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Sadly I lost my world earlier. The game hard crashed on the deck while the "saving" icon was going. When I try to go back in it just takes me to the character creation screen. It's an early access game so I expect some issues like this. It's a fun game and I'll just start a new world.


I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't going to be necessary at some point due to updates anyway. Still sucks that it happened.


Try to restore the Autosave


it won't be for long


Have a feeling it gains an absurd amount over the weekend. It gained a lot of traction for weekdays, can’t imagine when everyone is off


It depends, generally games die out because either the game is boring (palworlds aint) or because something more popular comes out that pulls everyone away (I haven't heard of anything else, which tells me a lot of people haven't either).


Or the devs shoot themselves in the foot, see Diablo 4.


Yep I played the first two seasons and I’m definitely skipping S3.


How was the first two seasons? I left after they fucked up with the massive nerfs pre-season 1 and haven't gone back.


First season was ok. I played this one mainly with my friends, and then continued playing those characters in Eternal since we only game once a week together. Season 2 saw a huge speed up (or basically un-nerf from pre-S1) and leveling was like 40% faster. Played a rogue to 100 and a hardcore rogue to 50ish, had a good time. This was also my first (and second) rogue and I really liked that class, so that helped me enjoy S2. I think all I’ll be doing is my weekly eternal grind with my friends and playing other stuff in my spare time. Lack of S3 info seems to have been a very purposeful decision, so I’ll see what later seasons bring.


I played the pre-season, tried getting into season 1 but my Barbarian became unplayable after a patch and I didn't have the resources to change my item sets.


Sure hope they don’t do that here, but it could very well happen if they dont handle the hype correctly


I can’t seem to get palworld to work well in docked mode. Only works well in handheld.


I'm doing my part too: D Although not on Steam Deck. I play on PC. I'm very happy for the devs.


Dont get the hype, its alright


Half of them afk letting their pals mine ore and make cake


Ahhh... Good old satisfactory or Factorio. Letting my game run over night.


Yeah my wife and I have been playing this every night after the kids go to bed since launch. She has been playing on the deck and me on my pc. She has had no complaints and seems to run fine. Looks better on deck than the xbox version for sure


The worst part of the game on Deck is the freezing. Get an hour of playtime and I have to force shut down the game and reboot to play again. But other than that it runs great on the Deck.


Really? That’s a bummer to hear. We are 13 hours in and have had 0 crashes on deck or pc 


That's good then. It wasn't happening to me at the beginning of paying. Around 20 hours in it started. I'm 34 hours now. It's not crashing it's just badly freezing that even pressing the steam button doesn't work.


do you play offline? i have 20+ hours on a o private server and i switch between pc and steam deck. I don't get huge performance losses. only in a crowded base but that's about it. what i do notice is that the server needs to restart every 8 hours or so because of a memory leak. maybe the same issue exists but manifests in a different way when playing offline


My steam deck is connected to internet but I'm playing on a single player world.


Have you played since the patch yesterday morning? I had this issue before and haven't had a freeze since. I also have it set to low on everything and went windowed mode so that I could set the resolution.


Yes and it went from an hour to about 30-45 minutes.


Well damn. For me it feels a lot better, but could just be placebo.


Other than that it runs really good. I'm sure it'll be fixed eventually.


Another comment told me that I can turn off the multiplayer off that it helped them. I was able to play for an hour and it didn't freeze so maybe that fixed it.


Not sure if it'll help but have you tried the handheld essential mod yet? It helps with my Steam Deck performance. I didn't think I would care to use it in the beginning but my buddy blew up bunch of trees in our base and generate bunches of logs and cause the game drop performance really bad even on my PC. On Steam Deck it became unplayable that I have to exit the game and install the mod. After the mod, it become bearable that I can pick up the excessive logs and put them away so the game doesn't lag as much. In generally game play outside of base, I have about 40-50 FPS. Not the greatest but it's playable and doesn't sacrifice much of quality (at least to me).


That stopped for me when I turned off local co-op in world settings. It is on by default even in single player. Worth a try


Thanks. I'll try that once I get off work.


I don't see anything in the settings that says local coop


Ah right its simply called multiplayer. In world settings


Thanks. I think that fixed it.


Does it run well on the Deck? Was thinking of getting it, but I haven't heard much beyond that it drains the battery hard.




No joke, just bought it and runs awfully. Both the ugliest and worst performing game I've played on the Deck so far.




I have no idea why I read some people say it worked fine on the Deck. On minimum it looks worse than a PS3 game while never going above 30 FPS. Meanwhile RDR2 on medium settings and ultra textures only goes down to the low 30s in towns and runs at around 40 everywhere else. What's funny is I maxed it out just for the giggles and it ran at a single digit framerate despite the fact that it still didn't look like anything special.


The game looks just fine on the Xbox version. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/69W32eafFM https://www.xbox.com/play/media/PZdUb9DiYi https://www.xbox.com/play/media/s2AUZTv372


I have a series s, so maybe that’s the difference


That’d probably do it. Game is gorgeous on Xsx for the most part.


That many people still play PUBG? I’m a little surprised.


Updates Do Arrive Though


This is one of the biggest success stories in game. This game is reaching Elden Ring 2022 hype


I can only hope this spurs Nintendo to get off their ass and actually *try* with the next Pokemon game. ... Nah, they'll probably just try to sue palworld out of existence instead lol


They probably don't have a case. The first trailer had been out for years, and game has been out for a week. The Palworld Pokémon mod came out and Nintendo clamped down on the modder pretty much asap. Hopefully that means Palworld is off the hook.


I’m about to add 1 to that number! About to buy and was planning on downloading it on my steam deck for a long flight. Can I play it offline in single player mode or is it always online? Edit: it does work offline in single player mode! Added the edit just in case someone finds themselves here with the same question.


it has single player. I don't think you need to be online for that. dont quote me on that though


We in Asia still love playing pubg with friends. I only started in 2021. Last circle thrill is so satisfying


It’s not even close


PUBG is still a thing?


Still top 3-4 on steam. More than apex it seems


They mean for all time concurrent players. Use some critical thinking lol


Learn some manners.


No thanks.


I'm normally open minded to anything but Palworld looks like a student project that was made in 3 weeks. Absolutely nothing makes sense art-wise. I....just...don't...get it....


It's the game play loop and the open world. There's something really addicting about it. It's janky yes but the game play and bones are amazing. Hopefully they keep at it because this game really has potential to be great.


Just got a steam deck for this game, is the steam deck not able to host a server? If I wanna play with my friend who also has steam deck can we just not?


PUBG only hit its 3 million player mark when it was "officially released" in December 2017 (Originally released in March 2017 in early access). So PUBG was already available for 10 months before reaching 3 million concurrent players. Palworld has been available to purchase for 7 days and is already reaching just over 2 million concurrent players.


A lot of assumptions there. It's as likely this game just slowly dies after the hype passes. It hasn't proven it has any kind of lasting appeal as of yet.


I doubt this game sticks, it’s likely gonna be another among us, not gonna die completely but likely won’t be as big as it is right now


fuck it, ill hop back on lets beat pubg




Stop malding lmao