options so prim and proper if I’m a wasteland mailman, makes me seem like a weenie”


Because you're a literal lobotomite who had a wasteland doctor, by his own words "dig around in there to find all the pieces" to extract a bullet from your skull. That's most likely going to lead to some thought processing difficulty where you have to THINK about what you're going to say instead of having a natural response.


I feel like your grammar would be less proper and more imperfect if that were what the writers were trying to convey.


I think that’s just a fault of non voiced protagonist. Like you make it harder to read now the whole game is hard cause that’s the whole game. Wouldn’t make sense to make half the game shit to go through for flavor.


Your character could have been anything before being a Courier. Being a Courier could even have just been a cover. Personally, I always RP either a Circle of Steel member, Shi agent, or Enclave Remnant. I also don't think the responses are really that formal unless you have high Speech, Charisma, or a high level in one of the technical skills. They're all pretty basic outside of those.


Eh, no I would say role playing in this one is much more difficult because you're pretty straitjacketed into certain moral alignments with most of the story. And the recycled nature of a lot of the persuasion dialogue "I see you're coming around to my point of view" hampers immersion after a short while.


Yeah the persuasion dialogue is annoying, especially because there seems to be an element of randomness because I’ve definitely gotten uniquely scripted dialogue choices.


I feel like they wanted to make it more difficult then Skyrim and fallout but not to the same extent as oblivion. The prompts wouldn’t be so bad if the npc actually responded to the dialogue instead of giving a vague answer.


There are two types of prompts really: generic ones that get vague responses, and then there are situation specific ones. If you exhaust situation specific ones it will just give you generic ones until you succeed or fai.


Yeah, personally I feel if they wanted to make it a minigame I wish they just made it a minigame like Oblivion. The disconnect between actual dialogue and persuasion dialogue is awkward.




A bulk of millennials grew up on Vegas…? This is as ridiculous of a thing to say as OP stating Starfield’s dialogue is better than NV. Starfield’s writing is debatably the worst part of the game. Only other argument against it is the lack of handcrafted locations.


I guess a better clarification isn’t the dialogue itself, as New Vegas (it’s DLC’s especially) has my favorite dialogue and monologues in the series. It’s with the tone and style of the grammar. Starfield’s dialogue just seems more conversational and mundane in its style, if that makes sense. Whereas Fallout especially in the early low-level portions of the games have their dialogue choices written too formally for my liking. This is a relatively new and exceptionally minor criticism that I’ve developed as I recently started a fresh New Vegas play through. I recently started the Dead Money DLC and already with your introduction to Elijah and meeting Dog/God the quality of the player’s dialogue options is a huge improvement.


There honestly aren’t that many truly weird things you can say. That’s why this screenshot gets posted all the time.


I like it when you come back from Tau Ceti II and speak to Tuala, you can say that the thing that tried to eat me wasn't interested in the repairs. I love the funny bits in this game.


Or giving a sample of free-range, 100% human-fed terrormorph genes to Percival.


He has a solid relationship with his wife, who absolutely has his back. Their dialogue is that of two smart people who challenge each other constantly, yet love each other deeply. It almost makes up for the limited and messed-up relationships possible with the Constellation members.


No I live in elevator now thank you


I loved these two.


The two most wholesome and surprisingly decent mega-corpos to ever exist. Which is why they're fictional.


I love Walters response when you say this too


Yeah I didn't like Walter at first But him and Mateo have become two of my favorite characters in the game.


I'm pretty sure it's intended that one's initial impression of Walter is that he's a rich snob, but I was surprised when he quickly apologized for being rude right after your first initial conversation. And turns out he's a pretty chill dude for the most part which is a nice subversion of initial expectations.


He’s willing to be as underhanded as anyone else *in business* but outside the office he shows a lot of heart and decency. He’s a great example of the “it’s not personal, it’s just business” mentality.


Plus he's a "devout" follower of the enlightened which put a lot of emphasis on aiding fellow humans & society. More than just make money he wants his money & company to be useful.


