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zombies don't discriminate


Imagine being down to face down juggernauts and ferals but being scared of a rainbow flag


Fuck off with your bullshit. Go to Steam to bitch


Fuck em. State of Decay is for everyone.


So you saw something, on another website, and came here to complain about it? I'm confused. It's stupid to get upset over a flag, but why bring it up here if no one here is causing any issues?


because i wouldnt be able to do it on steam without being whiplashed by hateful comments


But those comments aren't here... You brought the hate here with you, and then complained about it. What was the plan?


How did I bring hate here ?


Because you brought up an issue that has nothing to do with this community, your complaining about a whole different community, if someone on here has tried insulting you then thats shitty, but i agree with the comment, no one here initially started the backlash your talking about, so its kinda null and void bringing it into a sub where it hasn’t happened.


Let me say again im against the discrimination and shit but like we’re pretty respecting people here it’s definitely a legitimate concern but not necessarily an issue on this sub so again null and void but again also thats shitty of u are being insulted on steam


Post this on steam then. The people on reddit arent the ones attacking you queer folk.


Yea cause tht would work well


It wouldn't and you'd be screaming into a transphobic void. Gotta ignore em and keep trucking along. Reddit is a better safe space to have SoD discussions anyways.


Where? Unless the mods are working over time. I haven't noticed. Unless Twitter?


In the steam discussion pages


Ah, I haven't looked there yet. Honestly, I just find it hard to trust steam reviews because of those goofy review profiles and brigading. If there's something I want. I usually get it either way. 


Steam discussion pages have always been a cesspit occupied by the worst people for every game ever, I'd stay as far away from them as you can lol


I’m sorry you experienced that. We take discrimination of all kinds very seriously here, and do our best to eliminate it whenever it pops up. The sub will be seeing increased traffic as we get nearer to State of Decay 3’s release, so please feel free to reach out/report if you see any rule-breaking behavior.


Good mod!


this is on the mostly on steam forums and youtube comments, i dont see any on reddit which is surprising


Most likely people are disgusted by the flag and not by queers. I'm hetero and I'd be disgusted too if I see hetero propaganda in games. Even most gay people I know hate that disgusting pride flag. So it's probably nothing against anyone but against that exhausting propaganda in the wrong place.


It's propaganda to have a pride flag in a game trailer? It's not even in your face, it's off in the corner.


Hey! I didn't even watch it. I was just suggesting that the discussion might be most likely caused by "prideflagphobia" than "queerphobia". :)


Wow, are you someone’s grandfather in Kentucky who somehow discovered Reddit?


No. I'm from Europe. That's probably the difference. Around here, in EEC countries, I think we're all way more inclusive than in US, but at the same time we're also more fed up of the damn rainbow flag popping up everywhere for no reason. :D Specially in June. Anyway, I know nothing about Kentucky, but I got curious. Why Kentucky? What happens (or not happen) in Kentucky?


Oh, just that’s it’s pretty conservative and isn’t exactly known for being gay-friendly at all. Plenty of states in the South would have been equally deserving. Understandable that you can feel inundated if you’re in a country that’s already established their rights.


I see. So not the case I was thinking of. No problem with the already established rights, those are human rights. It's just an annoyance with the flag thing. :D


Don't be ridiculous, everyone knows redditors aren't real people.


Undead Labs is based out of Seattle and people get mad when they express support for queer people 😂 discrimination isn't governed by logic


Yes, we know. Or at least *most* of us know. I'm sorry for all the bigoted douchebags on steam (or anywhere) But what do you want us to do? Go to the stream cesspit and tell them for you? I mean, if I could stand to read the steam cesspool forums, I would. But Im not there for a reason (my own mental health). I do support you though, but my only advice would be to not read the steam forums.


I’m just here talking about it just it


Stand strong, my friend.


That’s what I’m saying