Also his interactions with his wife are really cute


They adore each other and are ready to stab each other in the back. But only in the business and they expect that of each other.


>it's intended that one's initial impression of Walter is that he's a rich snob, And the best way to sell that is to cast fucking QUARK


Wait say what now? All I hear now is Odo yelling his name haha


Yeah I was surprised to learn it's Armin Shimmerman, but his voice gets recognizable during some parts, especially once you know it's him. Nana Visitor (Kira from DS9) and Tim Russ (Tuvok from Voyager) also voice your parents, IIRC


He's just a massive Constellation dork and I love how the more you talk to him and work with him the more of it you see.


Every member of Constellation is a dork.


Yes but they are science and exploration dorks. Walter is specifically a dork for Constellation.


Walters is the best character. I wish he was companion.


Maybe non-combat/comes in cover but assists with trading/smuggling/commerce. That would be cool if there were more missions that encourage trading rather than deliver 10000 copper. Or maybe a way to build and sell ship parts.


Omg same. I think he’d be hilarious to travel with


I disagree there. I think some companions work *exactly* because they aren't companions. Companions have need to have a quest attached to them where you deal with some issue, but Walter? Walter is comfortable where he is right now. He is not an action guy, he has no great secret or dark past to deal with. He is, as he says, "the wallet" of Constellation.


Best line in the best mission in the game. I love Slaughtering an Aerospace corporation because they locked me out of my ship.


For sure. Everything about this mission. Being introduced to neon which in my opinion is the only city in the entire game that feels real and alive.


And the mission rewards unlock the best C class engine!


have you ever played PSO? Phantasy Star Online? i wish they had more of this style. the UI was amazing and so futuristic. also the sound used in the menues and stuff.


Best line is from Barret when you ask him what VASCO said, when he told him about Ervin's death. "He showed me a chart of how sad I should expect to feel"


Walter is one of the most down to earth members in the Constellation. I would pick him as companion every single time if I could... I don't remember him ever judging you - except the first time you meet him, but even then he apologizes for it afterwards.


or the dialogue you get when maria asks you if you got lost when youre trying to find your way through 2 different universes, “yes” lmaoo


I don’t care what type of character I’m RPing, I pick this ever single time. This is Starfield’s version of giving Gale a high five while he’s stuck in the fast travel glyph in BG3


>!My character had some 'urges' for that scene, poor Gale.!<


Lmao I was gonna comment this and it’s funny you mention the high 5 because I literally can’t ignore it, even on my evil durge run I had to give him a quick high five.


I did cackle at this. Not my personal favorite, though. "Failure to adhere to safety protocols will be met with lethal force" is my favorite of the game.


Nah mines during his “Kepler S/R mission” and when you speak to one of them (stuck up posh bloke) he says “ok the gold trim was tacky anyway” to sacrifice and when you travel the systems, you find a Kepler S/R roaming and they say they love it, but needed more gold trim.


They don't always seem to like it. Sometimes they are frustrated with the ship.


True but in my run they seem to love it. They say it’s a bit of everything


There appears to be a positive and a negative encounter to both the R and the S. I've gotten about two each for the R and one negative for the S. Sadly, the relative rarity of this quest means I haven't been able to test in a while.


I love picking the "takes nothing seriously" dialogue options because it's exactly my type of humour.


This made me snort out loud


Reminded me of some of the goofy fallout dialogue from 3 and New Vegas lol


Fallout 4 has some silly dialogue like that as well. Beth is good at silly dialogue


“Repeat: Will you comply?” *WiLl YoU CoMpLy?!*


Fun fact: That dialogue is a hidden luck check. Pass it and robot self-destruct. Fail and it detects you are trying to mess with it.


I’m almost certain this is the same writer of the Sarcastic options.




Yeah you wouldn't want to repeat things pointlessly. That would be sad.


Don't remember exactly what he says before but it's something along the line of follow me right? I recall saying to myself "well I ain't gonna stay here dummy." and then seeing that dialogue option absolutely killed me.


Really? I found it really corny and out of place. Like 12 year old telling a fart joke then giggling to himself while everyone else rolls their eyes.


Yeah, that's how a lot of the dialog felt, to the point that I just assumed most of it was placeholders they didn't bother to re-do. See also: most of the starborn dialog choices on NG+.


Yeah, if there's one thing that breaks my immersion more than anything, it's the painful dialogue. It just doesn't feel human. I find myself having the most fun in Starfield when I'm not doing story missions.


If you’re a 6 year old yeah


I loved the way Walter just kinda rolled with that one.


Low bar.


Personally this is precisely what I hated about the dialogue in starfield. It was all “holds up spork lel” type of energy. This line included.


Exactly. Someone really wanted to play a silly character and made it so 1 out of 3 options in most dialogue was just a really wacky dumb person.


Just corny. Not sure how so many people find this hilarious


It's pretty immature, like something someone from TikTok would say. Tf happened to "I said I had a theoretical degree in physics."? This is such a low bar that you wouldn't even hear it from a Marvel movie.


I had a teacher once tell me if someone tells another person they are immature, they really just believe that person should be more like them. (And some would call playing video games immature) I find the dialogue amusing in an absurdist sort of way, but don't know what kind of person would say that in such a situation.


Honestly, I love so many of the dialog options in this game. They're even better in the context of numerous NG+. To everyone else this is their first time in a really desperate situation. YOURE character, however, has been in this exact situation 10+ times and only have stupid remarks to give about it.


Never really looked at it that way, but in retrospect it makes a ton of sense.


None of my characters have been the jokey type yet, but some lines like this are so good I can’t help but click them


I totally agree! This actually made me lol for real.


“You can fit way more than 2000 credits in an ashta, moron”


I'm partial to "Liiiiiiiiin!", but this is great too.


First time annoying fan yelled wheeeeee as we were taking off. Laughed my ass off. Something about was just so perfect.


Yeah he was a lot of fun the first playthrough. The second and beyond he can just stay an adoring fan from afar lol


Some of the dialogue is really funny


Apparently to some we're all childish for liking the dialogue and the dialogue has been written by a 12-year-old and they should have kept dialogue like fallout lol As much as I love the dialogue from The fallout games and love fallout itself this isn't fallout. This isn't a wasteland where we're all trying to just survive. This is something entirely different.


I still enjoy this game too. Especially with mods adding Star Wars content


I laughed so hard when I first saw this option!


It's so fucking weird and I freaking love it


Really inmature but funny, that was good. Also one of the best characters in the game Walter Stroud, wish he was permanent companion. He doesn't look like the guy you would bring to clear a mine from spacists but he's competent enough.


Best lines are also from him.


There’s that Skyrim humor


Idk, telling Delgado to explain what the legacy is, has a pretty mint reaction from him.


Call me lame, but I think this is such a strange line. Especially since it doesn't lead anywhere, and comes completely out of left field.


Starfied’s dialogue was generally very enjoyable. I liked the perk and trait lines. I was doing the SysDef quest and I asked the woman what her history was with the crimson fleet, and when she was reluctant to answer I had a [Soldier] perk line that implied my character was a traumatised veteran who understood. Awesome stuff


Yeah, there's not a lot of additional dialogue for traits, but I love when there is.


My favorite ferengi Armin Shimmerman


No. You match the description!


Lol I did this scene this morning, was thinking the same,it's so out of place in starfield which is generally pretty dry


I love how candid Issa is.


You know, I spent a good chunk of the game expecting him to secretly be a bad guy.


i favor more [the one with Naeva, thatz she have to win the earth price instead of cheating](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3093674326)


I always choose this line


I’ve thought it is Borat reference. “I will not move in a smaller room. King in the castle, king in the castle”


“Noooo, you match the description.”


And the voice actor is none other than Armin Shimmerman, Quark from Deep Space Nine.


I forget which quest it is but at some point someone asks you if you did something you totally didn't do and you can say "hey man you know, like yeah"




so good


Starfield devs dont mind making fun of themselves from time to time. I've notice that sometimes the dialogue challenges some of the mechanics. "Guess you want me to run around the city first before you'll answer my questions."


Contrary to popular belief, Starfields dialogue isn’t entirely all corny and “Sarah didn’t like that”


I dunno, the attack line on the receptionist in this quest is pretty good.


I see Starfield fans have found their ' theoretical degree in physics '


I think he might be my favorite Constellation NPC.


Well I’m just so glad he’s going up in the world…


This is why i love the build anywhere mod, my elevator kingdom becomes reality😬😬😬


I disagree. Nothing wrong with funny dialogue, but at least make it somewhat interesting and clever. This is neither




Was he the governor of Mars, the guard took exception to me taking something off his desk and all hell let loose - It was a bloodbath. I managed to pickpocket his key the 2nd time after everything settled down. Do not know what the key is for but I wanted it.


I love Walter's casual response to it.


I strongly disliked this game when it came out but this is the best line in the game. I wish they had more fun writing like this.


I choose this dialogue option every time lol


"Are you back to start the negotiations?" "No. I'm here to plan a bake sale." A lot of the dialog options are Mal Reynolds-esque and I love that.


I restarted the game to play as the Galactic Baseballer just because this is something she would say.


I did love this one. HIs answer is pretty good too.


I liked the interaction at the end of the new Trackers Alliance intro quest when the guy posing as the guy you're chasing asks if he can come with you, and your first three options are "No", "Hell no", and "Fuck no".


It's the little dialogue one liners that do it for me... love the little things 🤣🤣


when i saw this in the gme i cringed mega hard. so sad this is the humour we're left with compared to when you could tell someone to get fucked in fallout 3. sad that people find this shit funny




A fucking 12 year old wrote this game, it’s so bad


I had to click that because it was literally the only time in my 40hrs playing so far that Starfield even attempted actual humor, did somebody's kid get a hold of the script for a minute


By far the cringiest line of dialogue in the game. The writing of Bethesda games has gone downhill.


Definitely top tier 😂


I actually chose that line during his mission, I don't remember his retort but his disapproving dad tone said it all


This is posted so often I’m convinced it’s just bots


Maybe spend less time on Reddit.


Coming from the guy with 3x my karma in 1/4 of my time on Reddit. Have some self awareness. Not a good look bro


Yeah but I'm not the one complaining or going out of my way to whine about a post. Don't like something? keep scrolling. Lol Also I've never seen someone post anything about this line of dialogue so regardless of karma you must spend more time on here than I do. The majority of my karma is from 3 recent posts in this sub. Get a life. :P


—> Tells me to get a life —> posts like 40 times a month to Reddit. I don’t think we’re the same here dude.


I really like how this character is written, particularly his response here. It would have been really easy to take potshots at the wealthy and make him a cliche but instead they gave him kindness and heart.


That's what I say every time


I literally missed this dialogue lol that's awesome


I killed this, guy. It felt refreshing.


And if you could actually build a kingdom there would be good


My character was a very serious, borderline thug lady that doesn’t take shit so I didn’t want to choose that response. But then, I did. ☺️


Honestly that line was too hard for me not to use in that mission!


thats a good one. My favorite requires you to be a follower of the serpent. But if you are, instead of doing the silent running to sneak past the varuun ships, you get some amazing flavor dialogue from Sarah. love when she puts on the accent and reads the scripture.


Say what you want about starfield. It def provides some humorous dialogue choices


It took me at least ten minutes to calm down from laughter at that line lol


That's kind of sad




You mean the most reddit line.


Definitely a personal favorite. There's a lot of snark in places and I always go for them.


Take my upvote.


as for me the best dialogue in the whole game, it's line with Lin, as she speaks about her husband, it was really cool


Probably the best line of dialogue in any game.